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The Third Time with Mom is More Than a Charm

"Mom and I make love again after 25 years have passed since we were last together."

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I love my mother. Most men can easily make that statement. I however, can also say that I have made love to my mother. This is where our relationship is unique.

I have written in detail other stories using different names and from the third person telling about how my mother and I ultimately became closer than ever. In 1986 I was 19 years old and broke my neck in an accident while in college. After rehab, I came home to recover and get used to life in a wheelchair before returning to campus in the fall.

During that summer, my mother helped me with my personal care. Ultimately, we hired a young woman in her mid-20s to also help. Marlene was gorgeous. She also was pregnant. This soon to be single mom, I believe, was even more attractive and appealing due to her budding pregnancy. As time progressed throughout the summer she and I flirted continuously. The curiosity about sex got the better of both of us and we ultimately began fucking routinely when she came to help me twice a week.

Within no time however, I learned that my mother had found out. It apparently stirred new feelings within her. After several weeks, she initiated a sexual relationship, and the remaining part of the summer was bliss. She and I routinely made love as much as possible. Not only that, I also had the privilege of routinely sleeping with both my mother and Marlene together. The three of us experimented and pleased each other to the fullest, until I returned to campus in the fall.

At that point, I lost touch with Marlene and my mom and we simply went back to a typical mother/son relationship. As you read my later stories you will see that we were close, but still our relationship was what it should be. We grew closer throughout her divorce. About four years later, when I was 23, I returned to campus full-time for my MBA. Mom came to visit me for a weekend.

As I previously wrote, we both knew what was likely to happen during that weekend visit. She was 46 years old and still hot as can be. She had been divorced for a while and had no real luck with dating. We went out together that night with my best friend on campus. Ultimately the three of us ended up fucking each other throughout the night. The following day my mother and I were inseparable, and the orgasms were too numerous to count.

Nevertheless, once she drove off on Sunday evening, our relationship was back to normal. It’s hard to say how we have done it. There has never been any uneasiness or regret. Our times together were always when we both needed it the most. It was also an obvious time for both of us. And yet, we were always able to simply move on after that.

That was in 1990, nearly 23 years ago. Since that time, mom remarried a wonderful man and unfortunately he passed away almost 4 years ago. I myself married and had two kids. It’s been five years now since I divorced. My ex-wife and I are the best of friends, and we each are with our two kids half of the time. We spend a great deal of family time together. I have spent all of my time on work and focusing on my kids. They were still young during the divorce. I wanted to only focus on them.

I mention all this because although there is some uniqueness to my story, the past 20 years or so have been normal by most people’s standards. Yet very recently I realized I was starting to get lonely for adult companionship. A weekend visit from my mother made me realize she felt the same. It was during this visit that the two of us were able to satisfy each other’s loneliness and needs once again.

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“I’m here!” My mom hollered into the house as she walked through the unlocked door.

“Hi, Grandma!” My nine-year-old son said, still excitedly as he hugged her.

My 12-year-old son lagged behind and slowly came over to hug his grandmother.

“Hi, Grandma,” he said with considerably less enthusiasm than his younger brother. Nevertheless, it was not enough to raise suspicion, and it certainly was typical of a seventh-grade boy.

“How is everybody?” My mom continued to ask the boys. The youngest talked a mile a minute. This was good, because words would’ve had to be pried out of the oldest.

It was early summer and he was upset to be inside right now as opposed to outside in the woods with his friends. I realized this and after approximately 15 to 20 minutes of small talk, I let them both run back outside and play for the afternoon.

“Make sure you can hear me call you. We’re going out to dinner tonight.” I updated them.

As they ran out, my mom got up off her stool and approached me. My wheelchair always makes it difficult for close contact. Through recent years, the hugs have remained rather distant. But through the years she has learned exactly how to approach for a good hug. This was one of those times.

Mom approached me on the left, placing her hip directly against the arm of my wheelchair. Immediately she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close. At first I wondered and was somewhat resistant. But it felt so good and I quickly wrapped my arms around her pulling her even closer. The hugs felt wonderful. There was nothing sexual about the contact at this point. It simply felt good to hold her so close. As the hug ended and we separated, we took a moment to look each other in the eyes. It was then that I realized that I was physically stimulated. I was attracted to her in a way that I hadn’t felt in years. The way we looked at each other and the fact that it seemed to be a bit longer than usual both made me wonder if perhaps the feeling was mutual. Surely she was not thinking that. Any such feelings and activity came and went years ago. So I eliminated any thought from my mind.

My attempt to stop thinking about her that way failed within seconds. Mom backed away and sat down once again. It was here I took a moment to admire her beauty. She was petite. She had always been a small woman. She worked hard and watched what she ate. I don’t think an extra pound was ever on her body. She still colored her hair, but yet now there were some gray hairs scattered throughout so that it didn’t look ridiculous. In fact, it made her look very distinguished, and if I may say so – sexy.

She was wearing dark slacks and a cream colored silk blouse. My mom always dressed nice. Sometimes I think she cleaned the house in good clothes. This blouse was definitely dressy and she was ready for when we went out to dinner that night. As I looked at her, I realized that perhaps one extra button was undone that day compared to usual. I also saw that through the silk material I could see her bra.

I felt like a juvenile being excited by the site of a bra through a blouse. Nevertheless, the real excitement was the fact that within that bra I could see her nipples were slightly erect. I know they were only slightly erect. This is because when fully erect, everyone in the room knows.

As I’ve written in the past, this is a feature I vividly and fondly remember from sucking them during our previous escapades. Her nipples are literally as big as the tip of an index finger. Even more unique and special is the fact that her breasts are rather small. The combination is divine. I think she saw me staring at them while she continued to talk.

My attraction to her was growing. I now was having lustful thoughts. I could not understand why today; but looking at her now I was wholeheartedly turned on. I was looking at her figure and her overall beauty from top to bottom. I must’ve become too obvious.

She questioned me with worry, “what’s wrong?” She actually looked down thinking perhaps there was a spot on her blouse.

Surely after all these years the last thing she was thinking was that I was admiring her. I threw caution to the wind and was completely honest, or at least somewhat.

“Nothing,” I reassured her. I chose my next words carefully. “I’m just admiring how beautiful you look.” The word “great” would’ve easily sufficed instead of “beautiful." My word choice had an immediate effect.

“Stop it,” she blushed. At the same time however, her nipples literally became even more obvious. I decided to continue and take this a bit further to see the reaction.

“I’m serious, Mom. You still look gorgeous! You always have been attractive and that hasn’t changed.” My comment was definitely more than any average son would say to his mother. It was also quite more than I had offered in years.

Mom wasn't exactly sure how to respond. She was definitely flattered, and as I said from what I could tell she was also excited.

It was then I pushed it even just a little bit further to see her reaction, “in fact, “ I continued to tell her, “you still are downright sexy!”

“Wow!” She instantly replied. Her face slightly blushed; she did not look away and instead looked me directly in the eye. “Thank you, honey.” she accepted my compliments graciously. Then she added, “I’m not sure you really understand how good that makes me feel.”

Her nipples were now at full attention. This, coupled with the way she had worded her response made me realize that in actuality I really did understand how good it made her feel.

There had been no special reason for her visit this weekend. Although the last time she visited I was bedridden. Now I was back up in my wheelchair, healthy, and ready for life. It had been a while since we had seen each other. So she suggested that she make the 2 hour drive to come visit.

Since she lived close, a normal visit usually consisted of one night. This would be no different. Nevertheless, the night would ultimately be very unique.


It was mid afternoon, and we started to visit and talk. I already had put some chips into a bowl and there was some salsa for dipping. In usual fashion, my mother grabbed the dishrag and was wiping the drips of salsa off the counter from my boys’ feeble attempt to eat without making some type of mess.

“You want something to drink?” I asked her. By evening I knew her drink of choice would be wine. At this time of day however there were numerous choices for me to offer.

I listed some of the options, “I have iced tea made, there’s also lemonade. Of course there are all kinds of soda in the fridge,” I reminded her referring to the second refrigerator in the garage.

“Something diet sounds good,” she asked as she now rinsed the rag under the running water in the sink.

I quickly raced my electric wheelchair across the kitchen and out the garage door. As I opened the door, I broke tradition and grabbed a beer. As I wheeled back in and handed her the Diet Coke she noticed my beer.

“That looks good,” she told me.

“Actually, I also have some of those new Bud Light margaritas out there.” I told her.

“Are they any good?”

“Certainly not the real thing,” I was honest, “but a nice substitute in a pinch.”

She set the tone, “Let’s do it!”

As I raced back down the hall and out the door I saw her walk towards the cabinet. I knew she was grabbing margarita glasses. I was also excited to know that she and I would be drinking together throughout the day.

– –

After two margaritas, we had pretty much gone through the usual updates. I updated her on how work was going. I told her it was still stressful, but busy enough to still be enjoyable and leave no threat of losing it. She in turn talked about how in recent months she was starting to become less enamored with her job. In fact, she had pretty much determined to retire by the end of the year.

This was big news. She always loved her job and I figured she would work for quite a while longer. Nevertheless, she was 69 years old. She still was alone and really had no man in her life. I wondered what she would do in retirement. Nevertheless, I also knew that she was good friends with probably 20 to 30 women within her town. There was no doubt she would keep busy.

There was something different about this afternoon. The conversation was flowing. I was enjoying every minute of it. I parked my wheelchair next to the counter and pretty much directly beside her. We sat extremely close and talked until all the chips were gone along with three margaritas each.

I think during our recent conversations while I was laid up in bed, I had hinted to her how much she meant to me. Perhaps she understood that I had been thinking about her perhaps in a different way. During my time in bed I have written stories to publish online. I wrote in detail my memories about those weekends 20 years ago and making mad passionate love to her. It was a way for me to remember. It was exciting.

I’m sure she sensed the excitement and the passion that I had once again. During that time in bed I masturbated routinely thinking about what it would be like to once again make love to my mother. Those thoughts were continuing as our conversation progressed.

The kids came storming back in. I told them to go change their clothes and wash up. I realized that I also had to probably at least change my shirt. I excused myself and went to my bedroom and grabbed a polo shirt. I took my shirt off and put the new one on. As I came back out into the kitchen I needed some help.

“Can you button this, mom?” I asked her help with the one button.

She approached me from the front without saying a word. She continued to look me directly in the eye as she buttoned that button. We looked each other in the eyes the entire time. When she was done she moved forward to kiss me. I thought it was going to be on the lips and I was so ready. At the last minute, she moved slightly and kissed me on the cheek.

“There you go, sweetie,” She said as she backed away leaving me breathless.

After a few more promptings, the boys came out and the four of us left for dinner.


During dinner she and I each had a glass of wine. We agreed not to split a bottle. This was decided primarily because we each had two margaritas already. We also knew there was plenty of wine at home for later on.

When we returned, the four of us played ”Apples to Apples”. My youngest loves the game. And in fact, we all like it. It’s a very simple game to play while you’re talking. Best of all, it stimulates conversation among all.

After a while, the kids left the table and played video games in the other room for a while. My mom and I continued our talk. This time we sat at the table so I was not as close to her. But my heart was still beating a mile a minute. I was not sure if anything would happen this weekend; but at this point I was certainly hoping it would. I also had pretty much decided I was going to try. Perhaps not overtly; but I was going to push the envelope and see how it went.

It had literally been 20 years since I had really had a sexual thought about my mom. Like I said, we had returned to a usual relationship. But now, I was looking at this woman as a desirable and vivacious woman. My mind started to think about what it would be like to fuck a woman nearly 70 years old. I wanted her badly. I wanted to suck those nipples once again. I needed to taste her pussy. I reached across the table and grabbed her hand routinely during our conversation. I needed to touch her. I wanted to let her know. Each time I grabbed her hand she followed it by touching mine with her other hand. We were growing closer by the minute.

The kids went to bed around 10:30 PM. She and I moved into the family room with a newly opened bottle of red. I parked my chair behind the sofa. She sat on the sofa with her feet up facing sideways. This way we could be close. That’s one of the difficulties being in a wheelchair. It is extremely difficult to have any type of closeness until you actually are physically together. Nevertheless, through the years I have learned. So, the two of us faced each other and although the sofa back was between us, we held hands on top of it.

“Have you been dating at all?” She asked right after sitting down. It was obvious that now the conversation topics were getting better.

“Same as always,” I repeated my usual answer. “I’m just not ready to devote time to a woman. I’m simply enjoying spending time with the...

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Written by BMYJC
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