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The Surprise Weekend Away

"A weekend of release for Father and his daughter"

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Author's Notes

"All characters in this are completely fictitious, just a glance into my perverse mind!"

“Daddy are you ready for the weekend?” she asked smiling up at me.

It was Friday night I just got home from work to hear that my loving wife had booked a long weekend away at a country resort for my daughter and myself. It sounded like a relaxing weekend of spas and drinks, maybe the odd game of tennis; to get away from the city would be fabulous.

“Of course, honey, your mother has put things in a bag for me, so I think we're ready,” I replied.

A big smile appeared on Amy's face. “Can we get going then, Daddy? I want to have as much time there as possible.”

“Okay, baby, let's go.” I sighed, thinking of heading back into the traffic once again that afternoon.

I picked up both of our bags and headed to my car putting the bags in the boot; I opened the door to reduce the heat before I got in. Amy bounced out of the house wearing a loose fitting vest top and a pair of high cut-off jeans. Her mousy blonde hair came off her shoulders as she came to the car. This was going to be our first time together alone since too long a time and I hoped that we could re-establish the relationship that we had back then. Many years of hard work building my business had kept me away from home, so she was often asleep when I returned from work. I had missed much of her formative years away on business so this was a great way to spend some time with her and get to know her again.

It was actually really pleasant to have somebody organise a whole weekend for me so I had nothing to do but drive us there; my wife had kept it completely secret so I knew nothing about what we were going to do at the resort we were going to, for that matter. I put the address my wife had given me into the GPS and saw that it was north of the city on Highway 1, about an hour out of town. I could see this on the edge of the hills some way from the highway.

“Are you ready?” I asked my daughter.

Amy nodded with a big smile on her face. I got the feeling that she knew what was in store for the weekend but wasn't letting on. I drove through the city streets and eventually turned onto the highway and headed north.

“So baby, what's this weekend all about? I was really shocked at first when your mother told me. Actually, I'm getting used to the idea and liking the idea of relaxing for a few days.”

“Well, Daddy, the place we're going has been open for a very long time apparently. In fact, Granddad took Mum there years ago. They have these exclusive father and daughter weekends over a public holiday, time for fathers and daughters to really get to know each other. I think you're going to enjoy it, Mum said she had an amazing time. So I'm so excited to get there,” Amy explained.

“I think we got another half an hour or so before we do, so sit back and relax and tell me what you've been up to,” I replied.

Amy twisted and her seat so that she was facing me a little more. I glanced over only to see her smiling face and the cleavage of a pair of well-formed breasts being revealed by the low front of her vest. I couldn't help but glance down taking in my daughter's figure. When did she turn into this young woman I saw before me? I asked myself and what a spectacular pair of breasts I thought she had. I pinched myself that I shouldn't be thinking about my daughter like that. I couldn't help notice that my cock stirred in my pants.

“Well, Daddy, as you know high school is nearly finished, I just have a few weeks of Year Eleven and then my exams to go, and then I guess I'll need to think about college and my future and all those exciting adult things that come with it,” she said. “I'm looking forward to having a long hot summer after my exams so that I can relax and spend some more time with you if you're free. I know you're so busy with your work but hopefully, you'll be able to make time for your favourite daughter.”

I laughed, “Only daughter, but definitely my favourite,” I smiled.

“Oh look, this looks like the turning off the highway,” I indicated and turned the car off the road and up what seemed to be a private road. The SatNav indicated we still had six kilometres to go. The road wound through the countryside leading us towards the foothills of the mountain range that is the central spine of New Zealand. Small clumps of trees dotted the landscape, with sheep and cattle grazing in paddocks on either side. In the distance, I could see a larger group of trees which seemed to shield the resort from the highway and, I guess, prying eyes.

“Well, looks like we're nearly here,” I grinned at Amy as we passed through towering pillars holding large cast iron gates. I drove the car along the gravelled drive and parked it in front of the large doors of the central part of what looked like an old vineyard building which was the main part of the hotel. Wings and outbuildings stretched off on either side making the whole complex seem really massive.

I got out and stretched, taking the bags out of the boot. As if on cue a porter came out and picked up our bags taking them through the main doors and motioning for us to follow him. I held the door for Amy and we both walked into a huge reception area filled with long low sofas and a long reception desk running down one side. We checked in at reception and were handed the key card for the room, the receptionist pointed which way to turn and we walked slowly down a long corridor to our room.

I swiped the card and the door clicked open. Amy couldn't wait to get inside and explore what the room was like. I walked in noticing the usual wardrobes with standard hotel gear, minibar, etc. The room itself was huge with an enormous bed dominating the space; glass doors opened onto a private deck where a spa pool shimmered in the summer sun.

“Isn't it amazing, Daddy?” Amy grinned at me. “It looks like this place is just what I was expecting, did you see the notice for the father and daughter dance this evening in reception? Oh, I'm going to love this so much, thank you, Daddy, for bringing me.” She ran over to me wrapping her arms around me and pressing herself against me. I looked down at her as she reached up and kissed me, lingering just a little longer than maybe she should have. For the second time that day, I felt my cock stir at the thought of my daughter.

“Let's unpack and get ourselves sorted, I feel like a spa before we have our evening meal, that's quite a few hours away anyway so we have time to relax,” I said to Amy.

“Good plan, Daddy,” Amy smiled.

We opened up our bags; of course, I had no idea of the contents of mine. Neatly folded on the top was my dinner suit, and I could feel my dress shoes further down inside the bag. I hung up my suit and various shirts, socks, boxers, etc. I recognised my wash bag from my business trips so I took that out and placed it to the side; there was also a black zipped bag which I'd never seen before. I opened it and to my surprise, found a vibrator, some webbing and neoprene restraints, a blindfold, a cock ring and a packet of Viagra. I immediately went red, trying to hide it from Amy, but my sudden movement attracted her attention.

“What's that you have in your hand, Dad?” she asked immediately.

I held it out so that she could read it. “I think your mother packed the wrong bag,” I laughed.

“Have you ever taken one of those?” Amy replied quizzically, looking at the packet and popping one of the tablets out from its foil wrapping.

“No!” I said. “I don't actually think they work. I think they’re just a gimmick.”

“Well, only one way to find out, of course,” she grinned handing me the tablet. “Go on, put your money where your mouth is,” she laughed.

“Seriously? As I said, I think it's a gimmick and it won't work.” I put the tablet in my mouth and swallowed it. “There, satisfied?” I looked at her and we both laughed.

I removed my shirt as I walked towards the glass doors; opening them, I walked out onto the deck. It was completely screened off from the rooms next door but had a view over the rolling paddocks which led away from the side of the hotel. I turned on the jets. I felt the temperature of the water--perfect, I thought to myself. I walked back to my bag thinking to find my swimming togs, but looking inside, I couldn't find any.

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“Your mum obviously didn't know about the spa pools when she packed my bag, honey. I don't seem to have any togs. I'll guess I'll have to use my boxers,” I said to Amy.

She was looking through her bag too. “I'm sure I put my bikini in too, Dad but I can't find it anywhere, maybe Mum took it out?”

Damn, I thought to myself. I wasn't going to be able to see Amy in the little bikini I knew she had.

“Here, take one of my big t-shirts, that should cover you.” I threw her a large white t-shirt which she put on and then wrestled off her vest underneath it. We both dropped our shorts to the floor and walked out onto the deck, Amy pulling down the t-shirt and me adjusting the boxers so nothing popped out through the hole at the front. I stepped in first, finding it deeper than I expected, sinking to my waist in the warm bubbly water.

I put out my hand to help Amy step in too. As she stepped in, her foot slipped from the edge of one of the seats and then she went with a splash into the deep central part of the spa. I gasped as I watched her go under, trying to hold back a laugh, but as she stood up revealing her body the laugh died on my lips as I took in the wet t-shirt clinging to a perfect teenage body.

As she stood up, she brushed her hair back from her face, opening her eyes and looking up at me. Her big brown doe eyes seemed to bore into my soul. “Don't laugh, Daddy,” she pouted, her bottom lip protruding as she looked at me. I couldn't help but stare down at her perfect body, her beautiful eyes, her angelic face and of course, her breasts now showing through the fabric, which left me speechless.

Her eyes lowered. “Hey, Dad, I don't think that is a gimmick, it seems to be working really well,” she laughed

I looked down to see my cock had completely stiffened and was sticking out of the hole in the front of my boxer shorts, its tip pointing directly at Amy's face. I was mortified, but that didn't change things. I quickly sat down in the water to hide my erection and Amy settled herself into the water too.

“Don't worry, Daddy. I guess it's only a natural reaction, you're only human after all,” she grinned.

“I'm so embarrassed, what can I say?” I said to her.

“Don't worry, Daddy, if anything, I'll take it as a compliment. I don't get much attention from boys and it's hard to know when they like you.” She moved over through the water, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and kissing me on the cheek.

“We can have the best weekend together,” she said. The touch of her skin on my own sent a signal to my cock making it twitch and somehow grow harder. I shifted uncomfortably, my cock partly trapped in the cotton of my boxer shorts.

“Hey, honey, I'm going to have to remove my shorts, they've become strangely tight and it's making me uncomfortable,” I said looking at her. I wriggled out of them, throwing them onto the deck,

“Well, if you're going naked, Daddy I guess I should too.” And with that, she stood up in the centre of the spa, grabbed the white t-shirt and pulled it off over her head, throwing it next to my boxers on the deck. My eyes must have been on stalks as I gazed on the most perfect breasts I'd ever seen. Amy was slim and her pert breasts curved out slightly wider than her body, with slightly upturned nipples which were now hard, I think, due to the water. If it was possible for my cock to get any harder, it did right then. I gasped at the sight of them.

Amy looked at my face and saw me staring directly at her boobs. “Do you like them, Daddy? I've often thought that they aren't the right size,” she said in an innocent manner, cupping them in her hands.

“They are perfect, honey, all a man can ask for, you have no worries about anything about your body, it's all perfect,” I told her.

“Oh, Daddy, I hope you're not just saying that because you are my daddy.” She waded over and sat down in my lap wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me on the cheek

“Thank you, Daddy, you give me so much confidence in myself and you don't know how much that means to me.” She kissed me again, holding her breasts tight against my chest and then snuggled into my neck. I kissed her on the top of her head and held her tight. The warm bubbly water surrounded us.

I shifted my weight underneath her trying to make myself a little bit more comfortable, as my raging hard cock pressed against her hip. She felt me move and instantly adjusted herself against me, but felt me shift once more. She lifted up and moved one of her legs around and sat astride my lap all without unwrapping her arms from around my neck. My cock was now pressed against her belly but she pressed her chest against mine.

“Oh baby, I love you so much,” I said to her as she looked up at me. With that, something changed in her face and she leaned forward and kissed me passionately on the lips, at the same time grinding her body against me.

“'Daddy, you know what this weekend is about, don't you? It's about you and me discovering each other. I want you, and I think you want me too,” she said as she looked me directly in the eyes.

I couldn't escape; she lowered her lips to mine again and continued to kiss me, her tongue searching into my mouth to find mine, her hands coming to the side of my face, her body riding up my body, sliding my engorged cock underneath her. I felt the tip of it run the length of her pussy searching for its entrance. Again, she rose up in the water and then slowly, ever so slowly, lowered herself onto my cock, continuing to kiss me as she did so.

I gasped as I felt the tightness of her pussy wrap around my length; our eyes were locked together. She rose again then lowered herself; my hands came round to hold her waist as the rising and falling continued.

“Oh Daddy, fuck me,” she cried as she lowered herself once more onto my cock.

As Amy lowered herself onto my cock once more she leant back, pushing out her breasts and moaning as she impaled herself. I leaned into her taking a nipple in my mouth and sucking hard as we bucked in the water.

“Daddy, Daddy, give it to me,” she cried, moaning as she rose and fell once more. Eventually, she lowered herself as deep as she could take me and held on to me rolling her hips. I could feel myself deep inside. I continued to suck both breasts, kissing her smiling face as we fucked each other. I felt her pussy clamping about my cock in spasms as she blushed all over.

“Oh Daddy,” she gasped, “I'm cumming...” She pushed herself down and ground my cock inside her. She collapsed onto me, holding me tight. Orgasm after orgasm rocked through her body; she was so weak, I held her in my arms

Her tightness and continued orgasm were bringing me towards the edge. I could feel cum building in my balls willing itself to be released. A few more thrusts were all I needed, and I could feel the gush of my first load enter my daughter. It was her turn to have eyes on stalks as she felt my cum pump inside her; load after load filled her tight pussy.

We held each other as we both came down from the intense orgasm that we'd both just had. I kissed Amy and slowly withdrew my cock from her... It was still hard. Boy, that Viagra works, I thought to myself. We swirled around in the spa for a minute or two and then both climbed out onto the deck. We stood there looking at each other, me with my cock standing out in front of me and Amy with her perfect teenage body glistening in the sunshine. I noticed globs of my cum running out of her pussy.

“God, I love you,” I said and held her close. The sun soon started to dry us and we walked inside. I led her to the bed and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.


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Written by Janusnz
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