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The Ride, A Saga Of Motorcycle Love - Chapter 3

"Roni and her sister Ashley finally get their dreams of wanton sexuality realized."

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Ashley Recounts her ride…

Bill opened the throttle all the way, I held on for dear life as we accelerated to nearly 100 mph. I wasn’t sure exactly why I was so alive with anticipation, nor why this ride, which should have normally scared the hell out of me, wasn’t frightening me. Yes, I do have a love of the unknown, and edgy things do get me excited, but racing down a country road with the man who will shortly have me totally under his control, and using me as his very own slave-toy was creating a feeling within me that was like nothing I had ever before known. True: I had conspired with my dear sister Roni to swap husbands for a weekend, so that we might both know and experience for a while the lives that we live, in each other’s shoes.

I had been very envious of how easily Roni seemed to describe and bathe in the eroticism of the physical and mental tortures that she experienced at the hands of her loving husband, Bill. It was if they were the very food on which she survived and flourished. Seeing her daily, wearing the very same steel bands that I now wear, and feeling the painful constriction they inflict, was turning me on more and more as we rode to our unknown hideaway. I knew from Roni that should I allow this game to play out; my very sanity could be in jeopardy, as Bill loved scenarios that totally mind-fucked Roni into actually believing that she was in imminent danger. She had recalled stories to me about some of the plights that she had not only endured, but eagerly helped dream-up and facilitate.

Bill also loved to push the games further and further into the darkest realms of depravity. She had been whipped until nearly passing out, caned endlessly until her skin puffed up and reddened from her wonderfully erotic punishment. She had been mock-suffocated several times, pissed on, starved (denied chocolate-chip cookies), covered in slime, food, and filth, and even mock-choked by a hangman’s noose that she tied for herself as punishment for her ill-deeds, be they real or imaginary. At her request and desire: and after helping Bill dig a hole deep enough for her to kneel down in, she had even been buried in their back yard up to her neck in mud, with her favorite vibrator pushed deep into her pussy, while Bill stood there, pissing on her face, as she screamed through the ball gag he had stuffed into her mouth. As these deliciously erotic scenarios ran through my mind, I was even more committed to seeing this out to the end, not that I had any other choice now. I was no longer in control of my destiny, nor did I want to be.

The bike began to throttle down, breaking my fuzzy state of mind and drawing my attention to the present. We pulled off the road into a dirt path with no signage. A short ride into the wooded area, Bill stopped the bike and switched the motor off.

“OK, time to get off, cunt,” he said.

I stood up and stretched my legs. My white micro shorts were soaking wet. My excitement during the ride was now evident, I had leaked so much that I had completely soaked myself. Bill saw my plight and just chuckled at me,

“You know, I never thought that I would have my way with you, I had dreamed of being your lover and master for so long, but it was only a dream. Now, it is true, and I assure you that you will know and experience things that you never before dreamed of. You may not end up still liking me, but you will never again be the same girl that you are right now.” he said.

It didn’t matter to me what he said, I just wanted to be his, completely and totally. If he had told me that he was going to paint me purple, it wouldn’t have mattered.

“Now, strip, Bitch,” he said with a very authoritative tone.

I bowed my head and muttered, “Yes, Sir.”

“You will look at me when you address me, slut,” he demanded.

“YES, SIR,” I repeated.

With that, I unsnapped the single snap holding my red-latex top together and let it fall to the ground. My endorphins raced. Never before had I been topless for a stranger, no less my own sister’s husband. Taking a deep breath, I unsnapped the micro-shorts that I was wearing and pulled them down, kicking them aside. I stood there in my boots and red dildo panties.

“Now what, sir, I am undressed,” I asked.

A slap across my face caught me by total surprise. I reeled and nearly fell down.

“When I tell you to do something, I want it done. Take those panties off, and quickly, or you will live to regret it.”

Standing there before him, topless, and vulnerable, was one thing, but now I was to be exposed. I was going to wipe the tears from my face, but decided that taking my panties off at once was much more important. I pushed my hands into the sides of the panties and eased them down. The feeling of the large dildo pulling out of my pussy was driving me to another spontaneous orgasm, probably the millionth one since we left home...

As I raised my leg to kick the panties away, Bill put his hand out and told me to hand them to him, which I did. In absolute amazement to me, he took the panties, opened his mouth wide, and placed the dildo into his mouth and sucked away on it!

I could see the evident result as his crotch swelled, his cock straining to get out. Watching the man who was to be my tormentor worshiping my sticky, wet, latex dildo-panties was amazing. I felt the rush of endorphin as I watched him suck away, his cock swelling as he sucked. Getting the best of me, I took my hands and stuck my fingers into my pussy and began to masturbate my clit. The sensations were instantaneous and overpowering. I climaxed in seconds. Bill looked at me and was a bit pissed, I was receiving pleasure that he had not authorized... he grabbed my hair and dragged me towards his bike. I was pushed down, with my face planted on the seat, my legs straddling the rear wheel. I could hear Bill unsnap the codpiece from his pants. His hands gripped my hips and sent chills running across my back. I felt his huge cock slide effortlessly into my soaked pussy, I gasped as the huge member filled me so wonderfully. All I could think was how for years I had missed the fabulous feeling that I was now experiencing. Size does matter!

As quickly as he entered me, he withdrew, leaving me feeling terribly unsatisfied, had I done something wrong? Seconds later, I understood why. I felt the pressure of his now soaking wet cock against the rosebud of my behind. A chill beset me, was he really going to impale me with that huge cock? It would rip me apart...then I felt the pressure increase. With a pop, he entered me. I gasped as the pain set in. He waited for a few seconds, and then thrust forward, filling me to the hilt. I felt the presence of his stomach as it hit my back. He was fully inside of me with ten glorious inches of meat. Bill bent forward and whispered into my ear.

“Are you OK, Ashley? I don’t want to hurt you, just fuck you until you scream for mercy.”

His words echoed in my brain. What was I to say... was I to be coy, or innocent? He knew me too well for that, so I turned my head toward him and moaned,

“No mercy, fuck me as hard as you can, rip me apart if you want.”

I could not believe that I was saying that, it was like listening to a recording, but it was me, and it was real!

Bill obliged. He dug his fingers into my sides and began to thrust into me like a wild animal. I cried, screamed, and moaned as he used me. I could not yell any more, I just lay there soaked in sweat and pussy juices as he used me to the limit. I felt his body stiffen, and seconds later a groan emitted from his mouth as he shot his huge cock’s load into me. The red-hot cum flowed in my pussy, causing me to follow suit and climax along with him. Both of us were spent, he collapsed onto my back as we lay there across his bike. His cock was still hard as he lay there on top of me; the experience had not lessened his stamina. Bill stood up once again, and slowly started his second attack on my ass. Gradually he thrust into me, gaining sped and power slowly as we enjoyed our second session of lust. I was so wonderfully lubricated by his huge cum load that we were able to continue fucking for what seemed like an eternity. He had actually driven me to my second and third anal orgasm before he stopped, exhausted as I was. We were both covered in sweat and juices that ran down our legs. As Bill withdrew, he commented,

“Wow, I have to piss so bad, I am going to explode.”

I had gotten up from the bike and was looking at him as he spoke. Not saying a word, I sank to my knees in front of him, raised my face toward him, and smiled as I opened my mouth wide. Bill took his cock in hand, and pointing it at my forehead, began to water me. His steaming hot piss ran down my face, into my mouth and covered my torso. He played his cock from side to side, making sure that no portion of my body was overlooked. He finished off by placing his cock directly in my mouth and allowed it to fill my throat. I did not spill one drop of his precious golden- nectar. When completely emptied, Bill grabbed my hair and pulled me up to my feet. He pulled me toward a nearby tree and pressed my face against it,

“Don’t move,” he commanded.

He took my hands, and wrapped them around the trunk of the tree, fastening the steel cuffs I was wearing together with a lock.

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My thigh bands were then attached to the tree, with a long cord that went through the “D” rings on them, and then around the tree trunk as well. I was not going anywhere! Next, he took a blue rubber ball gag out of the saddle bags on the bike and stuck it into my mouth, fastening it with the leather strap and buckle attached to it. Turning my head as much as I could, I saw Bill take a large knife out of his belt and cut a thin branch, about 3- feet long. He carefully de-leafed the branch leaving only a thin, supple shaft. Without saying a word, he raised the shaft to his shoulder and let it fly towards my shoulders. WHACK!!!... The snap of the branch against my soft skin was like a lightning bolt. I screamed as well as I could with the ball gag, but little came out. Again and again he applied the branch to my back, carefully leaving a beautiful pattern of chevrons from my shoulders to my thighs. The pain seemed to stop after the first ten or so hits, then, the sensuality set in. There was no more pain at all, just the intoxicating sensations of sub-space.

I guess that I must have passed out, as I awoke in Bills arms, being cuddled and softly rubbed with lotion. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, this was my master, and I would do his bidding. There was no question.

Still naked, except for my boots, I was helped to my feet. I had regained my composure and was OK once again. Bill told me to mount the bike; we were going to the cabin. Somehow, my nakedness never dawned on me; I simply mounted the seat and held onto him as we roared off. The stinging of my back and the cool breeze of being naked on the moving bike was making me hornier as we rode. I hoped that someone would ride by us and see me, but it was not to be, the road was deserted.


We reached the log cabin home in about 15 minutes, it was beautiful and rustic, but full equipped and modern on the inside. I was absolutely in love with it!

Once inside, I was immediately ushered to a bedroom in the rear of the cabin.

Bill took bright-red, leather, over-bust corset that was on the bed and wrapped it around my body. It was very small, indeed, and very beautiful. Obviously hand made and quite ornate with decorative stitching and black leather piping on all the edges. Bill carefully fastened the busk, and began to lace the rear of the corset up, constricting my waist smaller and smaller. Breathing was becoming a difficulty as the leather prison shrunk me to its own desires. Tighter and tighter it shrunk, until it would go no smaller. My waist had constricted to an incredibly small size. Bill could almost get his hands around my waist and touch each other! Next, a matching red-leather hood was pulled over my head; it had small eye holes and a mouth hole, and was covered with straps, “D” rings, and studs. Bill laced the back of the hood tightly, compressing my face and sending me into a second round of sexual arousal. I felt the straps pulling tighter and tighter has he buckled them around my head and jaw. The hood stopped just above my steel neck collar, and when he pulled the buckle on the neck strap tight, I was ready to orgasm once again. My head would not turn, nor could I take a deep breath.

I then felt my arms being drawn behind my back...Bill pulled a red-leather, arm-binder up to my shoulders, and fastened the straps tightly around them. As the binder was being laced up, I felt my arms being pressed together so tightly that no movement was possible. I was so helpless that he could do anything he wanted to me, and I could not help myself to escape, it produced no panic at all when I imagined the terrible things that could befall me, just more and more excitement. I began to hope that his ministrations would be cruel, painful, and imaginative.

“Do with me as you will,” I said pleadingly, to my tormentor.

Then, I felt an invasion of my pussy; a large rubber plug of some kind was being pressed into me. My clit went crazy and I orgasmed at once. Next, I felt a matching insertion being pressed into my ass. The plug was wet and cold; the lube Bill had so lovingly applied allowed it to slide home effortlessly. Looking down as well as I could, I saw two tubes coming from the rear plug, and one from the front one. Each plug was attached to an inflating bulb. I could only imagine what was next. Bill took the bulb and pressed it 2 or 3 times, it filled my pussy nicely and the pressure was so pleasurable against my clit. Then with an evil smile, he grabbed the bulb and pressed it 6 or 7 times more. I felt like I was being ripped apart. No pleasure here, just real torture. I cried out, begging him to stop. My pleas went unanswered, he just smiled and laughed. Finally, he dropped the bulb and took up the one for my ass plug, the same treatment was given, he pressed the bulb so many times that I felt the two plugs touch each other as the pressed my insides together with horrible, unending cruelness. I was in absolute sub-space heaven, and never wanted it to stop.

The second tube attached to my rear plug was now being used...Bill took an enema bag filled with “warm milk and honey,” as he said, and connected it to me. The bag was clipped to my neck with one of the rings on my hood, and the valve opened. The inrush of the “food” was warm and sweet, my ass filled quickly, as I had enemas several times before starting my weekend, like Roni had suggested. She had warned me of this method of feeding his salves. I was to be kept this way until it had been fully taken in by my body. Bill removed the bag as it emptied, and turned the valve on the plug off, to insure no leakage. I could see Bill’s excitement as I gladly kept my composure during my initiation; I was making my new master happy!

Bill next took a chain and wrapped it around my waist; locking it together and attaching the “D:” ring of my arm binder to the front of the chain with a second smaller chain through my legs. The chain also insured that I could not force out either of my plugs. How wicked! A steel spreader bar was then attached to my ankles using the steel cuffs on the ends of the bar. My legs were drawn far apart, and locked. I was now truly helpless, and loving it! Finally, Bill took a chain from a hook on the ceiling and bent me over 90 degrees so that my face was looking at the floor. It was clipped to my arm binder’s end,...

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Written by Lustyrose4u
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