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The Return rip pt2 The Last Day

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The Return Trip pt2

The Last Day

Peggy woke up before Jack. As she lay there looking at him thinking about the previous nights adventures and what he had done, she couldn't help but become excited all over again. The trip from the airport, the kids from the front office, and that huge, wonderful cock of Horses'. Boy his nickname sure did fit, it was a tight fit she laughed to herself, but it fit. Now how was she going to pay him back for putting her thru the joyous agony that he did coming from the airport. As she lay there looking at him in all his glory with his cock as hard as a rock, it came to her. Last night he made her his slave so now it would be her turn to turn the tables. It would have to be a special day since it would be their last. She would have to fly back soon, and they would return to there spouses. They both wished they could enjoy times like these with them but they just didn't act like they would be interested. They hardly seemed interested in the normal way why would they be interested in the adventurous.

She eased out of bed and over to her robe. Taking the belt she walked back to the bed and softly tied Jacks hands behind his back. With Jack being totally exhausted from the night before all he did was moan and roll over. She looked down at him on his back with his hands behind him and his cock standing up so proudly from his groin.

Without using her hands she lowered her mouth down over it. Very slowly she bobbed her head up and down its length. It didn’t take long before she could taste the precum ozzing from the tip. She loved the way he tasted, well actually she just loved the taste of cum.

Jack started moaning and moving, lifting his hips trying to push his cock deeper into what ever it was that felt so soft and warm around his cock. He was getting close to cumming and as he woke up he found he couldn’t move his arms. Lifting his head off the pillow to see what was going on he saw Peggy with a mouth full of cock looking at him. The only thing was he couldn’t grab her head and bury his cock deep into her mouth and unload a hot creamy load of cum down her throat.

As much as she wanted to drink it down, it was all she could do to pull herself off of him and not let it fill her with what she really wanted.

“Oh god baby don’t stop I’m so close” Jack pleaded.

She reached down and so very slowly stroked it. He really must have been close because the cum was running out of the tip but not the powerful shots it needed for the feeling of total release. Not helping any, Peggy leaned down and looking Jack in the eyes she licked his cock clean but not allowing it into her mouth, knowing that would send him over the edge.

Peggy walked around the bed and took Jack by the shoulders and helped him sit up. “Come on baby. I’ll help you to the bathroom and take a shower.” She walked with him to the bathroom and helped him take a seat. She reached between his legs to push his cock down towards the bowl.

Jack feeling nervous about this he asked “How am I supposed to clean up with my hands tied?” This was something they had never played out in the little games.

“Oh don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you” she laughed as she walked out. “Just holler when your done.”

When nature calls you have to deal with what you are dealt and Jack was in no position to argue. When he had finished he called her back in.

She came in with a big grin and leaned him forward and cleaned him up as if she was cleaning a new born baby. “Ok, now for your shower.” She started the water and let it warm up and helped him the shower. After washing and rinsing him off, she knelt down in front of him and proceeded to give him another awesome but none completing blowjob. Once she had him on the edge she stood turned off the water and got them towels.

Jack was not a happy man, but was enjoying being her slave. “You bitch, is this what your going to do all day. Get me hard and leave me hanging? I hope you know much more of this and my nuts are going to explode” Jack said bent over in discomfort.

“No baby, I’m not. But I do have last night to make up for. Remember?” She lead him out of the bathroom and to the bed.

Having him lay on his belly as she said, he got up on his knees face down on the pillow. Thinking she was going to lay under him and finish what she had started twice before he didn’t question her. But Peggy had something different in mind. She tied his hands to his knees instead. This way he was stuck in an ass up position no matter how he laid.

Jack knew what was going to happen know, they had played this game before on the phone. She had fingered his ass while giving him a blowjob the last time they were together and she said she was going to fuck him with a dildo if she ever got the chance. He heard her messing with her bags as he knelt there on the bed. But then he heard something different. The sound of what seemed to be a belt buckle.

“Ah baby, you look so cute like that. Your cock hanging between your legs and your ass sticking up for me like that” she said as she climbed up on the bed behind him. Peggy took the bottle of lube and filled her hand and reached between his legs and started stroking his cock. Just as he started to get hard for the third time she stopped and said “I won’t tease you so badly this time lover. I have other things in mind for you.”

She took her hand off his cock and slid it over his balls up over his ass. Filling her hand again she slid her fingers between his cheeks and over his asshole. Taking a finger she slowly inserted in to the first knuckle. His moaning told her that he was liking what she was doing and pushed it deeper. Sliding it back out she played with the opening spreading the lube all around it.

Sliding her finger back in she added a second one this time. Feeling his ass tighten up she paused and said “Just relax baby, I’ll go slow. Let momma have this cute ass of yours. Mamma’ s going to fuck your brains out baby and your going to love it.” Slowly it did relax and she was able to lube him up good using two fingers. Once more she filled her hand with lube and coated what he had heard her messing with earlier. The strap on she brought with her. She had shopped long and hard to find just the right one. It had a nice big cock for him, and an insert for her by now, hot wet pussy.

She grabbed the dildo with one hand and his ass cheek with the other. Placing it at his opening she proceeded to apply pressure. Talking softly she said “Just relax baby, momma knows what she’s doing, she won’t hurt you.” Slowly the belted cock slid into his ass. All he could do was to kneel there and take it being tied the way he was. The more he tried to move forward away from the invading cock, it just pulled his arms back making his ass even more accessible. Grabbing him by the hips she started pushing and pulling the cock in and out of his ass. Going deeper and deeper with each stroke. When he felt her skin against his ass he knew she was buried all the way in.

Jack had never felt sensations like this before. His ass felt like it was on fire, his insides so full, but he was surprised that he actually liked it. “MMMMM, does my baby like being fucked up the ass?” Peggy asked as she started rocking him back and forth on her new cock.

All Jack could do was moan his approval. She was also enjoying it because it was working back and forth in her cunt and rubbing her clit as well. “Would my baby like it harder, deeper? She asked.

Once again all Jack could do was to moan. Taking a tight grip on his hips she slammed the cock deep into his ass. Jack let out a loud grunt and moan as she held him impaled on it.

He kind of surprised her with his first words since she started this. “You fucking bitch, you have set my ass on fire. Made cum start draining from my cock in a steam. Just fuck me already, fuck my brains out until I can’t take anymore.”

His words sent her over the edge with an orgasm she didn’t even know was building. Her own juices came flooding out of her own cunt and down her inner thighs making her a mess as well. Once she settled down from her own orgasm she started fucking Jack with all she could. Stopping every now and then to bury it deep in his ass and reaching around to give him a few quick tugs on his hard throbbing cock just to remind him she was in charge.

Just as she was really getting into fulfilling her fantasy there came a hard rapid knock on the door. They both stopped thinking it was Jacks moaning and her crude remarks to him that they might have disturbed the rooms next to them. Again the knocks came hard and fast, only this time there was a female calling her name.

Peggy pulled the dildo from Jacks ass and told him “Don’t go anywhere lover.”

Jack thought just where in the world was he supposed to go like this.

Peggy looked thru the peep hole in the door and saw April and Horse standing there. Peggy turned to Jack and said, “Oh baby you’re going to love this.”

Jack rolled to his side trying his best to hide from who ever it was, but being tied the way he was that wasn’t very likely.

Peggy standing behind the door turned the knob and let the kids in.

April came in first just bouncing with excitement. “Oh Peggy, your not going to.” She stopped in mid sentence seeing Jack laying on the bed, hands and knees tied. His ass all shiny from the lube Peggy had applied. Also with Peggy standing there with a huge grin supporting a wet cock hanging from her crotch. “Wow, you two look so fucking hot. We’re sorry to interrupt, maybe we should go.”

Poor Horse didn’t say anything. All he could do was to stare at Peggy’s huge tits and very hard nipples.

Jack was hoping they would, he was so embarrassed.

Peggy was having different ideas watching Horse stare at her tits and watching the bulge in his pants growing by the second. “No, no, come on in. Sit down, what’s going on?”

April kept looking back and forth from Peggy’s strap on and Jack’s greased ass as she tried to speak.

Horse looked like he was going to bust his pants by now and Peggy was getting super wet thinking about that huge cock of his.

April spoke first forgetting what they came there for. She wanted to watch them, to watch Peggy fuck Jack in the ass.

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“Well if you two want to continue I can tell you if you don’t mind us watching.”

Peggy said “Sure. That might be fun, but you two kids have to get undressed though.” She was determined to see that monster cock again.

“No problem” April said.

Peggy walked over to the bed and helped Jack back up on his knees as the kids took their clothes off. Peggy lubed up the dildo again and lined it up with Jack’s ass. She started pushing it in deeper as Horse dropped his pants. There it was, the cock that gave him his nickname. Not paying attention to what she was doing she just drove the dildo deep into Jack’s ass as she stared at Horses’ cock.

“Aaaaaggggg” came deep from inside Jack.

“Oh my god, look at that Horse. That’s so hot.” She reached over to stroke his cock and felt the precum ozzing from him already. Just from staring at Peggy’s tits. With the way April was stroking Horses’ cock it was obvious that they had gone home and had some more time together. They seemed very comfortable with each other now.

Knowing this made Peggy feel so good inside. But she wanted to feel good inside also and Horses’ cock was just the thing to make that happen.

April started with the old “Peggy your not going to believe this, but when we got home last night the greatest thing ever happened.”

Peggy had started working the cock back and forth in Jacks ass. April was glued to the action going on before her as she spoke. Peggy also was getting wetter an wetter by the second watching April stoking the object of her desire.

April went on to tell them that when they got home they thought their mom had already gone to bed since all the lights were off. They snuck in being as quite as they could and went into the living room to spend some time together and talk about what had happened that night. As they were caressing each other and talking the heard some noises coming from upstairs.

By now Peggy was listening to April and watching their show that she wasn’t paying attention to how hard she was fucking Jack.

His moaning was getting louder and louder.

Finally Peggy told April “April do us all a favor and lay down in front of Jack and fill his mouth with your pussy before he gets us all thrown out.”

This only made Jack moan louder with the thought of licking this young girls pussy once again.

April got up and moved to the bed, placed the pillows against the headboard and laid against them. She had to lift Jacks head and slide down under him with the way he was laying. With his hands tied to his knees his face pushed into Aprils pussy. Jacks moaning continued but were muffled as his tongue went to work licking up her juices.

“Horse come over here to momma. You don’t have to sit there all by yourself. Momma can make you feel good too,” Peggy said. Peggy went straight to his cock and started stroking it. She also was fucking Jack with the same strokes, the matching strokes were driving his face deeper into Aprils’ pussy.

April started laughing, “Peggy you are so close saying momma to Horse. Like I said, we heard noises coming from upstairs. After the night we had here we thought maybe mom had somebody up there with her. Soooo, we snuck upstairs to see who it might be and try and see what they were doing. “Peggy, Jack sure likes eating pussy doesn’t he? Wow he’s good.” Anyway, when we got upstairs, your not going to believe what we saw. “What child, what. Tell me” Peggy said reaching over and squirting more lube on Jacks’ ass and Horses’ cock.

“Mom’s door was cracked but she was alone. She was laying on her bed, naked, with a big ole’ dildo fucking her self.

Oh fuck Jack, yes, yes, yes your making me cum. Oh my god, yyyeeesssss.” April had to take a break as the orgasm washed over her. Settling back down she continued. “Wow, sorry. Anyway she started to cum, and started saying ‘Yes Jimmy fuck me, Fuck me Jimmy.”

Peggy looked at April and said, “Did it make you two excited to watch your mother fuck herself and who’s Jimmy.”

April grabbed Jacks’ head pulling him tight to her pussy as another orgasm built. “Who’s Jimmy? That’s Horses real name.”

Peggy looked Horse in the eyes and smiled. Horse started shooting cum all over Peggy. Up on her tits, all over her side and all over hand. Lifting her hand to her lips she licked the hot cum from her hand never taking her eyes off of Horse. That sent Peggy over the edge making her own cum squirt out from around the dildo in her own pussy running down the inside of her thighs.

Her spasms worked the dildo in Jacks’ ass, and the words and thoughts sent him shooting his own cum all over the bed making a large puddle between his legs.

As they all relaxed Peggy and April untied Jack who was a disaster. His ass was gapping open from the pounding Peggy gave him. His ass was slick from all the lube she had used. And the inside of his legs were covered in his own cum. Oh and his face was covered in Aprils’ cum also.

They paired up Jack and April, Peggy...

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Written by readyandwilling
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