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The Older Sibling

"Roland develops an infatuation with his sister, and it isn't long before it becomes his obsession"

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It's Wednesday evening. I can hear the rain outside my window, padding gently against the glass. It's such a lovely sound. It draws my attention more and more until I find that I'm not reading the words in my book anymore, but imagining I'm outside. I can almost feel the cool summer droplets against my warm skin, running down my face, cooling the heated passion I've been feeling for the last few weeks. I put down my book, a lengthy fantasy tome, and leave my room.

As I walk down the hall there is a distant crash of thunder. The storm tonight is going to be awesome. Hopefully it will carry on into tomorrow. As I turn towards the stairs, I stop. A passionate rush fills my ears, blocking out even the rain. There she is.

My sister Alexandrya is three years my senior. Nineteen. Her hair catches my attention first, as it always does. A luscious golden curl today held contently in a tight ponytail, going all the way to her upper back. The way she is positioned on the stairs (leaning over the railing, talking to my parents), I get a view of her beautiful curves. Those plump breasts. That tight bum. The slim and slender figure of her.

I can feel the passion rising again in my chest. If I don't move past her soon, I'm going to do something stupid. Swallowing my lust, I briskly walk past her. As I do, she turns to me. Her ice blue eyes see me and she smiles. If I had any sense I'd smile back, but the only thing on my mind is how badly I need to cool off.

I reach the end of the steps, mumble something to my parents, and then exit the door that leads to the garage. As soon as that heavy door is open I am greeted by the roaring sound of the rain. It overpowers the rush in my ears, and when I close the door behind me, it's all I can hear. I take a deep breath. The rain smells incredible.

I step outside the bounds of my house and let the cool weather pour over me. I can almost feel the passionate steam rising from my skin. I feel a heavy relief pass over me. Ahhhhh.

It's only been lately that I've been feeling this way around my sister. Growing up, now that I think about it, we were perfectly normal kids. We had our arguments, fought as much as the next pair of siblings did, and then made up. As we grew up though, differences occurred. I retained my shy, quiet nature, dating a few girls and only having sex with a small number of them. Meanwhile Alex grew into a beautiful young woman who was more than comfortable with her sexuality.

My parents looked at her as their responsible, chaste daughter. Having gone to the same high school, however, I developed a different perspective.

Looking back now, even hearing stories of Alex never changed my attitude towards her. Her choices were hers to make, and who was I to judge? Maybe deep down I was jealous of how many partners she'd had over her high school career. Or maybe jealous of the guys who were attractive enough to have sex with a woman like my sister. I mean it didn't start out like that, the feeling just evolved over time. That sounds reasonable, right?

And now all I can think about is being one of her partners. Filling her up, feeling her soft skin, kissing her tired body...


I can remember the exact day it happened too. Four weeks ago, we were outside on a bike ride. My parents have always been an active pair, and my sister and I take after them. It was just a usual bike ride around town. On the way back it started to rain. It was a flash storm, one that only lasts for a few moments but is really heavy. As we biked we got a little more competitive, my sister challenging me to a race up the final hill where our house sat. I obliged.

We biked hard, and my sister just caught the lead at the end. I joked that her long legs were the reason she bested me and she laughed. It was that moment, as the rain subsided, that I saw her for what she was. A sexy, grown woman.

The sun peeked around the clouds and Alex got off her bike and looked back at me. I saw her lovely face, her blonde hair sticking to it across her eyes, those sexy freckles that only show up in the summer months, and instantly thought of how hard I could cum if she was sucking me off. I felt shocked at myself, and she must have seen it.

"Are you alright?" she asked. No. I wasn't. But of course I nodded.

"Yeah, just tired," I smiled. Alex smiled back, parked her bike, and walked back into the house. As she did, I caught myself looking at her ass, the yellow short shorts clinging to her tight cheeks. They swayed as she moved, and when the door closed behind her I was almost disappointed that they were gone.

Another crash of thunder breaks my reverie, and I notice that I'm shivering out here in the rain. Fuck, when did it get so cold? I'd better go back inside. 


I'm sitting on my bed, watching a movie on my laptop, when a knock on my door catches my attention.

"Roland, dinner will be ready soon," Alexandrya pops her head in. Her blonde curls are out of her ponytail, and a few of them fall past her head. They glow in front of the light coming from down the hallway.

"I'll be right down," I say. Alex nods and her head disappears. I pause the movie and move to get up, but hesitate and instead open up a page to Facebook. I log in and catch myself before I click the search bar.

'What am I doing?' I think. It’s a stupid question. I know exactly what I’m doing. The shame of lusting after my sister doesn’t shock me anymore. After a brief mental struggle, I give in and type in her name. Alex has lots of photos on Facebook, an assortment of her with friends and family. Most of them are modest, but there are a few that show her beautiful body more vividly.

Before I know it I’m looking at her photos, searching anxiously through several of her online albums until I reach the one titled, “Beach Trip 2012”. Just last year my family took my sister, a few friends, and me up to cottage country for a few weeks. Alex took lots of photos, and in most of which she was wearing a bikini. Looking back, I don’t know how I wasn’t feeling what I am now back then.

Her voluptuous breasts are barely contained by her bikini top. I imagine myself holding them, squeezing them in my hands. In my mind I hear her gasp in surprise.

Suddenly we’re on the beach again, the hot sun beating down on us. I slip my hands under her bikini and play with her nipples, sliding my other hand down her slender, tall body. My rock hard cock aches to be release from the restraints of my swimsuit, grinding against Alex's soft ass. My fingers slide under her bikini bottom, feeling the fuzz of public hair before I reach her hot, wet...

“Roland, dinner!” my mother shouts from the kitchen downstairs. Suddenly I’m back in my room. On my computer I see that I’ve stopped at a picture of Alex that she took herself. She is bent-over under a beach umbrella taking a picture of her face. The way she is positioned make her breasts look even larger than they already are. They look delicious. What I would do just to touch them, hold them in my palms for only a second.

I close the laptop and put it on my bed. My room is at the end of the hall, with my sister's door directly to my right when I exit it. As I pass her open door I glimpse into her room, and at first see nothing of interest. Books strewn over her desk. Her desk lamp left on. The window open. The like. Then I stop suddenly and take a step back. I look again.

I look down the hallway, to make sure no one is coming up the stairs. My sister, father, and mom are all downstairs sitting at the table. I can hear them. I turn back, take a deep breath, and enter my sisters room.

On her bed is underwear. Not just any underwear, but a skimpy pink bra and matching, transparent panties. I've seen her in these before, walking from her room to the bathroom early in the morning when she doesn't know I'm awake. I take them in my hands, feeling the silky material. Without a second thought I bring the panties to my nose. God, they smell like her. Her.

Her pussy.

The thought excites me to no extent. My cock gets rock hard in my pants and my heart pounds in my chest. I feel the rush of passion fill my ears again, and suddenly I realize where I am. Christ, what if Alex came into her room now and saw me doing this? There'd be no end to the hell I would pay. The thought makes me scared and excited.

I pocket the panties and stuff the bra down my pants, shivering in pleasure at the feeling of the silky cups against my rock hard member. I peer out of her door, making sure that no one has come upstairs for anything, then enter my room.

I take out the underwear and unbuckle my belt, throwing my pants down as fast as I can. My cock is raging hard. When I put my fingers around it, I can feel the heartbeat. With my other hand I take the panties (my sister's panties, I almost let out in a moan) and wrap them around the shaft and over the head.

Slowly at first, I begin to stroke. Shivers of pleasure pass over me. In my head I can see her, lowering herself over me. Her lovely blonde hair ticking my face, her big, full breasts against me. I take one in my hand and squeeze it, hearing her moan gently in pleasure.

Quietly, I want to say, 'we don't want mom and dad to know.'

I move my hand faster on my cock. I'm fucking her now, her luscious, hot body moving up and down over my cock. Her pussy is so tight, squeezing me like this. I feel the hot, wet inner walls clenching me with every dip she makes. Her nails gently rake my chest, and she lowers her self over me, pushing me onto my bed. Her breasts are in my face now, and I eagerly take one into my mouth. Her nipples must taste delicious.

'I'm cumming,' I want to shout to her, 'sis I'm gonna cum.'

'Me too,' I can hear her say,' cum with me Roland, cum inside me please.'

At that thought I'm over the edge. Hot cum jets from my cock as I reel in pleasure. Some is blocked by Alex's panties, coating them in my load. The rest slips past and covers my chest and stomach. I stifle a moan as another jet erupts. As I come down from my sex high, breathing heavy, I remember that I was called for dinner. It seems like hours ago.

I clean myself off, spray myself with cologne, and move to leave my room. Before I do though, I take Alex's underwear and put it under my pillow.


Thursday and Friday roll around, but now even at school I can't focus. Before I found Alex's underwear a thought of Calculus or Chemistry killed any boner my mind decided to throw at me. Now that I have them though, nothing quenches my lust. When Thursday and Friday afternoon came, so did I. I indulged myself, even though later that night, when I couldn't get to sleep because the rush in my ears was so loud, I would find myself guilty.

It wasn't just that I had taken Alex's panties and masturbated to her.

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On Thursday I took another pair of underwear, a blue pair of panties lying on top of her laundry hamper. On Friday again I had the courage, or desperation, to go into her underwear drawer and take one of my choosing. Those ones were white. When I came each time on Friday I imagined her sleek, smooth pale skin with white panties and no top. I had never come so hard, so many times in my life.

On this Saturday morning, the guilt has withdrawn completely. I am in unchartered territory now, and I think my mind has finally accepted the inevitable: I am infatuated with my very own sister. Her golden curls, her pale, smooth skin. Those icy blue eyes. It's redeeming feeling. Fuck it, it's just a fantasy right? As long as she never finds out, and I'm not hurting anyone, what's the danger?

To my good luck, Alexandrya had plans with her boyfriend today. Not only that, but my parents love to garden, and they've decided that today is the day that I'm going to be their chore slave.

Today, as my mother plans a brand new garden for the season, my dad and I are the ones digging the dirt. And the wood chips. And the rocks. The afternoon goes by before I realize that a single intruding thought of my sister hasn't come to mind all day. When my parents decide that I've done enough to help them and give me the rest of the afternoon off, I almost feel normal again.

I enter the house through the side door in the garage. It's nice and cool in here, opposite the hot spring day just outside. From the fridge I grab a bottle of water and a few cans of Coke for later. I jump up the two concrete steps to the door entering the house and turn the nob.

'The fuck? It's locked.

My first thought is that maybe my parents locked it haphazardly. A force of habit. Our garage doesn't have a garage door opener, so it's not unreasonable for them to assume someone could just open it and walk in. But they're home. Something's up.

I walk around the house to the back door. My parents are busy planting roses, so they pay me no mind. I pull on the back door and it's the same thing. Locked.

"Hey, do one of you guys have a key?" I ask.

"What, why?" My mom answers.

"The door into the house is locked."

"So go through the garage."

"Locked too."

"The front door?"

I hadn't checked that, but I don't want to walk all the way around again if I'm just going to find the same thing.

"That as well."

My mom sits back and my dad stops to look at her. "Do you have a key somewhere?"

"Yeah I keep an extra one in the car, just in case," he says, taking off his gloves and looking at me.

"Thanks," I say, walking around the house again. I open the car door and find the keys in the little pocket between the front seats. This is just like my parents, really, locking every door and not remembering. This time I try the front door (I was right, it's locked too) and insert the key. The door opens silently and I slip in.

I immediately hear music right above me, where my sister's room is located. She must have gotten home while I was helping my parents with the garden.

Taking off my shoes, I walk down the hall and up the stairs with socked feet. The music gets louder, and I hear something else coming from my sister's room. I stop at the top step and strain my hearing to listen...

"Mmmm, gods yes!" I freeze. That's Alex. "Fuck me hard, pound me, ahhh." The sound of flesh-on-flesh becomes very prevalent. For a moment I'm stuck on the staircase in shock. Before I can stop myself, though, I'm at her door. It's open just a crack. I peer through the space and first can only see the lightly hairy ass that must be her boyfriend, Luke. Then, they switch positions. Now I can see Alex's face. My heart stops.

There is my beautiful sister, on her hands and knees, naked. Her gorgeous body is lightly bristled in sweat, giving her body a gleaming feature. Her big breasts sway under her as Luke enters her from behind and fucks her. He puts his hands on her shoulders and begins to fuck her hard. My god. My cock is rock hard in an instant and I still can't believe that I am seeing this.

Alex's head is pointed towards the door, but her eyes are closed with pleasure. Her golden curls are tousled over her face, her bottom just showing above the sexy curve in her back. Gods, I would kill a man to be Luke right now, feeling Alex's soft pussy lips wrapping around me. Her big breasts bouncing because of me, her...

Sense kicks in. As soon as Alex opens her eyes I'm fucked, and not in the way I'm hoping for. I step out of the way of her door and scurry to my room at the end of the hall. before I know it my pants are down and my cock is out. God, I don't think I've ever been this hard.

I can see Alex still in my mind, her beautiful, sexy body being fucked hard by...

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Written by Periphery
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