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The Mother And Son Club

"A chance encounter leads Troy and his Mom to a tropical island where all is not as it seems."

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"What college did you go to?" the man asked when he ordered his next drink. 

He was well-dressed, and I noticed him and his partner, a woman I guessed to be a little older than him, the second they walked into the bar. It was a quiet night, and having worked here for years to help Mom pay rent, I knew that these two were new to the area. I liked them immediately and was glad it wasn’t busy. We struck up a conversation about trading when I found out that he did it for a living. I was blown away by his knowledge, but I had formulated a new strategy and made a decent amount of change over the past year with Bitcoin. 

"Google Tec," I answered, being a bit of a smartass.

"You learned all that off the internet?" 

"I mined a bit of Bitcoin then lost most of it day trading like a blind man. I decided I needed to work out how to do it properly. So, I spend about an hour each night after I get home learning what I can. It’s really so my mom and I can live more comfortably. I’m a bit of a ‘mommy’s boy’, or so I’ve been told," I said with a nervous chuckle, serving them another round.

"My name is Bernie Noble, and this is Loise. I would love to talk to you and your mom about trying out this theory of yours and doing it on a larger scale than your few coins. But we will have to come up with a business plan to go before the board," Bernie said, surprising me.

"I'm Troy.” I moved to shake his hand. “I’m just amazed that you are even interested, because this is only a very new asset class," I said, really blown away, but realizing this could just be the alcohol talking.

"Here is my card. Ring me tomorrow, but not too early. I may be late getting up after drinking and talking to you for half the night. Loise, let’s go back to the hotel,” Bernie said and kissed her as they made their way out of the door.

I put the card safely in my wallet, even though I was skeptical. Hopefully, Bernie would remember talking to me in the morning. When I got home after midnight, Mom was still awake and made me a snack before bed. I sat watching her walk around the kitchen in her old and very thin nighty. I don't think she realized that I could make out every curve of her body, but I was mesmerized by her breasts swaying unrestrained under the thin cloth. I shook my head, trying to get the unholy thoughts to go away.

"Hi Bernie, it's Troy from last night. You said to ring; I hope it’s not too early?" I asked on the phone, hoping I wasn't making a fool of myself.

"Hi, Troy. I rarely give out my card like that, and yes, I was hoping you would call. You already passed my litmus test by ringing when you said you would. We are in town for another two days. When can we have lunch or dinner with you and your mom?" Bernie asked, relieving some of my anxiety.

"I asked Mom this morning, and she was free for dinner either night," I answered, so happy he remembered our conversation. I was looking forward to picking his brain over dinner.

"OK, tonight it is. I will send a car for you at seven. It’s OK to dress casually. We are in a private dining room, so text me your address," Bernie said, making decisions quickly and decisively; I liked that.

I sent a message to Mom, and she panicked. I think she thought Bernie was joking with me, and I was half on her side. Mom got off a little early and put on some makeup and did her hair. She then dressed in her best dress; it was a black number that only came a few inches below the bottom of her ass. She came out of her room just as the car beeped its horn outside.

"You look stunning, Mom," I said, and I was not lying, not even a bit.

She smiled and took my hand as we made our way to the car. Mom was trying to be lady-like getting in, but her short dress rode up as she had one foot in the car and the other out. I was holding the door for her and got an eyeful of panties. I should have looked away, but her head was inside the car so she couldn't see me looking. And it was such a lovely sight.

When we got to the restaurant, we were guided back to a private room and found Bernie and Loise waiting for us. Bernie introduced Loise and himself to Mom, and I did the same.

"This is my mom, Jenelle. She is responsible for raising me," I said proudly. I’d always been so impressed by my single mom doing it all by herself.

"Hello, Jenelle. I’m Bernie and my better half Loise.” He gestured toward the petite brunette. “Please, have a seat." Bernie pulled out a chair for Mom.

"Hi, Jenelle. I thought Bernie passed the word that this was casual tonight?" Loise said with a smile.

"Sorry, I only have the one going-out dress; it was either this or torn jeans and a t-shirt," Mom said, looking a little embarrassed.

"Well, you look beautiful, doesn't she, Troy? I can’t believe how young she looks!" Loise said, putting me on the spot.

"Yes, she definitely does,” I replied without hesitation. “And well, that’s because she is young. She was a teenager when she had me." I looked at Mom's breasts bouncing as she laughed, then I looked back to Loise to find her staring right at me.

Loise just smiled and called over the waiter to take the orders. I was a little worried as the menu didn't have prices listed, but I made a mental list of the highest prices I could think of. We were racking up quite a bill. 

"I’m picking up the tab, Troy, so order whatever you like," Bernie said when he saw my worried look. 

As we sat around after dessert, Bernie put his arm around Loise and started playing with her hair. Mom was giggling at whatever Loise and her were discussing. Bernie straightened up, and his hand disappeared under the table as we continued our conversation. Mom didn't seem to notice, but years of seeing couples do things at the bar, I had a sixth sense about it.

"OK, Troy and Jenelle, we need to get serious here. I have a proposition for you both. I want to try out Troy’s theory on a larger scale, and I need someone to run it, acquire the Crypto and secure it, so it doesn't disappear on us. We will pay you a good salary with food and accommodation, and if things work out the way I hope they will, you could be offered a place within the group," Bernie said. I was waiting for him to smile and give the joke away, but he kept a straight face.

"What's the catch?" I asked, knowing this was too good to be true.

"There are a few catches, but the first is this.” Bernie pulled out two sets of paperwork and handed it to Mom and me. “This is a confidentiality agreement that you both must sign to know any more about our group." 

"What is this to do with me?" Mom said, confused.

"Troy will be working long hours and will need someone to keep house for him and tend to his needs. Also, I think you might find it difficult without Troy's income to help with the bills. So, it would just make sense for you to come along," Loise said, smiling at Mom, then me.

"Read the agreements and if you sign, I will continue explaining," Bernie said as he continued playing with Loise under the table.

I read the paperwork, and it didn't look too worrying. I looked over to Mom, who just nodded, and we both signed and pushed the paperwork back.

"Before I start, the people in the group have the resources to prosecute you if you break the agreement you just signed. Are we clear?" Bernie waited for our response, and we both nodded.

"OK, You will need a passport, and we will arrange for your furniture to be put in storage. You won't need a lot of clothes. Oh, that's one of the catches, the Island is owned by the group and is close to the equator, so clothes are optional. I will need your full attention once we get there to set up the accounts and do the buying of the Bitcoin so that our money doesn't push the market up artificially," Bernie said, throwing in the nudity like it was everyday conversation.

"So, we will have to be naked?" Mom asked, her voice going up an octave.

"Clothes are optional. I’m saying that because you are going to see couples naked on the island, but you can keep yours on if you like," Loise said simply, like it was a totally normal occurrence. Mom just stared at her with wide eyes.

"The housing is quite lovely, and a cleaner from a nearby island will come in every few days. All you’ll have to do is cook your meals or arrange to pick something up from the restaurants. The Island is convenient because we make our own laws and don't have to pay taxes on our investments, other than what is due in the country they are produced, if any. As for Bitcoin, there shouldn't be any, because it isn't a country's currency that we are trading,” Bernie said, looking at me. 

"Where is this island, and how do I get off if I decide I’ve had enough?" I asked, wondering if I would have to swim for it if my theory didn't work out.

"The Island is off the coast of Thailand, and you have a return ticket any time you like. I’m not holding you responsible for any losses from the trading. We know it is experimental and have more than enough to cover any losses for the next few years while we fine-tune your trading theory," Bernie said. He must have read my worried face.

"What's the worst that can happen? We get to spend a winter in a tropical paradise soaking up the sun," Mom said, looking at me brightly. 

My father took off soon after I was born. Hell, he was only seventeen and probably scared out of his mind. Mom's parents had kicked her out soon after. This was the first good thing to come her way in a very long time, and I couldn't blame her for being keen.

"I can't turn my back on the chance to try out my ideas, and I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. Any trade, I will put all my coins on the line," I said, hoping that Burnie would trust me. 

"Then let’s have a drink to celebrate our new venture together!" Bernie said, holding up a fresh glass of Dom Pérignon 2008 champagne that the waiter brought to our table. Bernie ordered another bottle.

Bernie and I left the rest of the champagne to the girls, and Bernie ordered Mortlach bourbon for us. Although I had never ordered a bottle from the pub I worked in, I knew how much it was and jumped at the chance to try it out. I was definitely not disappointed. I knew this was some sort of pissing competition for Bernie, but I wasn't playing. I didn't have the funds even to start, the bottle of bourbon alone would empty my savings account. 

"Just enjoy the drinks. I’m not trying to show you up; I’m enjoying seeing your reactions to the things I’m showing you. When you get to my stage in life, it sometimes takes fresh eyes to let you know what you have achieved. It is difficult to get a thrill out of life after you have had a lot of success. I have seen a friend bet a million dollars on a 20 to 1 outsider in a horse race just for the thrill of the bet, and it ended up losing, and it was only by a nose," Bernie said, sipping his bourbon with one hand still under the table. 

"I will try to relax and just enjoy the company," I said, noticing that Loise reacted to Bernie's touch a little.

The night finished with Bernie insisting on his driver taking us home, as we were quite plastered. I had Mom slumped on my shoulder and snuggling into my side. I helped her inside, and when I got her to the couch, she flopped down on it and was out like a light. I couldn't help looking as her short skirt was almost to her waist. If I had been sober, I would have looked away in fear that Mom would open her eyes and catch me, but I was drunk enough to stand between her splayed legs and stare at her pussy covered with only thin lace panties. 

Just then, Mom's hand moved, and I shifted sideways to be less evident that I was staring. She scratched her pussy, pushing some of her panties into her cleft. Her hand then returned to her thigh, and now I had an even better view, with one of her outer lips fully uncovered. It was cleanly shaven with only a little hair left right at the top. Mom must keep a V of pubic hair on top of her pussy.

Even in my intoxicated state, I was hard as a rock. In all of the stories I had read about mothers and sons fucking, this would be the point where I would have pulled her panties aside and fucked her. But this was my real life, and I would never ruin it for a few minutes of pleasure. After taking one last look, I gently pulled her skirt down, crawled onto the couch beside her, and fell asleep with my head on her chest.

I woke a few hours later with Mom's pussy pressed into my hip and her leg over my cock. I looked, and her eyes were still closed; she was dreaming, and it was a good one if the soft moans indicated anything. This lasted only a few minutes, and she stopped and returned to soft breathing, while I lay awake with my hard-on trying to bust out of my shorts. I must have fallen asleep because when I finally woke up, I was spooning Mom, and I had my morning wood firmly planted between her ass cheeks.

"OK, Troy, time to get up. I need to use the toilet something fierce," Mom said, straightening up and pulling away from my cock like it was going to bite her.

"Sorry, Mom. I couldn't make it to my own bed," I said as I tried to hide my erection.

"I must have had a good dream. It could have something to do with Bernie playing with Loise's honey pot all night under the table," Mom said from the bathroom.

"Yes, in the early hours of the morning, you were making some noises like you were dreaming about something nice," I said to embarrass her.

"Looks like you woke up all excited too," Mom fired back, still in the bathroom.

"It will go away as soon as you let me go to the bathroom," I said, then I heard the shower start and the shower door close. 

She had done it on purpose, and I had to go in or wet myself. I opened the bathroom door and could see Mom behind the frosted glass. I stepped up to the toilet in our little bathroom, right beside the frosted shower return. I pulled out my cock, and it pointed straight up in the air. I stood there, trying not to look at Mom’s outline through the frosted glass, knowing she was naked inches away from me.

“Still can't go, baby?" Mom asked, giggling.

"Not helping, Mom."

Then, Mom pushed her soppy bottom against the glass, laughing out loud.

"Also not helping," I said again.

My cock finally softened a little, and I bent it down to start peeing, the stream making what seemed to be a lot of noise in the small bathroom. I left after taking a last look at her profile, and I made us both breakfast. Mom finally came out in a light robe, her hair wrapped in a towel. 

We were both wondering if last night was all make-believe when Bernie texted asking for an email address to send me the itinerary for the flights. He wanted to get going as soon as we could. The buy-in price for Bitcoin was low, and the perfect time to start our trial. I gave notice at the pub, and Mom did the same at her two casual jobs. Bernie said he would find us a tenant for our house, and we could make a decision on that later.

The removal people packed us up in no time and put it in storage until we found out if we would be able to stay on the Island or not. I think I was ready to move on from the city anyway, and if we came back, we would find something else and rent our small house permanently. Bernie had arranged for us to stay at a hotel for a few days until our flights. It was beautiful with views of the city, but it only had a king bed. We were his guest, so I couldn't really ask for an extra room, and it was only two nights, so we decided to just deal with it. 

We said our last goodbyes to the few friends we worked with and headed out to dinner together in the hotel restaurant. It was a strange feeling, almost like a new start. Mom sat across from me smiling. I could see she was happy...

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Written by Darkmind222
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