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The Invitation

"A masquerade party sounded like fun"

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The invitation arrived in the mail on Tuesday. We had no way of knowing at the time that it had never been intended for us. We found out later that a distracted assistant had transposed the house number. We also didn’t know at the time that the couple expecting the invitation were extremely disappointed. They could not figure out what they could have done wrong that had resulted in being spurned by their friends. They absolutely would not embarrass themselves by calling and asking about it.

The invitation itself was a high-quality production made with the finest paper and inks. Hand calligraphy spelled out the details.

You and family members over eighteen are cordially invited

to attend the masquerade party at our home

8:00 PM, June 5th

1246 7th Avenue

Dress in your finest lingerie

Masks will be provided

Best Performance of The Evening Wins $5,000

I was confused about a few things when I read it. I didn’t recognize the address, although I knew it was in our neighborhood. The lingerie thing did not make sense. Who cares what your underwear looks like at a masquerade party? The five thousand really got my attention. I wasn’t too sure what they meant by performance, but I figured we could handle it. My wife and daughter act in the local theater and are incredibly good. I have some experience myself, thanks to their refusal to let me just sit in the audience.

“Susan, Kam, come here. You need to see this.”

I watched my wife’s body as she approached. After nearly twenty years of marriage, my cock still twitches when she walks into a room. “What is it, Bill?”

“It’s an invitation. Here, check it out.”

I handed her the invitation. Our daughter walked into the room at that moment. She looks very much like her mother except that she is more petite. Susan is about five and a half feet tall. Kam is a couple of inches shorter. She is a scaled-down version of her mother, which I hope explains the second twitch of my cock.

She was wearing a long t-shirt, very obviously without a bra and a thong. I give her a lot of shit over her clothing. If I am being honest, I do that more because of the effect her clothing has on me than anything else. A father should not think of his nineteen-year-old daughter that way. Did I mention she looks like her mother? That’s my excuse, and I am sticking to it.

Of course, she just had to hug me in her own special way. She threw her arms around my neck, jumped up, and straddled me. “Daddy! I haven’t seen you all day. Gimme a kiss.”

She kissed me right on the mouth. I could feel the tip of her tongue against my lip. Her crotch was rubbing against my rapidly growing erection as she wiggled. She has been teasing me like this for a year now. It makes me crazy, and her mother laugh. Susan is aware of Kam’s teasing and has assured me she is just exercising her ability to attract males. I have always known it as cock teasing. A mean-spirited game that girls play with the goal of driving guys insane.

I had enough of this and finally did what I promised Susan I would do if Kam continued to tease me. I called her bluff. I grabbed her ass with both hands, opened my mouth, and aggressively responded to her tongue with my own. The result was hilarious. Her eyes shot open as wide as they would go, and her entire body stiffened. Susan laughed so hard she was nearly crying.

I was looking into my daughter’s eyes as she slowly released the hold her legs had on me and slid back onto her feet. Her face was flushed with what I assumed was embarrassment. “I can’t believe you did that, Dad!”

“I just did what you did. If you don’t want to play, don’t start the game.” I let her think about that for a moment. She looked a bit sad, and of course, I took pity on her. “Now, can I have a real hug?”

This time, she stayed on her feet. I expected her to put her arms around my neck. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my waist. I wanted to lean forward a little to hide the erection that had developed. Her arms around my waist prevented that. My entire point was lost when she felt my cock against her stomach. At least this time, she hugged me about as normal as she ever does and kissed me on the cheek. Her face was redder than before when we separated.

Susan looked down at my crotch, shook her head, and chuckled. “I guess you showed her, didn’t you?”

“I can’t help how my body reacts to an attractive woman. That doesn’t mean I approve of cock teasing.”

I looked my daughter in the eye. “Kam, it’s mean to tease someone into thinking you want to be physical with them when you have no intention of following through. At best, it’s a nasty way to treat someone. At worst, it could get you hurt or assaulted. You are not a mean person, so don't do mean things. I love you more than anything.”

“I love you too, daddy.” She paused for a moment. “So... You think I am attractive?”

Susan was laughing again. I can’t win.

We sat down at the kitchen table to discuss the invitation. Susan handed it to Kam, and we waited while she read through it. She finished and looked up. “Please tell me we’re going. Pleeeease!?”

I looked at Susan. “What do you think?”

“Well, I think it would be fun, but I am curious about the lingerie requirement.”

Kam spoke up, “Maybe the performance part of the party is a lingerie show?”

That filled in the blanks for me. “I bet that is what it is. It makes sense based on what we know. Everyone will be wearing masks. A person can be daring without giving away who they are.”

Kam was literally jumping up and down with excitement. I couldn’t help but notice her perky c-cup breasts bouncing right along. “Yes, Kam, we’re going, and I guess I need some new underwear.

“I don’t want to know what either of you is wearing, and I won’t show you what I am wearing. If I don’t know, I won’t feel the need to watch you while trying not to look at you. I would be walking into the walls the entire time we are there.”

I admit I cheated with Susan’s help. Susan told me later that she would make sure I had something suitable to wear. “I know you. You will show up in your boxer briefs and call it a day. If they have a male performance, I want you to win it. I know you have the equipment for it.”

She was smart about it. I should have known something was up when she shaved my pubic hair and chest. She made it sound like a fantasy thing, and we did have a good time afterward. She didn’t give me my underwear until just before we had to leave for the party. She handed me blue, nearly transparent briefs that barely held my junk. A hard-on was going to be as evident as an egg fart at a perfume show.

A lot of guys would have immediately said, ‘Hell no!’. I am not a lot of guys. I trust my wife in all things. She has led me past my inhibitions many times, and I have always appreciated it in the end. So, I stretched the tiny britches around my parts and got dressed.

As for being led past my inhibitions, let’s just say we have had some fun. We agreed long ago that if the right situation were to arise and we both agreed, we could have sex with other people. Susan thought that the party might be one of those situations. After I gave it some thought, I agreed with her. While we have had some fun with other people, we’re far from experts. We’ve only done it twice. Neither of us really planned to screw anyone at the party, but both of us thought it was a good idea to be on the same page if it happened.

Kam would make her own decisions. In the worst case, I would recognize her yelling for help even if she were wearing a mask. She could easily walk home if she wanted to leave.

Both of my girls looked amazing when we met in the living room. They managed to look sexy without showing a hint of what they had on underneath. I think Kam was wearing the longest dress she owned just to make sure she didn’t give anything away.

The party was only a few blocks away, so we walked over. We were met at the driveway and had to show our invitation. I was directed to a side entrance. Susan and Kam were directed to the front door.



The attendant at the driveway directed Kam and me to the front door. The door was opened for us before we could knock. A woman in a mask immediately put her finger to her lips in the universal ‘don’t talk’ sign. We silently followed her down a hall and into a large bedroom. Curtains were hung from the ceiling, creating small dressing rooms. She closed the door and turned to us, “Welcome to the party. We can talk while we are in this room. Please use the dressing room to remove all your clothing except your lingerie and hand it to me. I will make sure everything is hung up. I'll write a claim number on the back of your hand. You might want to memorize it in case it gets rubbed off. When you're ready to leave the party, just show me the number to get your clothes. I will explain how this party works while you undress.”

“When you’re ready, I will take you one at a time to get your mask and escort you to the party. The goal here is to maintain the masquerade. There is no talking allowed. Guests caught ‘outing’ themselves or others will be asked to leave. The only other rule is that ‘No’ means ‘No’ in whatever way it is expressed. Outside of that, do what you want, with whomever you want. There will be an announcement regarding the performance later in the evening.”

She marked my hand and walked me out and down the hall. We stopped at a door while she helped me put on my mask. She took my hand, and we walked through the door. She led me through several rooms crowded with people, then released my hand and walked away. I saw the bar nearby and walked over. There was a list of drinks you could point to and a pad for writing down anything else you might want. I got a glass of wine and began to stroll around.

I felt hands brush me as I walked through the crowd. Nothing too overtly sexual, just light caresses on my arm or shoulder. After a few minutes, someone got bolder. A hand ran over my shoulder and up my neck, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. I turned to see the source and was surprised to see a woman smiling at me. Her hand cupped my cheek, and she brushed her lips against mine. I smiled back at her, and she kissed me. I returned her kiss, and it was nice, but I wasn’t quite ready to go any farther. I smiled and turned to walk away.

She lightly grabbed my hand as I did, pointed at the two of us, and pointed forward. She wanted to go with me as I explored the party. I smiled a ‘yes’, and we milled through the crowd. I could see some heated kissing as we went. It appeared that some folks were more interested in mutual arousal than the performance that had to be coming soon.



My dad is so hot! I started to look at him differently over the last year. Now, I feel like I’ll go insane if I don’t have sex with him. I know it is supposed to be weird because he is my dad, but I am nineteen, and this isn’t the middle ages. I'm on the pill. Plus, Dad had a vasectomy a while back anyway.

Mom figured out how I was feeling months ago. She told me she not only didn’t mind, but she also thought it could be great fun for both of us. She also pointed out that Dad would have a hard time accepting the idea. Mom has always been open-minded about sex. I think it would be cool if the three of us did some stuff together. Convincing Dad is the hard part. Mom suggested taking it slow by doing little things that made him think of me in a different, sexier way.

So, I started giving him hugs and kisses when he came home. I dressed as sexy as I could and made sure I rubbed as much of my body as I could against his. He really surprised me when he grabbed my ass and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I was so turned on! I rubbed against his hard cock as I hugged him the ‘normal’ way. I knew then that he thought I was sexy, too. I nearly had an orgasm right then.

I was so excited about the masquerade party. I thought it was strange when they separated Dad from us when we got there. I got nervous when the lady took Mom out, leaving me alone. When the lady gave me my mask and took me out to the party, I was in a sea of almost naked people. Some of them probably should have worn more clothes. There were a few hot men. One especially caught my eye. He had a nice body and a nice big cock showing through his nearly transparent blue stripper briefs. He had the biggest cock I have ever seen!

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He must have been scoping me out, too, because he walked over to me. He motioned to the bar, and I nodded. We walked over and ordered our drinks. He took my hand, and we walked over to a less crowded area and sat on one of the many couches. Both of us were a bit confused about what to do next. It did not take him long to figure it out. He started running his hands up my arms, across my shoulders, and up my neck. His hands slid behind my neck and pulled me into a kiss. He was an amazing kisser, and I enjoyed kissing him back.

We broke from the kiss, and that’s when I saw Mom. Mom thought she was being slick when she bought her lingerie for this party. She hid her lingerie in the bathroom closet, and she wasn’t paying attention to who was behind her while she hid it. I was watching from around the corner because I wanted to know what she was going to wear. The level of hotness she chose helped me figure out how little I could wear and get away with. I was surprised to see some hot woman standing with her body pressed against Mom. Mom looked like she was enjoying the closeness.

I turned back to the stud next to me and kissed him again. I ran my hands down his chest and those nice abs. Traveling farther south, I ran my hands over his silk-covered cock. It pulsed against my hands as it grew. I almost giggled when it grew out of his briefs. I decided the best thing to do was kiss it. He leaned back on the couch as I knelt between his legs. I could not believe how big and hard he was in my hands.

I kissed the tip before running my tongue around it. He filled my mouth with his satin steel and had plenty left over. I like to suck cock. The feel of it in my mouth is amazing. The feeling of power it gives me when it shoots is thrilling. I loved this cock, but there was no way I could do the deep-throat thing. He was just too big. I decided to enjoy as much as I could get into my mouth.

His hands gently held my face as I made love to his cock. He pulled me up onto his lap after a little while. His cock stood between us like some erotic monolith. He kissed me again, and I turned to jelly. His lips found their way down my neck to my tits. I pulled my sheer bra out of the way, and his lips sucked on my nipple. I forgot where I was for a while.

When he came up for air, I opened my eyes and saw that Mom was being entertained by her new lady friend. My new friend decided to put me on my back, and I gave him my undivided attention. He licked his way up my thighs and ran his tongue up my silk-covered pussy. He pulled the cloth out of his way and began to lick me. He really knew his way around a pussy! I have never cum so fast!

Mr. Wonder Cock moved up my body and pushed the head of his magnificent cock slowly into my pussy. I am so glad he was considerate. He could have hurt me, but he took his time and allowed my body to adjust. I came again when he filled me. He froze for a minute until he realized that he hadn’t hurt me. Quite the opposite, in fact! He was on his knees with both hands pulling me onto his cock when Mom leaned in and kissed me. She didn’t know it was me. She just needed someone to kiss.

We really went at it. She is a great kisser, and the fact that she’s...

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Written by Woodart
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