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The Holiday - part 1

"My sisters spice up our holiday"

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The Holiday – part 1

The limousine pulled into the driveway. The girls fumbled about to find their shoes while the driver patiently held the door open. I stepped out into the warm summer evening and discretely handed him a tip.

“Come along ladies”, I said. “The Champagne is not getting any colder.”

They stepped elegantly from the car and arm in arm we marched up to the house.

This was our holiday week. I had rented a luxury villa and this was the end of our first full day. Every year around this time my sisters and I set aside a week to honor our parents so tragically killed in a plane crash eleven years ago. For the first few years this was a sad week but as time went on it became a week of fun and a chance to catch up. We were close as a family but busy careers served to keep us apart. We would catch up when we could, when one or another of us was in the same city, but this one week each year was the only guarantee we had of all three of us being together.

This day was spent cruising around wineries in a chauffeur driven limousine with a sumptuous luncheon at an exclusive restaurant with exquisite views. All in all it was a very successful day and it was lovely to see smiles on the girls’ faces.

Channing, the eldest of my two younger sisters, had just been through a very messy divorce. Her marriage of seven years was never really a happy one and I had spent many hours with her on the phone recently helping her through it all. At the heart of the matter was her inability to have children – something Channy learned to deal with but her husband could not. To compensate, Channy threw herself into her work and built a very successful practice as a therapist. At thirty five she was slim, elegant, devastatingly attractive and sure to be a fine catch for any man intelligent enough to keep up with her. I mentioned as much over lunch but I quickly changed the subject when I sensed I had touched a raw nerve.

Gillian, like me had never married. She had a string of suitors but, as she put it, none of them really pushed the right buttons or checked all the boxes. I figured that at thirty three she had time yet to find someone. She described herself as “sexually open” and admitted to one or two lesbian affairs. Like Channy, she was slim and elegant but with a bit more of the “girl next door” look. She had forged a career in the travel industry and had used her contacts to have us all meet somewhere for this one week each year.

We entered the villa and I noticed the house maid had placed a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with three elegant stemmed glasses on the living room table.

“Right, who’s for a glass of bubbly then?” I asked and poured out three glasses. Taking their glasses, the girls stood before me awaiting the toast to our parents. I raised my glass, “To mom and dad.”

“Mom and dad”, the girls intoned and took a seat on the comfortable sofa and once more kicked off their shoes. I sat opposite them in an arm chair. Several minutes passed before Channy broke the silence.

“So David you’re not married yet – anyone on the horizon?”

I raised my left hand to show a naked ring finger. “Nope and no one” I replied. She raised an eyebrow.

“C’mon I only just got back from South Africa last week!” I protested.

“So why can’t you meet someone over there?” Gilly asked.

“Who says I haven’t? Besides you know what my job is like.” As a senior engineer my job took me all over the world. I’d had my share of relationships and live-in lovers but inevitably they all ended the same way with each of them stating they were unable to cope with the long absences and wanting “more of a commitment”. I wasn’t particularly bothered about it because, like Gilly, I had yet to find someone that checked all the boxes.

“David, you’re thirty seven and you’re not getting any younger, “said Channy. “What about family?”

“You’re my family! Besides I’m having fun, I have no one to answer to; I can come and go as I please.” I drained my glass and stood up. “Right, I’m for the Jacuzzi! Last one there buys dinner!”

“It won’t be me!” said Gilly standing up quickly. With one slight tug on the halter strap her beautiful red flowing dress fell to the floor. She stood before us in nothing but a red g-string, hands on hips, her bountiful breasts jiggling just slightly. I stood slack-jawed, admiring her shapely figure and smooth, sun-kissed skin. After a second which seemed to last minutes, Gilly poked her tongue at me, turned and left the room leaving me in stunned silence. I watched as her shapely ass disappeared around the corner. Channy laughed and went to her room to change.

Now it’s not like I haven’t seen my sister naked before. As kids we bathed together. Nudity at home was never frowned upon although certain decorum was expected. But that was so many years ago and such things were long forgotten. I gathered my thoughts and reminded myself that this was my sister and went to my room to find some shorts. I padded out back through the living room collecting the champagne and glasses then out to the rear patio where Gilly was already soaking in the tub.

She lay back, arms spread, eyes closed and clearly relaxed. Her long auburn hair trailed over the side. Her beautiful breasts bounced about teasingly just beneath the swirling water. Her eyes opened at the sound of clinking glasses. I poured us all a drink and handed one to Gilly. As she reached up to take her glass, her breasts broke the water. I noticed her nipples standing hard and proud. She smiled slyly at me as I stepped into the tub and took a seat opposite her.

“Cheers” I said raising my glass.

“Cheers David” she replied. “Mmmmm is there anything better than sipping champagne in a hot tub?”

“Well with a view like this, no” I replied looking around. The villa was perched on high affording us an expansive view of rolling tree covered hills that began to glow in the light of the setting sun. It was also nicely secluded.

“So you like what see?” she asked, drawing my attention back to her. Her smile was teasing. Just then I heard a door open and I cast a glance in the general direction. Channy stepped onto the patio carrying three towels. Her slender figure silhouetted though a flimsy full length gown, her long blonde hair tied back in a high pony tail. She left the towels on a nearby table. “It is a good view, David” Gilly quipped innocently poking her toe into my leg. I shot her a glance.

“Guess I’m buying dinner then” she said, taking a sip of champagne. “Gilly you cheated!”

Gilly wrinkled up her nose, “I wasn’t aware of any rules” she offered in protest. “Come on in Channy, this tub is wonderful!” Channy loosened the ties at the top of the gown and let it fall to the floor revealing her smooth white body, ample breasts with nipples of a delicate pink.

“David, close your mouth and it’s rude to stare!” she scolded me. “Gilly started this and besides, it feels so fucking good to be out of that bra!” Smiling, she stepped into the tub to take a place next to Gilly. “David, they are just tits, you have seen them before and I am sure you have seen many more pairs than I have.”

“Well that was a while ago, Channy. “ I offered, defending myself and lifting my gaze. At the same time I was chastising myself for being so obvious and getting aroused. I could feel a swelling in my shorts which wasn’t helped by the sight of these two beautiful topless ladies – even if they were my sisters!

“I think they’re awesome tits, Channy” piped Gilly. We both looked at her. “What? Well they are! Take the compliment already!”

Channy softened and smiled “Thank you sis.” She kissed Gilly on the cheek. “You know what? You have awesome tits too!” She brushed the nearest breast lightly with the back of her hand and kissed Gilly softly on the lips. Gilly pushed her away and they broke into fits of laughter.

“That reminds me of that jerk you helped get rid of in college!” Gilly said through her laughter. I was confused.

Channy explained, “Gilly had an admirer but she wasn’t interested. You were on one of your overseas jaunts and we couldn’t reach you. One night at a party he was coming on pretty strong apparently. I got a call from Gilly; she wanted to get out of there but had caught a ride with some friends who weren’t ready to leave. So I dressed up a bit…”

“A bit? You were drop dead gorgeous!”

“As I said, I dressed up and went to the party. I saw what he was like – pretty persistent, hitting on her pretty hard. I moved in and started a conversation. He started getting interested in me. We played him for a bit. Haha he thought he’d hit the jackpot until I moved on Gilly, kissed her and told her I was taking her home to fuck her” They both laughed.

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“The look on his face was priceless!”

“And he never bothered me again after that,” said Gilly happily. “That’s when I discovered I liked girls too,” she added.

“Oh no! You’re not pinning that on me!” Channy objected.

“Why not? Oh I always found girls attractive but I hadn’t thought of them in sexual way until then. Channy you were the catalyst. Do your research, I’m sure you find similar cases. I was so turned on by that kiss, I wanted to find me a girlfriend right then!”

“Really? That turned you on? My dick of an ex-husband told me I was the worst kisser.”

“Hell yes it turned me on! And no, you kiss just nicely, thank you.” Gilly said, rubbing Channy’s arm. “I’m not sure if was the fact you’re my sister – although no one there knew that, or that it was the first girly kiss I’d had or that that it was just so damn naughty!” Gilly turned slightly toward Channy, leaned in and kissed her. Their breasts touched. It was more than a loving kiss between siblings. It lasted perhaps a couple of seconds and then they looked at each other, touching. I broke their gaze by standing to fetch more champagne. They both looked at me and giggled. I looked down to see the most obvious bulge in my shorts. Ignoring it, I went to the kitchen to find more champagne.

I returned to find the girls had moved around the tub to catch the last rays from the setting sun. Both were relaxed and happy. They were chatting about something but cut conversation short as I approached the hot tub, bottle in one hand, phone in the other. I popped the cork and refilled the glasses.

“I think we should order take out, another hour and they won’t deliver. Who’s hungry?”

No one was. “We had such a big lunch, David”, said Channy. “I’m sure we can rustle up some snacks later.”

Gilly nodded in agreement. “Now get your ass back in the tub!” she insisted. “But wait!” I paused expecting to be asked to fetch something. She fidgeted in her seat before raising arm above the water. In her hand waved a skimpy pair of red panties. “We’ve brought something to the show” she said, tossing them aside. “What about you?”

Channy looked at her, half shocked, half amused. Raising an eyebrow she shrugged and said “OK, why not?” before removing her bikini bottoms. “Come on David, your turn” she smiled, staring directly at me, challenging me.

“Oh no…. Really” I offered in protest.

“Why not? We’ve shown you ours. It’s only fair” Gilly challenged.

“Because you’re my sisters?”

“What does that matter?” asked Channy. “We’re all responsible adults. It didn’t bother us years ago, why should it now?”

I found that hard to argue. “OK, OK….” I sat to remove my shorts.

“Oh no you don’t, you can drop your shorts standing up, thank you!” demanded Gilly.

“Yes, standing please David”. Channy’s face let out a mischievous smile and she leaned forward slightly.

I dropped my shorts feeling slightly self conscious of the semi aroused state of my cock. It hung low and heavy.

“My God! What do feed that thing?” asked Gilly.

“I know what you mean. David, I remember you were gifted but I guess I forgot just how gifted.” Channy was clearly impressed.

“Happy now, girls?” I sat in the tub feeling less exposed. The girls giggled lightly.

“Relax David, we’re just having a bit of fun, right Gilly?”

Gilly nodded and drained her glass. “I think I need another” she said. I was about to get up to fetch the bottle, “No no, I shall get it brother dear.” She stood slowly to be sure we got a good long look at her and walked sensuously to the nearby table. Her sun-kissed skin glistened in last remaining sun light. I watched, admiring her long, shapely legs, the smooth pussy between them and of course those magnificent breasts with dark, hard nipples. She returned just as seductively bringing the bottle with her and took a seat next to me in the tub kissing me on the cheek.

We sat in the swirling water making light conversation until the light faded altogether and the champagne was empty. All the while Gilly stroked my thigh. I got the impression she was testing me. If Channy noticed she didn’t show it.

Channy stood, “I’ll get some candles and more bubbly, I am feeling more relaxed than I have in months.”

Following Gilly’s exhibition, Channy swayed seductively along the patio, toweled off, breasts dancing prettily then disappeared into the kitchen. We watched attentively. Gilly shifted to face me. Her hand moved the full length of my thigh to brush lightly against my cock. I thought it might have been accidental but the look in her eye told me otherwise.


“I’m sorry David but it just looked so……I just wanted to test your limit, I guess.”

“Well I’m comfortable just now, thank you.” Gilly pouted. “I think I’ll need something stronger to drink.” I got up to fetch some scotch, my cock brushing in front of Gilly’s face. Her eyes lit up.

“Hmmm – who’s teasing now?”

I smiled bent down and kissed her. It was soft and her mouth opened slightly. I broke the kiss, toweled down and headed for the kitchen still naked. Channy was at the bench preparing some snacks. She looked up, smiling as I entered.

“Well you look a bit more comfortable now, David,” she observed.

“Hmmm well the champagne has helped.” She laughed.

“I suppose it has. I have to admit though I find this quite liberating.”

“Well it is convenient,” I mused, looking for a glass. “Where are the glasses?”

“Over here,” Channy stated and stretched to an overhead cupboard revealing neatly placed rows of glass wear. “See anything you want?”

“One or two things,” I said smiling. She turned to face me returning the smile.

“Thanks David, it’s nice to hear a compliment again, you know?”

I knew what she meant and moved toward her offering a hug. We embraced. Her breasts pressing into my chest. I found this incredibly arousing, a fact that didn’t escape Channy.

“Oh my, David,” she said staring at my now swelling cock.

“Yeah…sorry about that. I’ll fetch a robe.”

“Oh why, for goodness sake? It wouldn’t be fair for you get dressed now. Not while we are all so relaxed. Besides it looks lovely and I’m kind of flattered,” she admitted.

I pulled her close again and kissed her. Softly, at first, but as she responded, it became more passionate. Channy grabbed my now fully erect cock, gasping at its full size, stroking its full length. We pulled apart gazing at each other, her hand still on my throbbing member. The other hand grabbed mine and guided it to her silky soft pussy. I probed a bit with my fingers to discover she was very wet indeed. She groaned a little as I curled two fingers inside her. She pulled away and suddenly I got the sensation I had crossed the line.

“Look Channy, I’m sorry. I got carried away I guess.”

She chuckled, “We all got carried away about an hour ago! Besides Gilly is a part of this too. We can’t really leave her out. After all she started all this!” She gathered up a plate of food and a bottle of champagne. “Be a darling and keep that monster hard when you come out.” She winked, kissed me and went out onto the patio. I found the scotch and a glass and followed her out, my swollen cock leading the way. Gilly was out of the tub standing close by Channy and picking at the plate of food, still beautifully naked.

“Now that is impressive!” she exclaimed, her eyes fixed on my penis.

“Touch it, it’s even more impressive,” said Channy, a wicked smile crossing her face. Gilly moved closer and wrapped her delicate hand around the shaft. I moved us closer to table and emptied my hands. I kissed her and explored her wet pussy with my fingers. She too, groaned as my fingers slipped inside her. The...

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