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The Cohen Chronicles, Edge of Desire: David's Introduction. Chapter 1

"The Cohen Chronicles is a Daddy/Daughter romantic erotica series"

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Edge of Desire: David's Introduction

I know watching like this is wrong. I know. If I had any sort of decency or self respect, I'd move away from the door this instant. But I feel like my feet are literally glued to the fucking floor. My toes are actually digging into the nap of the carpet and I feel like I have cement blocks on each ankle keeping me from being able to take steps in any direction. I'm struggling against a lost cause. In truth, I've been struggling for some time. Three hundred sixty three days, seven hours, and checking my watch right now, thirty minutes, and forty-two seconds.. In my mind, it seems like an eternity. But in reality, that's just a little less than a year. Which in the big scheme of life isn't very long. Guess it just feels like a lifetime.

"Okay, I need to stop this once and for all! I can't keep living this way. It's just not right!" I repeat for the umpteenth time that I've been standing here.

I have been trying to tell myself those things over and over again in these more frequent situations as of late. But what good does it ever do? I find myself right back in this same situation. Perhaps a different day, a different time, a different location, but still: here. Immobile mentally. A disability that is currently manifesting itself physically in a way that paralyzes my legs and feet.

Peering through the cracked door, I observe meticulously painted, square shaped, silver toenails. They shimmer atop five, dainty, light bronze toes. They are digging into the very jet black carpet that I installed myself a year ago at her request. I observe those toes clench the plush carpet and release. Before I know it, a smooth tapered foot sole is revealed as it lifts to pivot away from me. My eyes travel up this delicate side of a foot to a thin bronze colored ankle that is smaller than my wrist. A smooth calf that is the like the color of poured honey reveals itself to me flexing as movement above it starts to drag my attention higher. Skimming up, I see a slight indent of the back of the knee that leads up to a slender, but shapely thigh.

I swallow hard. I know if I let my eyes rise higher what I'll see is more than I'm prepared to handle. I swallow hard again at what feels like a huge goiter in my throat and feel my pulse racing. Blood is rushing in my ears so loudly that I feel like my ear drums are going to burst at any second. I can feel my heart pounding inside my chest as if it wants to break free of it. My palms are starting to moisten. I feel slightly light headed and somewhat queasy.

Now, any normal person would realize that is the brain's way of telling the body that there is trouble, danger, or something amiss. Basically, signs of some sort of situation that one should not be in at all. In a situation where you feel all of those things you should know immediately that there is some kind of problem. After which, sanity coupled with common sense should tell you to do something to help yourself put an end to the abnormality. Sanity and common sense seem to allude me in times like these.

It used to pain me terribly to look at her as she grew because she looks exactly like my deceased wife. The wife I loved more than my own life, but died shortly after the birth of our daughter. I knew she would look just like her mother the very instant that I laid eyes on her in the hospital. The wild, curly, dark brown almost black hair, the exotic bronze skin tone, and her pouty soft pink lips. The only physical characteristic that she got from me are my eyes. We both have intense green eyes. Her mother had soft brown eyes.

God help me, she even has my wife's body type...but better. She's slender, but curvy in all the places and ways that a man wants his woman to be curvy. A perfect hourglass shape that could probably bring many men to their knees in her mercy if she was the manipulative type. Even her own father, but she doesn't seem to know of her great beauty nor power. And thank God for that much.

I close my eyes thinking about what I've just conveyed. "His woman." That's the thing. She's not a woman. She's sixteen years old and that's a far cry from any woman! She's a minor. A child. My child. And I'm standing here peering into my child's bedroom door at what must be around 7:45am by now. Spying on a Friday morning like an obsessed lunatic. When what I'm supposed to be doing is showering and getting dressed so that I can drive her to school on time. Then rush back here to make plans for her birthday party with the planner. Given, it is my own fault for waiting until the last possible minute to plan this thing in the first fucking place. As if waiting to the last minute to plan is going to actually prevent her from turning seventeen. Yes, I know. For someone that is supposedly so intelligent, I'm an idiot.

I sigh softly. Roll my eyes at myself and take a deep breath. I press my eyes shut tight trying to focus and force myself to move away from the damn door.

"David, you know you need to get control of this now."

My train of thought is suddenly interrupted as I feel a sudden rush of cool air blow over my bare chest as the door swings open quickly. I pop my eyes open to find her standing directly in front of me.

I take in her face. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes are bloodshot, and puffy. Her thick curly hair looks as if she's been just caught in a windstorm. Her pouty pink lips are moist and slightly quivering. She's wrapped in a large white cotton towel and I'm startled at the sight of her, but concerned at the same time. Even in this state, she's stunning and I try to gain my composure. I clear my throat.

I manage to stammer out, "Honey..Oh..Sweetheart! I was just.. um.. I..."

Her eyebrows furrow fiercely and she cuts me off.

"Daddy, I cannot! Can not go today! I cannot! I'm sorry! I've had it with my fucking hair. I've tried everything to beat it into submission and it won't lay down! I'm getting it cut all off and I'm not going to school today so do not even start!"

I blink a few times trying desperately not to crack any sort of smirk. But, it's hilarious to me when she gets like this as my wife was the same way.

"Daddy! Don't just stand there. Do something! Say something!"

Now, this might not seem funny to most parents, but if you could actually hear my daughter's voice and see the look on her face you'd laugh yourself silly. She has a flare for the dramatic over the smallest things at times, but can be perfectly level headed and competent in others. She has a youthful voice that always sounds slightly stressed without being off putting. It's actually an extremely attractive quality that she possesses. How she masters that is beyond me.

I clear my throat again and say, "Marah, First of all, Good Morning to you, too! Second of all, I've told you about your cursing. It's not acceptable. So watch yourself. And third, you aren't cutting."

She starts blinking rapidly and draws her lips into a tight bow, then raises her left eyebrow. She got that from her mother as well. It's the, "Do not piss me off because you won't like it later" look.

But I ignore it and proceed, "Your hair!"

"You have tons of headband, riboons, hair grips, and clips. I know because I've spent tons of money on that junk at your every whim. So get yourself together and pull your hair back in one of those, get dressed, and get yourself downstairs for breakfast within the next fifteen minutes or there will be consequences! I have way too much to do today in order to get this party together that you've changed the theme on fifty times. So Marah, please work with me today. And you are going to school so don't you start."

Her eyes widen as she screams, "I said that I'm not fucking going and you cannot make me go!"

She proceeds to try to close the door quickly but I put my hand up and push it open wider before she can get it shut in my face.

"Marah! What the heck is wrong with you today? Your language and attitude absolutely are out of line and won't be tolerated! What is going on in this room?"

I march right into her room and notice the clothes, shoes, and some jewelry scattered all over the floor. I'm surprised because she's an extremely tidy person in general. Her room is always neat and clean. That she got from me, not her mother.

I look at her and see that she's crying now. Her arms are crossed under her breasts tightly and she's shivering. She looks incredibly perplexed about something and I'm worried. My heart instantly melts seeing her so upset and I have to help her.

"Baby, I don't understand! What happened in your room? Sweetheart, you can't possibly be this upset over your hair. Please tell, Daddy. Whatever it is Daddy will fix it. I promise you."

She looks at me and tears tumble one after another out of her tortured green eyes which breaks my heart. She tries to respond but can't seem to get it out. She whimpers instead and starts sobbing uncontrollably. I go to her immediately and pull her into my chest. Her tiny five foot two frame is totally dwarfed as all six feet two inches of me tower over her.

She nuzzles her face into me and mumbles, "I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm so sorry! Please, I just can't go today. I...just...can't! Please don't make me!"

The desperation in her voice drives a stake though my heart and I just want nothing more than to protect her and fix whatever is hurting her so much.

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I stroke her wild mass of soft dark curls and kiss her on top of her head. Easing my left hand under her hair, I slip it around to the back of her neck and start to massage her there. Hoping it will help calm her down some so she can tell me what is going on. I kiss her head again, breathing in the scent of her hair which smells divine and momentarily intoxicates me.

I feel her small gentle hands stroke the middle of my back. Drawing little circles at first, which seems to be soothing us both. Her fingernails start to dig into me a bit, which sends an odd sensation into me that unfortunately goes directly to my cock. I freeze. I feel blood zipping toward my cock and instantly I feel very ashamed and sickened at myself.

"Oh dear God in heaven. No! No! Please not now," I pray silently.

I try to step back some but she grips me tighter and won't release me. As upset as she is, I don't want to cause her more grief so I'm trying to will my cock to not throb. I want to get myself under control so that I can give my daughter comfort like any upstanding and decent father.

No sooner than I try to accomplish that insurmountable feat, I feel Marah start to place tiny wet kisses on my chest. Her lips feel silky on my bare skin and I feel her hot tears smearing all over me. Her kisses are so soft, slow, and delicate that I'm stunned at the tenderness. My cock jumps and I feel her shift her weight into me more as she clutches me even tighter to her.

"Daddy...Daaa...ddy...mmm," she whimpers out and I can feel her lip quiver against my skin.

Fear grips me because she sounds so erotic for some reason to my ears. I panic and tense up even more disgusted at my twisted lust.

"Fuck! Why does her hair have to smell so goddamned good!" I yell inside my own head.

I shut my eyes very tight and hold my breath so I can at least stop smelling her damn hair! Her hands are now traveling down to the back waist band of my pajama bottoms and skim across the very bottom of my lower back. I swallow hard. She plants those little kisses in a vertical line, torturing me, and I could swear I felt her tongue drag across my skin a few times. My heart is pounding fiercely in my chest and I'm starting to feel overheated. Her little fingertips slip down into my waistband just barely, and I gather every ounce of mental strength I possess to pull away and step back abruptly.

Her towel somehow slips down to the floor in the process. The most holy, magnificent, riveting vision is revealed to me and will be permanently seared in my brain for the rest of my life. My betraying eyes greedily go directly to her nude body and rapidly take in as much as my filthy brain can handle. Her young, high breasts which I know for a fact are a full B cup are at absolutely breathtaking on the scale of beauty. I suck in a breath in absolute awe, unable to do much else.

The imperfectly perfect rounded shape of her full, golden breasts and deep tan areolas complete with taut nipples literally makes my jaw fall open. Rapidly, my eyes snap shot after shot of her body, quickly storing them in my brain. I see flashes of flawless, smooth, honey color skin applied to a killer petite, hourglass figure that any man would sell his fucking soul to Satan for if such an entity exists.

Her stomach is entirely flat and her pulled in navel is barely noticeable besides the tiny silver ornamental piercing that she got against my wishes, which I couldn't care less about in this moment. The gleam of the white metal distracts me only momentarily as I shift my eyes down.

Like an obsessed peeping Tom that just has to see it all, my eyes take forbidden snap shots of her perfectly tan, young, completely smooth vee at the apex of her thighs. My cock lurches forward so hard and so fast that it makes me jack back another step and bang into her desk chair, causing us both to jump practically out of our skin. She gasps loudly and bends to retrieve her towel. Her long curls flip forward and expose her small graceful neck and back. I grip the back of the chair behind me and I get flash in my head of me pumping her from behind.

I shake the vision from my brain watching as she stands up. Her wild, mane of curls flip back, making her look like some exotic sex goddess that's just been fucked thoroughly. I am biting my lip hard as my cock throbs and longs with a desperate ache to be inside of her. I gulp hard and dig my fingertips into the chair. Our matching green eyes lock and we stare for what could only have been mere seconds, but in this moment seems like an eternity.

Quickly, she lowers her eyes down to the floor and says in a very nervous, shaky voice, "Um, Daddy. err..gonna get dressed for Need...some..yeah. Please."

I snap out of my stupor and nod. "Yes! Yes, of course. I need to...go. I will just...yeah. Um, well then. Okay."

I dash out of there like a bat out of hell toward my bedroom at the far end of the hallway. I get inside and clumsily hobble somehow to the master bathroom in my bedroom, shut the door, and lock it. I lean against the cool door, gasping for breath. My left hand is flush over my heaving chest and I can feel my heart trying to rip a hole through my chest and come spilling out.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" is all I keep repeating in my head.

Closing my eyes, I lightly bang my head back against the door a few times. My face is burning and my skin feels prickly with heat. Behind my closed eyelids, flashes of those piercing green eyes and lovely full pink lips make me lick my own lips. Her delicate collar bone and those torturously beautiful, young breasts and pert nipples taunt me. Finally, the appearance of her magnificently, smooth honey colored vee takes me up to the pinnacle of all I can handle.

My cock is throbbing so hard now that in a rushed panic, I grab the front of myself to quell the need. The second my hand touches the front of my pajama bottoms my cock jumps and throbs even harder than I think it ever has before in my entire life. I almost cry out but bite my lip harder instead. I can't help but to stroke myself through my pajama bottoms. I look down and know what I'm about to do. What I have to do to maintain my fucking sanity and keep myself from going back in there and throwing her down on the bed and having my sick way...

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Written by Lo78
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