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The Birthday Trip

"My Sister and I get closer while on vacation"

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“Chase, I really want to fuck you.”

To put it simply my little sister Caylee is a slut. She has fucked most of the guys in her high school class and half the girls. I know that for a fact, because she tells me everything. She always has, ever since she was a little girl. But this is a bit over the top.

I’m staring at Caylee. She is six years younger then me. Our birthdays are only off by about a week. I’ve always looked after her, and protected her, and now she is telling me she wants to fuck me.

“Chase I’m totally serious. For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to fuck you. Well I guess since you graduated from college. You were just so hot and so mature.”

“Oh.” I’m still stunned. I just stare at her. I don’t know what to say. She’s my little sister. I’m supposed to protect her. I’ve had some thoughts about her of course, but they were only ever fleeting, and mostly because she is very, very sexy.

She has a heart shaped face, full lips and a cute button of a nose. Her hair is a dark red and her eyes are a beautiful pale green. There is a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose. She is about 5 foot 7 inches and weighs around 125 pounds. She has long legs and wonderful tight ass. Her breasts are a pair of fantastic 34D’s.

“Please talk to me Chase. I know it's wrong, but I can’t help it. I just thought that this trip would be a great time to tell you.”

I continue to sit staring at my hands unsure what to say. I look around me at the airport restaurant we are sitting in. Because our birthdays are so close together our parents have given us one big trip. They’re sending us to Dubrovnik, Croatia. I have been there before with an ex girlfriend and I really want to go back. Caylee has heard my stories and she wants go there as well, so our parents thought it would be a great birthday gift.

We are going to be staying on a different island then I have before, and we will be there for two weeks. Two weeks of sun and beaches and wine and fun. Now my sister is telling me this. I had dreamt of some sort of romance happening, but certainly not with my baby sister.

“Please talk to me. Even if you don’t want to, I just needed to say it. I don’t really know if I’m in love with, but I do know I want to have sex with you.”

“Um, ok, Caylee. Thanks for telling me. I’m going to have to think about this.”

We are sitting in the airport in Washington D.C. waiting for our connecting flight to Vienna then to Dubrovnik. We are sitting in a fairly private booth in one of the airport restaurants.

“I know it’s a bit of surprise for you, but I’ve always wanted you. I don’t think I can go on not at least knowing what it would be like to be with you.” I nod and take a large swallow of my beer. I’m not saying anything, because my brain if frozen. I take a large bite of my burger. She looks down and starts to eat as well.

We continue to eat in silence. Caylee bolts down her food and stands and says, “I need to go to the bathroom,” and leaves. I sit quietly and finish my beer and pay the check. She has taken her purse and her backpack with her. I pick up my bag and start to look for her.

I find her sitting at the gate. She’s been crying. I sit next to her. “What are you crying about little one?”

She looks at me with her tear stained face, “I’ve fucked it all up. I have the best brother in the world and now I’ve just destroyed my relationship with him. I’m such a stupid bitch.”

I laugh at that, “You’re not a stupid bitch, and you haven’t fucked anything up. I’m just a bit confused is all. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole idea. I’m not mad at you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I’m sure.”

“You’re just the best guy I know, and you’re hot. I just want you to have the best.”

“Oh and you’re the best are you?”

“No, but I still want you, because I want the best, and you’re the best.”

Now I’m really laughing. “ Caylee I’m far from the best. Just ask any one of my ex’s. And you are great Caylee. You’re the best little sister a guy could have. Maybe a bit annoying, but you are a little sister so you’re allowed to be.”

Finally she is smiling, “Thanks, you’ve always been great at making me feel better.”

“I’ve got to ask, how did this come up? When did this all start?”

She shrugs. “Since your graduation. I saw you up there and you were like this big strong mature guy. Then I started having sex dreams about you. It freaked my out a bit at first, then I just sort of decided screw it. I like them and I like you. I guess a lot of girls get crushes on their big brothers."

I’m watching her closely. Despite my unease with the situation, I’m rather fascinated by all this. I have always enjoyed her stories of sex, but she has never been very explicit with them, and I have never wanted her to be, but now I’m very curious.

“So I thought that as I looked more at the boys around me and started doing stuff with them I that you would leave my dreams, but you never did. I still have supper intense dreams about you, and I fantasize about you when I masturbate.”

“Oh, well that’s good to know.” A lady looks up at us. She must have just heard my sister say masturbate and now she is eyeing us with more then a little distaste. Not because she knows our relationship, but because, I’m assuming, she doesn’t like the idea of people having “sexy talk” in a crowded airport terminal.

“I even spied on you and Shantel a bunch the summer before you went to grad school.”

I blink at that and say “Really? I can't belive we didn't notice, or realize”

“I know, it was so hot watching you two together. You are both so sexy. I thought about it all the time. I really wanted to have a threesome with you guys. And then when Hannah told me you were with her I just about lost it.”

Hannah is a girl a few years older then Caylee, who I had met at a university tour during my senior year of my undergrad, and I had hooked up with a few times, then again when I was home for the summer before going to grad school. “Why is that?” I ask, although I can guess that answer.

“At the same time you were busy fucking Hannah’s brains out, she was teaching me how to really please a woman. She was one of my seniors at school.”

I grin at that. “So you’re saying we have shared a woman?”

“Yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

I chuckle at that. “Well I still need to think about all of this. How about we go find some ice cream and cheer you up a bit.”

She smiles again and says, “Yeah sure that sounds great.”

We walk down to where there is a Ben & Jerry’s shop and each get ice cream. We sit eating and start to talk about what we will do while we are there. I tell her we should try and go shopping for food when we first arrive so that we can cook at the place we are staying. I’ve stayed in the kind of place we are staying and it is like staying in a studio apartment instead of a hotel. We will have our own kitchen and according to the site, for this particular place, a balcony and a nice view. Also we will be after the tourist season, but the water will still be warm enough to swim in.

We go into one of the shops and buy some snacks for the plane and Caylee buys a new book to read on the plane. She has a couple in her suitcase, but she finished the one she has out on the last flight, and now she needs a new one. I frown slightly at her choice of reading, but she is a 17-year-old girl and they aren’t known for having the best taste in books.

Soon its time to get on the plane. We find our seats stash our stuff and sit down. The good thing is it’s an international flight so we will have free movies to watch. We both sit and get out our books and start reading. Caylee has the window seat and I’m in the middle of the row. I know she will fall asleep, but I can never sleep on planes. That time alone will give me a chance to think about what she had told me, and hopefully come to grips with it.

As I thought we aren’t in the air for more then 30 minutes and Caylee falls asleep. I put on my headphones and start to look through the movies. I choose one and sit back watching. But I’m not really paying any attention to what is happening on the screen. I’m thinking about Caylee.

She is truly one of the sexiest girls I know, or have ever known for that matter. The thought that we shared a girl is a huge turn on as well. I look over at her. Even dressed down for our long day flying she looks sexy. Damn, I shouldn’t be thinking of my little sister this way. On the other hand though she thinks of me that way, so why shouldn’t I think about her too.

I realize with a start, that I have thought about her that way, ever since she hit puberty. I have always felt so guilty about it that I’ve done my best to block it out, but I do think about it. It is a fantasy of mine. Maybe I should, just for these two weeks, forget she is my sister and just let it happen.

I look over at her again. I lean back in my chair. Damn it, I do want her. I want her more then I have wanted any woman ever. But there need to be rules. Maybe these two weeks we could have fun and get it out of our systems and that would be it.

Then and there I make my decision. I will wait to tell Caylee, until we land in Vienna. I smile to myself and look over at her again and lean back and watch the movie.

* * * * *

We feel the wheels of the plane land on the runway in Vienna. I look over at Caylee grinning and say, “We’ve made it we are in Europe.”

She grins back excitedly. “Yeah and now we only have a 2 hour lay over and a 90 minute flight and we will be in Croatia.”

Since we are going on to another destination, we don’t have to go through customs, which is great. I hate going through customs anywhere, although I have found it is a bit easier to deal with in Europe. We walk through the airport and find our gate. Then we start to walk through the airport and look at all the shops.

I pull Caylee to the side in a quite corner of one of the shops. I look at her seriously and say, “So I’ve thought a lot about what you said while you were asleep.” She looks at me nervously and I continue, “And I want you too, and if this is going to happen this is the best time for it.”

She squeals and hugs me hard. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. You’ve given me the best birthday present ever.”

I stop her and hold her at arms length. “Now we have to set some rules. First this happens only on this trip, nowhere else. We don’t do it when we get home, we don’t even discuss it, unless we are alone. We are just doing this to get it out of our systems. Second, we have to be very safe.“

She cuts me off abruptly, “I’m on the pill, because I’m certainly not using condoms with you. This is to special for that.”

I look at her and say, “Ok then if you are safe then no worries. We will be fine. Other then that I think that we should let or minds run wild. We can’t shock each other too much. I mean we will be committing incest.”

She laughs and says, “I’m so excited about this.” Then she kisses me hard on the lips. Our tongues slid over each other. It is the best kiss I have ever had. She is an incredible kisser. We break apart.

She leans in for another, but I stop her. “Lets save it all for Croatia. You aren’t getting another kiss until we are through customs in Dubrovnik.”

She grins and says, “Ok if you can wait that long.” With that she turns and walks away from me, her hips swaying seductively. Damn this is going to be hard. I steel myself for the last leg of the journey.

* * * * *

The plane touches down in Dubrovnik a few hours later. I have to admit that I did break down on the flight and kiss Caylee a few times. Ok more than just a few times, but it was worth it. Now we stand in the line to get our passports stamped and we are holding hands. We are generally acting like newly weds.

We get our passports stamped then we stop at the baggage claim and pick up our luggage then we go exchange our money. We walk together out to the bus that will drop us off at the Old City. It’s not a long drive but it is a beautiful one.

We cuddle on the bus and kiss some, but mostly we are both to excited looking at the scenery. We get off the bus at the Old City of Dubrovnik, and I tell Caylee the way to get to the dock for the ferry and where we will stop for groceries.

We walk quickly enjoying the sunshine and the warmth. We get to the top of the hill and stop at the small park at the top of the hill. We can see out over the beautiful clear water of the small bay and the twisted green pines. Caylee makes me stop and we sit on the benches for a while.

“God, this place is beautiful,” she says.

“Yes, almost as beautiful as my sister.” I grin at her and lean over and kiss her. Our tongues slide over each other. I slide my hand up over her breast. I squeeze them through her low cut t-shirt and bra.

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She moans into my mouth.

“God, this feels good Chase”

“Yeah, it does. Lets hurry up and get to our apartment.”

“Mmm, I want to fuck you now.”

I stand up suddenly and grab my bag. “Come on then, lets get a move on.”

She jumps up and rushes after me. We walk down the hill, until I spot the grocery store. I point and say, “We need to get some groceries.”

She groans and says, “Can’t we just go there already.”

I look at my watch and say, “We might as well go shopping, because the ferry won’t arrive for another 30 minutes.”

We go into the grocery and have fun getting things we like. I pick out four bottles of good local wine, several beers, and a bottle of local brandy. We make sure to get lots of local things, like the local olive oil, which is amazing and a big loaf of bread from the bakery. 20 minutes later we are on our way to the ferry dock.

We get to the ticket office just as the ferry is coming into sight. I buy us two tickets and we make our way to the ferry and get on and go up to the open back deck. We sit together and kiss as the ferry pulls out.

“It is really truly beautiful, isn’t it?” Caylee says.

“Indeed it is m’lady.”

I kiss her again hard, my hands running over her body. She reaches down and grabs my cock through my pants. It’s the first time she had touched my cock. I run my hand down over her crotch, then up over her tits. I slid my hand under her shirt. I squeeze her tits through her bra. She undoes my belt and my fly and her hand slides into my boxers. I feel her soft hand on my cock as she gently strokes it.

I look up and see someone approaching. “Stop, stop,” I whisper into her ear, “there is someone coming.”

She pulls away reluctantly, and I try to discreetly do up my fly and belt. “I guess we will just have to settle for kissing until we get there,” she says.

I laugh and grin. “Yeah I guess so,” and I kiss her.

It takes nearly an hour to get to the island we are staying on. We get off the ferry and we meet our host and her daughter. The host owns the apartment we are staying at, although she and her daughter live in a house in a little...

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Written by coyoteblue22
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