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Testing Daddy

"Testing Daddy's patience at a work function before receiving a thorough punishment and fucking."

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It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, and I was being forced to attend a BBQ my Daddy's work put on every summer. I had planned on going to the beach with some girlfriends, but he reminded me that previous night about it, so here I was. I hated making small talk and talking to his generally boring colleagues, and the women were either middle aged and dull or around his age (30's) and gave me catty smirks.

"How long do we have to be there?" I asked him.

"It goes from four to eight," he replied.

"Will there be alcohol?"

He laughed. "Yes baby, there will be alcohol. In a socially acceptable amount I'm sure."

"Whatever," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Who's driving then? Either way one of us will have to be sober."

"Clearly I'll drive, or I'll have an even unhappier little girl," he smiled at me.

I put my hands on my hips, "Good," I said raising an eyebrow and turning away to walk to the closet.

"You better watch that attitude young lady." I could tell he was smiling, even though he was sitting on the bed behind me.

"Or what? We're leaving in half an hour and you and I both know you want me to look as good as possible to your boss and colleagues. Nothing will stand in the way of that," I said cheekily.

He sat there in silence, smirking and shaking his head.

"Exactly," I said, turning back around and giving him a view of my ass. I grabbed a dress and slipped it on.

"How about this?" It was a black body hugging maxi dress. It dipped low in the back and had a strap across part of it to hide my bra. You could see all my curves, though nothing but a small amount of cleavage showed.

"It looks amazing baby, but why not wear something colorful?"

"Because, my color will be my cherry red lipstick, which will match the bottom of my high heels. That's all the color I need. Plus it matches how I feel about having to go to another one of these stupid parties. I don't want to have fun at a job that takes my boyfriend away to different parts of the country for weeks at a time."

He sighed. "Well at least you know how much this so called awful job pays me. I don't think either of us can complain about that."

I turned to look at him. "But you know how much I miss you when you leave, it's hard," I said, meaning it.

"I know baby, I'm sorry," he said standing and kissing me on the forehead. "But at least there's always Paco, right?" He said, smiling at the doorway where my dog had appeared, his tail wagging.

"Of course, my equally favorite man," I said laughing and picking the energetic dog up in my arms.

It was about a forty minute drive, and once there it was the usual hello's and "This is my girlfriend..." introductions. Many I had met before, but no one ever really paid attention at these things.

It went as I had expected: the men checked me out and slowly looked me up and down with lust in their eyes, while the women were either stand offish, or old and uninteresting.

Eventually I broke away and made way to the hors d'oeuvres table. I mindlessly ate a plate, of, well to be honest, quite amazing cheese and snacks. I scanned the area and soon found where the alcohol was being served.

"A drink for the beautiful lady?" a handsome smiling server asked. He had a cute, faint accent.

"Yes thank you. White wine. Any."

"May I suggest this," he said, handing me a glass.

I took a sip. "Mmm, this is delicious actually."

"Ahh, I thought you'd like. It was made with a blend of fruit, peach being the most flavorful," he smiled again.

I stood drinking while he served more people. I began lazily people watching, seeing the small talk and smiles, the occasional group laughter. It wasn't all that bad, it just didn't compare to going to the beach. I'm being selfish, I thought.

"Another glass?" It was the previous server, still smiling.

"Yes, thank you."

He was still smiling at me.

"So... why are you here on this beautiful day?" He asked. "Perhaps your father or a relative works for this company?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled again.

"Mmm, sadly no," I said, pausing to move my hair. "I'm here with my boyfriend."

"Ahh, I see." He pretended to drop his smile and look at the ground for a moment, shaking his head. "A very lucky man. You are very beautiful," his smile returned.

"Thank you. I'm sure it'll be quite easy for you to find yourself a beautiful girl as well."

"Well, I cannot argue that. But most of them do not hold my attention like you do," he held my eye and I cold feel myself blushing, unsure of what to say. I smiled back and finished my glass. He poured another. A silence fell between us, but it was strangely not uncomfortable. He served some more people, and I could feel the wine loosen me up as I began to feel buzzed. I should go and find Daddy, I thought, scanning the crowd.

The server seemed to have read my mind and handed me another glass of wine.

"Well, beautiful girl, I have kept you here long enough. Go and find your man. If I was him I'd want the entire world to see you. I won't bore you any longer."

"No, you haven't been," I replied.

He smiled and shook his head.

"No, no. Go and wander. Perhaps I shall see you again before the day is over."

"Ok," I said smiling and giving a little laugh. "Thank you for the conversation."

"It was my absolute pleasure."

I began walking away and tried to find Daddy. I'm sure by now he was wondering where I was. I was surprised he hadn't tried to find me. Oh well.

After a few minutes I spotted him, sitting at a table with some of his colleagues, laughing about something. He spotted me and began smiling. I continued walking, but only made it about two steps before a much older man in a very expensive suit stepped in front of me.

"Well, aren't you breathtaking. I remember you from the Christmas party. Such a gorgeous little vixen." It was Daddy's boss and owner of the company.

"Hello Mr. Grisham, beautiful party, the sunshine turned out to be fantastic."

"I imagine every day is perfect when you're around," he replied. "I'm guessing since you're at this party you're still a taken girl?"

I could see Daddy watching us. I smiled at his boss before responding.

"Yes, I am."

"A shame. You know," he stepped closer to me and ran the back of his hand down my arm. "I'm a very wealthy man. You could have anything you wanted if you were with me. Anything."

Daddy was staring, looking quizzical and kind of irritated. I decided to toy with him.

"Mr. Grisham," I said in a flirtatious voice, lightly hitting his arm. He grabbed my hand.

"Consider it. I could fly you anywhere, give you anything. You'd never have to worry a day in your life." He ran his thumb across the top of my hand.

"It's a very generous offer, but I'm afraid I am a taken woman," I said, smiling at him.

"Well, when that ends. You know where to contact me." He stopped and kissed me hand. "Until then?" He smiled and walked away.

Daddy was staring intently at me. I watched his boss walk away before continuing to him.

"Hey boys," I said, sitting on Daddy's lap and kissing his cheek. I had met the guys he was sitting with numerous times before, they were all close friends.

"I see Mr.Grisham seemed to have a bit of an interest in you," one of them said.

I knew Daddy was waiting for an answer.

"A bit."

"More then a bit," another said. "Better look out man, your girls gonna get taken."

"Trust me, I treat her pretty good, " Daddy said, smacking the side of my ass lightly. "Don't I"

"You're alright," I said, nestling my head into him.

"Tony, can you get me some more wine? It's some sort of white with peaches or something," I said to one of his more shy friends. He headed over to the makeshift bar while the others laughed.

"Is someone a bit drunk and bossy?" Daddy asked, looking at me.

"What else was I supposed to do this whole time? You were gone."

"Excuse me, you wandered off while I was in the middle of a conversation with a company member."

"Exactly. I had to entertain myself somehow. I can only make small talk for so long."

He shook his head and Tony returned with the wine and a plate of food. I took a small handful of cheese and fruit from him.

"That's one of my bosses, we should go and say hello," said Daddy.

"Ugh, no, you go and say hello," he gave me a look. "Okay, okay. Fine."

We stood up and walked over to them, I got the familiar hungry look from his boss and a quick once over from his bosses wife and then excused myself to the washroom once they began talking. The wine was making me feel horny, and I knew how to spice things up.

I walked into the lobby of the club house where the party was being held. After being shown the washroom, I noticed a velvet covered bench on one wall of the elaborate bathroom. Across from it was a large, floor length mirror. I slipped off my dress and sat on the bench in my matching bra and panties set and my heels, and took a picture with my legs spread wide, hair hanging down past my tits, and a coy smile on my face.

Next I took a photo of me topless, my hair thrown to one side. The final I took was of me completely naked, bent over over the bench and looking back at myself in the mirror. I knew Daddy loved seeing my pussy sticking out from behind.

As I was about to get dressed, I noticed a strawberry that I'd dropped in my wine glass. I took a quick silent video of me licking it off and rubbing it up and down my pussy before dropping it back in my wine glass.

I dressed and returned to the party. I saw Daddy standing a few feet away, standing and talking to two men. I sent the first three photos, and stood under a tree, smiling at him.

I saw him notice his phone go off in his pocket and reading that it was me. I could tell instantly by the look on his face that he had received the photos. I could feel him trying to act completely nonchalant, and soon got a text from him reading:

Where are you little girl?

I responded:

Look for me.

He began scanning around and spotted me after awhile. We locked eyes, and I could tell he wanted me, but also wanted to punish me for teasing him like this. I walked over to him and introduced myself to the men he was talking with. We made pleasant conversation, and Daddy stayed quiet most of the time, always glancing at me, hunger faintly in the back of his eyes.

A few minutes later we rejoined his friends and I sat on his lap again. I finished my wine and sat the glass down next to us, the strawberry still inside.

"Look at this video Abby sent me," I said, handing him my phone and playing the quick video of me rubbing the strawberry on my pussy. I reached for the strawberry in my glass, and slowly ate it, holding his eye contact. I could feel him trying to not get hard beneath me. I wiggled my ass against him, pretending to move up further. He gave me a look, trying to tell me to stop. I did it some more.

He began slowly running his fingers up and down my exposed back while we pretended to talk with his friends. I knew he wanted me, knew he wanted to punish me for teasing him and acting slightly bratty all day. I pretended to not notice, though the feeling of his fingers were causing goosebumps to erupt, even in the summer heat.

"I'm getting tired babe," he said to me after a few minutes of me acting nonchalant. "We should head home. Paco probably needs out."

"Are you sure?" I said innocently to him. "I don't mind staying later."

"Nah, let's go," he said bouncing me up and down slightly.

"Hey man, can I catch a ride back with you? I came with Dwight, but def don't feel like staying any longer," said Tony.

I knew Daddy would probably want to punish me in the car and make me suck his dick while he drove.

"Yeah for sure," he replied, masking his disdain.

We drove for about forty five minutes, he and Tony talking, though I knew what was running through his mind.

After dropping off Tony, he caught my surprise with a question.

"What was Mr.Grisham talking to you about?"

I looked at him.

"He asked me If I was still taken. I said yes."

"That's all? Looked like a bit more."

"He told me that he had a lot of money and could buy me anything I wanted. Said he would take me on trips around the world. Told me to call him if I ever became single." There was silence.

Daddy was staring intently at the road. Finally he shook his head and smiled.

"I can't say I blame him. I'd try and bribe you too if I was him. You'd be the quintessential Sugar Baby." He smiled at me. "But you're mine. And you're already spoiled.

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And I'm sure my dicks a lot bigger and better then his."

"Of course Daddy," I said, smiling and rubbing his arm.

We pulled into the driveway and I could here Paco begin to bark. Once inside I let him out and grabbed Daddy and I a beer from the fridge.

"Good girl," he said leaning against the kitchen counter.

I walked through to the dining room and put my purse down on the table. Right away I found him behind me. He grabbed me by my throat and pulled me back into him, talking quietly into my ear.

"You didn't think I was going to forget about you teasing me and giving me attitude today, did you?" He asked.

"Maybe I did," I replied in a bratty tone.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"You heard me."

"That's it," he said letting me go abruptly. "Take your clothes off now!"

"I'm sorry Daddy!"

"Oh, now you're sorry? Take your clothes off now. I'm not asking you."

"Daddy, please-"

"Shut up slut. Do it now."

I slid my dress off.

He walked over to me and ripped off my bra and panties.

"Hands on the table right now."


"Now!" He shouted, forcing me down.

I did as he said and lay down against the table, my ass sticking out. I could hear him walk to the kitchen and then return.

"You did this to yourself and you know you deserve to be punished."

I heard a whooshing in the air before he smacked my ass hard with a large wooden spoon. I whimpered into the table.

"Yeah, now you're sorry," he said, smacking my ass again two more times.

"Daddy please-" I cried before he hit me again.

"You deserve this."


"Say 'I deserve this.'"

"I deserve this."

More spankings.

"I'm a bad little whore."

"Yes Daddy, I'm a bad whore," I said as he hit me again.

"Spread your legs apart more."

I did as he said and he pushed me head back down when I lifted it up.

"You're a bad girl for teasing Daddy."

"Yes Daddy, I-I'm sorry."

More spankings.

"This is your own fault."

"This is all my fault!"

"I won't ever have a bad attitude again."

"I won't Daddy, I promise!"

"That's not what I said!"

"I won't ever have a bad attitude again Daddy!"

"You belong to me."

"I belong to you!"

"You're mine."

"I'm yours!"

My whole ass was throbbing, I knew it would be bruised tomorrow.

"Come with me," he commanded. He pulled me by my hair to the bedroom and tossed me onto the bed. "Touch yourself for Daddy."

I lay back and spread my legs, showing him my wet hairless pussy. I began slowly rubbing my clit while looking up at him innocently, my cheeks flushed red from my punishment. We held eye contact and I began to moan slightly as I touched myself in little circles.

He took off his suit jacket, shoes, and loosened his tie. He surprised me by not getting fully naked and commanding me to deep throat him. I loved when he handled me with clothes still on.

"Stand up," he commanded. I did as I was told.

He sat down on the bed, facing the mirrored closet doors.

"Come here," he said, turning me around and sitting me naked between his legs. I could see him behind me in the mirror.

He tossed my long hair to one side and began tracing lines up and down my stomach. My pussy began aching with want.

He kissed the side of my face and whispered in my ear;

"Do you love Daddy?"

"More then anything," I said back, meaning it.

"You belong to me."

"I will always belong to you."

He lifted one of my legs over his thigh, exposing my pussy before...

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Written by gorgeousBITCH
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