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Teasing Daddy and Myself – Part 2 of 3

"Visiting relatives is not that easy, when daughter and father fuck each other."

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It was the weekend, three weeks after they had found each other in the shower. Molly and Mike were making their way to visit Molly’s grandma on her mother‘s side. It wasn’t the kind of trip they made that often, due to the distance, but they had been invited and thought it appropriate to make the visit. Mike had told Molly that they would have to sleep apart for the whole weekend. It wasn’t something that either of them relished but they had to make the best of it.

“Perhaps we could get a quickie in while we are there,” suggested Molly.

“I wouldn’t bank on it. Grandma will be all over us,” replied Mike.

Mike found it hard to concentrate on the road with such a beautiful woman beside him, and it was apparent that there was something more to them, in the way they responded while in each other’s company. Anyone could see that there was something special between them.

As soon as they arrived at the house, Liz, Molly’s grandma, ushered them inside and proceeded to spoil her granddaughter. Mike obtained the statutory peck on the cheek and the standard hello and thanks for coming.

“I haven‘t seen you for ages. Come with me, Molly,” said Liz. “How you have grown into a beautiful woman,” continued Liz.

Little did she know, thought Mike, and it was best to keep it that way, too.

All through the remainder of the day, Mike and Molly only succeeded in exchanging furtive glances with each other. Molly grabbed a glance of his cock while Mike strutted to the kitchen, but Liz had deprived her of looking for too long with another set of questions relating to boyfriends and college.

At eight in the evening, they ate dinner and afterward Molly was shown to her room. She dropped her bags inside and was immediately disappointed. She never thought for one moment that she would be in the same room as her dad, heaven forbid, but she hadn’t bargained on her room being the furthest away from her dad with her Grandma’s room between them. Still, it was only two more days, how bad could that be, she thought.

They were both pretty tired after the day’s travelling and, by ten o’clock, Molly had decided to head to bed. Mike had started to make his apologies as well, but Liz interrupted him and asked him to stay with her for a while. Molly left them to have a chat and started up the stairs. She looked back at her dad and mouthed the words, ‘Love you,’ and sent him a silent kiss.

She had every intention of waiting up and was listening for them to come to bed. The day had, however, got the better of her and within minutes she fell asleep. It had been a tiring and exhausting day.

Mike was questioned about how Molly was getting along after the death of her mother, about how Molly was coping and how she had grown up to be a wonderful woman. Answering Liz’s questions led Mike to partly regret their actions over the last three weeks; wondering to himself as to how Liz would feel if she ever found out. It was getting on for about one in the morning when they both appeared on the landing and headed off to their respective bedrooms.


In the morning, Mike awoke abruptly when he heard the shower next to his room power up. He was half out of bed and about to run into the hall and get the chair when he realised where he was. He just stopped himself in time and sat there until the shower had been turned off. He thought that he might get a peek at Molly as she came out. Mike opened the door with just his shorts on and with just a little expectation pointing out of them.

“Hi Mike,” said Liz, “the shower's free. It‘s all yours.”

“Umm, thanks, Liz. Is Molly up?”

“Not sure, I’ll knock in a minute and see,” replied Liz.

Mike was obviously not going to get a peek at his sexy daughter so he decided to take a shower and cool off. It was fortunate for him he did have his shorts on.

Liz knocked on Molly’s door and recognised a half-hearted attempt at someone waking up. Molly shouted that she would be down in a minute for breakfast and Liz left to set the breakfast for everyone.

When she appeared, Molly wore a knee-length wrap; something that her dad had bought her for this very visit. Liz was preparing the coffee, some toast, cereal and grapefruit. Mike could smell the coffee from upstairs and decided to grab some of that as soon as he was finished.

Molly was sitting at the table when Mike arrived, dishing out some grapefruit. Molly immediately caught her dad’s eye and while quickly checking that Liz was out of sight she flashed her dad one of her breasts. Molly managed to get it back under wraps as Liz walked back into the dining room.

Mike sported a massive grin on his face while Molly was giggling under her breath. She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from visibly laughing, which would have incurred the cost of questions.

Throughout breakfast, the both of them took every opportunity to tease each other, but it was futile. Grandma, thought Molly, was not giving them an inch. That very thought made her smile because her father was giving her several inches every day.

Grandma had everything planned for the day, including meeting up with her other son, David. David had had an awkward split from his wife and was spending the weekend with his daughter, Jenny. As it happened, David had an ulterior motive to meet with Mike and they ended up spending the day together.

Mike and Molly had very little opportunity to be on their own. They did find themselves behind one set of clothes in a retail shop at one point, and as Mike walked past, Molly matter-of-factly grabbed his cock and had a good feel.

“I‘m going to suck this off on the way home,” she hissed into Mike‘s ear. Mike swallowed hard but said nothing.

Mike also found himself opposite Molly while grandma was willing her to buy some boots. As he sat opposite her, Molly opened her legs wide to slip on some awkward boots. Mike noticed that she was not wearing any knickers. He made a mental note to have a word with his wanton daughter when he got back.

The evening was very strained for both Mike and Molly. It was now coming up to about thirty hours since they last fucked each other and all they had managed was a quick grope now and then, and a poor grope at that.

Molly and Mike sat with David, Jenny and Liz and enjoyed the evening as much as they could. During the evening, David mentioned that he would have trouble taking Jenny back to his wife’s because of commitments at home and had asked them if they would mind helping him out, after all, it was on their way.

Mike smiled; he knew that it would be about fifty miles out of their way, which was not all that much for a six hundred mile trip. Mike was put in a position where he could hardly refuse, and as he agreed, he realised that his blow job was getting further and further away.

The evening Molly was as horny as hell. She had been denied her father’s cock for far too long and her pussy was craving a good licking, she would have to sneak into her dad’s room tonight for sure, she thought.

That was before her Grandma suggested that Jenny should stay for the evening so that they could make an early start in the morning. The bombshell hit when Liz announced that Jenny could sleep with Molly.

Molly’s head was crying out with a definitive ‘NO’ and then realised that her plans had been scuppered. Mike caught his daughter’s distress and was proud that she held back. It would be a long night for sure, thought Mike.

Molly and Jenny were ushered upstairs to share a room with each other and despite getting on great during the day, and after some small talk, both girls fell asleep.

Well, Jenny did. Molly was eagerly waiting for her father’s door to open and close. She heard it creak at about eleven thirty. Molly waited until he had time to get into bed.

Mike’s phone buzzed. He picked it up and read the text.

I want your cock so badly. Play with it for me!’ it said.

It is big and hard already. Been thinking of where I could let it soak all evening!’ Mike replied.

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My pussy is so wet. God I wish you were here,’ Molly replied.

Mike was halfway to replying to her when his phone rang. He answered it.

“Are you stroking your big cock?” whispered Molly. “Jenny is asleep, I think. Tell me what you’re doing to yourself?”

Mike started smiling. What a kinky, sexy daughter he had.

“I‘m stroking my cock up and down,” he said, “slowly touching my knob and rolling my hands around the top. I wish you were here and about to lower your mouth down on it and suck it.”

Molly’s fingers played over her pussy and clit as she listened to her dad’s words. The phone was beside her pillow and she was listening intently as she masturbated only five or six feet away from a sleeping Jenny.

“I can now feel your mouth on my cock, you‘re sucking it and making it twitch with expectation. My balls are full with cum. It‘s been too long, Molly. If you make me cum you will be covered in spunk, absolutely covered, but I desperately want to push this cock into your pussy before I let go.”

Molly was circling her clit with her fingers, her snatch was soaked with her juices as she listened to her father tell her what he wished for. Her breathing became more labored and she struggled to be quiet.

“Oh! Look. There you are, hiking your dress up around your waist, dropping your knickers and nonchalantly stepping out of them. You’re bending over and looking over your shoulder at me. I can see you pleading with your eyes for me to fill your cunt with my big cock.”

At that vision, Molly was breathing a little too heavy for comfort, and she detected Jenny moving and turning over in her sleep. Molly was fast approaching her orgasm, hell she thought, the only thing she could do is catch me masturbating. Molly was breathing faster, her orgasm was nearly there. She wanted this.

“Then I walk up behind you and with one thrust shove my cock deep inside you. A scream is let loose from your lips as your pleasure increases. You love the size of it and you move forward. Then in unison, you thrust back onto my cock as I push in from behind. My cock hits you deeper and deeper and your orgasm hits you hard.”

Mike heard his daughter whimper and knew that she was coming. He heard her hiss over the phone as she took in a lungful of air despite Molly’s attempts to suppress her joy and pleasure at bringing herself off.

“Oh! Fuck, dad, that was wonderful,” she finally whispered.

“Did you come, sweetheart?”

“What a stupid fucking question. Of course I came,” she whispered back.

The whole event made Mike very horny, but he reckoned that the best thing he could do was to save himself for when they got back rather than see to his pressing need. Mike did, however, wonder how good Molly would be on the other end of the phone should he ever need her to return the favour.

“Right, get some sleep now, we have a long day tomorrow,” he told Molly.

“Night, night, dad,” replied Molly, as she hung up her mobile and checked that Jenny was still asleep before she licked her fingers clean and hit the pillow once more. All she could smell was the scent of her sexual arousal and she loved it.

The following morning, Molly was teasing her dad at the table before Jenny joined them. Both of them could not help but smile at each other all morning and Liz did ask at one point what was up between them. Mike just shrugged it off.

Molly watched Jenny as she and Mike shared their elicit secret. At least Jenny didn’t blush, indicating that she did not seem to know what had happened the night before.

It was soon enough when all three of them said their goodbye’s and Mike, Molly and Jenny headed off to the car.

“I’ll take the back seat, dad,“ said Molly, “Jenny can have the front.”

Mike was about to protest but Molly was already through the door and sitting on the back passenger seat of the car as Jenny was heading for the front. After a quick peck on Liz’s cheek, Mike said his goodbyes.

“You shouldn’t deny me the company of your wonderful daughter, for so long, Mike”, said Liz.

She was right, and Mike agreed to visit more often. As he got in the car he looked at Liz and let out a knowing smile.

For the first few miles, Jenny was making polite conversation with Mike as she sat in the front seat and stared out of the window. She was very thankful for the lift back to her mother’s. Mike turned to the side to ask Jenny a question when he caught Molly licking her finger in the back seat.

Mike was intrigued.

He waited until the next time he had to speak and shifted his body around more to talk to his daughter. He caught Molly with one of her legs tucked under her bottom, her short skirt covering her from knee to knee and she was periodically caressing her pussy, dipping her finger into it and licking it afterwards.

Mike was gob smacked. He asked Molly if she was alright in the back, then turned to Jenny to make sure she hadn’t seen his cock grow a few inches at the sight of his daughter’s actions. Mike adjusted his mirror slightly so that he had a better view of Molly without having to turn around. It was all Mike could do to stop his cock from visibly showing the emotions he was feeling.

Molly continued to finger herself gently and lovingly, becoming braver as she lifted up her skirt further for her father to see her wet pussy to one side of her very wet knickers. She even removed her breast and played with her nipple, openly for her father to see before replacing it.

Mike was beside himself when she lifted her breast to flick at her own nipple with her tongue.

The long journey eventually took its toll and Molly fell asleep in the back seat as Mike, the ever dutiful father, took the strain of the journey home.

Jenny, who had also fallen asleep, awoke about fifteen miles from her home; just in time to wipe the sleep from her eyes.

Mike received loads of thanks from her mother, Susan, for dropping off her daughter. She even hugged him and gave him a great big kiss. The introductions were short lived as Mike told Susan that his daughter was asleep in the back seat and they needed to get back urgently.

Mike had thought of waking Molly and getting her to move to the front seat. After all, he reasoned, it was time for that blow job but Molly looked all washed out and he decided to leave her and drive the eighty miles home with her still asleep.

When they got home it was late in the evening and he nudged Molly to wake her. As they entered the house Mike picked up the mail from the floor behind the door. Molly was still walking, half-asleep, when he grabbed her from behind and kissed her on the back of the neck.

“I so much need a fuck,” she muttered.

“Better get upstairs quickly then, before I fall asleep,” he said.

Mike quickly locked the door and glanced at the mail for anything important.

Molly made her way to the bedroom then stopped at the bottom of the stairs and thought for a few seconds.

Mike saw her stop, he saw her hike her skirt up around her waist. He then saw her drop her knickers and nonchalantly step out of them, then he watched her as she parted her legs slightly and bent over at the waist. She faced the stairs in blatant expectation. A pout on her face, and her eyes closed.

Mike slowly placed the mail on the table as he felt his cock grow erect. He stared at his daughter. He thought of how sexy she was and how she turned him on. But this – this was erotic and downright dirty behaviour.

She never looked behind her. She just faced the stairs straight ahead. The only indication of any expectation she had, was her heavy breathing. She heard her father walk towards her. She heard the distinct sound of his zipper and his trousers hitting the floor. She felt him push his rock hard cock into her and she nearly came on the spot as his cock cooled the insides of her cunt.

She rewarded herself with a smile at how nice it felt.

It was the best fuck she had ever had.

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Written by Octarine
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