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Tattoo Ted Teaches Two Teasing Teen Temptresses

"A father discovers that his daughters have chosen him as their first experience"

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The last two years had been building up to this moment; Tamsin had never stopped nagging us about having a tattoo!

Of course I’d be the ultimate hypocrite if I said no, after all I’m a tattoo artist by trade, but as responsible adults her mum and I had steadfastly refused all her pleas and entreaties.

“When you’re seventeen and old enough to make such a decision, if you still want one, you’ll be allowed one discreet tattoo.” I’d lost count of the number of times I’d told my daughter that!

Now the day was almost upon us and there was absolutely no chance of Tamsin changing her mind; so we’d changed tack over the last few months. Every time she raised the subject of her impending birthday, we reminded her that it would be one tattoo only, small, and discreetly placed so that it would not be visible at school: I felt sure that the definitions of ‘small’ and ‘discreet’ would be challenged when it came to the big day!

The onslaught of another sweltering July and the closing of schools for the summer break signalled the start of the final countdown, and I can honestly say that I’ve never seen my little girl so excited about an impending birthday! She literally bounced everywhere in those last few days, telling me every morning that there was one less day to go before she revealed her design to me; something she had kept as a closely guarded secret so far.

Actually the term ‘bounced’ was very appropriate because it suddenly dawned on me that ‘my little girl’ was no longer the gawky pre/early teenager that I’d got used to terrorising the household with her clumsy behaviour. Tamsin had blossomed into a quite stunning young lady with long athletic legs, an hour-glass figure with large firm breasts that she very rarely bothered to support with a bra; quite a transformation.

How had she grown up so fast? More to the point, how did it all happen without me noticing the changes, when every hot-blooded stud in the neighbourhood certainly appeared to have!

I found myself watching her surreptitiously over the top of my Sunday paper one sunny morning as she practised her cheerleader moves in the yard below my porch seat. Cart-wheeling and jumping, rolling and leaping, flashing tantalising glimpses of her very un-uniform like underwear at the top of those long lithe legs.

Finally she brought her routine to an end and skipped up to the porch, gracefully sitting herself on the coffee table next to me, crossing her legs ‘lotus-like’ with her short yellow skirt struggling delightfully to protect her decency. She leant backwards, supporting herself with her outstretched arms, and the skirt inched higher; far too high! She was breathing heavily and the smooth rounds of her breasts were topped with hard nipples clearly defined against the thin fabric of her sports blouse.

“How do I look Daddy?” she breathlessly asked.

She was referring to her just completed routine I was sure, but I had laid my paper in my lap to conceal a forbidden hard-on that both shocked and frightened me at once.

I dragged my eyes from her thrusting nipples and smiled at her,

“You look great honey”, I replied guiltily, wondering how I could be feeling like this about my own daughter.

~~ “ ~~

Thousands of miles apart and unrelated, two tragic deaths changed the entire shape of my summer that year.

Death number one was that of a faceless corporate executive from my wife’s firm. I’d never met the guy, and apparently Jenny hadn’t either, but it meant that she was given just forty-eight hours notice to deputise for him until a permanent replacement was found: the posting was to France !

The ramifications of this development were quite worrying. The household ran smoothly with the three of us, but I wasn’t at all happy about having to shoulder the whole load for however long a replacement was being sought, despite Tamsin’s assurances that we’d be ok and she would take her mother’s place seamlessly.

“Anything she does for you, I can do too” she assured me cheerily.

Worryingly I couldn’t shake the memories of her cheerleader manoeuvres from my mind and wondered about the wisdom of the whole thing.

Before any of us had time to dwell too much on the situation however, my ‘ex’, Judy, called on the ‘phone in floods of tears; her husband had been tragically killed in a road accident.

Now you might be wondering how this affected my life, and if you’re not I’ll tell you anyway!

Every summer for the previous seven or eight years Tamsin had travelled to spend most of her summer break with Judy, husband Bill, and my other daughter Leanne on their ranch. Quite why my two daughters had remained so close after Judy moved away with her new family no-one really knows, but they had stayed firm friends,

However, this summer was going to be different. Judy needed some time and space to sort her shattered life out and Leanne was coming to stay with us. Needless to say I wasn’t involved in the decision whatsoever; despite the fact that Jenny had no idea how long she would be in France, and it was me that was going to have to cope with looking after two teenage girls on my own!

The next two days were a whirlwind of organised chaos. My wife left for France the very next evening and for four hours only the house had just two occupants, before Tamsin and I collected her step-sister from the airport and the quota was back up to three. I got very little sleep during this period, and not a lot more in the next couple of days as the girls got excitedly re-acquainted.

Then it was Tamsin’s seventeenth birthday: tattoo time.

I’d made sure that my day was ‘customer free’ choosing to work on some artwork projects that I had on the go for a couple of clients. I figured my daughters wouldn’t be up much before ten in the morning, and my shop was a short bus ride away from home so I had the morning to myself and the afternoon would be Tasmin’s.

When the bell rang just after midday it announced the arrival of two beautiful women, and as I ushered them into my shop I marvelled at the tall brunettes; how my daughters had grown up!

With almost exactly one year separating them, Leanne’s eighteenth birthday was just ten days away, there was little to choose to differentiate them. Standing at 5’ 8” or so Tamsin was a fraction of an inch taller and had deep brown eyes, whereas her sister’s were a bright blue. Both paraded slender frames under their light summer clothes, with all the right curves in all the right places and very long legs, yet somehow that extra year did make a difference; Leanne possessed the aura of a street-wise woman whereas Tamsin wasn’t quite there yet.

They greeted me with two big ‘bear hugs’ before curiosity got the better of them and they explored my work room; marvelling at the artwork, poking at shiny chrome equipment, testing the seats. Meanwhile I busied myself making three mugs of coffee and tried not to stare at the two visions of beauty dancing excitedly around me.

Clearly Tamsin was bra-less, Jenny’s latest sermon had fallen on deaf ears yet again, and the skimpy white crop top wasn’t doing a lot to hide her assets, indeed to my eye the tightness of their confines just served to accentuate the glorious youthful swellings.

I swept my eyes slowly downwards, trying not to stare: first a smooth suntanned stomach, then a short pleated red and black tartan skirt; so short that I thought it might have been designed to be a belt! Her long legs were suntanned a beautiful light gold/brown, shapely calves and strong thighs were silky smooth (was she shaving yet I wondered?), and tapered into pretty white ankle socks and heeled black shoes. My daughter was beautiful!

I served the drinks and sat down with my girls and Tamsin unveiled her design, and once again she surprised me. The artwork was exquisite and both Leanne and I were staggered by its detail; A beautiful dragon was breaking free of its egg and the little dragon masterpiece was simply magnificent, and much to my relief was going to need absolutely no alteration by me (quite a rarity with client’s artwork I can assure you!), either in size or content.

“Ok” I said, “she’s beautiful and it’s a shame to hide her away but that’s the deal Tamsin, so have you thought about where you’d like me to hide this little gem?”

“Yes Daddy, I haven’t forgotten it’s to be discreet, which is why I want you to put her right here”, and she gently patted the skirt between her legs. Not above the very low waistband of her skirt, or on the flesh of her well exposed thighs, but dead centre of her sweet torso!

There was a hint of mischief in her eyes, and a wicked smile on her lips, which when I glanced across at Leanne was echoed in her face: clearly she already knew all about Tamsin’s plans!

Looking back now I truly cannot remember exactly how I reacted or what precisely I said, but I can remember the shock as if it happened only yesterday! I know I wished that her mother was there with us, and that I tried hard to change her mind.

“Well that’s a very sensitive area Tamsin, and it will be really quite painful with the pelvic bone being so close to the surface…..”

“I know daddy” she said cutting across my reasoning, “I’ve researched all about it, I know it’s going to hurt a little, and I know you need to shave me first, and I also know there are lotions that can be applied to numb the area a little which I’ll appreciate for sure, but I trust you Daddy and I’m ready.”

“Ok”, I tried again, “but this is going to be a beautiful tattoo, and no-one’s gonna get to see it, isn’t that a waste?”

“I won’t be swayed daddy”, and she laughed cheekily, “No matter how much you try, and in any case the important people in my life will get to see it”. The little minx actually winked at me then, and I didn’t know where to look!

Without further ado she seated herself on the big ‘operations chair’ and settled her body into the luxurious black leather. The chair is without doubt the most expensive piece of kit in my shop: it’s actually a gynaecologist’s chair. Looking and feeling just like a dentist’s chair that most of us know (and love!), but with one difference; the leg support is comprised of two sections which are able to separate lengthwise and flex upward in order to support the client’s legs during examinations.

Tattooing inner thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomens are all made so much easier by this wonderful device as it allows me to sit between the clients legs and thus work ‘straight’ rather than leaning across the body and working at an angle.

Of course it also makes these particular tattoo jobs considerably more interesting as well and I confess that many an intimate tattoo have been accompanied by an intimate examination too!

Tamsin wriggled herself into a comfortable position and arched one delicate eyebrow at me, “I’m ready!”

I was acutely aware that I was nervous. It wasn’t a normal feeling for me. Usually as the moment approached for a female client to prepare for an intimate tattoo it was she who would display all the signs of nervousness, whilst I would be trying to disguise any outward signs of my excitement!

This time however I wasn’t just getting horny! My heart was racing and my mouth had dried up. This situation was new to me, a ‘one off’: this was my daughter and I was about to see exactly how much she had grown up.

Tamsin however was remarkably calm as the chair’s remote motors, humming quietly, lowered her gently backward. Leanne scooted her wheeled chair around to sit beside at her side and giggling quietly leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead and whispered, “Happy Birthday.”

I pressed the remote to begin the leg-opening and she jumped in surprise, raising her head to look down the length of her body at her feet that were moving smoothly apart.

I always stand at my client’s feet during this procedure and never warn them in advance that the chair will force their knees up and their legs wide apart, simply because I love to watch their reactions, and Tamsin was no different; daughter or not!

Her pupils widened and a blush spread to her cheeks as she shifted her weight to keep her legs on the chair. She glanced nervously at me then Leanne, who subconsciously licked her lips, and finally back to me; a very cautious smile flickered briefly across her flushing face.

For my part I was enjoying the show! It doesn’t seem to matter how many women lay before me to have their legs mechanically opened it always turns me on. Watching skirts slowly slide back to reveal shapely thighs and prettily covered female mounds is very horny and Tamsin, my daughter, was no exception.

When the crotch of her tight white panties crept slowly into view I was sitting on my chair and I wheeled myself carefully in between her wide spread legs, my cock was as hard as a rock!

In a confusion of emotions I stared closely at her sweet sixteen year old lips that were pushed so tightly against the silk of her panties as to be visibly hair-less. I wanted to touch and caress them so desperately!

“These will need to come off I’m afraid Tamsin”, I stated in a voice that appeared a little croaky to me.

 Was there a moment’s delay before her response? Were a few nerves beginning to show?

I looked down the length of her body, beyond her breasts that were bulging beautifully under the skimpy crop top, and met her gaze.

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“Yes Daddy I know”, she replied, her gaze remained steadfastly on me, “are you going to take them off or would you like me to?”

By way of response I gently flipped up the short tartan skirt, covering her midriff whilst exposing a smooth sweep of golden flesh leading seductively down to a tiny triangle of white silk and lace; the last vestige of her modesty. Grasping the side elastics I slowly peeled the silky material towards me, and watched in delight as her frontal lips slowly emerged, barely adorned by the neatest strip of dark pubic hair.

I eased the panties from underneath her as she instinctively raised her pelvis to help me, and then began to pull them down her thighs. Instantly they jammed across her wide open legs, the view to her honeypot still blocked. I watched her closely as I instructed her to bring her legs together; she held my gaze and obeyed in silence.

It’s a command that instigates the horniest of moves! Bringing her legs together from their wide open position meant lifting them from their leather support until her feet, still clad in short white socks and black leather heels, cleared my shoulders and head before they could be closed. I remained close in to her body so that Tamsin was required to pull her knees, legs still wide open, into her stomach to complete the manoeuvre, and there finally in all its glory was one of the most beautifully puckered bottom holes that I’d ever seen! Next to be revealed would be my little girl’s pussy, now barely covered by a slip of fabric, but I made her wait a while.

Now she waited patiently legs pulled back and hoisted skyward as I turned away momentarily, pretending interest in my instruments laid out neatly on a side trolley. After a short time I turned to face her once more, standing over her now I gazed adoringly down her legs to her naked thighs and the waiting underwear still wrapped around her, still hiding her charms: but only just.

Tearing my eyes away from my daughter’s delights I looked down on her face, cheeks flushed red now, dark eyes moist and bright, her lips parted to show perfect white teeth. Her breathing was a little laboured and the knuckles of her left hand showed white as she gripped her sister’s hands for support; Tamsin wasn’t afraid any more, it was excitement that radiated from her young body now.

From Tamsin’s bright eyes that bored into mine with so much desire, I looked across to her sister Leanne whose demeanour suggested far more than mere sisterly love being bestowed on Tamsin!

Once more my hands returned to her panties and tantalisingly slowly I teased them from between their warm resting point and then eased them up the length of her long smooth legs now stretched straight up towards the ceiling.

It’s a procedure that I always enjoy, and I take it nice and slow! The client is wonderfully wrapped with their intimate secrets displayed for my eyes only, they are incapable of moving while I still have their underwear wrapped around their calves, and I remain seated at all times so I am very, very close to their nakedness.

In order to finally remove their panties I bring their feet down to my level by pushing their legs downward and their knees into their stomach, and then there is truly no-where to hide!

In this case I was looking down onto my own daughter’s beautiful smooth pink lips; lips that were rosily pink and without a trace of hair to be seen! As I finally slipped the scrap of white silk over her feet I instinctively took hold of her ankles and easily parted her bent legs wide open once more. Now though she was laid bare in front of me in all her glory; a tiny landing strip of hair would have to be shaved to make way for the ink, but the rest of her pink...

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Written by Whiphand
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