I wore the new cologne I purchased the evening before. The one I hoped would arouse Hannah just the way the hot young saleswoman had promised it would. Third period came and Hannah was in her seat before the bell rang. I nodded my approval as our eyes met. She stared for a moment and leaned to the side to reach in her purse. Her left leg lifted and parted noticeably as she leaned, showing me she was commando.
When she straightened up, she looked directly at me as she fidgeted with her short skirt, and smiled a big grin, knowing full well she was in command of my full attention.
I don't remember what I wrote on the board for the daily work, but I knew what my mind was telling me. It took a minute or two before I could face the class, waiting for my erection to wane.
My eyes drifted towards Hannah as I turned around. Her eyebrows raised confidently a bit as she smiled back.
'I have to get hold of myself!' I ordered. 'NO, NO, NO...Poor choice of words I said in self reprimand. She is too young and STILL a highschool student for crying out loud. I could go to jail for a long time. 'Fuck, NO,' I shouted at myself quietly!
For a fleeting moment, I pondered the irony of timing. What a difference a few weeks or even one day makes. Sex with a consenting seventeen-year-old and-364-days girl is CRIME. One day later, perfectly legal, unless still a highschool student. Sex with an eighteen year old high school student, a CRIME. The day after graduation, perfectly fine. 'Who comes up with these damn laws?' I asked myself.
For the remainder of third period, I tried my best to avoid further eye contact with Hannah. But each time I panned the room, she was staring inquisitively at me with a shit-eating grin, like she knew I was intentionally diverting my attention elsewhere. In a brazen move, she hiked her already too short skirt upward as she crossed her legs. Her pussy begged for me to look, which I simply, could not say no too.
After class, Hannah needed no invitation to approach the desk. Her alluring smile reeled me in with each step. Her hips rolled seductively and my cock grew rock hard despite my efforts to tell it NO. I leaned forward trying to conceal my growing problem.
"Mr. Howard, I cannot thank you enough for being lenient with me yesterday," she said softly as she leaned forward until her hands were on the desk. Her large breasts lay trapped between, and pushed forward by her arms for my viewing pleasure. My eyes watered.
"Yes, Hannah," I gulped.
"May I come by during your conference period so you can help me with a couple of problems I have?"
"What problems are those Hannah?" I stuttered, as I threatened to poke my own eyeballs out if they so much as even glanced down at her tits.
"I'm going to be late for fourth if I have to explain everything now. Is it ok?"
"Last period is conference. Come by then." I heard myself say.
Hannah stood upright with a broad smile. "Thank you," and headed towards the door as my eyes fell glued to the seductive roll of her ass cheeks. Surely my eyes must have been deceiving me, for right in the middle of her skirt, where her cheeks meet, was a thin three to four-inch-long wet streak. I didn't know what to say so I just let her walk off.
'Why the fuck did you agree to meet her, you fucking idiot?' I chided. 'What, you don't like working here? You don't like your freedom? I hope your cellmate has a small dick, dumbass.'
For the remainder of the day, my head was cluttered with every good-versus-evil-self conversation a person could have. Yet, time rolled on, towards a meeting with her during conference period. As the day wore on, I came to dread the decision, letting it move forward as if it were my preordained destiny, or just fate. I was anxious to the point of remorse.
The tardy bell to last period rang. Shortly later, Hannah popped her head in the door, offering a cheery hello. "Is it still a good time for you to help me, Mr. Howard?"
With the wave of my hand, I motioned her in. Hannah plunked her backpack to the floor next to my desk and bent over to retrieve her papers. She shuffled through them a few times, each time more frantically as an expression of disbelief covered her face.
"Oh my gosh!! I can't fucking beli..."
"What," I asked in shock?
"I'm so sorry Mr. Howard! Forgive me please. I must have left my papers in another class."
"Well, Hannah, forgetfulness pales in comparison to what you just said," I admonished.
Her face grew grim, "I'm so sorry."
What would your Daddy say, or do if he heard you talking like that?
"He would..."
I waited silently for her to finish.
"Daddy would spank my bare ass."
"Justifiably so, Hannah?"
"Yes, sir," she agreed.
My cock began to strain against my pants. Hearing her admit to what her punishment should be, aroused me greatly.
"I see."
We stared at each other for a few seconds. "What do you think I should do, Hannah?"
Her bottom lip quivered, "Spank me," she whimpered.
"Hannah, I don't need to do that. I can always call your Dad and let him decide."
"OHHH, NO, NO, NO! Please don't Mr. Howard. Please!! After Daddy spanks me, Daddy always likes me to..." Hannah's eyes stared down at the floor.
"Likes you to do what, Hannah?"
"Suck his cock, Mr. Howard," Hannah said quietly.
"It sounds like this has happened more than a time or two, Hannah?"
"Yes, sir it does. Sometimes Daddy makes up shit, just so he can spank me, and I can enjoy sucking his cock."
"Yes, sir. Are you going to tell him?"
"I guess that is up to you. You're almost an adult now. You should decide what are we going to do about this little problem Hannah."
"On Saturday, Mr. Howard."
"On Saturday what, Hannah?"
"I'll be eighteen, an adult, like you said. Anything you want to do as my punishment is up to you Mr. Howard, only promise not to tell Daddy."
"Anything, Hannah?"
"Yes, sir, anything," Hannah said as her lips forced a smile.
"Let me think about it overnight, okay, Hannah? We might come up with something. So tomorrow, if you fail to bring your completed assignments in, you will leave me no choice. Understand me, young lady?"
"Oh, yes, sir, Mr. Howard. I won't disappoint you again!"
"Now get going, Hannah!"
She shot me a smile over her shoulder as she exited the room.
'Well Mr. Bigshot,' I asked myself, 'what will you do if she doesn't bring her school work tomorrow? Bring a sharp shovel so digging your own grave won't be too hard.''
I repeated the same routine as the day before, hurrying home, making something to eat, and dashing towards my computer.
Hannah was already online when I logged in. It seemed she had already brought her audience up to speed and they were offering her advice as to what to do, and to expect for the next day. Comments ranged from sincere, to downright vulgar and disrespectful. But hey, it's the fucking internet and a porn site, what should be expected when anonimity is king?

Hannah sat crosslegged, wearing a flimsy tank top that did little to hide her big tits as they swayed, and a pair of loose fitting boy's gym shorts. Nick's I wondered? Her petition for sound advice from her admirers seemed legit. The sources of such advice was questionable at best.
Soon, she was playfully rubbing her tits through the shirt and had one leg dangling off the arm of the chair. The middle seam of her shorts bunched between her lips, partially exposing one of them as she swung her foot back and forth.
"Hey Nick," a less than joyful Hannah called.
"Hey Han, what up?"
"Did you hear what happened in third period?"
"No, did you suck him off in front of class?" Nick howled.
"NO, asshole!"
Hannah spared no detail as she went play by play.
"Sounds like old Mr. Howard is gunna get his nuts off in your mouth slut."
"Fuck you Nick! Mr. Howard is just being nice because of my Dad."
"Is that a direct order slut or just another empty request?" he laughed.
Hannah turned her music up and stopped chatting. Her hands traveled up and down her glorious body as she writhed with each new inch of body she touched. Her legs fell wide open and both hands covered her crotch, then moved to the waistband as she lifted her ass and pulled them competely off. Her cunt was glistening and ready for her assault. She toyed with herself for a couple of minutes before reaching under her mattress and pulling out a large flesh colored cock and balls.
"Hope you guys like my new toy as much as I'm going to," she teased as she held it to her open lips. There on the side, in black marker, was my fucking name written on the shaft!
She stared directly into the camera, as if looking me in the eyes, then extended her tongue slowly ran back and forth the distance from the balls to the tip, circling the tip a few times before pushing several inches in and out into her mouth. Her eyes rolled back as she pushed it progressively deeper. Both hands cradled the cock, jacking it off as she sucked and her hips came alive.
Leaning her head back, her free hand raced down her tummy and between her outstretched legs. "Ohhhh gawwwwddd, fuck me, Mr. Howard," she shrieked as her feet went airborn. "YESSSSS, like that!" she moaned loudly as her middle finger split the wet lips and curled inside.
Her hips jerked violently on the first finger thrust. The cock in her mouth muffled her moans as her fingers began pounding hard and fast. She pumped the cock up and down her throat as her hips bucked feverishly.
She worked herself into a beautiful full body sheen. Without missing a stroke, Hannah pulled the slobbery cock from her mouth and forced it roughly into her cunt. She jackhammered her pussy as her filthy mouth invoked my participation. Suddenly, Hannah let out a shriek as she slammed the cock as deep and hard as she could, holding it against her depths. Then she yanked the cock out as her other hand spread her lips with two fingers, and a long torrent gushed from her cunt. Her body trembled uncontrollably as waves of orgasms continued rolled over her. She slapped her cunt hard several times, and mashed her swollen lips roughly with her full hand.
Hannah reinserted the cock in her mouth and giggled as she twisted it in her mouth. Saliva poured from her mouth when she withdrew it. She stared seductively at the screen as she called me by name again, squeezing her tits together around the dildo, asking me if I liked her sucking my cock. I could only jack off again as I watched and listened.
She blew a goodnight kiss to everyone and bid us all adieu, promising some salacious updates the next day.
'Did I hear her correctly? I mean, it sounded like something BIG was going to come to fruition the next day. FUCK!'
I barely slept. All I could think about, dream about, fantasize about, was Hannah sucking my cock like she did her dildo. My eyes and mind flooded with images of sweet Hannah as I pounded my cock, shooting a couple of jets into the air that splattered across my stomach and chest. Eventually, I showered and tried to sleep.
I was afraid tomorrow would find me less than suitable in sweet Hannah's eyes.
Again, Hannah showed up early to class. Her cheery and radiant disposition was only equalled by the beautiful sundress she wore. I could only wonder if she was bare ass naked underneath or not. Hannah played coy most of third period. She barely gave me more than some upper thigh to feast my eyes on. But I was uncharacteristicly satisfied with that.
The bell rang, and without any fanfare, Hannah approached the desk again.
"Good morning, Mr. Howard. How are you today? Sleep well?"
"Yes ma'am, I slept like a baby," I answered, lying with every word. "Hannah, you look relaxed and refreshed today. Did you give our conversation any thought last night?"
"Mr. Howard, can you keep a secret?"
I'm sure my puzzled expression pleased her.
"Sure. What's up, Hannah?"
"Promise you won't tell anyone, I mean anyone??"
"I promise, Hannah, I won't tell a soul."
"Did you know we no longer live in district? We live in a new neighborhood on acreage now, so I can have horses."
"Wow, how fun is that?" I answered.
"Well Mr. Howard, I failed to do my assignment last night. Not on purpose, mind you, but did so nonetheless."
"Hannah Rochelle," I said with a touch of tempered disappointment. "Did we or did we not talk about repurcussions for not getting your work done on time?"
"Yes sir, we did."
"So, I guess I'm supposed to call your Dad this evening to discuss this?"
"No sir, please. I want you to punish me instead?"
"What? Where? When Hannah, right here, right now in the classroom? You over my lap, or bent over the desk? And with what, a ruler, your hairbrush, my hand?"
"Daddy is traveling for the next ten days with his new girlfriend. My younger brothers are at Mom's for the weekend and I'm home alone."
So you're inviting me to come to your home to administer the punishment?"
"Yes sir, please?"
"Write down your address and cell number. I'll give it consideration and call you two hours before coming over, if I decide to do so."
"Thank you, sir," a very excited Hannah turned and left.
I decided to give the live chat site the night off, electing to hit balls at the country club near my home. Hopefully, I was somehow going to come out of fantasyland I had been living in for the past few days, or unabashedly succumb to the urges to spank Hannah Rochelle's naked ass the next day.
'Just what the fuck am I going to do if Hannah decides she wants to take this to the limit?' I asked myself as I commited her phone number to memory. 'Guess I'll find out tomorrow.'