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Swinger Vacation Day 3 / Sofia's Story / Part 3

"Father and daughter all-inclusive vacation with surprises!"

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Author's Notes

"This is the third day/chapter of my story, Sofia's story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It's in three parts. This is part three."

We got the text message we had been expecting from the twins. Mark was to meet us after cheerleading practice and drive us to their house, where they would take us through their plans. We were both nervous about what they had in store for us. Neither of us knew exactly what the two evil bitches would have us do this time?


We all sat in silence on the way to their house, till we were almost there. Tiffany announced that their parents would not be home and that we would all be going straight through to the pool house. My stomach turned a little when she said it. Partly in fear and partly in excitement. Mark and I had been lovers for three days now. There was nothing we hadn't done. If we were going to have sex together, we were both going to enjoy every minute.


Brittany led us through the garden to the pool house and closed the door behind us once we were all in the guest bedroom. The one with the big four-poster bed. The one where they had their way with me. The harness was nowhere to be seen, which put me at ease slightly. Then Tiffany said, "Sofia, come over here and sit in the chair. Here's some makeup remover. Start taking your make up off! Mark, you try on some of these clothes. We need to know if they fit ok."


Mark and I looked at each other. What the fuck were they up to? We didn't question it, we did as we were told. I could see Mark in the mirror getting undressed. His body was so ripped. I had explored every inch of it over the last few nights. He was a perfect specimen of a man. Muscular and toned. Every movement highlighted another muscle that was perfectly formed. For a brief second, I got a flashback of him making love to me and my pussy tingled.


He tried on the clothes they had placed on the bed. I recognised them as their father's, which seemed strange. Till he had them on, that was and I could see they fit him perfectly. It hadn't occurred to me that Mark was about the same size as him. My brother was far more ripped, but his body size and shape were similar.


"Now come and sit here next to your sister. We have something to explain to you and we need you both to listen carefully," said Tiffany, as she started to apply makeup to my face.


"First of all, we want to say we are sorry. Sorry for what we made you do and sorry for getting you involved. Maybe when we have finished our plan, you will understand. maybe even forgive us. The thing is, we need you to cooperate with us for our plan to work. There was only one way we could do that and that's by blackmailing you, so you were too deep in, not to say yes." Tiffany was softer in the way she was speaking. She was back to being my friend, but I didn't trust her. Not after everything they had done so far.


"You see, our father is not really our father. He is our step-father. We never knew our real father. We were the result of a one night stand Mom had. She never saw the man again. Our mother married her older cousin out of necessity, as he was wealthy and she was young and alone and had no one else to help her at the time.


At first, he was good to her and us, but he eventually showed his true colours. He is not a nice man. Mom found out that he has been hiding money and having sex with other women. He has been mean to her for years and now he has started on us because he can no longer get his own way with her! She wants a divorce, but he controls everything, so we need to help her!"


I could see by Mark's face that he was as shocked as I was at this confession. I was not expecting that at all.


Tiffany continued. "Brittany and I came up with a plan that we would find a way to get him out of our lives for good. He wants to run for Governor this year, so we saw it as the perfect time to do it. Before he becomes even more rich and powerful. We came up with a plan. Mom doesn't know what it is, but she'd willing to go along with it. The question is, are you?" Motioning to Mark and myself.


I was angry now. "So you have blackmailed us, so we can help you fuck over your stepfather? Why should we do that after everything you have put us through? Not only that, but as much as you may not like hearing this, he is very kind to me. He is my friend!"


"He's not your friend, Sofia. He just uses you for sex. He uses you like he uses everyone. He's just a dirty old man. Can't you see that?" said Brittany.


"She's right," said Mark. "He's not interested in your friendship, just your pussy and your mouth. He pays you like a whore. Don't you see?"


I was a little taken back that Mark was agreeing with them. I thought he'd be even more angry with them after they made him do what he did. "Why are you agreeing with them, Mark?" I said.


"They are right, sister. I love you and I don't want that creep to keep using you!" he said. He meant it too. I could see it in his eyes.


"Mark, we are sorry about what we made you do. We set you up. The guy you hooked up with after that party was a gay friend of ours. We had heard a rumour about you but weren't sure if you would really go through with it. We had set the camera up in his place. that's how we got the video. It's a shame because he really likes you," said Brittany.


"Why did he do it then, if he liked me?" Mark spat back at her.


"Because he needed the money. His mom is sick, and he needed money to look after her. He is a really nice guy. I promise you," she said, sounding sincere.


"Anyway, what is the plan then? We are here and we have no option but to help you. I can't afford for either of those videos to get out. You have us where you want us!" said Mark.


"You see, we chose you for a reason Sofia. You too, Mark. But it wasn't until we got involved with Sofia that we realised that you would be perfect for what we needed, too," explained Tiffany.


"You see, Sofia is perfect for what we needed. She has the exact same body size and shape as us. We needed someone who could pass as one of us, but also had the same sort of look. We had to lure Father with the right type of bait and Sofia was perfect," said Tiffany


I was shocked. "So all this time you haven't been my friend. You have just been grooming me for your dirty little scam?"


"Sofia, you were so sweet, and we both loved you. Love you. We really do love you, like you were our sister. It wasn't until you first came back to our house and you were trying on our clothes that we had the idea," explained Tiffany.


"I don't understand," I said.


Tiffany had finished what she was doing with my make-up. "Stand up Sofia and take off your clothes."


"Oh, here we go. You gonna tie me up again?" I said.


"No. I promise, no tying up today. Just come over here and stand beside me in the mirror. But I need you to get naked. I will be naked too," she said


I stripped off my clothes. No point being shy now. The twins had seen everything I had and so had Mark. There was nothing to hide. Yet as I stepped out of my panties, I felt a little wave of excitement. I really did like being naked in front of people. I guess it's a thing I didn't know I had.


I walked over to Tiffany, who was now naked herself. She did look beautiful. Her olive skin tanned with just the tiniest bikini marks. I think she was a little excited too. Her nipples were hard. When I looked down, mine were too. We had been intimate with each other so many times, I guess it was natural for us both to be aroused.


"Now, I want you to stand beside me in front of the full-length mirror and tell me what you see?"  said Tiffany


We both turned at the same time, shoulder to shoulder we stood there and I saw my make up for the first time. My face looked like theirs. they had made me up exactly the same as they always do their make up. "So?" I said. "You've made me up the same as you two. So what?"


"Now look at our bodies, Sofia. Really look!" She was serious.


As I started to look I could see the similarities. We had the same length legs. Even their shape was similar. Our tummies looked alike. Our breasts were practically identical. Same width shoulders. Same brown nipples. Same tan lines. Same skin colour. My god, we were almost like twins. We could be twins if she didn't already have one.


The Brittany came over behind us. "Put this on," she said and handed me a blonde highlighted wig.


I knew where this was going, but I didn't quite believe it myself. I tied my hair up, bent forward and pulled the wig over my head. As I brushed the loose hairs away from my face, I suddenly stood there in shock. I looked like one of them. I looked like Tiffany. I looked like Brittany. Then Brittany really freaked me out by standing naked on my other side. We looked like triplets. But how could this be? I was freaking out.


"What the fuck!!" said Mark. "Seriously, what the fuck. You all look like sisters. You look exactly the same," he said, bewildered.


Yes, there were differences. Our faces were slightly different. My cheekbones were slightly more pronounced, my eyes a little darker. But the similarity to both of them was uncanny. "How did you know?" I said.


"We both saw it. As soon as we had seen you naked, we both felt an urge to be with you, like we did with each other. Tiffany said to me one day, 'It's as if Sofia is our third sister. We need her to join us.' That's when we set it up for you to catch us. We knew you were very sexual, but I had no idea we would be quite so similar in every way."


"So you both fancied me because I look like you?" I asked.


"Pretty much I guess. I love having sex with Tiffany, as it's just like having sex with myself.  Having you join us made it even more exciting. But then you got involved with Father. You started taking pictures with your new phone and we knew he had gotten to you. So we came up with the plan to use it against him," said Brittany


I was surprised at how honest they were being. Seeing the three of us standing together brought back some exciting memories and I could see what they meant about having sex with myself. Now we all looked alike, it would be even more exciting. Even more erotic. Even more Taboo. But I wanted to hear about their plan and why they needed us.


"Surely you must know by now that your father has a thing for the two of you. The number of times he has cum in my mouth looking at photos of the two is ridiculous. Why don't you just seduce him yourselves and blackmail him?  That way you wouldn't need me?" I asked.


Tiffany replied. "It would take too much time. You have gained his trust now. He likes you. He is already having sex with you. It makes more sense to try to get him by using that."


"So, what's the plan?" Mark asked. I'd forgotten about him for a minute, standing there in Mr. Johnson's clothes.


"We want to set him up, so it looks as if he has forced us against our will to have sex with him. Obviously, he'd never do that. He's not stupid, but we can make it look like he has with the help of you and your brother," said Tiffany.


They then went on to explain exactly what they wanted us to do. Where the cameras were hidden and what they were going to say, hence what I was going to have to say to their father. Once they had the video of me with Mr. Johnson, they were going to film the scene with one of them with Mark dressed as Mr. Johnson, knowing exactly what he did in the first video with me. Then, when they had the two videos, they would get a friend to cut and paste the two videos together to make it look like one, which contained Mr. Johnson and one of the twins. It was actually quite clever.


"But Mark has darker hair than your father and it's a different style," I said


Brittany then went to work on Mark's hair, using hair gel and talcum powder to make it look the same as their dad. It won't be exactly the same, but as you'd only see Mark in the video from behind, it didn't matter too much.


"But how are you going to manage to get me alone with him in the Pool house? He will never take the risk of having sex with me here."


"Mom is going to visit her sister for the weekend, so she won't be here. We will invite you over to use the pool, but you have to say that he will have to take you home at 7 pm. Then we will say that we have to go to the mall to the cinema at 3 pm, but you stay here as you have to be home in the evening.


You can come and help us get ready, and at the same time, we can do your make-up and give you your outfit. We will then head to the mall with him, that way he will know that you are alone in the house. Whilst we are being taken to the Mall, you can finish getting yourself ready in here. Leave a note on your sunbed to say you're in the pool house waiting for him," explained Tiffany.


"Show Sofia where the button is to start the cameras. The one switch turns on the two cameras either side of the window facing towards the bed. There are two cameras on either wall facing the bed from a side view, and one more on the headboard facing the end of the bed and the window. We will have five videos from each day to use. We are not taking any chances," said Tiffany.


Brittany took me over to the bedside cupboard and opened the draw. Inside was a remote control switch. Brittany pressed the button, and the light turned green. "It's as simple as that," she said. "You will need to turn it on as soon as you can when we leave. The memory on each camera lasts for ten hours, so don't worry about their being on for too long. We want to make it look like he set them up to record himself fucking us!"


I was impressed by the lengths they had gone to. This obviously meant a lot to them. It seemed only right that we help them. "So what now?" I said.


They had everything worked out. Once they had both videos, their friend would edit them to make it look like their father had fucked one of them. It was quite a genius plan.




Saturday came around quicker than I was expecting. I was mentally prepared until I got to the house. We were all lying by the pool in our matching bikinis and Brittany asked me if I needed any reminders as to what I had to say and do. I convinced them I was ok, but I was so scared inside. What if I forgot my lines. What if he realised it was a setup?


They got their pretend text from Mark at 2 pm and went and told Mr. Johnson that they needed a ride to the Mall. He begrudgingly agreed. Now it was just a case of escaping upstairs and the three of us getting ready.


The girls expertly applied my make-up to look like theirs. They showed me where my slutty outfit was in the wardrobe, then got dressed themselves. They decided on a tamer version of what I was going to be wearing which was clever. But even the tame version looked so hot, with their plaid mini skirts, white tied up shirts and high heels. The only difference was their shirts were buttoned up and the skirts were long enough to cover their ass. He was going to be very very horny by the time he got back.


As soon as they all went out, I wrote my note, left it on my bed and made my way to the pool house. I put on my slutty outfit, put on my heels and stood looking at myself in the mirror. I was admiring my handy work, flipping the wig from side to side as the twins do, thinking how much I looked like them when I heard Mr....

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Written by jackanory6969
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