Jane lay on the table panting in her post climactic waves while I slipped back into my boxers, pants, loafers and shirt, she watched as her prize was covered and faked a pouty smile again. I laughed and said “Jane, go clean up and I’ll fix lunch.” She slid off of the table and about slipped in the large wet spot on the floor from her squirted orgasm; thankfully I caught her and helped her keep her balance and then helped pick up her clothes saying “I’ll clean that up before your sisters get home” with a chuckle. My hand swatted her bare butt as she turned to leave and she giggled as she overtly swayed her butt cheeks as she went out the door to go upstairs to make her self presentable. ‘First things first’ I thought; I went and got a mop and bucket to clean the floor; truly amazed at the volume of Jane’s streaming jet of cum. I put the mop and bucket away just before I heard Tammy’s car pull up the drive. “Just in time” I thought to myself.
I moved to the refrigerator and began getting out lunch meats and cheeses to make some sandwiches for the family, all of us would eat together. As the back door in the adjoining laundry room flew open I remembered that my face and neck were still covered with their little sister’s cream. As nonchalantly as possible went to the sink and got a paper towel to swipe away the evidence of her pleasure just as the twins walked into the kitchen. Their faces lit up as they found me preparing lunch, or so I hoped. Each one dropped the bags they brought from the mall on the table I had just nailed Jane on and swept across the room to give their Daddy a hug. Tawny on my right and Tammy on my left as they captured me like never before, I had to wonder if this was also part of their plan. Each took a turn at kissing my cheek, but it was my bold daughter Tawny that giggled and licked away a missed spot of her baby sister’s cream from beside my ear. She cooed “Daddy, have you had a fun morning?” with an obvious hint that they already knew everything. Tammy sniffed the air around my neck and giggled saying “I think Daddy has been a naughty boy, we may have to punish him Tawny” and giggled more to emphasize the point of their informed and devious plan. I looked at them sternly and said “Sit, we’re gonna have a family meeting as soon as your sister comes downstairs.” With continued giggles they each took a chair at the table, somehow avoiding the still drying spot on the floor, though their noses seemed to sniff at the remains as I got out bread and the rest of the fixings. I had to keep my hands busy to avoid the onslaught of feelings that careened through me. It was not going to be easy to talk to all three of my daughters about what had happened, much less their apparent plan to keep their Daddy happy. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Tawny with her phone, texting as usual for a teen ager these days. But somehow I got the feeling the other end of the text messaging was right up stairs and figured that Jane had texted them as she prepared to clean up. I knew my supposition was right when I heard Tawny say “Jake was here?” in a quiet, but not quiet enough voice for me to overhear. I smiled and went about the business at hand. As I carried the tray of stuff to the table I took note just how pretty the twins really were. Their dark eyes and complexions set off with the outfits they chose to wear made them stand out in a crowd, much less in a proud father’s mind. Their long supple legs revealed to just a few inches from the narrow V that separated their legs looked simply delicious with my new found boldness. Tammy cooed “Daddy, Jane will be down in a minute, she’s almost done cleaning up” and giggled as her face glowed with the radiance of a deed well done. I stood between their chairs and replied “How long have you girls been plotting this…this…” I paused not exactly knowing what to call the plot to get their father in the sack with one or more of them “…thing that you cooked up?” Tammy flung herself against me, her seated pose allowed for her arms to surround my hips as her face rested against my waist, I was pretty sure she’d be able to smell the cum from my recent activities. It was Tawny that answered my question though as she announced “A long time Daddy. We knew you’d never get out and find yourself a new woman, so we just had to figure out how to make you happy again.” They both snickered as Jane walked through the door and Tammy piped up and said “And, if what Jane has told us is true, I think both you and she are and all can be soon” and giggled giddily. Jane walked over having heard what was being discussed and plopped down in a chair and said “It’s all true, and yes I think we’re both happy about how things around here can be” looking towards me as she asked “Aren’t we Daddy?” My smile couldn’t have been larger if someone had stretched my mouth a mile wide as I replied “Yes Jane, I am happy that you girls love me enough to take care of me when I need it most. It’s been hard since your mom got sick, I’m kind of old fashioned I guess even though she encouraged me up to the end to find another woman when she had gone on.” I grinned at each one in turn and said “I’ll bet she didn’t have this in mind though” and chuckled. To my surprise they all looked at each other and smiled as Tawny replied “Actually Daddy, this was her idea. She thought if anybody could draw you out of your slump it would be your family, us; you know?” I put my hand on Tammy’s shoulder and looked down at her, she was the shy one of the group, and her eyes met mine with a glimmer of love. I asked her to get drinks for everybody and as she got up to do so I couldn’t help but notice the moisture gathered in the V of her shorts. I planted myself in the chair she had just gotten up from, dazed by all of the strange newness in our home. When she brought back four cans of soda, each of our own preference of course, she set them in the middle of the table and slid onto my lap. I looked at her and she smiled saying “I can’t wait to see the new bed Daddy, we’re gonna have so much fun.” Her butt squirmed over my thighs causing quite the response from both my dick and her groin as the heat grew ever warmer between her legs. I looked around the table; my eyes met smiles on each face as Tammy tried her hardest to arouse me even before lunch. I lifted her from my lap and said “Let’s eat…lunch!” pointedly as Jane’s eyes got as big as saucers with the remembrance of how and what I liked to eat. We each fixed our own sandwiches and sat peacefully through lunch, though their eyes rarely left dear old Daddy as their mouths made moves and shapes like it was something else they were thinking of devouring. I guessed that would be me when we got upstairs to look at the new bed. We finished lunch and picked up as well as put away the remains of the goodies. Their tension levels increased the closer the time came to figure out just how three girls could share their Daddy, or so it seemed from my viewpoint anyway. Today was going to be one worthy of a gold star on the calendar. As we finished putting everything away and put the dishes in the dishwasher Jane excitedly said “Come on, let’s go upstairs and show off the new bed Daddy.” I nodded, still uncertain just what was going to happen when we did. Each of the twins took one of my arms and escorted me up the broad staircase as Jane led the way. I couldn’t help but watch her butt as it swayed as if she were now a full grown woman.

My hand went to Jane’s as she rubbed up and down over my hot thick heated rod and helped guide her hand to the head and squeezed it around the velvet crown. I heard her groan equal to the sated sounds of pleasure during the rise to her peak earlier.