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Sweet Baby Jane, Chapter One

"Chapter one is just the beginning of satisfying not one, but all three daughters wishes"

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I just loved the way my wife and I got along, we always had.  We had wed just out of college and made our ways up the ladders of success, waiting until we had gotten old enough and enjoyed life as a couple before considering children.  I had just turned thirty when our first was born, in fact, identical twins.  Both girls would surely have Daddy wrapped around their tiny fingers as the years went by.  Needless to say, I was very proud, and very, very smitten with the dark haired brown eyed loves of my life.  The twins we named Tammy and Tawny, both dark headed from birth and seemed to be destined to beauty with their similarities to their mother more than myself.


Not quite two years later came another, thankfully this time only one, and again my fatherly pride glowed as I held my fair haired angel. Her name is Jane, cute beyond belief, even if my pride might have something to do with the comment. Even as a baby her face was lovely, a button nose that nestled beneath her pale blue eyes that shown with a joy for life every waking moment.  What can I say; I am and always was a proud father.   But I am delinquent in telling my tale, that was the beginning, and now it has been well over 17 years since the twins were born.  All three had grown up into very pretty girls, and until Sheila became sick, we all shared what most would consider the perfect family.  I made what I’d call an adequate living as a program designer and had found fair success with creating several of the more popular interactive video games, each with their own benefits beyond my normal income.  Sheila’s business was home based, so she cared after the kids as they grew too adolescent and then young women. Investments had paid off, and luckily I had gotten out of the stock market just before the current recession took its toll on America. So, the year was then 2009, a year of both joys and tragedies recalled.   As I have said, Sheila had gotten sick when the twins were about 15; she was diagnosed with early onset diabetes, and on top of that severe osteoporosis, a deadly combination to be sure. As a family we watched over her dwindling fate, after only a year it had gotten to where she rarely even rose from her chair without help of either my self or at least one of the girls.  Of course, the bright sensual love we had shared was a thing of the past, my mood without the overpowering sex we had shared grew darker as the months went by, but I so loved her that it was just something I dealt with in my own ways.  I often found myself in thoughts of fantasy as I brought my lengthy dick to ejaculation that barely stole half of the heated semen of the past. It was a poor substitute for Sheila’s once lush folds, but I would not allow myself to roam to other women, no matter how bad it got at times.    Let me, a proud parent, to take a moment to describe the twins, and yes the sweetest girl in the world, my baby Jane.  Tammy was striking, as was her identical twin Tawny.  Both had erupted into womanly curves at age 12 and continued to fill out as the teen years swept passed.  By the time their growth into womanhood had finished each boasted narrow waists, nicely proportioned hips, pert 34 B cup breasts with sensually curved asses that wouldn’t quit.  Both were now 5’6” of dark beauty, their dark eyes and skin tones deep tan from my Italian heritage.  Their hair was naturally lush radiant deep brown and set off the deep brown eyes of allure.  Tammy wore her hair long, about to the middle of her back and natural with the slight waves making the full mane seem ever smooth and always fixed even when she had just gotten out of bed. Tawny, on the other hand, equally beautiful in all respects had opted to put auburn highlights to her locks and wore hers shorter, just above the shoulder like one of the pop singers I think.  Jane was a whole different thing.  As she bloomed her long straight hair seemed to glow with the brightness of a star, strawberry blond, thick and straight as an arrow as it fell to her hips in full radiant brilliance.  Her eyes never changed color to my surprise, still the pale blue of an early spring day to enhance her alabaster skin tones.  She too filled out, she beginning at age 11, her figure until then had been what most refer to as bean pole, but once puberty came and went her body exploded with curves in all the right places and proportions.  At 5’ 4” with ample D cup breasts she was downright stunning, especially only weighing in at 102 pounds dripping wet.   I would hide my longing gazes when I happened across any one of the twins coming from the bathroom in just a towel as my mind worked at ignoring the lush 16 year old’s flesh beneath the softness of the cloth.  It further made my life difficult as Sheila faded more and more as one or sometimes all three girls would console me while cuddling on the couch or flopping down on my lap at times to do what we had always done.  We were one of those families that cuddled openly, modesty had been the rule though not so much that they had not seen me or Sheila naked or I them; but loving kisses and hugs had long prevailed as the norm; never in a sexual way, but with the love of family.   Months went by and Shelia continued to fade away slowly.  When she was barely 16 I had been lucky enough to see first hand just how beautiful my baby girl, Jane, truly was. I had opened the door to her room to tell her good night and found her with her head thrown back gasping for air in the throes of a self induced climax.  Thankfully she didn’t know her Daddy had stood for a moment and taken in the view of her fingers slipping deliciously over her engorged clit and in and out of the swollen folds beneath her perfectly shaven mound.   Now that I have bored the readers of my tale, I will begin with death of my lover, my wife Sheila passed just a couple months after Jane’s 16 th birthday.  We had celebrated it in Sheila’s room, one she lived in for over a year and a half without the companionship of her husband to sleep with her.  Her body had become so brittle that even lifting her arm would break yet another bone.  We each took time to sit and read the stories she loved so fully, or sat and talked, but all too soon her body gave its last breath and she was gone.  Dread devastation fell over our loving family in the months that ensued, yet the girls tried every day to make the best of what we had; always trying to cheer up dear old dad.  As I would sit and brood in front of the TV or sit at the computer it became their mission to bring me out of my slump, it was that which led to my love becoming deeper and more fulfilling than ever it had been for the girls I proudly call my daughters.   It was a Saturday and the twins had gone out to the mall, Jane had remained behind not wanting to interrupt her older sister’s with their friends, or so she said.  It wasn’t like they didn’t get along, just that Jane was younger, and at times that got in the way of socializing, or so the story went anyway.  I had risen late and went to the shower to clean away the night’s slumber, such as it were; I rarely slept well since I had reclaimed the master bed room where Sheila had died.  The thought had occurred to me before, but for some reason as I entered the room to dress I stood and gazed at the king sized bed that held such memories of joy and pain.  It was time to replace it, it had been six months since we had buried my wife, my lover as well as the mother of my three lovely daughters; and it was time to move on.  I guess I had left the door ajar as I heard Jane gasp softly behind me as I stood totally nude, yet no modesty held me back from turning to face her to inquire what she needed.   Her eyes were large to begin with, but at that moment they seemed to sparkle with thoughts I shouldn’t, as her father, even dare to ask her about, but in a way I guess I did. “Jane, you okay? Is there something you need baby?” I asked as I saw her gaze drop along my body to the flaccid ten inch cock that dangled between my thighs. I took note of the awed expression on her face and walked over to her at the door casually. “Baby, you’ve seen me naked before…” I spoke with parental authority to calm the thoughts that apparently ran rampant through her adolescent mind “…I’m sorry if it bothers you now, I’ll put something on.”  I turned with her silent stare and retrieved a pair of shorts to put on and slipped into them easily right in front of her.  Again I walked over to her with a smile saying “Better baby?  What is it your daddy can do for you this morning?” All the while my own mind raced back to the night I had watched her masturbate and the lush site of her minor orgasm.  Definitely not the thing to be thinking about as the blood began filling what had been soft flaccid flesh and causing it to swell thicker by the moment.   She stammered a bit as she replied.

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“Daddy” she said with a half hearted giggle “I was just checking on you to see if there was something you’d like to do today since Tammy and Tawny are at the mall…again.”  She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist; not what I needed to quell the swelling bulge that now lay half erect between us against her mound. Her voice cooed like that of an angel as she spoke again “Daddy” the word drawn out with sultry allure “I have seen you naked before and it doesn’t bother me at all; except…” her words paused as the mood hung in the silence that seemed to go on and on “…I have grown up Daddy, and think we need to talk about something.”   I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as I had every time she needed comfort for her 16 years of life and whispered as my face turned to kiss the top of her head “Okay baby, let’s sit over here and we can talk about anything you need to.”  I led her to the edge of the king sized bed and we sat side by side, her arm around my waist and mine draped over her shoulder as her eyes turned up to look at me.  Her expression seemed troubled and that sent waves of fatherly need through me to bring my little girl’s smile back the way it should be.   “Daddy” she said softly in such a way that drove me wild trying to hear what she was saying as I dipped my head closer to be able to. “I know” she continued “it has been hard on you since mom got sick.  We all wanted you to know that if there is anything we can do to ease the grief and pain, just say so.  We’re big girls now and know that you miss what you guys shared…uhm…physically.” Her free hand slipped over and rested on my thigh, so close to the partially filled phallus that I found a wave crashing through me that shouldn’t have been there, but it was and the feeling was beyond my control, not to mention very enticing.   “Baby” I began as my lips pressed again to the top of her head and my hand turned her face to mine “I think I know what you are offering; are you sure that you or your sisters really want to take on the responsibility of caring after my physical needs.  You do know it is illegal, not to mention immoral to have sex with a family member, don’t’ you?”   She blinked and said in a matter of fact tone “That’s true, but we can have it as our little secret can’t we Daddy?  I won’t speak for Tawny and Tammy other than to say that they have drooled over you ever since I can remember. We all want to see you happy Daddy, especially me; and we all know that you can make us happy too and teach us a lot now that we’re old enough.”  Her mouth came closer to my lips, her breath warm and inviting as we sat side by side talking so casually about incest and how good it would be for each and every one of us.    I should have been appalled, but instead found it erotically exciting, I somehow forgot about the righteous rules of society all too quickly.  My mouth captured her lush folds gently as we shared our first kiss as would be lovers.  I found my breaths labored as our lips parted, it had been over three years since I had real sex, I only hoped I could remember how to satisfy a woman’s needs, or in this case my sweet baby Jane’s.  I looked deep into her eyes as they glistened with a desire felt deeply within her soul, my face lowered to hers and we kissed again, this time even more deeply as my tongue swept over her lip and I found a need to nibble on her lower petal teasingly.  She groaned as her excitement grew and I knew our fate, my dreams, and this impossible relationship that had begun with love would soon become a reality for us.   Again I raised my face from hers and looked into her eyes, the pale blue orbs glistening with womanly desires beyond her years, her lips quivering with need to find mine pressed again to hers.  Her hand slid across my thigh and I felt a surge fill my blood stream with boiling heat, my cock throbbed as it filled and her hand closed over the bulging crown that now extended beyond the shorts’ hem.  My arm remained over her shoulder as the other hand rose to cradle her breast; another wave filled my veins with hot pulsing fluids that burned hotter with each passing throb.  Her breast had a pulse even faster than my own as my fingers felt her need to be mine in body and spirit. My eyes fixed on hers as she groaned softly at my touch, I whispered to her “Baby, I know you had an accident when you were little and your hymen was ruptured, but I have to ask something” as my eyes blinked to escape the question I needed an answer to “Have you been with a boy before baby?”   Her eyes filled with welling tears slightly as she looked into my face and eyes “No Daddy, I have played with my pussy with my fingers, but I’ve never had sex with anyone; until right now…if we can” her words came with a hopeful tone of desire equal to the groans that escaped her as my hand continued to rake over her breast in gently persuasive swirls, her nipple now hard and pouching from the fabric of her thin tee shirt as my thumb pressed over and around it, I felt it as she again groaned as only the thin fabric separated my fingers from her tit.  She had not yet put on a bra for the day as she usually would have to go somewhere, but it was still early enough she didn’t seem to have plans of going anywhere; except to bed with her loving father.  Her arms rose as she drew the shirt up and over her head, I gasped as I took in the sight of her chest, the fullness of her breasts almost too large for such a petite girl, but so enticingly beautiful with her pale alabaster skin and the faint pink of her areolas and slightly darker nipples hard and textured with her mood and excitement.  “Daddy” she cooed “Kiss my tits, I want to feel your lips against them” as she arched her back and leaned onto her hands outstretched behind her to present them to me.   The arm that had kept her beside me slipped from her shoulders as she fell back against her supporting arms and hands.  I drew it to her shoulder and slid it tauntingly to her tit as the other hand cradled it from beneath, her nipple captured between the two stuck out and beckoned to be kissed and suckled.  My lips swept over her mouth and then chin with moist flourishes as they traversed down over her.  Her arteries pulsed rapidly as they trailed over her throat and her breaths came in hard gasps as she felt her body yield in every way to my advance.  It didn’t take long with my excitement to allow my mouth to close over the button of her nipple, her voice groaned as her back arched even more to push her breast against my mouth. “Oh Daddy” she whimpered “Suck on it Daddy, it feels so good.”  My hands closed around...

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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