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Summer Camp- I Come of Age.

"Wendy comes of age at summer camp"

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I guess it all started three years ago. It was our annual family summer vacation, a ritual of my parents that I had already grown to dislike.

That year's vacation would turn out to be very, very different.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

My name is Wendy, I’m twenty years old, and live at home with my parents while I attend college. I’m 5’4” tall, and weigh about 110 pounds. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes and love to wear crazy wigs to change my look. I’ve always been a fashionista, and simply adore wearing anything that gets attention, especially if it is fetish oriented, slutty or Goth.

Being the brat that I most assuredly am; I made the long ride in the family truckster absolutely miserable for my parents, who had never done anything negative to me. I am just a bad girl, I guess. This summer we were going camping; an idea that turned me miserable at once. I hate the outdoors, bugs, creepy crawly things, and not having a nice, comfy bed to roll around in as I sleep. They told me that it would not be like that, and that I would quickly learn to love everything there. They turned out to be so very right.

After what seemed like an interminable drive; we arrived at camp located way upstate, somewhere that I had never heard of before. As we entered the drive for the camp, I saw an odd sign posted by the driveway.

It read, “Welcome to Nirvana, No Clothing Allowed Past The Camp Office Ahead.”

Really, I thought, that was a funny way to great people. Dad pulled up to the front of the office and opened the door,

“Everybody out, we’re here!” he exclaimed.

“Lisa, take care of Wendy, OK?” he finished.

She shook her head, “Yes.”

“Wendy, my love, I have to tell you a few things now. We are at a special camp this year; it is for people called naturalists. We are people that choose not to wear clothing whenever possible. Your dad and I have been nudists for many years, and now, it is your turn to see and experience what we love.
I hope that you will learn to enjoy it; and to explore your body and your emotions during our stay.” She said.

I was shocked, what do you say at a time like this? Mom smiled at me and opened the car door and stepped out. She took a deep breath of the clean, warm air and pulled her tee shirt off, then her shorts and finally panties. Standing there in the parking lot, naked and smiling she extended her hand toward me and said,

“It’s your turn, my love.”

I got out of the car without hesitation, and looking into her eyes; I pulled my tee shirt over my head and let it drop to the ground. I could feel a strange stirring in my nipples as I stood topless in front of her. I unbuttoned my short jeans skirt and let if fall from my hips. Then, placing my fingers on the sides of my panties, I pulled them down and let them fall. I kicked them away and smiled at mom. Now, I understood why she insisted that she shave my patch last night, she was clean shaven as well. She picked our clothes up and threw them into the back seat of the wagon, and put her arm around my shoulders.

“You’re a big girl now, make mommy proud of you this summer.”

With that, dad walked out of the camp office, also naked and smiling like a Cheshire cat.

“I see that my girls are ready for some fun, let’s go.”

We got into the car and drove to our cabin. Once we were there, we took our bags into the cabin and started to get settled.

“Mom, won’t it be a bit strange with all these strangers around us, naked?” I asked.

“Oh, no, dear, there are many of our and your friends here. This is our lifestyle, so many of the people you see at our home are also here every summer. Your best friend Amanda, her mom Erika, my best girlfriend, and her husband, Dr. Johnson, are here. You’ll also see Karen and her parents, Kyle and his parents, and of course DeeDee and her daughter Candi.”

Amanda... That got me excited. She was my best friend for sure, and it seemed that whenever she was around me, there was a spark of sexual energy that was unmistakable, but unacted upon.

I felt more interested in camping now. As we unpacked, there was a knock at our door. Mom went and opened it, there stood Erika, Amanda, and Dr. Johnson, all naked and beautiful.

My eyes went immediately to Amanda, she was even more beautiful and exciting naked than dressed. Her body was perfect, slim, tall, and not a blemish on her golden tanned skin. I noticed for the first time that she did not have any tan line, nor did her mom, Erika! I also saw that they both wore the same brightly polished circular steel rings around their necks. They were exactly the same as my mom wore; about a quarter inch thick, and seemingly endless, with no apparent clasp or hook to take it off. I had asked mom what they stood for, and why I was sent to my aunt’s house every two months for the second weekend of the month, and never got a real answer. I wanted desperately to know, since all of her female fiends and mine wore them.

Everyone hugged and kissed politely, then started to small-talk about the summer’s activities. When she hugged me, her naked body was pressed tightly against mine, I felt so aroused that I had a hard time to hide it.

“Amanda, why don’t you take Wendy for a walk around the camp so she can get acquainted with everything?” Erika said.

“Sure, mom,” Amanda quickly replied.

She took me by the hand and out we went to explore. I clasped her hand tightly, like I was going to get lost if I let go. She was talking nonstop, but I heard nothing. I was transfixed by her presence. She told me that this was her second summer here, and that last year was amazing. She had grown both in her outlook on life and her emotions.

“I had wanted so much to tell you about this place, but I was sworn to secrecy by my parents, you understand, right?” she asked.

Sure, all I wanted now was to be right here, with her. We walked for a while and stopped by the lake. Many people of all ages were swimming, sunning, and playing around the shore. My nakedness was not an issue any longer; it seemed totally natural and correct. Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Amanda spoke up, “Wendy, I want you to know that I really love you, you are my best friend.”

She placed her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her, she opened her mouth wide and kissed my with such passion that I almost fainted. I wrapped my arms around her and returned the kiss; we stood there embracing for many minutes. Then, I felt her hand slide down my body to my crotch. Quickly, her fingers found their place in my pussy, flicking my clit and probing my inner region. I moaned out loud, and held her so tightly I almost crushed her. Within minutes, I had my very first orgasm with another person.

She pulled her fingers out of my pussy and said, “Open wide.”

I opened wide and she slid her hand into my mouth. For the first time, I tasted the bitter sweet taste of sex. I wanted desperately to return the favor, but Amanda said,

“Tonight, when our parents are at the club, you come to our cabin. You are going to learn to please me in a very special way.”

We held hands and started back to our cabin like the cat that ate the canary. When we got there, her mom, Erika looked at us and saw the wetness dripping down my leg. She placed her hand on my thigh and rubbed her fingers down to my knee. She placed her finger in her mouth and licked it.

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I was shocked and frightened.

“Umm, have a nice time, girls?” she chuckled.

“Oh yes, mom, we went everywhere,” Amanda replied.

“Apparently so,” Erika chuckled, “Apparently so.”

I was relieved, she seemed to know everything, but was not upset. I took a sigh of relief and excused myself to the bathroom to gather my composure.

Later, after they left our cabin, mom spoke up,

“Wendy my dear, did you enjoy having sex with Amanda.”

I stood there motionless. I think my heart stopped. My mouth must have been wide open. I could not say a word. She saw my shock and took me by the hand.

“Wendy, dear, don’t be afraid, it’s perfectly normal for two beautiful girls to love each other, and to enjoy that love in a very physical way. This is one reason that we have brought you her with us this summer, it is time for you to explore, to learn and to decide what you need to be happy and to be fulfilled in every way. You do not have to hide your feelings, nor be ashamed of them, it is perfectly normal. I want you to know that I am also in love with a beautiful woman. Her mom Erika and I have been lovers for many years, as have DeeDee and I.”

“What about dad,” I asked.

“Dad knows everything about my lovers, he too has his own girls to enjoy, and I condone it completely. Our love transcends petty jealousy, and embraces physical attraction. I love your dad completely, and always will.”

“Then what I did is okay?” I asked.

“Of course my love, I completely expected you both to, I just thought it might have taken a while longer to happen than it did.” She replied.

“Then, you won’t be upset that we plan to get together at her cabin this evening while you and dad are at the club. Amanda made me cum with her fingers, it was fantastic! So, I promised her the same. How do you think I should make her happy? Do you think she would like it if I used my tongue on her,” I asked.

“That’s up to you, dear, but if it was me, I would be very happy if you did!” mom replied.

“I really want her to be satisfied, she is so special to me and I am so inexperienced, do you think we can practice?
You said you would be very happy if I did.”

“Wendy, I was just talking hypothetically about me in her place, I was not asking you to do it.”

“I know, mom, but I am so afraid of doing it poorly and Amanda not liking it, please, can we?” I asked.

“You are really getting ahead of yourself, my dear. Things like this should come much later, after you have settled on your own sexuality. Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this? It’s a big step to take, you know. It can lead to a lot more than you think.”

“Yes mom. I do. Really, I do.” I answered in a very low voice.

With that, she lay on her back on the bed and opened her legs wide, she touched my hair softly and kissed my forehead. I placed my head between her legs and began to explore her body. Less than twenty minutes later; she let out a low moaning cry and squirted as she came. I had made her climax in my mouth. The sweet taste of her body sent me into a fury of orgasmic pleasure as well. I raised my head and crawled up to her side and placed my head on her breast. I kissed her tenderly; she kissed me back and hugged me tightly as we fell asleep in the sleep of lovers.

Dad walked into the room waking us up abruptly. Clearing my eyes, I looked up at him and saw his raging hard-on as he saw us together, and the large wet spot between mom’s legs. It was so evident what had happened.

Mom closed her legs and simply said, “Hi Bob, what’s up?”

“I was coming to get you both for dinner, but it seems like you already ate.” He chuckled.

With me still lying next to her, and with my head still on her breast, she opened her arms wide upwards.

“Come here, baby, mommy wants you.”

Dad dropped to his knees on the bed and placed his arms on her shoulders, and jammed his raging cock into mom’s pussy. She let out a cry of passion as he savagely fucked her, right there with me holding her. It didn’t take long for him to cum in her. They both cried out as he came, the sight was amazing. He lay there on mom for a while; then pulled slowly out of her, with his cock dripping cum and juices. He was still so very hard. Then; I was really shocked.

Mom looked at me and said, “Be a good girl and clean daddy for me, baby.”

I didn’t know what to do, but as he moved toward me with his rock hard, dripping cock, it became obvious. I opened my mouth and took him in me. I closed my lips and began to let his cock slide in and out of my lips. The taste of his cock was sublime, salty and delicious. I licked and sucked until his cock was clean, but he did not seem like he wanted to leave my mouth. Mom was sitting up next to us, and playing with her fingers on her clit, she was getting very excited indeed.

Mom looked at me and moaned, “Faster, baby, faster.”

I did as she said, and soon daddy began to cry and moan like before. I tasted some salty juice flowing from his cock, then he groaned and several shots of hot, sticky, cum hit the back of my throat. I gagged and almost threw up, but mom said to breathe deeply through my nose and swallow, and not to dare open my mouth. I did. I had just given my first blow-job.

He bent forward after removing his cock from my mouth and kissed me gently, “Guess you’re all grown up now Wendy, are you okay my love?”

“Yes, I am and it was great!” I blurted out.

“Then lets get ready for dinner, I’m starved,” he laughed.

We got up, took showers and started toward the dining room. Our table was large, set for twelve people. All of our friends were there, I was so happy to see that; Amanda, Erika, her dad, DeeDee and her daughter, Candi, Kyle and his parents, and Karen and her mom and dad were all there. It was just like being at home. Dinner was fun; all my friends sitting right there, all naked and all very hot looking. Chat ran from stupid jokes to sex, I had a wonderful time and kept my eyes focused on Amanda, she looked radiant, her hair was blown out, she had makeup on and looked so amazingly sexy. I could hardly wait to get at her.

Halfway through dinner; DeeDee, who was seated to my left, placed her hand on my thigh and slowly began to rub it. I got excited immediately and tried to hide my emotions, as my parents were seated to my right and had no idea what was taking place. Her hand found its way to my lips, which she deftly parted with her fingers. I let out a small, “OOH,” and stopped myself before anyone heard me. Her target was my clit, which she found and slowly attacked. My heart was racing, I could hardly catch my breath, my own girlfriend Candi’s mom was masturbating me, right in front of my parents, and her daughter.

Then, it happened; she turned her face toward my ear and softly purred,

“Let it go, baby, let it go.”

I couldn’t take it any more; I dropped my fork, grabbed the edge of the table, threw my head back and let out a cry like a wounded animal. Everyone there heard me. I was so embarrassed I wanted to die. Then; I was given a rousing round of applause by the entire room. They stood up and cheered me on, I was one of them, and I was never happier.

DeeDee kissed me and smiled, she said, “I guess you’ve earned your collar, my dear, congratulations. I trust you’ll be joining us for our weekend parties too.”

So that’s what they stood for. Now I knew.

Amanda got up from the table, took me by the hand and along with Cindi, Kyle and Karen we walked to Amanda’s cabin. This was going to be a night to remember, for sure!

Written by Lustyrose4u
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