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Spanish Summer

"A summer in Spain starts out with a twist"

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Chapter 1:

Summer vacation is here at last! Just in time too or I would have gone insane! I thought to myself as I packed my suitcase.

"Anya are you packed?" I heard my mom yell up at me.

"Almost mom I just have to throw in my bathing suit and my make-up!"

"Well hurry up," she replied, "our flight leaves in 3 hours and we have to be at the airport 2 hours early since it's an international flight!" We had a 9 pm flight which meant we had to be there at 7pm, thanks to the increased security and what not.

I couldn't wait! My whole family- which includes my mom, dad, and older brother Erik- was headed to Spain for an entire month! I've never been before but I knew it'd be awesome...unless Erik decided to be a complete douche to me as usual!

I hurriedly packed the last of my stuff and lugged my bright pink suitcase down the stairs, almost tripping over Erik. "Watch where you're going Barbie," Erik yelled. Erik loves to call me Barbie even though he KNOWS I detest it! I can't help it if I can be a bit girly at times! I love the color pink and I love getting all dolled up, but that doesn't mean that I don't also like sports, fast cars and hanging with the guys! And it certainly doesn't mean I'm some dumb blonde bimbo who has more tits than brains! Granted I am a D cup but who cares? It's not like they're fake!

"Well excuse me you dumb jock!" Erik isn't dumb but he certainly is a jock. He plays basketball and is on the swim team at University of Chicago so he's pretty...ok really... buff. He towers over me which is pretty crazy considering I'm 6 feet tall. He's about 6'5 but that's where our similarities in appearance end. I have shoulder length honey blonde hair with brighter blonde bits mixed in and sky blue eyes. I'm pretty light skinned...not pasty or anything, just not super tan like all the other girls I know. Erik on the other hand, is tall dark and, I guess, handsome. He has dark brown hair that he wears gelled to perfection and light brown eyes surrounded by lush lashes. Where my face is subtly angular, high cheekbones and deep eyes, his is almost sculpted with prominent cheekbones and a hard jaw.

"Everybody out the door NOW," my mom screamed. My mom isn't one for pleasantries or subtleties. Her temper is as fiery as her hair and her patience is non-existent. She's a great mom but she's no June Cleaver, that's for sure.

I rushed out the door and handed my bag off to my dad to pack into the trunk. Erik was right behind me with his bag and tossed it to our dad.

"Let's go people," my dad yelled. We all piled into our new Jeep and we were on our way to the Chicago O'Hare airport!

Chapter 2

After what seemed like hours, we finally pulled into the airport parking garage and then headed to check in for our flight to Madrid. Everything managed to go off without a hitch and we breezed through security and arrived at our gate right on time.

As we sat down at our gate and looked at our tickets...well that's when the shit really hit the fan.

"What the heck mom! I don't want to sit next to Barbie for the whole flight to Spain! Are you kidding me," my brother complained.

"Grow up Erik! Your father and I are going to spend the flight in first class enjoying ourselves away from you and your sisters constant bickering so you can just sit in coach together and deal with it or you don't have to go to Spain!" My mom wasn’t one to mince words.

I was not happy! I can barely stand to be in the same room with Erik! How the hell was I going to manage a whole flight!?

Soon they called for first class to board and our parents boarded the flight ahead of us.

"Fucking lucky."

Ugh. I didn’t want to sit next to Erik for the entire flight, but I figured I’d try not to make a bad situation even worse.
"Listen Erik, I know I'm not your favorite person and you're sure as hell not mine, but I want to enjoy myself on this trip and I don't want this flight to spoil it so let's just be civil ok? Or can you not even give me that?"

"Fine Anya!"

We heard our section called over the intercom and boarded our plane.

Somehow we managed to snag the exit row seats which meant we could stretch our legs! Thank God too because my legs are over 3 feet long and there was no way I could sit behind some dude who kept reclining on my legs! Not only that but we had the whole exit row to ourselves! The airplane gods were smiling upon us!

We listened to the boring safety lecture that I’m pretty sure I can recite backwards, and then the captain announced we were 3rd for take off!

I started reading my Glamour magazine and soon we were taking off into the sky!

I hadn’t slept the night before; I was just too excited, so as we cruised through the air I started to drift off to the sounds of the plane.

As I slept I dreamt of the fun I would have in Spain. I was lying on the beach in front of our hotel trying to get some sun when I felt warm, muscular hands massaging tanning oil into my back. It felt so good. I turned to look who it was and it was Erik! He had this look in his eye like he wanted to devour me! He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, working his tongue into my mouth as his hand played with my breast. It felt so amazing! His mouth left mine and he trailed kisses down my neck to my collar bone, nibbling on it until he suddenly took my nipple into his mouth. Electricity shot through me and I moaned.

"Anya you ok there buddy," I heard my brother laugh. I opened my eyes to see that I had fallen asleep on Erik's shoulder.

"Oh, um...I must've dozed off. I'm sorry um my bad," I mumbled as I stared at Erik's lips.

"Haha must've been some dream!”
I felt all the blood in my body rush to my face. Thank God he couldn’t read my mind. “Don’t worry about it Anya! Go back to sleep. We still have a few hours left.” I was so groggy that I closed my eyes and quickly fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

“Anya! ANYA!”
I woke up to Erik shaking me. “What the fuck Erik?! I was sleeping!” “No shit Sherlock! But we’re getting ready to land.”

"Woah!!!! What time is it?!"

"4 pm Madrid time!"

I gathered my things together as we landed.

I looked out the window. It took my breath away! Everything was so bright and beautiful.

As I gazed out the window taking in the beauty of España, the people ahead of us filed out of the plane.

"Come on Anya!" Erik said.

I grabbed my purse and rushed off the plane, Erik close behind.

We met up with our parents at baggage claim and grabbed our suitcases, mine of course being bright pink with polka sue me.

"Did we rent a car?" I asked my mom.

"No we don't really need one can walk pretty much everywhere or use the public transportation so we just hired a car to take us to our condo."

We looked around for the driver who would take us to our place.

"There he is", Erik said.

Our driver was holding a sign with our last name on it.
He was gorgeous! Standing in a black suit, our driver had longer black hair that was slicked back away from his face and captivating blue eyes. “Dear God I hope all the men in Spain look like this,” I thought to myself.

"Hola Samson family. I'm Ricardo and I'll take you to your condo, Vista del Sol. I see you already found your bags! Very lucky none were lost! People are not usually so lucky! Is everyone ready to go? The car is just out front."

We followed him outside to a town car and all piled in as he loaded our luggage.

We drove by beautiful buildings and monuments. Ricardo pointed some of them out but I didn't really pay attention, I was too excited!

"Do you like to dance," he asked me and my brother.

"Oh yeah! Who doesn't?”
“Do you have many clubs here," I asked.

"Si, many! But here we call them diskotekas or diskos. In fact there is a very popular one close to your condo!"

"Oh awesome! Can I go mom?"

"I don't want you going by yourself, especially in a foreign city! If you want to go, you'll have to convince your brother to go with you."

Ugh. If we had been back in the States...I would have said it wasn't worth spending time with Erik. But how often would I get a chance to go to a disko in Spain?
"How about it Erik? You can just pretend you don't know I normal."

"Fine by me!!" Erik said, "Just don't talk to me, stand near me, or embarrass me."

Chapter 3

We pulled up to our home away from home a little while later. It was so cool! It was in an older building with the most beautiful Moorish architecture. Ricardo grabbed our bags out for us and gave us his card. "Let me know if you need another ride!"
 My parents tipped him well and we walked through the doors of the building to the elevator that would take us to our condo on the 5th floor of the building.

"Ok kids, first we need to go to 510 to get the key from our next door neighbor. She owns our condo and rents it out to tourists in the summer."

My dad got the key and we went to wait at our door.

He came back with the key and when he opened the door I think we were all a little overwhelmed by how large our home for the next two weeks was.

The door opened onto a huge entry way and then the kitchen on the right with the family room behind it. On the left were three doors and then a circular staircase up to an enclosed loft.

"Alright kids! Your mom and I will take the loft and you two can have the rooms down here."

I rushed to see what the rooms looked like. I opened the door to my room and saw that t had a big king-sized bed and an antique dresser with a flat screened TV above it. And the views onto the street below were so different from what I was used to back in the states. Everything had such an old world feel.

"Nice room! Mine is pretty much the same," I heard Erik say from behind me.

"Kids," my mom yelled, "come out here!”

"Yeah mom," I said as we made our way into the main room, "what is it?"

"Your father and I are going out to dinner and to a party one of his old college friends is having. You remember Ignacio don't you? He moved back here so we're going to be going there tonight.”

“If you want to go out tonight to the disko you can, as long as you stay together. Your dad exchanged some money so here's 100 Euros. You can walk around for a while or lounge here until you leave. We probably won't be back until the morning and I doubt you will either. Just be careful!"

"Thanks mom! Have fun", I said.

As my parents got ready to go out to dinner, Erik and I decided to head out and do a little bit of exploring before we headed to the club.

We walked on the cobbled streets past old buildings and shops, stopping here and there to look at things that caught our eyes.
 We kept walking until my stomach started grumbling. "Hey Erik, I'm getting kind of hungry and I don't think there's anything to eat at the condo. Can we stop and grab something?"

"If I get food poisoning I'm blaming you Anya."

"Relax Erik...this isn't some third world country! It's Europe...just don't eat anything weird."

As we continued walking, my stomach grumbled louder and louder. "Erik. Look!" I pointed off to my left at a small café-type restaurant.

"What the hell is that in the window," Erik asked.

"Erik. Can't you read? It's a Greek café! That's a leg of lamb roasting on a spit. It's used to make gyros!"

"Are you sure Anya? I thought we were in Spain...not Greece!"

"Yes! It says right there 'Café Greco.' It means Greek café...remember I passed Spanish unlike you! And Spain has a lot of Greek influences! They don't just have Spanish restaurants dumbass!"

I boldly entered the café in front of Erik, taking in the delicious smell of lamb roasting and baklava baking. There was a small handwritten menu propped up on the counter and a young man, probably about 28, standing behind it ready to take orders. I heard Erik come in behind me as I read through the menu...all in Greek and Spanish of course.

"Yeah uhm what do you guys have here," I heard Erik say.

"Que?" The young man responded. "No hablo ingles."

"Erik you dumbass! There's a menu right there!"

"I don't know what it says!"

"Ugh....what do you want?"

"Gyros and fries and a coke."

"Alright I'll order then. But fries here are more like fried potatoes."

"Hola señor," I began, "Nosotros queremos dos gyros con papas fritas y para beber, una coca cola y una fanta naranja."

He looked at me in he couldn't believe I spoke Spanish. "Claro...25 Euros por favor," he finally said.

I handed him the money then took a seat at a nearby table to wait. I looked at my watch and realized I hadn't reset it and had no clue what time it was. "Hey Erik. What time is it?"

" Fuck if I know."

"Wow...what a gentleman." I looked to the young man at the counter.
"Perdóname pero, sabes qué hora es?"

"Si, son las ocho y media." We had been walking along for longer than we thought. "Erik it's already 8:30. Once we're done eating, we had better head back. It'll probably take us close to an hour to walk back and the clubs open at midnight and we still have to get ready."

"Señorita, tu comida esta lista!"

I got up and grabbed our food and drinks and sat back down. Erik and I quickly dug into the food, not wasting any time, glad that we didn't have to make forced chit chat.

Once we were finished, I threw away our trash and we left to walk back. 

Chapter 4

It took us a little less than an hour to make it back to the condo, since we had an actual destination and weren't just going for a stroll.

"I'm going to go jump in the shower," Erik said once we got back into the condo.

"Hurry up!"

I went into my room and unpacked some clothes and plugged in my hair straightener.

As I waited for it to heat up I put on my makeup paying special attention to my eyes. I love making them pop even more! I applied one shade of brown shadow over the entire lid, then a darker one in the crease, and finally a shimmery white on my brow bones. I then carefully lined my eyes with a navy blue eye liner and put on jet black mascara. Finally I put on some plumping lip gloss to make my lips look even fuller and poutier. I straightened my long hair and then tried to decide what to wear.

I finally decided on an uber short zebra print mini skirt and a lacy, almost see-through black halter top. I put on my best Victoria's Secret pushup bra-yes you can improve on nature- and my favorite black g-string and then put on my outfit. I decided to wear 2'' black platform heels too, even though I'm already taller than most guys.

I walked over to the mirror to see how I looked. "Not bad," I thought. The heels made my legs look even longer and my butt even rounder. The skirt clung to my ass making me glad I was wearing a G-string. The halter top was form fitting, emphasizing my large bust, tiny waist, and flared hips. I was blessed with an hour glass shape and a nice set of tits if I do say so myself.

I walked out to see if Erik was ready....he wasn't... Ugh what a pretty boy, I thought to myself.

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Written by DreamerGal
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