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Soccer Team Doctor and MILF - Part One

"I become a soccer team doctor and end up fucking my son and the other boys on the team."

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It was very difficult for my son, David, to make the boys traveling soccer team in our small, suburban town near Miami.  But after many years of effort and practice he made the team.  

I am a family physician and agreed to be the team doctor free of charge, but he made the team before I agreed to provide medical services. The previous team physician, Maxwell, was my partner in our medical practice. He retired from all medical duties after suffering a minor stroke. Maxwell had given the boys their team physicals at the beginning of the season. I just needed to monitor the games, which was not a problem since I traveled with them as a team mother anyway.

My name is Alexis and I was thirty-four years old at the time of this story. You might be wondering how I could have a sixteen-year-old son at my age. I was seventeen in my senior year of high school when I got pregnant by a twenty-year-old college boy I was dating named Ed. Fortunately for me he is from a wealthy family in the import/export business. Not only did we get married, but his father paid for my college and medical school, as well as providing child care for David. So, I was pretty lucky that I got impregnated by the right guy, and wasn’t left to a destitute life trying to raise the baby on my own.

Ed was the first boy I had sex with, so I didn’t realize until years later, when I saw men in my family practice, that his hard four-and-a-half-inch dick is definitely on the small side. But we enjoyed sex anyway, mainly because Ed always wanted to suck my pussy, both before and after we fucked, and I always had an orgasm riding his face. I was still left to wonder how some of those larger cocks would feel inside me. I never acted unprofessionally with my patients and none of them knew what I was thinking when I examined their big cocks.

One problem is that Ed began to travel so much as he got promoted in the family business. He would be gone weeks at a time overseas. In fact, we had sex so seldom that I stopped taking my birth control pills since they were causing me to gain weight. We then just relied on the rhythm method and that had worked fine for us for the last four years. I agreed to be the team doctor for the soccer club, so I wouldn’t be home alone so much.

Our team is comprised of sixteen and seventeen-year olds. Being from a culturally diverse area like Miami, we have a mix of Caucasian, Cuban-American, Indian-American and Arab-American players. Soccer is a much more popular sport in Latin American and Middle Eastern cultures. So, our team has some very strong ethnic players. I had gotten to know most of the mothers and players from going to the first few games. and I became especially good friends with an Indian woman named Banee. Her son, Dhyan, is a striker and even at just sixteen years old he's one of our star players. 

The first game after my appointment as the team physician was at home at the field of our local high school. Our team was winning two to zero at the end of the first half. Then during the first twenty minutes of the second half Dhyan was taken out of the game due to what looked like a groin injury. Groin injuries are very common in soccer, and although some can be very serious, many are just muscle strains that heal on their own.

I wanted to be sure that it was nothing serious so I helped Dhyan into the trainer’s room, so I could check him out. We were the only ones there, so I helped him up onto the training table and said, “Okay, Dhyan, let’s get those shorts off so we can determine how badly you're injured.”

Dhyan had been looking me over in my Umbros and a tight, team t-shirt, and then he looked me right in the face and smiled as he leaned and pushed down his shorts. I expected him to be wearing a jock strap or at least a pair of supportive underwear. I was surprised when his cock came into view since he wasn’t wearing any undergarments. I had never seen any of the boys previously and was stunned to see such a large, black cock on a sixteen-year-old boy. He and his mother have what I would describe as being a little darker than mid-tone Asian skin color, or as some would call it a dark olive complexion. It is normal for people of color to have genitals that are sometimes much darker than their normal skin color.

I had seen a few big cocks in my practice, but that kid’s soft cock was nestled in thick, black pubic hair and hanging down between his legs. It looked to be about seven inches long and almost six inches in circumference. His balls arre the size of small lemons and were hanging down on the table in his hairy, black scrotum. I’m guessing that his hard cock would be at least nine inches long and over six inches around.

He was still smiling at me as I regained my composure and said, “Oh sorry, Dhyan, I thought you’d be wearing some kind of underwear.”

It was clear that he enjoyed showing off his genitals to me and watching me gawk at him. I had to get his cock and balls out of the way to properly examine his groin area, so I said, “Help me out here and hold your genitals out of the way for me.”

Dhyan was still smiling as he said, “It hurts me to reach down there, Doctor Alexis. I was hoping you’d hold them out of the way for me. I don’t mind at all if you do that.”

I had the unmistakable feeling that I was being played by him, but I wanted to complete the exam and decided to just do as he asked. He spread his legs and I reached down with one hand to encircle his cock and balls and hold them out of the way while I used my other hand to do the exam. It was a big handful. I was concentrating on evaluating his groin and I prodded and pushed in different areas to assess how much pain he felt. I soon determined that he had a minor muscle strain.

By then I had been holding his cock and balls for several minutes. I was certain that I felt his thick cock flexing a little and starting to harden in my hand. So, I quickly let his cock and balls fall back into place between his legs and said, “Well, fortunately, it looks like you only have a slight muscle strain. I think it will be best for you stay out for the rest of this game anyway. You should be good to go next week.”

As we were leaving the training room Dhyan said, “Thanks a lot, Doc, for helping me with this. And just so you know, you can hold my penis and balls like that anytime you want to.”

I was perturbed that a sixteen-year-old boy would be that rude to an adult and his doctor. So, I said, “Don’t be so disrespectful, young man. What I did in there was just part of the examination and nothing else. Do you understand me?”

Then he looked remorseful and said, “Yes, ma’am, sorry. But I still enjoyed having you hold me like that.”

I attended the practices for the next week. Every time I saw Dhyan, I noticed the shape of his big cock swinging free and rubbing on his shorts. That was a constant reminder for me of how big his cock is. Ed was out of town, as usual, and my pussy got wet at the field. Then I masturbated myself to sleep every night thinking of that boy’s big, Indian cock. I know that isn’t very professional of me, but I hadn’t had sex in months and his cock stirred erotic feelings in me.

On Friday afternoon the team left for Orlando for our game on Saturday morning. I rode in Banee’s van with Dhyan, David and two other boys named Ernesto and Ramon. We arrived at our hotel at about 10:30 pm and quickly went to our rooms. There are eleven players and three substitutes, plus the coach that traveled to the game. So, there were three vans total. Banee and I had one room and the two other parents that drove had another room. The boys were in another four rooms with three in each of two rooms and four in each of two other rooms. The coach had a room to himself.

Banee decided to take a shower so we wouldn’t be in a rush in the morning. I was surprised when she walked back into the room totally nude. She is a beautiful forty-year-old woman with dark olive skin and seemed to be in very good shape. I’m guessing that her breasts are a nice, firm D-cup, with very dark nipples. She has neatly trimmed, black pubic hair framing her dark, thick labia. She's only about five feet three inches tall, weighs about one hundred and ten pounds, and is gorgeous with her long raven hair and brown eyes.

I couldn’t believe her lack of modesty and asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to cover up, Banee? You don’t seem to be the least bit modest about walking around nude in front of me.”

She continued to towel-dry her hair and said, “Oh sorry, Alexis. I’m used to going nude like this at home and thought nothing of it. I’ll put on a robe if it makes you more comfortable.”

I was thinking what a horny teenager Dhyan seemed to be and replied, “Thanks, Banee. But are you saying that you walk around nude at home? What about when Dhyan is around? He seems like a normal teenager who would lose control seeing someone as beautiful as you nude like that, even though you are his mother.”

She was about to answer me when we heard some of the boys talking loudly in the room that backed up to ours. We apparently shared the return air duct with their room. We stopped talking and listened. It sounded like David, Dhyan, Ernesto and Ramon in that room.

We heard Dhyan say, “Yeah, David, I think your mom is drop-dead gorgeous, especially in those shorts and t-shirt at our last game. And when she was evaluating my groin injury, she held onto my cock and balls the whole time. She is a damn fine piece of ass. I’d love to stick my cock in her sweet, white pussy. From the way she looked at me, I’ll bet she’d love my big, black cock.”

I could tell that David was upset at hearing that when he said, “Don’t talk about Mom like that. I know that she’s gorgeous. But I don’t want to hear you saying those things again or I’ll kick your dumb ass. What makes you think that a grown woman would want anything to do with you anyway?”

It was flattering hearing that both boys thought I was gorgeous. I was even happier that David was sticking up for me. I have to admit that I am nice looking, at five feet seven inches tall and weighing one hundred and twenty pounds, with shoulder-length blonde hair and jade-green eyes. My firm, full D-cup tits have always been an attraction to men. I’m sure that my fair skin is also an attraction, especially to an Indian boy.

Then Dhyan answered David saying, “Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a wad. I won’t say anything more about her if it upsets you. But she is hotter than hell. And as far as a grown woman is concerned I've already fucked a grown woman.”

I saw a horrified look coming over Banee’s face as Dhyan continued, “Yeah no shit, I have been fucking my mother since I turned sixteen four months ago, and she loves my big cock. We also do oral sex, and both of us love that. We do it almost every day, even when my father is home, and she just loves my big cum loads too.”

Banee looked flushed as she backed away and took a seat at the little table in our room. She was still nude, and she motioned me over and said, “I guess I’d better explain. In the small village in India where I was born, it is an accepted part of the culture that incest is allowed between father and daughters and mothers and sons. That is especially true for the boys if they have larger cocks than the fathers."

"My husband has a little four-inch dick, so after Dhyan turned sixteen, my husband accepted the fact that Dhyan would be my lover until he moved out and took a wife. I know that you've seen his cock, based on what we just heard. He also told me that you got upset with him when he was forward with you the other day. I sincerely apologize for his behavior, but maybe now you can see why he was comfortable making advances on an adult woman."

"He's a very horny boy, and wants to suck and fuck me every chance he gets. Now you can see why me being nude in front of him is no big deal. But please don’t tell anyone else about this.”

I was shocked at hearing Banee’s confession of committing incest with her son. But at the same time, I could understand how her culture allowed it without the guilt it fosters in America. Seeing her nude like that was also affecting me in ways I didn’t’ understand. I have never had any sexual interest in women, but seeing her nude like that was strangely exciting to me, especially since she is so exotic and beautiful.

I really wanted to talk more about all of that, but since it was so late, and we had an early game in the morning, I took her hand and said, “I promise that I won’t say anything to anyone about this, Banee. I think you know that it will be hard for the boys to keep it quiet though. I find all of this very interesting and would love to talk with you more about it later. For now, we need our sleep for the game tomorrow. Now that I understand your situation a little better, I don’t mind if you want to walk around here nude in front of me. In fact, I think you’re quite beautiful and I very much enjoy seeing your body.”

The next day at the game was interesting, as David, Dhyan, Ernesto and Ramon kept stealing glances at Banee and me. It was apparent that the admission by Dhyan that he was fucking his mother, and the talk of how hot I am got all the boys excited. My pussy was wet all day, especially when I saw Dhyan’s cock moving in his shorts.

One surprising aspect of that was that David was also staring at my tits and ass. I wasn’t yet thinking about the possibility of incest with my son, but his attention was helping to keep my pussy wet. Banee and I had been friends for a while, but I also noticed that she was more attentive to me after the comments I made to her about how beautiful she is.

With all of those new happenings, it was a slightly confusing day for me. We won our game and were on the road home by noon. After stopping to pick up lunch, we made it home by 6:00 pm. The car ride was interesting in that no one was saying much. There was a definite sexual tension in the air.

Ed was still out of town during the next week and I attended the practices as usual. Banee and I had a lot of time to talk. We sat off a little from the parents and she told me a little more about the customs in India. She mentioned that sometimes mothers and daughters would have sex. There was also some lesbian sex between the daughters and other women. I didn’t ask her if she participated in any of that, but I did get a definite feeling that she was letting me know that she was open to it. She also said that the boys and men got together for sex. So, she was painting a picture of a very sexually-open society in her little village.

At the end of our practice on Friday, Banee told me that Dhyan was planning on inviting David to sleep over with them on Saturday night. He would just go home with them after the game ended in the early evening.

After Banee told me about the sleepover she leaned closer to me and whispered, “I feel that I must be honest with you about this. Dhyan only rarely invites boys over, but when he does though, he usually encourages them to fuck me, and I always do as he says. He likes sharing me with certain boys, especially if they have pretty mothers like you and he feels a connection to them. And I have to admit that I like fucking different boys. So, you have to let me know if you don’t want me to fuck David.”

I’m sure that I must have looked stunned at her comments, but rather than getting angry, I decided to think it through. I was pretty sure that David was still a virgin and had never fucked a girl, and part of me felt like it might be good for him to have his first sex with a beautiful, experienced, grown woman in a safe, home environment.

I thought Banee must certainly be on birth control if she’s fucking her own son that way. It seemed there would...

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Written by edlangston
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