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Sister's Secret

"Davide's sister has a secret problem that can only be solved with her brother's big cock."

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As Davide walked through the front door he shouted, “Hey I’m home,” and dumped his keys on the side table.

He heard a muffled and gasped, “Um hey,” back from the living room.

As he looked through he saw his sister, sitting on the sofa, slam down the lid of the laptop she was working on. Maybe, but he wasn’t 100% sure he thought he saw on the browser a familiar blue logo of the ‘mostly-followers’ website. He toyed with the idea of teasing Giorgia about it, but then thought better of it as really how would he know anything about that kind of thing?

“How was your day?” he asked as he slumped on the sofa

“Yeah, OK, I guess. The TL:DR version is: I’m struggling with saying something original about Heine.”

“Yes, I can see that you might…”

He trailed off, thinking he wanted to say something sarcastic about German poetry, but nope.

Giorgia had come to live with him a few months ago as she had a place at the prestigious Goethe Institute in Bloomsbury to study for a Ph.D. in German literature.

She was very much the smarter of the two and always had been academically gifted. Davide, on the other hand, while hardly thick, liked to imagine himself as being more practical and talented with his hands than his younger sister. In truth, he was a tiny bit jealous of her talents and wished he had stuck out the university process a bit longer.

“How was your day?” Giorgia asked him

“Eh, nothing exciting, just the usual stream of idiots asking idiotic questions.” Davide cracked open a beer he had brought in. “Do you want one of these?”

“No, ta, I need to get on with this research..”

He sat on the sofa beside her and leaned against the arm of the chair facing her.

As he relaxed from the stress of London public transport he noticed something a bit out of character with Giorgia.

She was wearing a dressing gown while sitting with her laptop. Nothing odd about that per se, but it was 6:30, hardly just-getting-dressed time.

Also, the dressing gown wasn’t your run-of-the-mill Marks and Sparks number, it was a rather slinky green satin thing.

As Davide sat there flicking through some notifications on his phone, shifted his attention to this dressing gown. His sister was rather generously proportioned, definitely not fat, but thicc, as Americans would say. The belt of the gown had come loose slightly and the opening at the front was gaping a bit.

While, hardly a tube pervert, Davide loved the occasional glimpses of bras and cleavage that were being crammed in with people on the Northern Line he imagined that many people also enjoyed these furtive glances. It was an instinct that he fought against because he knew that Women had enough to deal with daily from genuine pervs without him looking at their bras through the gap in the shirts. A friend of his had once told him an awful story about getting off the tube train to realise that her skirt had cum on it. Some revolting shit had spunked in his trousers and then flicked it on her. Davide was certainly not one of the people.

However, as he sat facing Giorgia his eyes were instinctively drawn to the gape in her gown. He could see the generous curve of her right breast naked under the satin. He followed the curve down and realised there was a nipple visible. Right there and raised up to full height. Her areola was delightfully dark pink and bumpy. It was a delicious-looking boob. Full and heavy it demanded his full attention.

Damn, he thought, what the hell am I doing, and pulled his gaze away back to his recent Instagram likes. His cock, on the other hand, had no such cares, and rose to the occasion, pushing hard against his trousers as it swelled in his boxers.

Jesus, he thought, I don’t need this right now. Why in the heck am I getting hard looking at my sister’s boob? Had it been that long since he had any sexy times that he was checking out his own flesh and blood?

Giorgia looked across at her brother and harrumphed, she had things she needed to finish off and didn’t need him lounging around distracting her. She noticed that her dressing gown had come open and adjusted the tie so she was fully covered up. Living with her brother was tricky enough without the added hassle of not being able to walk around in the nude.

Davide waited for his enormous erection to subside and got the impression that Giorgia wanted to get on with her research so he got up and started to distract his incestuous thoughts with dinner prep.

As he got up, Giorgia thought to herself, finally, she glanced at her sibling and noticed that he habitually adjusted himself in his trousers. Obviously, he hadn’t got used to not having the flat to himself. She also noticed while he shifted himself around that her brother was packing wood.

First of all, why did he have an erection, was the most obvious question, but also and this was her deep-seated monkey brain asking this question, damn, how big was that thing? Giorgia was not inexperienced in cock handling, however, this cock looked like a whole new level.

Like Davide, she squashed down these carnal thoughts. Even though she would love to see what that looked like at full height. Fortunately though, unlike him, her arousal was invisible and all that would have given her away was the warmth now rising from her pussy and the inevitable wetness. I really must focus on this bloody essay she thought.

Dinner came and went without any furtive glances, aided by the fact that Giorgia changed into her usual jeans and sweater. Their residual arousal, gradually disipating, hidden under layers of clothes and shame.

Chapter 2

Giorgia gave everyone the impression of being a model student: industrious, intelligent, and dedicated to her love of German literature. She hoped one day to either be a professor at a European university or writing long difficult novels that while highly regarded by the academy also received a surprisingly large readership.

She was also harboring a slightly shameful, to her at least, secret.

Giorgia had an ex-boyfriend who had taken some very uncompromising pictures of her with himself and a mutual friend. Some recreational drugs may or may not have been involved, but, youthful stupidity and a lot of cheap wine were. This ex of hers also had a crippling gambling addiction, he had borrowed 10s of thousands of pounds to try to keep up with his losses but had also stolen Giorgia’s credit cards too. Now to pay back the losses he had resorted to selling the video he had made of Giorgia and their friend online.

Giorgia had been trying to get legal help to get this video taken down but with the credit card debt and the onerous academic fees with her Ph.D, she was struggling.

Davide was letting her live rent-free, thank god, but the wolves were starting to circle and since she was new in London and to England she had no one she could turn to.

What made matters worse was the Goethe Institute had very strict rules around the moral propriety of their students. Even the slightest whiff of a scandal and she would be out. This venerable conservative institution wasn’t going to be besmirched by the kind of sluts that have sex tapes online.

When Davide had come home the other day he had caught her in the middle of setting up a ‘mostly-followers’ account. She was 90% sure he hadn’t seen anything, but she was certain that he had got a hard-on while checking out her boobs under the gown she’d been wearing. She didn’t have the headspace to deal with the extra worry of having to cover up around him in case he saw something he shouldn’t.

Despite this, she was secretly quite glad he had liked what he saw as it meant there was a definite market out there for what she had to offer.

Just shy of twenty-five Giorgia was, while technically obese according to the ridiculous BMI standard, rocking a great body. When she was younger she hated the attention that her enormous bust gained her. An uncle in particular had paid her a little bit too much attention. Now, even though she tended to wear loose-fitting sweaters at college, she enjoyed how feminine she felt with a dress on and her killer cleavage out. Her last bra-fitting had given her a double J cup. They were still remarkably firm though and her dark pink nipples stuck upwards prominently.

Guys on the internet would pay handsomely to see these she reasoned. Reddit threads informed her that she could make a comfortable living without really having to show much or even her face if she didn’t want to.

So, she set up her account online. Gave it a cheesy ‘sexy librarian’ type name. She set up her phone on a cheap tripod with a circle light and took some photos of her boobs, pinching her nipples to make sure they were super hard, and a few shots of her ass with a thong on. Her bum was her least favourite bit of her body, but these Reddit subs told her to make sure she got some good ass shots, so she took some but ensured her pussy was fully covered.

That same day by the time she was in bed checking the account on her phone she had 50 ‘fans’ each paying £10 a month to see her glorious boobs. Optimistic that a few months of this would help her clear her credit card debt and pay lawyers to take down the videos that were circulating on forums and websites, she went to bed content. As she drifted off she tried to push away intrusive thoughts about the bulge in Davide’s trousers earlier.

Two weeks after setting up her account she now had hundreds of fans and was getting dozens of messages a day. Most of these messages were nice guys complimenting her on her boobs and the inevitable cock shots, which to be honest, she didn’t mind. Sometimes, though guys would pester her to show more, arguing that she was just a ‘fucking tease’ or that she was ‘scamming them’. Part of the problem was that she didn’t have much time to make content. With her studying, the part-time bar job she had recently taken on, and with her brother being at home in the evenings she barely had time to post once a week.

Giorgia had been chatting to a woman on Reddit who had had her ‘mostly followers’ account for a year and was giving her friendly advice on how to improve her content. Once when Giorgia had been a bit tipsy she let slip that she lived with her brother her new friend said:

“You should play up to that, these simps love an incest fantasy!”

“What, no,” said Giorgia, “I couldn’t do that, it’s soo wrong.”

“You don’t need to do anything, idiot, you just pretend. Do a simulated blow job on a dildo and give it the ‘Oh big brother I didn’t realise you were so big..’ thing. Your fans will pay a fortune for a PPV like that.”

“Do you think so?”

“Yes you sweet summer child, go do it now, before you talk yourself out of it.”

Giorgia closed her laptop, took a slug of the wine on her bedside table, and said out loud to herself

“OK, let’s do it…”

She set up her tripod and light and slipped out of her pajamas.

In her bedside drawer, she had a dildo with a suction cup on it so she pulled that out and set up her camera so it looked like the dildo was not attached to the wall but maybe a person was attached to it and kneeled as if worshiping the plastic cock.

Pulling herself together, she put on some bright red lipstick, tied her hair back, and put on the thick-rimmed glasses she wore as part of the sexy academic thing.

Giorgia turned on her camera and started talking to the camera

“Wow, big brother, I had no idea your cock was so huge, can I touch it?”

Recently, Davide had been stressed out at work, his boss had been giving him shit about some projects he had let slip. Nothing groundbreaking but it was causing him some aggravation. This work thing meant that he hadn’t had much chance to check in with Giorgia and see how she was doing. He’d also been drinking a bit too much to relieve his anxiety.

This evening he was sitting alone in his room, mulling over the projects he’d fucked up, with a bottle of wine by his side. He and Giorgia had both gone to bed tipsy after watching a Netflix series that had altogether a bit too much nudity to enjoy with a sibling in the room. Sitting there in his bed he could hear Giorgi shuffling about, getting ready for bed, no doubt.

All of a sudden his body went rigid and he felt the pit of his stomach churn over … had he really just heard her say

“Wow, big brother…”

Although she was muffled it sounded like she was talking to someone. Whatever it was, she had definitely said “big brother” and something about his cock.

Fuck it he thought, he hadn’t had sex in nearly a year. He gave in to his incestuous thoughts, and pulled down his duvet and boxers, releasing his already extremely hard, massive cock. Imagining his own sister kneeling in front of him, he started wanking furiously. Wanting her to push her enormous pert breasts against his penis he pounded away, in what seemed like only 30 seconds he erupted all over the duvet. As the thick ropes landed on him and the quilt he gasped out

“Oh, Giorgia... Shit.”

As Giorgia just finished filming - 2 minutes should be long enough - and was just pulling a t-shirt on she thought she heard her brother next door gasp her name.

No, she thought, she must have imagined it. Her incestuous fantasy was just that, a fantasy. And her fans were about to pay $100 for it. Her Reddit friend had promised her that her fans would pay up. She uploaded the video to the site and sent out a group message: ‘Watch me suck my brother’s huge cock’ only $100 PPV.

The next morning she woke up and instinctively she checked her ‘mostly followers’ metrics.

Holy shit, over 1,000 people had paid for the video. Damn. She saw she had several 100 messages but didn’t have time to check them as she was due to teach a class on 19th-century German culture at Queen Mary University.

On her way home from the class, she checked her bank balance. Minus her enormous overdraft, she had nearly £90k in her account. That was enough to pay off her credit cards and pay a retainer to the lawyer to start proceedings against the forums and clip sites. So she sat down in a coffee shop opened her laptop and started transferring money.

On her way home she picked up a couple of bottles of champagne and some fancy ready meals from Waitrose.

Davide was at home on his second beer when she got in.

“Woah, what’s all this in aid of?” He asked as Giorgia started unloading goodies.

“I got promoted today,” she lied, “I’m now an assistant lecturer! Extra £10k a year.”

“Wow,” Davide said. “That’s amazing!” and gave his sister a huge hug.

He held her for what seemed a split second too long and then backed away blushing.

Giorgia was too happy to notice so pulled off her sweater and shoes and started opening champagne and sorting out dinner.

Davide hadn’t seen his sister this relaxed in ages. Her mood was infectious and he being already a bit drunk from beer let his attention linger over her body.

She looked amazing. The shirt she had on clung to her boobs and the tailored skirt accentuated her hips. As she bent over to get ice out of the bottom of the freezer he thought he saw the tops of her hold-ups. Stockings, he thought, I’m adding that to another box ticked, Giorgia is my ideal woman.

As the oven heated up the flat being so small started to get hot, so Giorgia undid a few buttons on her shirt. She knew that Davide was looking, but she was so relaxed she didn’t care and handed him a glass full of champagne.

“Here, big brother! Here’s to happier times!” and downed the glass.

It wasn’t her intention but she had emphasized the word ‘big’ and smirked when she said it, something not lost on her sibling.

By the time they had eaten they were halfway through the second bottle of champagne, and the brother and sister were decidedly drunk.

Giorgia slumped out on the sofa with her legs over Davide.

“You know what, fuck it!” she said, “It’s so fucking hot in here, I’m taking my top off.”

She sat up a bit, unbuttoned her shirt, slid her arms out, and chucked it on the floor.

“You boys,” she continued, “have no fucking clue what it’s like walking around with boobs like these.”

She pushed her chest out to emphasise that it was these particular boobs she was talking about.

Davide smirking and thoroughly enjoying the view replied, “No, you’re absolutely right.”

“Boob sweat is a thing, you know.”

Davide nodded, hoping that this was the end of the conversation.

“Actually, Davide, one of the greatest pleasures a woman can have - other than a fat cock filling her up - is taking her bra off.”

Davide managed to choke down the mouthful of champagne, but some came out of his nose. He started laughing uncontrollably.

Giorgia continued, “So, seeing as there’s no prospect of any cock at the moment, I’m going to take my bra off too. Enjoy!”

Before he had any chance to interject she had undone her bra and pulled it free of her boobs.

“Oh, that’s better!” she said.

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Davide took in the view: his sister facing him on the opposite side of the sofa, her beautiful boobs out....

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Written by luv2_benude
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