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Sisters' Gift XVIII - Endings and Beginnings

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End Part XVII: I fucked her through her orgasm and then came inside her. I flopped down beside her and kissed her gently. “Ty, no one could ever make me cum like you. I love you so much.”

“I love you too baby.”

“By the way Ty. I’m off the pill again.”

The ensuing nine months was a blur to me. Gabby and Allison had both gotten pregnant. Naturally, their hormones were out of control. One minute, Gabby was yelling at me for some inane reason, and the next she was jumping my bones. Abby was dealing with a similar situation as well. Many times, Abby and I were just so frustrated with our pregnant wives, that we left them alone together, to bitch and complain one minute and fuck the next. Abby and I were incredibly frustrated with them, and needed some good clean incestuous sex to keep our minds clear. It had been a while since I was with only Abby.

Gabby was eating some concoction that she made in the kitchen and I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. She was yelling at me because I never ate with her anymore. I figured I had good reason. I got too frustrated with the fight and just brought her over to Abby and Allison’s to cool off with her pregnant friend. Abby looked just as flustered as me. She needed time away from the pregnancy and went with me back to my place.

As soon as the door shut, Abby lept up onto me like she had done so many times before. I instinctively held her by her ass and our mouths met. I had almost forgotten what she tasted like. I figured I should taste the rest of her, just to make sure I had the taste in memory for a while to come.

I dropped her on the couch and practically tore off her clothes, revealing her curvaceous naked form. I kissed her again. I moved to her neck and kissed her there. My kisses trailed to her breasts, now heaving in her excitement. I captured a nipple in my mouth and licked and flicked it. I sucked on the tiny nub and bit down gently on it. “Bite it! Bite it!” I began to bite down harder on her nipples, causing Abby to scream out in pleasure, and cum from just stimulation of her nipples.

I continued kissing down her body, and then came to her pussy. I licked it slowly, savoring the taste. She, however, did not want slow. She wanted me to devour her pussy. I got to work. I bit, sucked, flicked, licked, and fingered her pussy. I brought her to another orgasm before finally taking my clothes off. My cock was painfully hard, and I wasted no time in shoving it into my sister’s pussy. I fucked her hard. Each thrust was powerful and buried me deep in Abby’s cunt, touching her in places that had never been reached.

She was already sopping wet from her previous orgasms and I had no trouble pounding her. The sheer force of my thrusts propelled us to orgasm within minutes. I came buckets into her, and she squirted all over my legs. We lay there, basking in the glow of our orgasms. I drove back to get Gabby, and bring her home. As soon as I entered the door I heard, “How many times?”


“How many times did you fuck her?”

“Once, but I ate her to another orgasm.”

“And how many times have you fucked me recently?”

“Ummm…” The truth was, I hadn’t fucked her in a while. She seemed so angry with me.

“Just get over here, and put your cock in my cunt.”

I raced over there. She seemed angry, and angry sex was amazing. You tend to experience every type of sex in a marriage, and angry was by far my favorite. She took all her pent out aggression into the fuck and completely blew my mind. She was sitting on the couch, her back to me. I couldn’t tell until I reached her that she was naked. Even pregnant she was gorgeous. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Now fuck me.”

She did most of the fucking. I lay back and watched her bounce on top of me, thrusting my rod deep into her silky depths. Over and over she thrust down onto me, her engorged breasts bouncing along with her. She clenched and unclenched her pussy, milking me. She drove herself to orgasm, using me as a human fuck toy. I grabbed her and pushed her down on her back. I began to really fuck her.

“Yes, yes YES. I need it, Ty. Punish that pussy. Fuck me harder. Ugh, harder. Ugh, HARDER! YES!”

I pounded into her like I had done to Abby earlier in the day. I bit down on her tits, and it wasn’t long until she was screaming in orgasm. “Almost there. Don’t stop, Ty. Don’t stop. I’m … I’m … I’m CUMMING!” Her words and contracting pussy sent me over the edge as I launched rope after rope of my cum into her.

This arrangement repeated itself many times. Finally, in the ninth month, Allison went into labor.

So there we were in the delivery room. Allison on one side of the curtain, Gabby on the other, both delivering my child on the same day. They went into labor within an hour of each other, and upon arriving, requested that they share a room. Laura, our daughter of three years old now, was wonderful throughout the entire event. She could not wait to meet her new sibling and cousin.

Everyone knows that during a pregnancy, the woman yells obscenities at the man who was the cause of this. Imagine this from both sides of the room, with the nurses looking on is absolute shock at one person being the father for two women sharing a single room. I ran over to coach both women, and received more than my fair share of verbal abuse from both. In the end it was worth it. Gabby gave birth to another beautiful baby girl, Allison gave birth to a baby boy.

They were born 43 minutes apart, with Allison’s baby boy, Christopher, being the elder of the two. Gabby and I chose (read: Gabby chose) to name our daughter Amy. While in the hospital, I got a vasectomy, no more kids for me. I figured I was lucky so far with the amount of sex I had to only father three children.

Start of a new, but related story. Again, I do not know how long this will last, or if it will turn into a series as long as this one (probably not). I WANTED TO GIVE A SMALL BACKGROUND INTO THE BIRTHS, AS I DID ABOVE. I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT.

Life is hard for me. My name is Chris, and I am 16 years old. Naturally, as a teenage boy, I have an extremely high libido and unfortunately it is not relieved by anything other than my hand. I have plenty of motivation around the house as my two moms (yea, that’s right, lesbian parents) are extremely good looking. My biological mother, Allison is 42 as is her partner Abby. Both look as though they could be ten years younger, and can be models. In fact, I think Uncle Ty once told me that Abby worked as a model for a while.

That’s another strange situation for me, Uncle Ty and Aunt Gabby. My parents say that Uncle Ty is my biological father. I have pieced together that Uncle Ty and Aunt Gabby are siblings. I guess you could say that I have an open mind towards sex since I have grown up around incest and lesbianism. I don’t find it weird at all. I’m also pretty sure that Aunt Gabby and Uncle Ty are somehow involved with my moms. Just by the way he looks at them, it seems similar to how he looks at Aunt Gabby. Ty and Gabby have two kids, my cousins, and I guess half sisters. Also incredibly good looking, Laura (age 19) and Amy (age 16). We see each other all the time.

I’m pretty good looking myself, I mean, I have the genes for it. Unfortunately, I seem to have inherited Allison’s shyness, because I cannot talk to girls for shit. I stammer, I choke on my words, I stutter, basically everything except shit in my pants. My frustration and arousal combine often, causing me to masturbate almost chronically. My motivation usually being the moans I can hear from the lesbian romp I can hear down the hall. Abby sure is loud.

Frustration also comes from my cousins, Amy in particular. She recently became hotter than sin. And is still developing. Laura has always been hot, and Amy is starting to resemble a miniature version of her older sister. The worst part, they know they are hot. I guess I cant complain. We get along well, sort of like a bother-sister thing. Or a half-brother – sister thing. Fuck it, I’m confusing myself. I think of them as my cousins.

Being the same age, Amy and I hang out together a lot. We always played together as kids, were in the same classes in school, ate lunch together, and everything else that normal kids do with their friends. We were best friends, and we both knew that would never change. It just got different when she got hot. She knew how flustered I got, and intentionally provoked me. I began masturbating during her visits, just to keep my hormones in check.

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Other than that nothing changed between us. I don’t think she noticed, but Laura definitely did.

Laura was always a mentor to me. Having gone through the grades 3 years before I did, she helped me with school and more importantly, awkward social situations. I trusted her with my life, and we were very close. Had it not been for the 3 year age gap, we would have been just as close as me and Amy. Anyway, one visit, Laura noticed something was off.

“Chris, where were you? Where did you disappear to for 20 minutes?”

“Uhhh…I had to go to the bathroom. Then I had some stuff to take care of in my room.”

I could never lie to her, and she obviously saw right through it. She didn’t show it though. “Ok. Well, try to stay with the family, don’t run off to your room during dinner. It’s not exactly polite.” We walked back to the dinner table together as if nothing had happened.

Amy and I were talking in my room after dinner. Naturally, it turned to teenage gossip about who was with who else and what so and so said about blah blah blah. I swear she could go on for hours with this. We settled into silence, mainly because of my lack of knowledge about the dating scene with our classmates. Amy turned to me and randomly asked, “So what’s the deal with you and Jamie?”

Ahh…Jamie. Just the thought of her gave me a hardon. Well, almost anything gave me a hardon, but especially her. She was in most of my classes, and I lucked out to sit right behind her in two of them. I was treated to the sight of her flowing auburn hair cascading down her back, settling in slight curls at the end about halfway down her back. When she turned to pass papers back to me, my heart stopped at the sight of her angelic face, sprinkled with freckles to give her just a perfect cute and adorable look. She had hit puberty earlier than most of my other classmates, and now sported perky breasts. She played tennis, which was enough motivation for me to try out for the boys’ team as we shared practice courts. Yeah…I had it bad.

I realized that I was staring into space with a stupid smile on my face now as I thought of the perfection that was Jamie. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” My face fell. In all the time I had spent around her, I never mustered the courage to talk to her. I knew I was painfully shy around girls, and just couldn’t bare the thought of her thinking I was some cowering fool. So I decided that if I don’t speak to her, she can’t think too poorly of me.

Amy sympathized with me, but didn’t quite understand my predicament. “Chris, I don’t get it. You talk about her non-stop. If you just went up to her and said the things to her that you say to me, you would be inside her in a matter of minutes. I mean, your two cousins are good looking. Your moms are good looking and so is your aunt. What is your hang up about good looking girls?”

“I don’t know. I’ve thought of all of this. I’m just comfortable with you. I’ve known you forever, and I know I can say anything to you. And who said you were good looking?” I couldn’t help playfully ribbing her. We both knew she was hot, but it was still fun.

“Ohh. Ouch. You’re gonna get it for that one.” She dove towards me and we began to wrestle as we had so many times in the past. We both knew I was stronger, but we also both knew I was going to let her win. She thought I was being nice to her by letting her win, but I had my reasons. For one, whenever she would pin me, she would sit on my crotch and do a slight victory dance. It was completely innocent, but gave me plenty of fuel for later in the night when I would inevitably masturbate.

After we both calmed down Amy spoke again. “Why don’t you ask Laura?”

“Ask Laura what?”

“How to talk to girls. She’s always been there for you and has loads more experience than I do.” It was true. Laura was constantly being asked out. Although she said no many times, she was far from an ice queen. She went on her fair share of dates. Uncle Ty wasn’t exactly happy about that fact.

“I guess. Couldn’t hurt right?” We both shrugged and I got up to leave and talk to my older cousin.

I found her sitting in the living room with my moms. My crush on Jamie was no secret, so I figured I would ask the whole lot. I entered the room. “Just the people I was looking for. If you don’t mind, I have a question for you three.” They looked at me expectantly, and urged me to speak. “Well, you guys obviously know about Jamie.”

“Yes we do. Her auburn hair, her angelic face.” Laura was patronizing me, mimicking my description of her. “Let me guess. Can’t talk to her?”

“Yeah. I just get tongue tied. I stammer. And that’s when I talk to girls I don’t even like. I haven’t even built up the courage to say hi to her.”

Allison completely understood my situation. “Chris honey, I was the same way. Before I met your mom here, I was with a girl named Jenn. She initiated everything, I was grateful for that. It made my life so much easier. But the reason I was attracted to her was her confidence. She oozed it, out of every pore of her body. As does your mom.”

“Look, I know confidence attracts girl. I know that. But I can’t seem to be confident around them.”

The rest of the conversation was pointless for me. They said the same clichés they always did. Be yourself. Be confident. So, I was stuck for a year in the same rut of being afraid to talk to her. I still had my friends and I had my cousins, but I was just so hung up on this girl.

Finally, during tennis season the next year, luck swung my way. We had both risen the ranks of our respective teams, each positioned at the top spot. At the age of 17, a junior in high school, I was captain and first singles on the Varsity team. A rare feat for my team. And just as rare for her. This meant that we would be paired together for the county fundraiser event. Every year, the boys and girls tennis teams made a doubles team out of their respective top spots. It was a big deal for our school, and so I was forced to communicate with her, but it was on my terms. It was on the tennis court, a place where I was nothing if not confident.

While our talks were about simple doubles strategy and tennis-related things, I was much happier. I knew that I could talk to her, and it gave me so much more confidence. Our chats progressed to those of friendly conversations. We talked mainly about school work, seeing as that we were in the majority of our classes together. We soon formed study dates, and started getting together quite often to study for tests and finals. I was cool and confident, but only because Amy was there with us. With Amy there, I was fine, but I knew I would be a nervous wreck without her. I insisted that she was there. Whenever Jamie would leave Amy would look at me and sigh. “Chris, she likes you. Just ask her out.”

Every time my response would be, “I like her too much. What if I do something stupid. I don’t have any experience.” After a while, she would mouth my response with me and look at me as though I was hopeless.

Finals came and went, and it was finally summer. Senior year was just around the corner. To my surprise, Jamie kept calling me. She wanted to...

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Written by fjdjf54
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