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Siblings Were Born For Each Other- Chapter 1

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First off, I need all of the readers and moderators here to know that this is not fraudulent material. I have asked the author for permission to use his stories to make mine. All credit is shared with the original author, nivek_88 who wrote 'An Incest Birthday' chapters 1 through 16 (so far).

Also I would like to thank my advisor, fjdjf54 for discussing the ideas with me. It was greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Well......Here goes nothing.

"Who are you calling?" Chris asked.

"Shhhh! Quiet! Its ringing"

He answered. "Hello?"

"Hey you!" I coaxed.


"That's right! How's it going?"

"How'd you get my number?"

"I got it from your phone when you weren't looking, and I put my number in."

"Okay great, thanks. So, why the call?"

"I was just thinking bout that kiss, all of them. It got me so hot; I just had to hear your voice." If that didn't get him, I don't know what would have.

"Oh come on, my voice is nothing special" (I got him) I thought (Modest, haha easy pickings)

"I think its sexy, I wish we could have done more while I was there."

"Yeah, but it was too risky with the parents being there. Next time, maybe." He said with a tone that hinted me on. He really thought I liked him. Not that I don't, I just need him for different purposes.

"Ooh next time huh? I will definitely be looking forward to next time now!" (Leading him on is easy haha, we're safe)

"Yeah, me too. Well, it's time for dinner. I have to run."

(Now to sell this) "-sigh- Okay, can't wait to see you. Bye."

"Bye Stephanie"

Chris looked at me slyly, but he figured out what I'm up to. "Oooohh.. So that's Randy, huh? You think its gonna work?"

"Definitely. There's got to be a way to do it, and I think I know exactly how."

"You're evil, aren't you?"

"Me? Noooooooooooo. I'm just smart. Anywho, nice fuck session bro. I better get out of your

room before mom or dad needs to use the bathroom. Later."

"Oh yeah, just use me and leave. I like that, I really do."

"Oh shut up, I knew you liked it" I snickered, taking off my thong and throwing it at his face.

"Keep that for tonight, I'll sleep in my boxers or something"

"Or nothing. You could wear nothing"

"I like that. I'll do it..... Shit, someone's moving around." I whispered. "Sounds like mom....She's..... She's in the bathroom, I'm out of here!" As I was closing the door, I caught him sniffing my semi wet underwear. "At least be discreet with that!" I said just before rushing down the hall, pass the toilet, hoping to god mom didn't hear me. I snuck back into my room, locked the door and dove onto my bed. It took some time to fall asleep, I used most of it to devise a plan on how to incorporate both Randy and Rita in this mess, but they too must never find out.

I should probably back things up a bit. You all must be utterly puzzled, 'Did she say that she had sex with her brother?? What the hell! How did that happen?' I'll tell you how. It all started when......


"Hey Steph!" Chris called out, "Hurry up! Your date is here!"

"I'm coming! Geez, Give me a minute would you??" My 'minute' usually last for around 5, but they can wait.

I had this big date, an old friend who's in college now was in town, and he asked me out. I had a crush on this guy for about 6 years, but was never noticed. So I wasn't going to let this slip by. He's about 6'1", built for weightlifting and extremely handsome. He wasn't cut out, but he's definitely not someone you'd want to go picking a fight with. Funny as hell too, I find that personally sexy.

I finished putting on my make-up and adjusted my dress, decided they've suffered enough and left my room. Walking down the stairs, I can hear him and my dad talking.

"--Before midnight, and........."

"Whoa." Derek managed. I blushed a little, but continued down the stairs.

"Now, Stephanie, remember your curfew. If you come home after 12, well, you know. Be careful kids, have fun."

"Yes Daddy. Come on Derek, we'll be late!"

"Look who's talking, Ms. Give-Me-A-Minute-But-I-Really-Mean-Ten"

"Oh shut up. Bye Mom! Later Dork!"

"Later Freak." Chris replied. What can I say? Its the way we talk to each other.

"Good Night Sir" Derek bid my dad, walking toward the door. "If anything comes up, I'll let you know."

"Have fun"

"My dad seems to like you." I joked.

"I've seen worse haha. Had one girl's dad tell me that he doesn't mind going back to jail if I screwed up."

"Hahaha What happened???"

"Didn't work out. She broke up with me after a while. I don't really mind, she wasn't all that great either."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Yeah." He paused then opened the car door for me. He jumped into the drivers side and we drove off. The drive to the restaurant was pretty boring, since we didn't talk much. Just the usual conversation starters, but nothing picked up.

"This is it," he said, finally breaking this deafening silence. The restaurant was gorgeous inside and out, and filled with the smell of delectable food. Impressed? Yeah, I was blown away.

"Whoa....... Der--"

"Its rated four out of five stars, but I personally think its genius."

It truly was fantastic. The decor was a treat to my eyes, and the atmosphere was incredible.

We ordered dinner, we both had the same thing, which was kinda lame if you asked me. I like to mix and match, its my style, but whatever. The wine was amazing too, this guy went all out for a first date.

The ride home was nice, we shared laughs and at the driveway, he kissed me. We were at it for a while, till I pulled away slowly. 'I should really go inside, its getting late.' As expected, he walked me to my door. We shared one last kiss, but he wouldn't stop. He started feeling me up and tried getting into my underwear.

"What the hell are you doing? It's the first date! Do I look like the type to fuck on a first date??"

"No, no no, you don't look like that at all."

"Then why the fuck are you trying to seduce me at my front door??"

"Well... I just. Look, I didn't blow 300 out my ass to not get laid tonight"

"Did you just fucking hear yourself?? What am I? Some kind of whore you can just pick up, go out with and have your way with after?"

"I've heard enough of this shit, I'm getting what I want whether you li--"

Chris opened the door, for once I'm glad he interrupted one of my 'dates'.

"Can I help you Derek? Steph, everything alright?"

"Y-yeah. Derek was just leaving. Thanks for dinner, there wont be a next time."

"Hey man what the fuck is your problem? Cant two people have some privacy?"

"Derek get out of my house! I do not want you here, I don't like you, you fucking immature pervert!" I screamed.

His face boiled with anger, and I swear he would've hit me, and he nearly did. Chris grabbed his hand about three inches away from my face, just in time to spare me a slap.

'Thats it, you're out of here!' Chris yelled.

He picked up a baseball bat from behind the door and started swinging at Derek. I cant remember how many times he hit him, but he got it all over his body. I've never seen my brother angry, he's usually very timid and to himself, but this is just... Well I wont lie, it was exciting. I never had anyone fight too keep me safe, I usually handle things pretty well. I cant say that I was angry, cause I definitely needed the assistance.

'--And if you ever think about coming back here, I'll chop your dick off and feed it do my neighbor's dog! Fucking piece of shit!'

Derek ended up speeding off with his door still open driving without headlights, it was kinda funny. Chris really stepped up to the plate that night, being what everyone would call a stereotypical brother, protecting his helpless sister.

'You good?' He asked, breathing a little heavy, sweating a little.

'Yeah, I'm good. I should have known he was a douche. Thanks for saving me, I owe you one.'

'Yeah, you do. Haha Don't worry bout it Steph, its what brothers do, right?'

'Yeah, brothers, but -you- never did something like that before. Not that you had reason to, just I never saw you like that.'

'Eh...Well, keep it low, I don't want people to start expecting things from me'

'Shut up. Lets just go inside, I'm tired.'

'Yeah, go shower, get that jerks scent off of you.'

'You first! Did you get skunked when you were beating him with that bat?'

'Hahahaha Touché'

Even in the weirdest situations we end up goofing around, its just in our nature as siblings.

I went upstairs and into my room, stripped and took a long scented bath. I got into my pj's and slid into bed, but couldn't sleep. The thought of what happened and what could have happened kept me up, so I got up and went to Chris' room. -knock knock- 'You awake bro? C'mon, open the door!' I pleaded, but got no answer. Maybe he was asleep? I dunno, but I knew I couldn't stay in my room tonight. I went back to my room and pulled out my library card from my wallet, got back to Chris' door and unlocked it myself. I must say, what I saw was surprising.... He was jerking off with earphones in his ears, watching what I can assume to be the best porno ever. He was really into it, until he saw me standing there and then fell off his bed.

'What the hell are you doing here??? Get out!!!!' He yelled.

'Er.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH' I couldn't help but laugh, his face was so pink, and what made it even worse, when I started laughing, he came! It was the funniest thing ever, I ran through the hallway squealing with laughter, retreating to my room. My original intention was to sleep in the company of my brother, but looks like that wont happen. I kept laughing and sunk into my bed, once again. -Sigh- I gotta get some sleep somehow, I thought. The image of Chris furiously jerking off was still in my head, but it started getting less and less funny.... In fact, I think it started getting sexy. No. He's my brother, how can I think of such things? Its wrong.... but something about it being wrong feels sooo right. Exciting, hot, new. I was beating myself up, but the stains on my underwear were a definite sign. I started drifting off into a dream, but anytime I got comfortable, Chris was there jacking off, and when he's not jacking off, he's trying to seduce me. Like I wanted him to fuck me in my dreams. This was madness, it had to stop.

The next few days were awkward around the house, Mom and Dad always seeing about something for somebody, Chris hardly speaking when I'm around. It felt like I was being isolated from my own family. It sucked. School was dramatic as usual, guys would tease, girls would bitch. My friends weren't as close as I'd hope, it felt like I was really being targeted. Worse yet, these darned teenage hormones acted up in the worst times.

Whenever I was home early from school, I'd take the chance of rubbing one out. It doesn't help much, but it eases the tension. Of course I would hear if anybody would come home, but... One occasion, I didn't. I was really working up a storm, I was even using fingers, when Chris knocked on my door, then opened it to check if anyone was home. He caught me, just like I caught him.

'What the fuck! Dude! Get out!!!' I started scrambling for my clothes and ended up falling off my bed. I hit my head pretty hard, but my shoulder got the full blow. I tried getting up and realized that it was actually out of place. I screamed as loud as I could, crying and yelling. Chris rushed over, picked me up and put me back on the bed.

'Its alright! Its alright!! Just calm down, let me see whats going on here....'

'Get out of my room, you perv! Fuuuck!!!!!!! Shit shit shit oooucccchhhh'

'Shut up you insecure little..... Your shoulder popped out of place, stay still, this is gonna hurt.'

'What the fuck are you gonna ----- AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'

Chris tugged my forearm, pressed my shoulder downward and put the joint back in place.

'There, its gonna pain for a few days, but you wont have to go to a doctor or anything. It happened to a friend of mine once.....and well, now you know. Anyway.... put some clothes on. I guess we're even now? Uh.. Yeah.'

He didn't even make eye contact, he just stood there, looking at my wall, blurted out what he had to say and sped out of my room. I didn't know how I felt. Well, thats not true, I know how I felt. Physically hurt, yes. Emotionally? Not really.... But something bothered me. Even though Chris was my brother, I expected him to at least sneak a peak at me. Its human nature, unless... Unless he thought I was ugly...But what does that matter? I mean, he's my brother, it'd be sick if he thought I was hot. I'm just not sure why I want his approval so bad.

That Friday night I went out with some of my girlfriends, drank too much, danced and had a good time with guys I didn't know. They all complimented me, but I still felt shallow. Most of them tried groping me, and usually I'd have let one or two of them feel me up, but I just wasn't into it. My girls dropped me home, and by the way I was walking I could tell I was still really really drunk. I noticed that Chris' light was on, I wonder what he's doing up? I stumbled around the yard and finally got into the house. I was making my way towards my room, but my body led me towards Chris. I knocked on his door, thinking to myself 'what the fuck am I doing?'

"You're home pretty late, its after 2. Mom and dad are gonna kill you"

"Shut up you -hiccup-, you dumb asshole." I said.

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I wasn't thinking about the words coming out of my mouth, its like it had a mind of its own.

"The hell is wrong with you? How much have you had to drink tonight??"

"Didn't I say to be quiet?" I asked sternly as I pushed him into his room and closed the door behind us. "What's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?"

"You're not making any sense Steph, go wash up and go to bed. Lock your door too, you don't want mom or dad smelling all that alcoh--"

"Would you fucking shut up already? Geez you sound like a little pussy." I could tell he got peeved at that, but he held back on his words.

"Do you think I'm hot, Chris?"

"What????? Whoa whoa whoa I am not comfortable having this conversation."

"So you think I'm ugly then? Thats why you couldn't even look at me the other day? I'm just an ugly bitch with saggy boobs and a flat ass." I knew these things weren't true, but I couldn't stop myself from saying them.

"I never said those things! And you shouldn't be saying them either. F.Y.I, I'm your fucking brother, what do you care if I think you're hot or not?"

"I care because.... I don't fucking know. I just want to know if you think I'm hot or not."

"I'm not gonna answer that, you're my sister! It'd be fucking inappropriate!"

"How's this for inappropriate?" I started removing my clothes, starting with my top and then unzipping my skirt.

"What the fuck?? Steph, snap out of it! Do you even know what you're doing??"

"Do you think I'm sexy, Chris?" I started talking softer, in a sexier tone. "Would you like to fuck me, Chris?"

He then did something I didn't expect, he stopped me from taking off my clothes, picked me up and carried me straight to my room, got in and locked the door with both of us inside.

"You're fucking insane you know that?"

"You could have just said that I was hot and save yourself the trouble, but nooooo"

"Look, you want my fucking opinion? You're probably too drunk to remember it anyway. I think you're gorgeous, sexy and you deserve someone who will treat you right. You should stop going out with assholes like Derek, I knew he was trouble from the start, but what sense does that make? You're your own person, you gotta live you're life. I'm your brother, I cant stop you from doing anything and I cant make you do anything. Also, and you better listen to this, stop assuming that you know every single detail of me, you don't. So, next time you go out partying, control your drinking. I'm out of here. Oh before I forget, and in case you have forgotten, we're siblings, we cant have sex. Its immoral. Taking your clothes off randomly in front your brother is slutty, and I'm sure you were aware of what you were doing....... If you...

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Written by lifeafterdeath
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