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Siblings on Fire

"A cruel revenge turns into a delicate reality."

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Early warning for those looking for a rocket ride, read elsewhere, this is a slow burn.

“But I get the concept! I realize the math needs work but I don’t think I should fail just because I got screwy on sin and cosine! I’ve never even had trigonometry.”

“And that’s part of the problem, but I laid the equations out on the board, you don’t need a class on following a formula do you?” the physics teachers retorted coolly. His pupil glowered back. “I didn’t think so. You’re a smart kid, don’t get me wrong, but you have to have the whole picture. Follow through. You can’t just ‘get something’ and not back it up. Trust me when I say I know where you’re coming from, but it doesn’t matter. We both understand thermodynamics better than anyone in our respective class, but if the math doesn’t back it up, it’s all for naught.”

“Yeah, okay.” The bandy kid finally returned after a long sigh.

“Work on it, turn it in tomorrow.” The instructor spun to his computer.

“Thanks.” The student grabbed the failed work off his desk and dashed to the leaving buses.

Zac’s school was on the good side of town, so he was told, and the buses were often less crowded than the typical high school. The school was in a rural area, with a total student population of just over three thousand. He’d been here already, once a day for the last year of junior high for the biology two classes that his school didn’t offer, and this allowed him to take the physics class out of the gate. The school bus was especially devoid of people today due practices for the game that coming weekend.

With the hum of the engine and occasional squeak of the brakes, Zac’s mind wondered off from the failed assignment to the pretty girl sitting in the front of the bus. She had a nice smile, and brown ringlet hair. Others may have commented further, but Zac had stopped at her smile. If someone had asked him if she was attractive, he’d have just commented on her smile, totally over looking her generous chest or modest waist. All he could see was the shimmer of lip gloss. It wasn’t that was his thing. He just fixated on it before the rest of it caught up. Finally he looked back out the window before he caught her eye staring.

But if had a chance to be alone with her… That lip gloss had to be smooth right? It’s so shiny, only smooth material gives that kind of sheen, like polished silver. The liquid settles in a way that makes it totally smooth, totally wet looking. But would it be soft? Since moisturizer is in most of that stuff it was more than likely… Zac continued this line of questioning until he arrived at the inevitable truth. The truth was he’d never be alone with her, she probably already gave great blow jobs, he had a raging hard on, and it was his stop. Fuck. Zac kept his backpack in front of him as he departed the bus, which was actually normal to do since it was hard to press up the aisle.

Once off the bus, the short walk down his street alleviated the tension in his boxers and left him longing for something other than a trip to bathroom. The drive way and garage were empty, leaving him home alone until track practice was over for his sister, or his mother got home from work. The tumblers slicked along his key and he let himself inside. The house was well kept and simple, if rather large. Shoes piled in the entry way were joined by Zac’s sneakers and he hoisted himself up the stairs directly ahead and dropped his back pack at the foot of his bed while settling at his desk. For a few moments he entertained the idea that he’d be able to jump right back into the text book and noted and figure out the issue with math, but the only thoughts on his mind were...

“Lips…” he whispered to no one. The girl on the bus though was much more captivating than the complex mathematics he had left over. The bulge in his jeans strained once more against its constraints. With a mix of exasperation and relief he released his member from its prison. Zac did nothing for a long moment, considering if he could put off the mountain of academics left for him that day. However, lip gloss would have to be a science before he studied physics.

It was likely ten minutes before Zac realized he wasn’t getting anywhere. A problem he often had, and suspected others might envy. More often than not he just… couldn’t finish it up. The fun and the thoughts were there. The thoughts were definitely there, with the dark haired girl savoring the length of his cock on smooth scented lips. It would be wonderful to convince her to just play the game once with him, where he hopes, she teases, and she breaks his heart.

Zac concluded that he had too many distractions taking the finale away from him. He could look up some decent videos if he wanted, but at the cost of his history, cookies, and hassle of rebuilding them all. His eyes wondered around the room. He had a couple of magazines stashed, but he’d almost memorized every curve of the women inside them. He needed something new, something fun. A few more minutes of futile stroking left him with only the thought that got him in the mess. Lip Gloss.


“Good!” the track coach screamed as the final girl crossed the finish line. The practice had run long, but the team was energized, moral was at an all time high and the coach wanted to feed off of it, and feed it as well. The entire team wanted to push and be pushed, and the practice left every one of them completely drained. The girl listened as the coach hammered a powerful moral raising speech into the dirt. The girls’ ears were pounding and breathing was so hard at the end, most of the words were lost on contact. At dismissal the girls found their way to their parent’s or their own vehicles. Katherine was on her way to her car when a friend caught up.

“Hey, do you mind? My dad called and he’s going to be another twenty minutes. I can give you gas –“

“Are you crazy? Get in, you dork.” Katherine cut Jessi off. She’d do anything for her and Jessi knew that, though the gas money was always appreciated. Katherine dropped into the driver’s seat of the car and huffed, not starting the car. She’d run herself ragged with the others, feeling the energy they’d all fed off of dissipate rapidly. With great effort she inserted the key and they departed the stadium parking lot. Jessi gabbed the whole time while Katy gave telephone style reassurances with sporadic “yeah”s and “Oh, Really?”s. Jessie only lived a block over from Katy so the gas money was more of a gesture, but Katy took it all the same. Minutes later she arrived at home and parked to the side of the empty drive way. She didn’t get out immediately, but enjoyed the silence in the car for a few moments, letting her hands slide off the steering wheel. The lock tumbler clicked along the key and she slowly let herself inside, wanting only to mount the stairs and pass out in bed. At the top of the stairs she took a right at the first door into the bathroom she shared with her brother, whose room was right across the hall, door closed.

She tossed her track uniform in the hamper and waited for the water to warm. She smelled terrible, and would have to finish the rigor moral of being hygienic before napping and wanted to get it out of the way before her parents got home soon. But she could waste a few minutes on the commode letting her hand wander between her thighs. Her sex was on fire, the heat from the meet hadn’t worn off of her just yet. A drunken grin crossed her face as her fingers slid inside of her and caused a celebratory gasp, followed by bated breath as she reached for that particular spot. Minutes later Katy grunted and moaned for a second as a wave of pleasurable relief swept her body. Letting the afterglow subside, she shakily showered and exited feeling refreshed. Her hair was left wet, to be dried off in her room, so she simply wrapped a towel around herself and went next door.

Her door was pulled to, which, while not a sinister sign, was strange enough to warrant a glance inside. Zac was on her bed. He looked asleep, but she couldn’t be sure. Zac was a weird kid, brainy and she picked on him for being a robot. Or a Martian. But he hadn’t ever been in her room without her. At least as far as she knew. She pushed the door a bit and saw he was in fact out cold. She also saw, however one of her bottles of lip gloss, half empty. It didn’t take her but a moment to figure out what had happened. The little weirdo had jacked off with her lip gloss. Her first instinct was to wake him up and beat the hell out of him. After all how would he like it if-

“Oh yeah!” she cheered herself quietly, turning and heading down the hall to his bed room, where she slammed the door loudly. His room was so odd. It had no decorations, no figurines, nothing you’d expect from a teen age guy. He had a desk with homework, a computer that was off with a game system plugged in, a bed that wasn’t made, and a night stand with a book, all with a pale orange paint job. Katy grabbed the pillows and propped them against the wall, pulling the blankets to one side. The towel was tossed across the room and she settled into her brother's bed totally nude. At first she wondered if she had slammed loud enough, but she was sure she had, so now it was a waiting game of how long he would agonize over what to do. She’d watched him do this before. A simple decision to most would take him minutes or hours based on little details that he couldn't understand.

Her initial guess of a few minutes at max waned as the quiet room was allowing her concentration to slip, along with her hands. While she was waiting, and after all, he’d done it to her. And he’d even used her damn make up! Her fingers glided over her lips as she fumed. If only there was something he had she could toy around with as pay back. But no… his room was as plain as a fresh bagel. (Wow that’s a bad pun, I apologize sincerely.) She hopped up and opened his cabinets on the desk, looking for anything suitable to ruin. Nothing. It’s like the kid lived out of books. Come to think of it… He did.

Then she spotted it. Maybe not perfect, but hey, a video game controller was at least round enough. She jumped back in his bed and realized quickly the contours of the controller were not’t ideal for her mission, but she left it beside her leg, for show. He fingers found their way over her button and she gasped and gave short groans as it tingled and twinged under her manipulation. Just as her finger slid back in her body she heard a soft ‘click’.

She didn’t break her stride or even acknowledge it had happened. She knew her little brother was standing at his door, watching as she held him outside his own room, like he’d done her. She gave it a few moments, during which a particularly vocal wave of ecstasy lifted her hips slightly off the sheets. When it had cooled down just a bit, but not quite finished, she glanced at the door and saw his silhouette occupying the gap. Her fingers were only partly encompassed by her canal, so she slid them in as far as possible before pulling them out and beckoning him in with her juices glistening on her index finger.

Zac didn’t see the need to hide in the shadows, so he pushed the door open gently and closed it behind him, not taking his eyes off Katy. Her dark hair was still wet and the nipples of her modest chest had hardened in the open air. Once the door had shut, Katy, with a drunken grin, continued to entertain herself for another moment before beckoning once again with the other hand, not wanting to interrupt so close. Zac stepped forward, but held his ground. His nerves were totally washed out and he wasn’t sure if up was still the way down wasn’t.

“Zaaaaac…” she managed after a low groan, “Lay down. It is your bed.” She bucked her hips again as she rolled her thumb over her bump, eliciting a silent gasp as she climaxed in front of her brother. A few seconds passed, during wish Zac didn’t budge from his spot a foot from the end of the bed, but his pants became dangerously close to being ripped at the seams.

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She sleepily waved him over again, and Zac obeyed reluctantly. He sat as far apart as he could on a full size bed, but Katy grabbed him and pulled him in the middle, cuddling him against her bare body.

“See Isaac, you shouldn’t steal people beds. It makes it hard for them to lay in them!” She snarled. Zac looked away and nodded “No, what’s worse, you used my damn make up to beat off… in my bed. That’s fucking awesome bro. Really.”

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to pass out, I just-“

“You didn’t mean to pass out. So you did mean to go in my room, lie down on my bed, lather up your dick with MY lip gloss and beat off, but you were going to put it back after that?”


“Yeah, uh, you didn’t think that wasn’t okay?” she angrily berated him directly in his ear. Zac was now at an impasse. He didn’t know how to help the situation, and he had no idea what the question was due to the use of a double-negative. So he just nodded. “Why were you in my room?”

“I just needed something different? I was just going to get your lip gloss, not stay on your bed.” Zac eagerly answered, happy to explain something away.

“Why lip gloss? There’s shit in the bathroom no one would notice missing. Is that like your… turn on?” Katy moved to wrap her brother up in her limbs.

“N-no, I just…” He trailed not wanting to tell her about a girl on the bus, but now his zipper was painfully tight against him and her sex was pressing on it, compounding the situation.

“Whatever Zac. Stay out of my bed. You didn’t leave anything there did you?” she glared with a raised brow. He shook his head emphatically. “Good, now go get me my towel.” She pushed him out of his bed and pulled the blankets over herself. Zac quickly retrieved the cloth and handed it to her, which she used to dry her hair and threw it back in the floor. This threw Zac for a loop who thought she was leaving.

“It’s four thirty. Mom won’t be home till five thirty, max, and Dad won’t get off until six. I wanted a shower and a nap. You ruined my nap. Lay down.” She commanded. Zac obeyed and once again, tried to be as far away as possible, but Katy grabbed him and almost angrily wrenched him into the center again.

“Hold me close while I nap, I set an alarm on my cell.” She rolled over and fluffed her pillow. Zac again hesitated, not knowing the first thing about cuddling. “Zac, put your arm around me and pull me against you, it’s simple.” Katy was hoping the shock would be punishment, and that she could get to bed soon.

“Maybe…” Zac had a thought he decided not to share. ‘Maybe if she wasn’t naked’ should have been what he wanted to say, but that wasn’t it. He knew he should have some questions about his sister. But his real thought was “Maybe I can let my hands wander.” After all in the kind of mood she was in, it’s hard to tell what she was thinking. Zac finally sighed to let the tension go and said to hell with it. He pulled the covers back and slid into his bed next to Katy, wrapped his arm around her with and pulled her back against his chest. She shifted against him before settling back down. Nervous but bold he slid his hand closer to her chest.

Katy was stunned, if only for a moment. Zac was actually trying at this point. Aside from being a Martian, she now had to compete with her brother for shock value. Moron! If that’s how he was going to play however, she’d just have to see if she could turn the heat up on him.

“Isaac, if you want to touch me, then touch me. You’re acting like a scared kid.” She advised as she took his hand and wrapped his fingers around her breast. “They’re tits. Not a big deal.” She rolled over again and faced him. She wasn’t getting to bed soon. Zac had a bulge she could have felt through...

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Written by JackRipped
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