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Sexual Awakening Part Six

"The Sexploitation's of Meagan, Our Disney Cruise"

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Sexual Awakenings Part Six

Our Cruise

Dad was still secretly standing there, watching us in our first lady-loving adventure. He fell back on the wall, still holding his big cock in his hand. Zoe was still grinding out the last of our orgasm, and before I could gather my mind enough to respond. My dad pulled himself from the wall and headed to his room. That was three days ago now. No one has mentioned anything, and the sexual tension is killing me. I had anticipated with great desire the last two nights to carry on my newfound attraction to Zoe, but it was like nothing happened.

The first night, it was like, okay. She was waiting for my dad to join us, but nothing; the second night was the same. All we did was cuddle and fall asleep. There was no fun in the shower, and there was not even much teasing at the parks. I was starting to wonder if she and Dad were hooking up behind my back.

How could I love Zoe so much and hate her simultaneously? Things were a bit different that morning in our shower, but was it because we were all so excited about our cruise departure that day? Or maybe I sexed them too much, and they needed a break? I guess I really don't know how much sex is regular.

We packed all our stuff back into our suitcases and left for the seaport at Cape Canaveral. On our travels, Dad mentioned that Grandma and Mom were meeting us on board, and he lowered the boom with the news that he and Mom would be sharing a room. That left Zoe and me in our room, but what the hell? Is Mom sneaking back into his life? That's great and all, but Dad is mine now.

We got through check and security, which was a breeze, as Grandma booked us all into Concierge class. However, we were still a little miffed at the last-minute surprise. Our room was fabulous, with a giant king bed, a wonderful balcony, and our two-person spa. I was standing looking over the balcony at the ocean and the other giant-sized cruise ships in the harbor when Zoe snuck up behind me with a fabulous big squeeze.

She nuzzled into my neck and said, "We're going to have so much fun."

She kissed my neck and suckled on my lobe. "Ummm," I murmured.

I was missing her touch so very much. She spun me around and kissed me passionately for the first time in three days. In about three seconds, she had me again. I was hers to play with, and I loved and hated it. Our kissing got more passionate as her hand fell to my bum, a tiny squeeze and pelvis grind.

How could she have this power over me? I didn't even want to fight her; I wanted her to touch me, make love to me. Throw me on our bed and do the things she did. She backed me onto the railing as her hand came back around and feathered past my vagina, barely touching me as I sighed.

"Oh, you horny little sex kitten," she mumbled under her breath.

She slid her middle finger right down the middle of my pussy. The thin nylon material of my sun dress parted easily between my Labia, almost instantly opening my legs.

She broke our kiss and said, "Come on. Your dad told us to meet him in their room, and your Mom should be there by now."

As we entered their room, we exchanged a volley of hugs for Mom and Grandma.

I was shaken when my Grandma said. "So you're the infamous Zoe."

Then Mom asked Zoe, "So, how are the lessons going?"

What the hell, What Lessons?

Everyone started talking over everyone else, and the whole thing got lost in the commotion. The topic of choice was the fast-approaching storm and whether we even belonged on this crazy boat. Grandma opened one of several bottles of wine on the table and poured everyone a glass, including us, and I was not going to say anything.

Two glasses in, I caught Dad giving me the once-over, and a butterfly went through my belly. I smiled back at him, and he quickly looked away as if he didn't want to get caught. It brought a huge smile to my face. Then I saw my mom doing the same thing to Zoe. Again, with what the hell!

What is going on in my life? Did Mom find out about Dad and Zoe? Or did Dad find out about Zoe and my mom? Was she doing all of us? Is that why Grammy thinks she's infamous?

We all went our ways to dress for dinner as the storm worsened. I could feel the ship rocking as we pulled out of port. Zoe and I dressed to the nines for dinner. I think each of us was trying to be hotter than the other to impress someone; I'm just not sure yet who. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she looked even more radiant than I've ever seen, usually all slutty, but that night she was hot.

We made our way to the main dining room, where a very handsome gentleman asked our names and escorted us to our table at the front. We pranced right past the other diners, looking as hot as we were, and all the eyes were on us. Who were we? Why the escort? I could see the family ahead and wanted to get ahead of Zoe to get beside Dad when she veered away and sat between my Grandma and my mom.

Our dinner was delicious and fun. The captain laughed a lot about the storm and called us two charming ladies. I gushed, and looked to Zoe who started looking pale. The rocking of the ship had gotten to her. Shortly after dinner, we could tell we needed to take her back to our room.

I told the family I would stay with her and see everyone in the morning. I got smiley looks from Mom, Dad, and Grandma. We returned to the room with her constantly trying to apologize for this, and I knew it was just a matter of time before she ran to the washroom. We cuddled the rest of the night and I slept well for the first time in days.

The following morning, Zoe was a little better. We tried showering, but that wasn't the relief she needed; only more sleep and food would cure this. Right from the shower, I slid into a sundress and told her I was going for muffins and Orange juice.

"I'll be right back," I said; I tied my hair into a quick bun and headed out.

The very minute I walked out of our section, the wind from an open door almost blew my dress up, exposing my naked body; maybe underwear might have been a better idea. Before I even got to the elevator, Dad walked out of his room, and we nearly collided. I fell into his arms as we giggled.

"Where's Zoe? he asked.

"Still ill, I'm going for muffins and juice," I replied.

The ship's rocking had worsened overnight, and getting down the hallway to the elevator was a chore. We entered the door opening to a couple a bit older than me. He was a big guy, six foot plus, with many muscles, and she was shorter than me. Both of them were very good-looking.

The elevator doors closed, and everybody smiled at each other when suddenly, the car slammed to a stop, and the lights went out, leaving us all in the pitch dark. The young girl beside me screeched, as did I. A couple more jerks from the car, and we were starting to freak out. I stepped backward, pinning my dad against the wall.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind, slightly whispering,

"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. It's all going to be okay."

I snuggled back into his arms as he held me tighter.

"Everything is going to be okay," he said in an even softer voice.

We began to calm ourselves.

"We just have to stay calm. Maintenance will get us out of here. It just takes a while. Let's just be calm." He whispered a little louder to calm our companions.

He had to notice I didn't seem to be moving away from him; he had grabbed my arms and squeezed me tighter. He had his left arm across my shoulders, his right arm just under my breasts. I could feel his heartbeat on my back, and damn, he was millimeters away from knowing I was not wearing a bra.

Holding onto me for many minutes, I stood in my Daddy's arms feeling safe as I started calming down. I then realized I'd started to squirm a little. Shifting my weight from one foot to the other and, in the process, grinding my bum into his groin. I'm starting to feel a bulge, and now regret leaving the cabin this morning without underwear, wearing just this little Chiffon summer dress. Suddenly, to the startle of everyone, there was a pounding on the outer shell.

"Is everybody okay in there?"

"Yes, we're all okay," the hunky dude beside me yelled.

His girlfriend started yelling, "Help us, get us out of here."

The would-be rescuer responded. "We can't open the door until we can restore power. I'm sorry, but you'll be there for a while. Just stay calm."

Well, this wasn’t what we ladies wanted to hear, and my dad could feel my panic starting to return. He continued to squeeze me back into him. Again, he began to assure us we were going to be okay. He squeezed me tighter and leaned his head down on my shoulder. I tightened my grip on his arms. I tilted my head back into him a little more while inadvertently shifting my stance.

Oh, I'm in trouble; I could feel him starting to grow, the slight throbbing that begins when he goes from soft to a place I did not want him to be right now. I needed to start thinking of ugly things, or I would embarrass us big time here. All the while, the couple next to us we're in what I can only imagine as a tight embrace of their own. He kept softly telling his little lady the same crap my dad was selling.

"Just be calm," he was saying.

I listened closer to them. Oh my god, I think he's kissing her for sure. I could hear their soft kissing noises. My dad must have been hearing it, too. Now, that's even making things worse. I needed to get my mind off this.

I whispered to my dad, "Do you think Mom knows we're in here?"

His response was not what I wanted, with a tiny nibble on my neck and shoulder. Well, now I can feel him getting larger; I was beginning to get turned on with listening to our two companions as they started to make out, my dad's embrace, and his nibbling my neck. I could feel my nipples starting to stiffen. His arm fell lower on my belly, and I was able to feel him swelling on my ass through the skimpy little fabric I was wearing.

What's was going on here? Was I doing this on purpose? I shifted my stance again, and again, he pulled me a little tighter to his chest. What the heck should I do now to stop his guy from growing? Did I even want to? Was I doing it on purpose. This was too much. Should I get brave here?

My hand fell to my side and reached slightly behind us.

Almost touching it, I whispered, "Oh, Daddy."

I leaned back tighter, and his lips brushed my ear. "We're going to be fine," he said.

I heard another tiny little noise from beside us; They were definitely making out. I tilted my head back again, urging him to do it again as I ground my bum into his crotch. I'm going for it I thought, what do I have to lose? His cock was completely hard; I'm sure he knew I was doing this on purpose. He leaned in and gave my ear a little nibble; he pulled his hand up over my breast.

He carried on to nibble a little more. He softly sucked my earlobe in between his lips and moved his hand further down my belly. Oh my God, he was so into this. He pressed his hand into me, and I gave him a grind of my own. I tilted my head away, exposing my neck, and let him start kissing his way down it, soft little kisses, tiny little sucks on my flesh, working his way down my neck onto my shoulder. He gave me a firm bite right at the point where my neck met my shoulder, and I let out a little yip.

The girl next to us said, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, yes," my dad said.

"I just thought I felt it move," I squeaked, barely being able to talk.

Holy fuck, what was I thinking? With his cock hard as a rock, he was turning me on more and more by the minute; I completely forgot about the couple beside us. But this didn't bother Dad a bit, as I coaxed him back to where he was with another of my head leans. As he returned to my neck, he was intercepted in the still pitch black by a very receptive pair of lips. I started kissing him over my shoulder, trying not to make any noises, but that was almost impossible, and my dad didn't seem to care at all.

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His tongue touched the edge of my lips, a very passionate, wet kiss. And purposefully, I started a rotating grind with my ass, pressing his cock between my ass and his leg. My hand left his hand from where it was resting on my midsection. I reached down past my bum and started to rub his cock through his sweatpants.

Holy crap, I became so aggressive. I was rubbing hard, grabbing at his cock, squeezing it hard, jacking it downward through the material of his sweats. I knew I must be driving him wild, and he was losing it. He lowered his hand further down, slowly sliding it toward the top of my mound. I think he was waiting for a reaction; I opened my stance a little, giving him the green light. I wanted him to touch it. I was squeezing his cock so hard I wondered if it hurt.

I reached up with my left hand around his neck as he slid his hand down towards my pussy. The material of my dress was so thin, and with no panties, I was sure he could feel every fold of my vagina. My button was swelling, and he quickly found it through my dress.

He had to know; it was no wonder I had been so receptive; I had probably been horny since we boarded the ship; ever since he snuck up on Zoe and me three nights ago. I wandered the deck, watching all these college boys with their muscles, feeling the ocean breeze blow up under my skirt, airing my perpetually moist pussy, all eyes staring at my untethered breasts.

I wasn’t that frightened little mouse anymore. It was time I started dictating this whole episode, controlling every move. I knew what my ass-grinding was doing to him. I didn't hesitate for a second to grab his cock, stroking it downward like an expert, knowing it wouldn't let his cock fully inflate, yet keeping constant swelling pressure on its head, driving him wilder as he felt my panty-less mound. Feeling my already swollen clit, like a little cherry bud just waiting for him to rub it.

Should I let him hit the jackpot? Should I give in to him?

He started to circle my clit with his middle finger, and I let out another sigh as I pushed my hips forward to meet his hand. To my amazement, a second sigh didn't come from me but from the couple in the other corner.

Was this shit happening? We're they playing, too? I listened close as Daddy fingered my button, and for fuck sake, they were rubbing each other as well! I wasn't sure I liked this interruption; I put my hand back on his and start his hand rubbing more firmly on my spots.

He started rubbing me up and down my slit as I was grinding my hips in a circling motion. All the while, I had gotten so lost in him pleasuring my pussy, I realized I'd stopped jacking his cock. I was just holding it there through his pants. I thrust my hips in a slow fucking motion and started to stroke him again.

I quickly released it and reached into the band of his pants; I grabbed his cock and immediately started to stroke it with a fury. He reached his left hand and began to tease my erect nipples. He ran his hand up and down my belly, slowly pulling my little skirt up to expose me from under my dress. He slid his hand over the entire length of my pussy and started to rub it firmly with the whole palm of his hand.

Up over my clit and back down, pressing in hard, sliding his middle finger to the very edge of my hole.

Circling the edge of it around and around, then back up over my clit. Sliding back down and letting his finger slip into my now soaking-wet pussy up to his second knuckle.

I let out another of these little tiny. "Oh fuck, Daddy"s, to an immediate, "Holy fuck," from our neighbor girl.

Her boyfriend rapped back in her ear, "That is so fucking hot, baby."

Dad continued with two or three little in-and-out jabs, then withdrew it back up over my clit. He continued this several times when I was sure everyone started to hear a smacking noise from down there, as I was dripping wet. I felt myself soaking down the inside of...

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Written by Happygirl22
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