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Sex Lessons

"A young man has fun teaching his new girlfriend the facts of life"

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Author's Notes

"When a young man teaches a young women the facts of life, she has as much fun learning as he does teaching."

I was nineteen years old and still lived at home with my parents. Because I had gone on to technical college when I finished my sixth year at grammar school, I had got myself a Saturday job to earn a bit of pocket money. It was when I left the shop that I worked in to start my lunch break that I bumped into a pretty and vaguely familiar girl who appeared to be around the same age as me. We stopped and said hello, both of us a bit shy. I introduced myself as Robin. She told me that her name was Paula and that she worked at a local pharmacy on Saturdays, and I told her about my Saturday job at the greengrocery shop. We agreed that as we both had almost an hour left of our lunch break that we would have time to go for a coffee at the nearby coffee shop. Over coffee and a bun, we chatted about this and that and she told me where she lived, which turned out to be a few streets away from my house. She was also nineteen years old, she said. We made a date to meet up the next day, Sunday after lunch.

I arrived at her house at two-thirty as arranged, knocked on the door and Paula answered it. It was a glorious sunny afternoon so we decided to go for a walk out in the country, which was almost on our doorstep anyway. As we walked and talked about families and so on, I slipped my hand into hers. A sideways glance established that the hand-holding had brought a bit of a smile to her face. After about half an hour of walking, we had found a comfortable patch of grass and we sat down. She was wearing tight jeans and a blouse that was just thin enough to show her flimsy bra, and I couldn’t help but notice that her breasts were quite small but looked firm. I could also see the outline of her panties and her pussy clearly through her jeans.

Our chatting moved on to talking about her twin brother. I told her that I had an older brother who was now away from home. She declared that I was lucky because, she said, her brother was a bit creepy. I asked her what she meant by creepy and she began to tell me about the problems she had had with her brother.

“I came home from work one day and caught him in my bedroom, poking around in my underwear drawer,” Paula told me.

“Oh, dear. Pretty embarrassing for both of you, I imagine.”

“The worst thing was that I caught him again a few weeks later but this time it was worse. He was sitting on the edge of my bed with his jeans and underpants around his ankles and he actually had a pair of my knickers wrapped around his dick and was rubbing up and down. I didn’t know what to do.”

“And did you understand why he was doing it?”

“No, I just thought it was weird. It got even worse still a couple of months later.”

“What happened?”

“I came home from work and my parents were both out. I got as far as my bedroom door when saw my brother lying on his back, stretched out on my bed. He had nothing on except a pair of my knickers and he was rubbing himself through them.”

“Wow. What did you do?”

“Well, the strange thing was that I found it kind of exciting. I don’t know why. I didn’t even know why he was doing it. I just stood there and watched.”

“And did he see you? Did he stop?”

“No. He had his eyes closed. He carried on for a few more minutes, then his body sort of went stiff, he arched his back a bit and started groaning. That was when I saw the wet patch starting to spread in the knickers he was wearing. I thought he had peed.”

“And then what? Did you let him know that you were watching him?”

“No, I was too embarrassed. I sneaked off downstairs and left him to it. The strange thing was that I had got damp … well, you know … down there while I had been watching him.”

I explained to her what masturbation was all about and that what she saw leaking out into her knickers was in fact cum.

“And what him wearing my knickers? Do all men and boys do that too?” She asked.

“Let’s talk about that some other time. It’s a fetish thing. It’s complicated.”

She changed the subject at that point but I knew that she would have liked to know more. We sat and chatted for over an hour then got up and decided to walk back home again, and I left her at her garden gate. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and we arranged to meet up again the following Sunday.

Sunday again and time for my date with the shy girl.

I went to her house as promised early in the afternoon, yet another dry, sunny and warm one. She offered to make cold drinks that we could sit in her garden with for a little while before going off for a walk. So that was what we did.

While we were sitting there, she brought up the subject of sex. She asked me if I had been told about the facts of life, either by my parents or at school. I told her that although I hadn’t had any formal lecture on the subject, I had learned a few things from here and there and always felt able to talk about sex with my father if I needed to.

She explained that her mother had never told her a thing and all she had got from school was a little booklet, which had been handed out to all of the older pupils at her school on the last day of her schooling. They had been told to read it at home and to keep what they had learned from it to themselves for the future. No wonder, I thought at the time, she acted so shyly.

She went on to suggest that we take her little book out on our walk with us and we could read it together. She suggested that maybe I could explain things to her a bit better. I of course agreed.

And so it was that we found ourselves sitting in a secluded spot on a grass bank, about half an hour from home, reading ‘The Facts Of Life’ together.

I was astounded by the content – or the lack of it. It could have been written by a Victorian doctor. The only information that it contained was on the basic mechanics of making babies, and all about pregnancy and childbirth.

There was a little bit about contraception but not much. There was no description of contraceptives, only a sentence on preventing pregnancy by using them. There was a brief chapter on puberty in girls and what to expect when their periods started and another short bit on boys and puberty. In the back of the booklet were a few basic drawings of boys' and girls' genitalia. There was no clitoris on the female drawing and nothing that resembled the true shape of an erect penis. And that was it. To a healthy teenage enquiring mind, it would raise more questions than it answered, I thought.

With us both having finished reading it, she asked me if there were other things that I could tell her. I told her that to be honest, someone should have written a book on the pleasures of sex and given teenagers a better understanding of the real world.

She told me that she didn’t even know that sex gave pleasure. She thought that it was just for procreation, she said.

Wow! I thought to myself. This was going to be a steep learning curve on her part. I told her that sex could give a lot of pleasure, and all sorts of things could be done to one’s own or someone else’s body, which as well as giving pleasure, could help to relieve sexual frustration. This did not, I explained, even have to be through full sex.

“Actually,” she admitted, "I did touch myself a bit down there after I got damp from watching my brother. It felt nice and I carried on doing it until I felt a tingle in my stomach and my legs went weak.”

“Have you done it again since?”

“Yes, a few times, but I got frightened when I got extra wet and my face got hot. Actually, though, it made me feel calm afterwards.”

“Would you like it if I helped you to do it again?”

“I’m not sure. Let’s talk about it.”

And so we talked and talked about sex, masturbation, panties, and other related things.

She asked if there was anything that we could do together without ‘going all the way’ and after a bit of explanation from me about mutual masturbation, she was willing to try it out.

We got as far as me giving her an orgasm by stimulating her through her cotton knickers, and she gave me a fairly reasonable hand job by following my instructions. She was fascinated to watch my cum spurt out onto the ground in front of us and gave out a little shriek as it happened. That was as far as we were going to go on that date.

We walked back to her house, where we arranged to meet the next Sunday afternoon.

Before we parted, she said she wanted to ask me something else. She reminded me that her Saturday job was at a pharmacy and told me that sometimes she had to sell customers condoms, which both embarrassed her and excited her. She said that as she had read about them in the little booklet, she was curious. Should she smuggle a pack out of the shop and bring them on our next date, she asked. I told her that I didn’t suppose it would hurt anyone if she did. Just so that we could look at them and work out what people might do with them was her reason.

I in turn asked her if she could bring a spare pair of her knickers along ‘just in case’. She didn’t ask me to explain the ‘just in case’ and agreed to bring them.

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Suddenly it was Sunday again. Time for my next date with my girlfriend.

‘’Hi,’’ I said when we met up at her house. ‘’I have been looking forward to our date all week.’’

“Oh, so have I,’’ she replied, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let’s get off out for a walk then,’’ she said with excitement in her voice.

‘’Did you manage to get … ’’ I began to ask.

‘’In here,’’ she interrupted, tapping her handbag.

With a quick goodbye to her parents, who were watching TV in the sitting room, we set off. She was wearing a short summery skirt, and a blouse with buttons down the front. I was in my usual jeans and tee-shirt.

‘’Let’s go to that spot that we walked to last week,’’ she suggested.

‘’Sounds good to me,’’ I replied.

‘’I can’t wait to try things out.’’

‘’What things have you got in mind?’’

‘’You know, to see what we can do with these,’’ she said excitedly, pointing to her handbag.

‘’Let me see.’’

‘’No, not until we get there.’’

‘’Knickers and condoms, right?

‘’Yes but something a bit special.’’

“I can’t wait.”

We arrived at our little secret spot and sat down on the grass.

‘’OK, tell me what’s special,’’ I demanded

‘’Well, I talked to my friend who works with me at the pharmacy about what we were planning, and told her that I was a bit embarrassed at actually buying the condoms. She bought them for me as she said it didn’t bother her. She said we should go out and have a coffee together at lunch-time and we could talk girls' stuff, which we did. When I told her that I didn’t know what you and I could do, she told me that she quite often did stuff with her boyfriend.’’

‘’What sort of stuff?’’

‘’She said that she had often rubbed him and made him cum, and last time she had rubbed him while he wore her knickers and he had squirted his stuff in them.’’

‘’Well, we could try that if you like.’’

‘’I think I’d like to give it a go.’’

‘’Then that’s what we’ll do.’’

‘’What about the condoms?’’

‘’I’ve got an idea about those.’’

‘’Tell me.’’

‘’Better than that, I’ll show you in a bit. I think I know how we can make each other cum at the same time without any risk.’’

‘’Will it hurt?’’

‘’No, I’m not going to put it in you.’’

“It sounds like you know a bit more about sex than you let on.”

“Look, to be honest, I have never done this stuff before. My brother has told me a lot about what goes on, and I should be able to show you.’’

‘’You didn’t tell him about us, did you?’’

‘’No, of course not, I would never tell anyone.’’

With that, we kissed and I began to explore under her skirt, rubbing her between her legs through her white cotton knickers. She in turn began to rub me through the front of my jeans.

‘’Ooh! You’re getting hard.’’

‘’And you are getting very wet. We had better get your knickers off before they get soaked.’’

‘’OK but I am going to undo your jeans as well.’’

‘’Pull up your skirt and let me take your knickers off.’’

‘’Only if you take your jeans and pants off.’’

‘’Well, in that case, take your skirt right off and undo your blouse.’’

We stripped, and with me in just a shirt and her with most of her body exposed, we began to rub each other.

‘’Show me what’s in your bag now. That secret you’ve been keeping from me,’’ I demanded, as we paused for a moment or two.

‘’OK, here they are,’’ she replied while pulling something pink and silky from the bag. “There you are – Something special, as I promised. They’re new.”

‘’Wow! What made you think to buy those?’’ I remarked as she unfolded them to reveal a very sexy pair of thin, pink, small panties.

‘’My friend said that it was what boys like. She said that it turned them on much more than the ‘granny knickers’ that I normally wear. She helped me choose them.’’

‘’Well, I certainly like them. Your friend has got good taste.’’ My erection was now full-on.

‘’Shall I rub you with them or would you like to wear them and you can let your stuff go in them?’’

‘’I’ve got a better idea. You put them on.’’

‘’And then what.’’

‘’I’ll show you. Get one of those condoms out as well.’’

‘’Are you going to put it on?’’

‘’That’s the plan.’’

She took off the plain white cotton knickers that she had been wearing, put them down beside her on the grass and put on the little pink panties. As I watched, my erection got even harder. I told her to lie back on the grass, open her legs and raise her knees. She did as I said and then watched as I took the condom from the little pack of three, removed it from its foil wrapper and rolled it onto my hard prick. She looked fascinated. I was doing this while gazing down at the outline of her gash through the thin panties.

‘’Are you going to fuck me?’’ she quizzed, a little apprehensively.

‘’If you really want me to, but I don’t think it is a good idea.”

‘’Oh, well, just do what you think then.’’

I lowered myself down between her thighs and made sure that my condom-covered erection was in contact with her wet crack after pulling the panties to one side. Then I began rubbing the length of my erection up and down along her cunt lips. The feeling of her flesh combined with the texture of the panties was wonderful although a little bit dulled by the condom. She very soon started to moan and move about gently under me and before long announced that she thought that she was having an orgasm. I kept on going as her face flushed, and her breath started slowing. After a few more moans, she lay still.

‘’Wow, that was incredible,’’ she sighed. ‘’Have you cum too? I didn’t feel anything.’’

‘’No, I wanted to save it.’’

‘’You can still put it inside me if you want to.’’

‘’I don’t think I should. You would not be a virgin anymore if I did. Anyway, it will hurt you the first time.’’

‘’There’s got to be a first time sometime.’’

‘’I just don’t think now is right. You should save yourself.’’

‘’Well, what do you want to do? You need to cum somehow."

‘’You wouldn’t think it weird if I put your white knickers on, would you?’’

‘’No, of course not. If that’s what you want, then do it.’’

‘’ OK. It would be best if you got dressed. We would look bad if somebody caught us.’’

‘’And you wearing women’s knickers would look OK, would it?’’

‘’Good point, but I’ll risk it."

“Are you sure you don’t want to put these little pink ones on instead?” She asked.

“No, the white ones would be better. I can get everything inside them and I really want to cum in them.”

“Oh, OK.”

She kept the little pink panties on and got dressed. I peeled off the condom and tossed it in the bushes. Then I put on the white cotton knickers, pulling them all the way up to my waist and lay back on the grass. My hard-on was comfortably enclosed.

‘’What do you want me to do now?’’

‘’Rub me through the knickers until I cum. It won’t take very long by the feel of it. Are you sure it’s OK for me to cum in these knickers? They’re going to get pretty messy.’’

‘’I don’t mind. I can take them home in my bag. If my mum catches me in the house, I’ll just tell her I peed myself.’’

‘’Are you sure that she won’t quiz you?’’

‘’No, she won’t. I always wash out my own knickers anyway,...

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Written by Pantysize32
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