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Competition Entry: Unleashed


“Quinn Cruz, you there?”

As Quinn's coworker called her, she heard a knock from the toilet stall she had occupied.

She hastily closed the audio, which was playing on her earphones through her phone.

She cleared her throat and asked, “Yes?”

“Mr. Luther was asking for the documents. He said he needed it now,” her coworker answered.

“Okay, I’ll give it to him as soon as I’m done. Thank you for notifying me,” Quinn said as she reached out for some tissues in her bag as she didn’t feel comfortable using the one in the restroom stall.

“No problem.”

Quinn heard her coworker’s footsteps as they left the comfort room.

She let out a deep sigh as she looked down at her weeping pussy which was stimulated by the cotton rope tied from her waist to her crotch since morning. With the tissue, she cleaned the mess it made, struggled to take off her wet panties, and put it aside in her bag next to the vibrator that she brought.

On one last refresh of the Servile website on her phone during her entire lunch break, she was disappointed to find that Wither still hadn’t provided an update for his announcement regarding his monthly lucky subscriber who would video chat with him.

Quinn had accidentally known of this website, Servile, as she scrolled through one of her social media. To access the website, you need to verify your age using your legal I.D. According to the customers; it was very secure and credible.

Like its name, servile provided products that the customers desired. This ranged to different kinks in different media: audio, pictures, or videos. Service themes align with customer wishes, with mutual consent. They could avail ready-made products, including audios from Wither that Quinn had bought.

Out of tons of providers in Servile, Quinn was most attracted to Wither. It was maybe because his voice reminded her of her ex-boyfriend, who had cheated on the day of her labor twenty-one years ago.

One reason Quinn dated her ex-boyfriend back then was he was once a lead singer to his band. His deep, raspy voice had captured her heart. When she confessed to him about her voice fetish, he became thrilled and ecstatic. He satisfied Quinn’s kink every time they had sex after their band session, which eventually resulted in her pregnancy.

Sadly, their relationship was not as deep as his voice. On the day she birthed her son, Stefano Cruz, she had found out to her friend that her ex-boyfriend ran away and migrated to another country with another girl. She gave her son her last name and not his asshole father’s.

Her loved ones stood by her side, offering unwavering support and encouragement. If not, then she would have gone crazy.

Back to Wither. Like her ex-boyfriend, his voice was deep and raspy. The difference was Wither’s voice was gentle and held conviction whenever he spoke, very much unlike her ex-boyfriend’s stern and coarse.

After Quinn tidied up herself, she quickly went to pick up the documents on her table and brought it to their boss.

Through the eyes of her coworker, in her clean, loose dress and light make-up, she looked young and innocent for her age. She just turned forty-three last month. However, what they didn’t know was that as she walked to the company, the surrounding ropes on her lower body grazed through her soft skin, especially to her crotch that was once again dripping with her juices.

On her way to the office, she heard from the gossiping coworkers that they could depart early as their boss and other members of the company had a meeting with another company for a joint project. This news elated her that she walked faster towards her boss’ room.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Mr. Luther’s office, she composed herself before she knocked. After she heard the signal to go in, she opened the door and had the documents to him.

Like she expected, Mr. Luther retold her about their meeting. He advised her that if she had no more things to do, then she could call it a day.

Quinn bid her thanks and stride her way back to her workspace to pick up her bag. Before she exited the company, she went to the toilet stall in the restroom, picked the vibrator inside her bag and turned it on, put on a new pair of panties, and left.

The vibrator only made a little noise, so she was not worried about anyone noticing.

A taxi coincidentally arrived as soon as she went out, so she didn’t wait long for a ride.

She was very excited about going home. Her son was not at home as he was at his friend’s home making a project, so she would be alone and free to do what she wanted in the house.

Quinn crossed her legs. Her action stimulated her cunt through the rope in her crotch that she couldn’t help but utter a silent moan. She glanced carefully at the driver of the taxi, afraid that he would notice something wrong.

It was when they were almost at her house that she put on her earphones and played a new audio from Wither, entitled “Back Home.”

A very familiar static started from the audio. The sound of a car engine also sounded, followed by the voice that made her pussy tingled uncontrollably.

“Can’t wait to go home, sweetheart?”

Quinn leaned through the window from the backseat and closed her eyes, envisioned herself for the scenario, and inhaled a good amount of air.

“Did I tie it too tight?”

Quinn squeezed her thighs tighter and mentally answered, “No.”

“Then you can wait until we come home, right?”


Quinn heard some rustling noise in the audio. It was from a contact of a rough hand to something. She imagined that it was her thigh that was being caressed.

“Let me see how excited you are,” Wither’s voice rang in her ears.

Quinn sat properly as she opened her eyes and looked outside the car. She slowly parted her legs. The vibration from the vibrator in her pussy sent goosebumps all over her body.

“Lovely, so fucking wet.”

The rustle continued in her ears. Suddenly, the sound of something wet being played followed.

“What makes you so turned on?”

“Did you listen to the voicemails I sent to you?” he added in a teasing tone.

Wither chuckled lowly, “You must be playing yourself in your company’s restroom, no?”

The imagination of her pussy being played in the taxi was liberating that another silent moan escaped her lips.

“Tell me,” a commanding yet gentle voice whispered.

Quinn glanced outside and noticed they were only a few blocks down to her house.

She mentally answered, “Yes, sir. I did.”

Wither snickered and said, “You didn’t cum, don’t you?”

“No, sir,” she answered in her head.

The sound of the car in her ears and the taxi both stopped at the same time.

“Good. Then we better hurry so I can reward you,” Wither chuckled lowly followed by a light sound of a slap, Quinn imagined it was her thigh.

She paid for the taxi without looking at the drive, as she was afraid he would see her flushed face and hurriedly got out.

“Quite excited, huh?” Wither’s audio continued to tease.

Quinn opened the door with her keys and quickly closed it. Finally, she let out a long, hot moan that she had been holding.

She could feel her juices damping her entire crotch. Quinn scolded herself for making a mess again.

“Sweetheart,” Wither called on her earphones.

“Come to the bedroom,” he said assertively.

With her weak legs, she pushed herself to go to her bedroom, not even caring to close the door.

Quinn tossed her bag to her bed and unplugged the earphones on her phone. The audio stopped, so she had to play it again as she made sure that her phone had its volume full.

A deep voice suddenly filled the room: “Slowly, take off your clothes.”

“Okay, sir.”

One by one, Quinn took off all of her garments until the only thing hanging on her skin was the cotton rope she had expertly tied this morning around her waist and down to her crotch. The vibrator quivered inside her swelling pussy. Despite being soaking wet down there, she was surprised that it hadn’t fallen yet.


Even after hearing so many praises from his audios, she still felt shy and erotically flattered.

“Look at yourself in the mirror, sweetheart,” Wither commander, “Look how slutty you are.”

The vibration of her toy intensified as Quinn clenched her pussy at the sound of his smirk.

“What would your coworker think about you if they knew you wore this?”

Her face flushed at his words. The mirror reflected how enticing she looked: Shy, but holding a sense of pride.

“Pull out your vibrator.”

She did what he said, moaned as her pussy felt empty without it, and tossed it on her bed.

“God, you're dripping wet,” Wither said slowly, “You better not let it mess the floor.”

“What should you do, sweetheart?” he asked, a pecking sound came after in the audio.

Quinn slowly and shyly cupped her soaked pussy with one of her hands.

“Wouldn’t it be sad if you waste it?” he asked.

“Taste yourself, sweetheart,” he added.

With her hand wet with her juices, she licked it with her tongue and savored every drop of hers.

A kissing sound erupted on her phone. “Tell me how you taste, sweetheart.”

“Salty,” she said, embarrassed.

Wither chuckled, “Yet lovely, no?”

Quinn bashfully nodded.

“Let me have a good view,” Wither said. “Part it with your fingers, nice and wide.”

Quinn whimpered as her shaking fingers held her outer wall partly. She deeply closed her eyes as he imagined Wither kneeling in front of her and watched her touch herself.

“Slowly rub it on your fingers, sweetheart.”

Her fingers traced her swollen walls. The sensation of the cotton rope around her crotch scorched whenever her body quivered upwards.

“Ohhh,” she moaned.

“Imagine it’s my hand, sweetheart. Which part do you think I’ll tease the most?”

Quinn’s fingers travelled up to her clit, swollen and aching.

“Look how sensitive you are,” he said as he chuckled, “You’re getting wetter and wetter. Are you that excited for me?”


A smirk played in the audio and he commanded, “Lay down on your bed.”

Quinn quickly climbed onto her bed with a sense of urgency.

She heard him say, “Keep spreading your legs, sweetheart.”

So she did. Her entire being was on display as she lay naked on top of her bed. Flushed and shaking, she waited for his commands.

“Continue playing with your cunt, sweetheart. Let me see how much you want my touch.”

“How excited you are!”

“How much you need and desire me.”

Quinn couldn’t stop herself from moaning as her fingers continued to tease her clit, “Oohh, sir.”

“Now take your other hand to your pussy while the other is busy on your clit.”

“Slowly trace how wet your slit is.”

“Use your middle finger and slowly make your way inside you.”

Quinn felt her finger penetrate her soaked pussy inch by inch. The hotness and wetness of herself wrapped around it.


“Play yourself, sweetheart. At your own pace,” he said.

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She started to move her middle finger back and forth inside her. Her head tilted from side to side from both the sensation and frustration.

“Not satisfied?” he teased. “Then let your ring finger join.”

With her two fingers, the pleasure became more intoxicating.

Quinn curled her fingers upward that made her body jolted, “Oh goddd.”

“You’re doing good, sweetheart,” Wither whispered.

“Now, slide your hand on your body.”

“Up to your belly, to your beautiful mounds.”

She let go of her swollen clit and traced her burning body until she reached her breast as she continued to finger herself.

“Your tits look so lovely. Can you caress them for me?”

“Slow and sensual,” he added.

Her hand slowly caressed her breasts, one after the other. Although the friction from her hand to her skin felt good, the softness of her hand was very different from the image of Wither in his deep, raspy voice.

“Very good,” he said while a kissing sound came after from the audio.

There was a moment of silence in the audio that Quinn could clearly hear her heavy breathing.

Not long enough, Wither said, “I want you to switch your fingers on your pussy with the other.”

“Then take it on your lips,” he added.

Quinn did what he said. Her hand holding her breast traced down to her body and slid her two fingers to her already soaking cunt.

The fingers that once were on her pussy glistened in the light coming from her door. It had an erotic smell that intoxicated her more. The taste and scent of her own cunt.

“Imagine we’re sharing your juices, sweetheart. In a deep-“

Before Wither finished what was he saying, a text notification rang on her phone. As Quinn was very immersed in the scenario, she didn’t bother looking at who it was.

The audio automatically continued, “-torrid kiss. Your fingers are my tongue and lips.”

The one earlier was not as sensual as this. The thought of them kissing and sharing her cunt juices ignited both her body and mind.

Her desires grew stronger.

Quinn torridly sucked on her fingers. Like what Wither said, she used her fingers to tease her tongue and tangled them as she sipped every drop of her juices.

“Move your hips, sweetheart. Feel your fingers going deep inside you,” he said and erotic kissing sounds filled the audio.

The moment her hips began to move, there were tons of electric feeling that travel all over her body. The cotton rope tightened every time she moved. Its friction on her skin added pressure and heat to her body.

“Hmmm,” she moaned through her finger-stuffed lips.

With so much sensation, her knees and legs couldn’t help but close. Although Wither’s audio didn’t scold her for it, Quinn had imagined him forcefully parting her legs.

Her body squirmed and trembled as she fingered herself. As she moved her hips, her back arched upward every once in a while.


“Are you about to cum, sweetheart?” Wither suddenly said in the audio.

“Yes,” Quinn panted as she kept sucking her fingers.

“Not yet, hmm?” he said.

Quinn tightly shut her eyes, tears fell from too much stimulation, and pleaded, “Please?”

The only thing she heard was silence from the audio and her heavy panting.

The pressure on her belly for an aching release of climax made her shudder on top of her bed. She thought she was going crazy.

“Please...” she pleaded again.

Wither finally said, “Be a good girl, sweetheart. Just a bit more.”

With his words, Quinn could only endure.

She had let go of her fingers in her mouth, bit her lower lip, tried her best to focus, and not to cum.

“Just a bit more,” he teased.

“Oh, sir,” she moaned.

After her long endurance, Quin heard her low chuckle.

“Cum for me, sweetheart. Release it all for me.”

It was like Quinn was in heaven.

The build up pressure on her lower body finally eased as she cum all over her sheets, the scent of her lewdness quickly covered her entire room.


She panted like crazy as she continued to cum. Her body quivered for every drop.

“Oh my god,” her eyes rolled up as the stimulation from cumming had still not subsided.

Her fingers rocked back and forth to her sensitive pussy.

“Tsk tsk, tsk,” she heard Wither’s voice.

“Look how much mess you made,” he added, “You might want to not waste it, sweetheart.”

Quinn inhaled a long breath as she pulled her fingers out of her pussy. The cunt juices had covered her hand.

She obliged and took it in her mouth and clean her hand using her tongue. A smirking sound made her more lascivious.

“Lay on your stomach, sweetheart,” he commanded with his deep voice. The gentleness was gone.

Quinn weakly turned her body.

“Arch your beautiful ass.”

Quinn did.

“Although I only said that you should not make a mess on the floor, you still need to be punished for what you have done on the bed,” he said. “Right, sweetheart?”

She moaned as an answer.

“Tell me, I’m right to punish you.”

“Yes, sir,” she said submissively.

“Good,” he said, contented.

“Now, I want you to spend yourself for me. Can you do it, sweetheart?” he ordered.

Quinn wriggled her butt and said, “Y-yes, sir.”

Wither chuckled devilishly, and said, “Proceed.”

With her body laying on her stomach, ass arched upward, Quinn spanked herself. A sense of embarrassment made her face flushed as some of her cum dripped down to her legs.

“That’s too light, sweetheart,” he remarked, “Again.”

In a mental count of one to three, Quinn spanked herself again. A bit harder this time.

“Again,” he said.

She surrendered and spanked herself for another.


This continued for a minute and as every time Quinn spanked herself, she did it harder. The stinging of both her hand and her butt was painfully erotic that she never complained in her heart.

“Good girl,” Wither finally praised her.

“Was it too much?” he asked.

“N-no, sir,” she lied as a bit of numbness was on her hand and butt.

“Sorry,” he said, followed by a round of kissing sounds.

Quinn continued to listen as she caught her breath. She properly lay on her bed, the stinginess on her body subsided.

“Rest here for now while I cook you something, hmm?” Wither said.

After that, she heard a familiar beeping sound, which meant that the audio had ended.

Quinn rest on top of her bed for a few minutes and waited to regain her strength. Then, she decided to clean herself.

Although she was still a bit weak, she sat up on her bed, clearly forgetting about the text message. She scrolled to her phone and went to the Servile website to Wither’s account.

Quinn was once again disappointed that Wither had still not updated. Feeling annoyed, she stood up and walked to her bathroom without locking her phone.

The sound of the shower had lightened her mood.


Stefano was at the door of their house. When he opened the door with his spare keys, he noticed that his mother’s shoes were in the doorway. Probably left there with a sense of urgency.

He messaged her earlier that he was about to go home as his friends had something to do and he was not in the mood to join them, however; she didn’t reply, so he thought she was busy with work. Well, looks like she was at home.

He closed the door and was about to call for her when he heard the sound of the...

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Written by swainin
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