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Payback after I caught mum fucking MY boyfriend

"Mum fucked my boyfriend so I paid her back by fucking her hubby-my dad"

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I've been with Jerome for 8 months now and I can say he's my first love. 

Mom and dad weren't happy about us at first as Jerome is four years older than me at 21. 

As times gone on, he's become sort of part of the family. 
He's around at least 4 times a week. Even when I'm not home it's not uncommon to come back and find him eating dinner with my parents. 

I loved that they both seemed to love him as much as I did. 

I was having some difficulty in college, it just wasn't working out. 
I wanted to work but mum was having none if it and we argued about it alot. 

If anyone should understand, it's her!
She wasn't the academic type and was often in trouble and rebellious at my age. 

Everyone says I'm the mixed raced version of her, even at 38 she could pass as my friend (which we hear non stop!). 
Mum is beautiful, I have to admit it. She has a very sexy and commanding presence. Men have always been weak for her. 
The only difference is she's olive complexion and I'm caramel. 
We both have similar figures, very curvy both D cup breast, small waist, round butts and long shapely legs. 
Mums hair is jet black, long and thick and mine is died golden blonde with tight curls and shoulder length. 
We have the same hazel eyes with thick eye lashes that are always commenting on. 

Even dad and Jerome are similar, both chocolate complexion, muscular build (dad much bigger-he's a gym freak) and both tall. 
J has cornrows, which I don't really like whereas dad has his trimmed low and smart.

Mum loves her black men and so do I. 
I went out with white guys when I was younger but I definitely prefer black!

Anyway mum and dad have been arguing a lot lately and dad has been spending loads of time out of the house. 
I don't feel like being there much myself right now, but J's always round so it's not as bad. 

If I'm being honest, I'm finding it weird that he is there so much. Especially since dads hardly home, I feel odd about him always being there with mum. 

He's there all the time now and I will come home often from college to find them having a drink on the sofa like husband and wife. 

He's getting abit distant too, we used to fuck all the time but now he's hardly in the mood. 

I have a high sex drive and so did he! 

Tonight I'm not taking no for an answer. 
I know he's there waiting for me and today I'm horny as fuck!
I get in and as usual they are on the sofa with a drink. 
I say my hellos to mum and tell Jerome to come to my room in a minute to talk. 

I go in strip off all my clothes, rub oil over myself and lay on the bed waiting. 
He's taking long so I start to rub my clit and play with my tits. I'm getting frustrated and shout for him to come in. 

He opens the door and a smile appears over his face. 
He closes the door behind him and strips off as I lay there finger fucking my juicing pussy. 

He climbs on top of me and goes straight in. 
He's not really the foreplay type but he can fuck for hours which suits me. 

He has a big thick chocolate dick, the biggest dick I've ever seen!
As he starts pounding away I let out a moan. 

Our walls are paper thin and I know mum can hear the bed banging and me moaning and groaning. 

I think fuck it and moan louder "Jerome fuck me harder I moan, arghhhh yesss!" I do this more because I have been abit jealous of their relationship and I want her to know he's mine. 

As he pounds away I scratch at his back and bite his neck. He's got a juicy chocolate butt I love to dig my nails into. 
As I squeeze hard he starts fucking me faster and harder making me scream with pleasure. 
I can feel my pussy pulsating aggressively and I know I'm about to cum over his dick. 
"Ahhhhhh faster J faster!! I'm about to cum!" And with that I felt his dick turn hard as steel as it stabbed my pussy with force and we both came in unison. 

I let out a gasp and wrapped myself around him as we lay there getting our breath back. 

I've got a college trip today and I do not want to go! It's three days away in a shitty hotel and I could care less about the course right now. 
Mum keeps banging on that I have to go and even Jerome is telling me to go. 

I don't care what mums says but I do listen to J and decide I will go. 

That morning I got my stuff together and left for college.
Mum gave me a hug and kiss and thanked me for seeing it through. 
J also texted saying he was proud and was going to miss me and my tight pussy, lol he's such a filth bag.

Today like everyday,my tutor is pissing me off. 

If this bitch thinks I'm spending three days with her she's got another thing coming. 

I decided then and there that I will stay at Rachel's for the next 3days. 
That way I keep mum and J off my back and I get to chill with my bestie for a few days. Perfect!

I get to Rachel's and we plan a night of Girly fun, movies, face masks, nails etc. should be fun. 

Rachel and me have been close since primary school. 
She's the cute, funny and smart one, where I'm the naughty, sexy and indecisive one. We're a good balance. 
Rachel's about 5'4, with strawberry blonde, straight hair which she always wears in a ponytail. She has a cute face with plump lips, pale complexion and permanently red flushed cheeks. 
She has a good body, her breasts are smaller than mine and her bum is like a black girls, thick and round. 

We get changed into our pj's mine a scarlet silk and short nightdress and Rach in pink shorts and a vest top. 
We have two bottles of wine, chocolates, rom coms, and pamper products. 
We pour ourselves a glass and pop in the first movie. 

We sit there giggling away and gossiping about who's fucked who in college and our own experiences when a lesbian scene comes on the movie. 
I'm tipsy and when I'm tipsy im always super horny. 
I saw Rachel look at me in a funny embarrassed sort of a way which made me laugh. 
"Don't get shy on me Rachel, don't turn lessy lol"
She went red so I knew she felt awkward. 
I was in a naughty mood and was having fun teasing her. 
"What's wrong Rach, you want to suck my pussy? It's ok I don't mind" oh shut up she replied, your the les. " oh am I, should I show you I'm a les then, should I suck your pussy Rach" she giggled and decided to call my bluff. Ok lessy, come on then. I'm here. Suck away !

I went over to her and tugged off her shorts, she was smiling and looking at me with a testing smirk expression. "Take off your knickers then, let me see this juicy pink pussy" of course, why not she said as she wriggled out of her knickers and lay back hands under get head all cool looking and relaxed. 

Her pussy was right in my face and I wasn't going to back out now. I started rubbing her thighs and belly, getting myself ready to suck her pink pussy. 

"Stalling are we, someone nervous are they" I laughed , " me, nervous?" And with that open up her legs and put my lips on her hot tight pussy. I could hear her breathing getting heavy, so I kept on. 

I sucked and licked her wet soaking pussy, nibbling on her fat pulsating clit I poked my fingers in her hole. She was moaning and thrusting her pussy hard in my face while holding my hair. 
Man she was enjoying this and so was I. Rachel's actually a freak. 
After sucking and poking her pussy for ten minutes, I got on top of her and was rubbing my clit on hers. We was basically girl fucking. Me between her legs, our pussies rubbing, kissing her juicy lips while she poked a finger in my ass and squeezing the cheeks with her other hand. 
I could feel we were both about to come. 
She started pushing my ass down onto her hard so our pussys were thudding into eachother. 
After 20 seconds we both started tensing as the sensation was bubbling up in both of us. We came, me and Rachel best friends of 10 years have just fucked

I immediately felt awkward after I had come and I could sense she was too. 

We were quiet for a while, conversation just felt so unnatural. 
"You ok Rach?" "Yh. You?"
We were definitely weird so I thought it would be best to go home. 
I knew mum would talk crap and J be disappointed but I couldn't stay here right now so I got ready and left. 

It was after 11pm now so I thought I'd sneak in without being heard to save myself the headache tonight. 
I quietly put my key into the hole and turned gently. My rooms on the ground with the living room and kitchen and mum and dads is upstairs with the bathroom and guest room. 

I crept in delicately. I could hear fucking noises coming from upstairs. 
Mum and dads made up I thought. 
I went into my room and unpacked my stuff. 

I wanted to talk to J so I texted him that I miss him and what was he upto. 

As I sent it I heard his phone beep in the front room. 
That's weird I thought.
I went in the front room and there his phone was on the coffee table. 
He's left his phone. 

Curiosity got the better of me so I took it in my room and started to look throughIt. I thought I maybe able to get to the bottom of why he's been so distant and off sex. 
I go straight to the messages and its not long before I see why. 

Message after message from Denise, my mum!
My heart pumps as I read the most recent ;
Denise: "come over tonight, micheals (dad) out again, and karis (me) is away with college. I'm feeling lonely and horny and need your young thick dick. See ya soon xx" 

I couldn't believe it!!! My heart was pounding and I was so angry. That fucking whore! I knew they were too close. I felt Sick as I read more and more explicit messages and then the photos. 
Mum sending J pussy pics even one that he must of took of them in the front room with her mouth wrapped around my boyfriends cock. I couldn't believe it. They was gona pay, dad was goin to see these. 
I sent it all to my phone, the messages, pics the lot!!

Then It suddenly dawned on me, it's J and mum upstairs. They couldn't be!!
I crept upstairs, willing them not to creek. Not that they'd hear! She was wailing and moaning like a pornstar. 
As I reached the top the noise was unbearable "ohhhh Jerome, it feels so good! Fuck me faster baby and harder, hmmmmm ohhhh" 
The door was open just enough for me to see that horrible site without them seeing me. 
Mum was flat on her back, legs spread wide open and wrapped around my boyfriends waist. She was gripping his ass while he pumped away in my mums pussy. He was making noises he hadn't made with me in a while, his hips gyrating slow and then fast, his dick penetrating every inch of mums whoring pussy. 

I couldn't bare it anymore and busted through the door screaming at them both.
" how fucking could you!!! What are you doing!!"

Jerome jumped up in shock, his throbbing dick still pulsating with my mums pussy juices dripping off if it. 
Mum jumped up to and wrapped the sheet around her. 

I slapped them both and ran to my room.
I just couldn't believe it, I flung myself on my bed and just cried into my pillow. 
My heart felt torn apart, I'd never felt pain like it.

I heard Jerome stumbling down the stairs still dressing. He whispered a pathetic sorry as he left the house. 
Next mum came down, naked under her dressing gown from fucking MY boyfriend. 

"Karis darling I'm sooo sorry, I know what I've down is terrible. Please forgive me"

Forgive you? Forgive you for fucking your daughters boyfriend? You want me to forgive you!
I will never forgive you. 

I wish you was dead! Wait until I tell dad what you've been doing. He will kill you and kick you out. Then you can fuck off and be with J!

"Karis please don't tell your father, it would destroy him. I've made a terrible mistake. Please let me make it up to you, I'll do anything....please"

Just leave me alone I wept, I hate you!

With that she got up and left. 
I was still in shock, there's no way she's getting away it! I don't care how sorry she is. 

About 30mins later, I heard her footsteps approaching my door. She knocked and opened it slightly. 
"Karis I'm really sorry, I think it's best I stay with your aunt for a few days, give you some space. Please don't tell your dad" and then she left. 

Does she really think she's getting away with fucking my boyfriend. 

I dialled dads number straight away, I didn't want to tell him over the phone so asked him to come home. He said he was away and wouldn't be able to get back til tomorrow late morning. 

I told him to hurry, that I would wait til he was here to tell him. 

That was the worse night ever, I cried the entire time getting no sleep. My heart was broken in the worst way.
I just wanted my daddy.

We were close and I looked upto him a lot. He's the only man who hasn't let me down. 

I found myself aching for him, willing him to come through the door. 

I must have dozed off because I woke to him sitting on the edge of my bed, stroking my hair. 

"Dad!!!" I woke up and started crying all over again. 
"Baby don't cry, what's happened? Talk to daddy"

By now I was crying uncontrollably and couldn't get the words out. 

Where's your mum he said? she's gone to stay at aunts For a few days.

"Dad it's Jerome, I caught him cheating on me"

Dads eyes narrowed, that bastard, I'll kill him. 
Come here baby, give daddy a hug, you will be alright trust me. 

It felt so good to have him here, mum didn't deserve him but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to tell him. 

Let your dad run you a bath ok honey, you relax. Dads here now. 

I don't know if seeing what I saw had messed upy head, but I found myself wanting my dad in a sexual way. 
It's then that I decided the best payback. 
If mum could fuck my boyfriend, then I could fuck her husband, even if it was my dad I didn't care.

So that was it.

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I was on a mission to seduce my dad. 
One reason payback and the other, I actually wanted to fuck him. 
I don't know what's gotten in to me but right now I do not care. 

"Karis the bath is ready babe, go soak and relax for a while, I will make you some breakfast"
Ok daddy, thank you. 

I got into the hot bubble bath and immersed myself in the warm fragrant liquid, I felt a little better just being here with daddy. 

Now I know my dads not going to be easy to fuck, he's never given me any sign that he sees me that way, so I will have to make him see me for the sexy woman I've become. 

After soaking for 15-20mins I get out using the smallest towel I could find. 

My breast are bulging and the towel stops barely under my ass, showing some cheek and crease when I walk.

Instead of going to get dressed I head for the kitchen where dads making eggs and bacon. 

I come behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. "I'm so glad your here daddy" he turns around and cuddle me back. I could stay in this embrace for ever. 
My soapy wet skin pressed against dads muscular body felt so good. I just felt safe and protected. 

"It's ok baby, daddy's here now you know I will look after my princess"
I know you will daddy. 

I reach up and kiss his cheek, I almost kiss his lips as my mouth hits the corner of his lips. 
It startled him abit. 

Ok go and get dressed darling, your breakfast is ready now- ok daddy won't be long I replied. 

I find my tightest vest dress which hugs all my curves and is so short if I bend over you'll see straight up my hole. 
This will be perfect I think, no knickers or bra of course. 
Dad has to notice me now. 

I go in the kitchen, my body glistening from the oil I rubbed all over me. 
Nipples poking through the thin material I walk over to dad where he's sitting at the dining table. 

"Yours is in the microwave hun", thanks dad. 

I walk past him with a sexy sway and I catch...

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Written by MindOfTabooGoodness
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