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Party On and Sex Too

"Older drunken brother ends up doing drunken younger sister as friends do it upstairs"

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Some parents seem to know it all. Yes they do. Theirs did. Mike and Patricia and a few friends went out of town, for five days, and entrusted their home to their kids for those five days. They even had their older son keep an eye on it too, hoping it wouldn’t be destroyed by Travis, the 26 year old son and their 18 year daughter, Amber. In fact so that it wasn’t “destroyed” they alerted a few neighbors to “keep an eye” on the house for the next few nights insuring them that nothing peculiar went on in and around it.

No, not too many lights were lit up inside the house and no cars were parked out in front of it either. Additionally there wasn’t even any loud music thundering out of the house. For that matter no kids came running in and out of the house either. Everything appeared pretty subdued all week long and how they pulled it all off was a question for the books.

Travis and Amber the son and daughter, hosted what was considered the party of parties. Travis helped her out. They planned and re-planned this one. He told her only a certain number of people could be invited. He would explain how to do it. She’d make the list, show it to him, and he’d have to approve it, which for the most part was a formality. Invitations were “sent out” by way of the internet.

Only 36 people were invited. Of those, only four of them could stay overnight. That ended up being Trevor and Marty and Anita, and Sissy. All were Amber’s friends and that is if they so chose to stay overnight.

Now oddly, Trevor and Sissy never liked one another. Both were good friends of Ambers so how they ended together in her room was a big question. She had no idea how these two could do such a thing. However, seeing as like everyone else they were stone cold drunk including Amber and even Travis, it may have been easy to figure out. There was just some deep seated lust buried somewhere within them that got these two into bed with one another.

What went on in that room the night before was a question left up to the gods of great parties. Because when Amber finally woke up early that morning she couldn’t believe what was going on herself. She was naked. There was a guy on her too. When she saw him, his arms, hands, and her leg too was all over the other one. She opened her eyes some more. They opened some more when she saw the guy and when she did she saw her own brother, Travis who was also totally naked, and she found his naked body all over hers. She was shocked. Her mouth flew open. Her eyes exploded even more. If you could’ve seen her, the look on her face had said it all.

Me and my brother, she thought? We, he and I did it last night, she asked herself.

And then as she was thinking about it, it hit her. It all hit her. Amber gradually started to recall every last bit of it, of last night. “Ohhhhhh nooooo” she said, inaudibly as she slipped out of bed and from beneath one of his arms which lay over her breasts.

However, Amber wanted to go to her room. She left the room and headed to the stairs. She slowly took the steps up to it. She walked down the hall to her room, opening the door to see what she figured were Sissy and Anita. There was no Anita in there and she could not believe who she saw in her room. As she opened the door some more she heard a guy’s breathing. Amber was astounded as she saw Trevor on the bed and with her good friend Sissy. Trevor in bed with Sissy, she thought. Ohhh god, she told herself. No way, she went on to say to herself as she looked at them. Trevor and Sissy were lying fully naked like she and Travis were. Her two good friends had been lying naked atop one another with their bare asses and bodies practically cuddled up against each other, and in very provocative positions in her bed too. Trevor and Sissy were snuggled on top of one another and naked as naked could be.

She remained quiet as she stared at her two good friends and from her point of view these two sure looked comfortable in the positions they were in. God only knows how this came to be, but alcohol most definitely played its part here she thought as she closed the door.

She stopped thinking about it and thought about the last night. That’s when it hit her. Here she was, thinking about all of it. That’s when she thought about Travis and her as they fucked like stinking thieves. She closed her eyes. She shook her head. She headed back downstairs.

Once she closed the door to her room the hangover kicked in, big time. It had come and given notice. It pounded away inside her head. She dropped her head and took hold of it as she tried willing it away. Regardless, her hangover had certainly hit her. Travis and her were too drunk for their own good. Nevertheless she knew the signs of a hangover. Yes she did. Her head hurt and she needed aspirin right now.

As she went downstairs she thought about late last night. There he set himself down. He pretty much looked at all the pretty, younger girls at the party. He’d say something to her once in a while, and seeing as she was too drunk to know any better she’d giggle at whatever he had to say.

Most of them had finally left, except the four friends. Knowing her room would probably be used, she decided to use the bedroom downstairs at the end of the hallway. She slowly started remembering it all too well.

In that room, she kicked off her flip flops, or so she thought she had. She remembered undoing her shorts, or so she thought she did, and then recalled falling down on her back to the bed. From there it was initially spotty. She remembered someone coming into the room. As she tried initially figuring it all out in her head she thought the guy seemed to be a good looking and nice guy too. She allowed that guy to fall into bed with her and she didn’t put up a fight at all. She remembered as she recalled it she let him fall next to her.

Then as thought about it all, she recalled lying naked. She woke up earlier and beside her was her brother who was also sleeping as naked as she was. He was sprawled out a little. He was on top of her too, kind of. She began remembering more and more. She shook her head because all the signs were there. He and his naked body and hers cuddled against one another. Laying entirely naked up against one another and she thought about it some more. He was practically all over her body with a hand on top of her breasts and another of his arms around her, holding her somewhat closely. Yes, Amber now knew it all. She now knew what had happened the night before.

At first, it was a little hard to “stomach” but as she thought about what went on last night, she smiled. For whatever reason she told herself the night was a success. Everyone who came got drunk. That’s for sure. Everyone left except four of her friends. Where Marty and Anita were exactly, she didn’t know for sure, but she figured they were in Travis’ room. At that point she didn’t care. However the new surprise how Trevor and Sissy got together bothered her a little while heading for the kitchen.

Well, she thought, they sure got it on last night and then she smiled.

So did Anita and her Travis.

Once downstairs and in the kitchen, she finally came to the realization. “Ohhhhhh god, I didn’t. I didn’t. I couldn’t have done it with him, could I?” Then she closed her eyes as she stood just inside the kitchen. “Ohhh shit, we even kissed. Ohhh shit, we kissed, wildly too.” She closed her eyes and added “I kissed my brother right on his” and all of a sudden she stopped speaking. Then she said “I kissed him right on his lips. No way, ohhh nooooo way” she cried out silently.

But she thought about it all. They’d done it all. They’d gone a lot, lot further then simply kissing, and she started remembering it all. She remembered it all so soooo well too.

God almighty, she told herself recalling the feeling she’d had of his hand on her tummy. She thought about it some more. She thought about him and her laying on the bed as they looked into one another’s eyes while feeling his hand moving round and round in a light manner on her tummy. It felt soooo good last night she told herself and then she recalled how it was petting her tummy softly as if doing so in an up and down movement also. As he did it they looked into one another’s eyes. She soon became fixated by the look he held on her and that smile of his and how he held her eyes with it. However, it sure felt nice to have someone do it that seemed to care so much for her. It sure felt nice that he was the one rubbing her tummy in the comforting way he was doing it.

“Ohhh man, I just can’t believe it all happened. I can’t believe we did that stuff” she said.

She finally walked to the kitchen table but stopped and went and made herself some hot tea in the microwave. She sat down at the table but then got up and went and got some aspirin for her ungodly hangover. She took some and set the bottle aside and sat down, recalling the rest of last night’s “events.” Her head was in a tailspin considering what had gone on last night. Her head was bent over, held by her hands only as she sat listlessly trying to remember everything else.

With her head buried in her hands, she tried wishing away the hangover as she recalled last night with Travis in bed. Yes, last night, after the party ended, she knew it had become an intimate evening to put it modestly. She knew now, she was the first one to kiss. She knew now, she was the first to thrust her tongue up inside his mouth. She knew also that he soon reciprocated that activity, giving it back to her in a most rambunctious manner which both truly seemed to enjoy and devour.

From there every last part of it all was, putting it humbly, “wild.” Last night unleashed itself and both were easily involved. Now, it all started to come back.

Before she knew it, she and Travis were seizing one another at full throttle. Soon after that first kiss, she was pulling at him from every angle possible, and she began recalling the rest of the night too.

She soooo wanted him. She soooo wanted all of him and his body she discovered. There was soooo much more to give of herself she remembered. Especially seeing from what he was “offering” her last night from the intimate caressing of her tummy, to eventually her tits, to the passionate first kisses, and on and on and on.

She thought about it some more. She remembered being soooo darn curious as to how his dick really felt. So she reached down as he felt her breasts up and she felt his limp dick. That’s when Amber closed her eyes and smiled. Ohhhhhhh it felt soooo darn cool, soooo darn good she told herself as she smiled some more. That was such a turn on to me. To feel his, to feel that, his cock in my hand like that. Ohhh wow, wow she thought as she closed her eyes picturing it all. And he let me do it too.

That’s when she recalled him saying something. He told her to stroke it. She remembered it clearly now. He told her to go on and take hold of it and stroke his cock. She thought about it. She smiled as she remembered holding it a tad more firmly and trying and then doing it and she recalled how he soon became turned on by it too.

“He liked it too” she said, still smiling.

Finally she wondered about it too. She felt turned on. She recalled that clearly. She felt all the odd sensations down in her pussy as she stroked his cock and also as his hand slowly played its way down to her pussy. She didn’t know it then but she would. He was working his way, or his fingers were, down into her clitoris and her pussy so he could finger her.

Then she thought about what he’d said next. “I’m going down on you.”

“Ohhhhhhh wow, yeah wow” she said as she first felt him running his tongue in and around her pussy. “That ohhh that” and she closed her eyes as she said it “was soooo fucking good. I can’t believe it but I’d do that again in a heartbeat.”

She wanted him badly seeing as she could now remember clearly his tongue inside her pussy like it was. She reminded herself how she wanted multiple orgasms, immediately. From what she recalled she got them too only a little bit later on, but its all good. It was all worth she told herself as she continued smiling.

It was still too hard to believe though and she said out loud but silently “Ohhh my god. Did we really actually do all of that last night?” .

Suddenly from behind her she heard the brother’s voice. “I think so. It’s not entirely clear yet but I think we did.” He’d said it in a guttural tone of voice. When she heard him speak she swiftly lifted her head out of her hands and then he said “Hi are you okay?” He wasn’t smiling yet as he walked in towards the table, wearing only his jeans from last night. Amber was already checking him out in his bare chest and slick looking jeans.

“Uh sure, yeah. Uh hi Travis” she said adding a slight but fake smile at the end.

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She wasn’t sure how she felt but did feel a little uncomfortable around him initially.

He didn’t sit down next to her yet as he told himself while walking in closer he had a magnificent time last night with her. As he walked in closer he looked at her, trying himself to recall the evenings’ events. Like her earlier, it was still a little foggy. To have had sex with his sister, and passionate sex at that, it took some doing, but he recalled it soon enough. Last night involved some incredibly awesome sex.

He knew that and soon remembered it too. He felt he wanted to tell her too.

“If it means anything to you” he started to say but then stopped a second. He saw the aspirin and asked for it, taking it dry, and moving on. “I was going to say if it means anything at all to you I had the most fantastic time of my life last night if you can believe that. Can you huh?” and he looked into her eyes and smiled, finally. “I just want you to know that. You were one hell of a great lover, alright?”

She raised her head up and stared at him. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. Did Travis just say I was a great lover, really? She was stunned by what he’d told her.

“Really, uhhh okay cool” she said trying to sound modest about it all. “I don’t know Travis. I mean what we did and everything. I uhhh just don’t know about it all” she said to her older brother. However in truth, she knew it was a most fantastic time too. She knew she had an incredibly awesome time also.

“What’s not to know, Amber?” he came back. “I mean what we did, I’d easily do again and again and again with you. God girl, you were totally and I mean totally incredible. Everything we did, you did” and he lowered his voice to a whisper almost “was utterly fantastic. I mean really fantastic. There isn’t any denying that either. I mean it Amber.”

She was shocked. He enjoyed it all that much, really? Was it all that unbelievable? “Travis, can I ask you a question?” she said softly. He said yes. “Was I really, really all that great a lover to you? I mean what was it I did that made me such a great lover in your opinion and all?”

He looked at her as she stared back. “Ohhhhhh man Amber, everything and I mean everything” he replied. “You really don’t remember at all?” She said she did but wanted to get his point of view on it. “I’ll tell you everything you did if you really want me to?”

“Ahhhhh yeah, I do” and she closed her eyes as she nodded her head.

“I walked in and there you were in bed. You had one shoe off but on still on. You were still in your shorts but had them undone and it looked like you tried pulling them off nbut never got that far. Both of us were drunk and I knew you were a lot more then I was. I wondered about it but thought man she...

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Written by Stoneypoint
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