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Packaged Deal Ch.2

"After a bad breakup, a guy's mom & sister decide to date him"

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A couple of weeks passed, and everything returned to normal for Audrey, Michelle, and Cameron. Currently, he had come over to the girl's house, saying he wanted to discuss something important with them.

“What is it that you wanted to talk about, sweetheart? Is everything with Sara okay?” His mother asked from across the table; they sat at the ends while Audrey was to the side, her expression worried.

“Yeah, no… Everything’s cool. And she’s actually what I wanted to talk about.” He forced a smile. Shit. This is harder than I thought. Come on, Cameron. Stop being a wuss and just say it. “You guys know how she’s been aiming for that big internship, right?”

“Oh! Did she get it?!” Audrey's eyes doubled, and she leaned forward on her elbows towards him.

The twenty-three-year-old laughed a little, but it faded. “Yeah. And the thing is, well… It’s at the overseas office, and she wants me to come.”

“What…? You’re leaving us?” Audrey excited expression vanished as if it were never there.

“Don’t say it like that.” He was still forcing a cheery face. “I promise we’ll video chat all the time and I’ll try to visit every few months--”

“P-Please don’t go, Big Brother!” She jumped up, knocking her chair sideways to the floor. “I need you! Mom does too, right?!” She turned to her.

The older blonde gave a sad smile. I do feel exactly the same, but I know this can’t be easy for Cameron. “Of course, honey. But I’m sure it won’t be that long.”

The male of the family immediately nodded. “For sure. It’s only three years.”

A stab of pain at hearing the long separation materialized in Michelle’s chest, but she put on a smile anyway. “…I see. Well, I’m sure the time will fly by before we all know it.”

The young girl exchanged heartbroken glances between the two before spinning around and rushing to her room.

“Audrey, wait!” Cameron reached out and sighed when she was out of sight. I should give her some time to process this new situation. “That went well.”

“It can’t be helped. You know how much your sister loves you.” The mother watched him.

“Hell, I love her just as much – both you guys. But Sara made it clear where our relationship was going if I didn’t go with her.” Cameron recalled the ultimatum she set.

So, she’s forcing him? I try to be as understanding as possible, but ever since he started dating that girl, she’s been steadily prying him away from us. “…I understand. Well, all we can do is spend the remaining time together.” Tears started falling from her eyes, and she hurriedly tried to wipe them away. “I’m sorry, I…”

Fuck. He got up to walk over and help wipe the tears away. “I know Audrey's always been a sensitive and delicate flower, since when did you become a crybaby?”

She laughed, looking up at him with his hands on either side of her face. “You and your sister have that effect on me, so I get a free pass on this one.” Her smile became sad. “I love you, Son.”

“I love you too, Mom… But like you said, the time is gonna fly by before we even realize.”

“Yes… I’m sure it will, honey," she lied.

The rest of the day passed with Audrey holed up in her room despite a few attempts from her mother to extract her after Cameron left. During the middle of the night, however, the young blonde entered Michelle's room, standing by the doorway.

“Honey, is that you?” Her parent sat up when hearing the bedroom's door hinges creak.

“Yes…” Her head was cast down.

She’s obviously still upset. Poor thing. “Would you like to sleep together? It’s been a while.” She put on a cheerful smile and moved the covers off the side of the bed.

Audrey nodded without a word and went to her mother’s front instead to cuddle against her.

Michelle held back a little laugh and laid down to start stroking the girl’s long, yellow hair. “Everything’s going to be alright. I promise.”

Audrey snuggled up into her even more, her face buried into her round tits. After a minute, she moved her head back to speak. “Mom… remember the crush I was talking about a couple of weeks ago?”

“Yes, I do.” Michelle looked down at her. “What about him?”

Her daughter hesitated. I know Mom and Cam we’re doing it, but it only was a one-time thing like they said, right? She isn’t in love with him like I am. “It… it’s Cameron.”

Michelle feined ignorance. “Oh…”

Audrey immediately opened her mouth again at seeing her mother’s unsure face, only a foot away. “I know it’s not normal, and you’re not supposed to feel that way about members in you’re family, but I read online that incestuous relationships aren’t actually all that uncommon--”

The forty-one-year-old chuckled and started to run a hand through her silky hair again. “Sweetie, it’s fine.”


“Mhm. There’s no rule book or guide to love. How you feel is how you feel. I’ve always told you that, so wouldn’t it be hypocritical to state otherwise now?” Not to mention what I did with him only two weeks ago.

Audrey giggled. “A little. I just wanted to tell you. I’m sorry for keeping it a secret.”

“There’s no need to apologize, my beautiful girl.” She kissed her lips.

“I still don’t want him to go… But I'm going to try to spend as much time with Cameron as possible before he goes.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

They went to sleep after.

“I’m homeeee!” A few hours passed when Cameron's voice rung out from the front of the house.

“I-Is that Cameron? Michelle sat up and looked in worry at the bedroom door, darkness making it hard to see. With her daughter still sleeping peacefully next to her, she hurried to the living room and saw him stumbling towards the couch where he plopped down. “Cameron, honey. Are you okay? What’s going on?” She moved over to kneel down in front of him.

He looked at her with a stupid grin, his eyes focusing on the perky tits in her short nightgown. “Your chest is going on.”

She blushed a bit and sat down facing him, one hand on the side of his face. “Sweetheart, are you drunk?” I’ve never seen him like this and know he doesn’t drink too much.

“Drunk? Maybe I am, but it’s not me who’s drunk.” The twenty-three-year-old took a breath and leaned back to sink into the sofa's softness.

“Cameron… I don’t quite understand. Can you try and explain what’s going on?”

“Come on, Mom. I came home and walked in on Sara doing the next door neighbor; I always knew that guy was fishy!” He laughed, turning his head to her, but it soon turned into a soft cry. “What did I do wrong, Mom? Please, tell me?”

Michelle’s eyes filled with water and she leaned over to hug his side. “You did absolutely nothing. You are the kindest, thoughtful and sweetest boy ever.”

Cameron sat up and leaned over to return the hug. “You always make me feel so good, Mommy. Can I stay here for a little? I don’t wanna go back to the cheating girl.”

“Of course you can, silly. This is your home after all.” She smiled and rubbed her hand over his head that was pressed sideways just below her breasts. I really do feel horrible about his heart being broken, but I would be a liar if I didn’t admit I was happier it did happen. I’m getting my boy back, and Audrey will be so excited when she finds out. She giggled, picturing the scene.


Two weeks passed with Cameron having moved out of the apartment shared with his ex-girlfriend. And while the two women were ecstatic to have him back, his state was similar to a zombie's. He didn’t speak much and lazed around, obviously depressed. At the moment, he sat on the couch in his bathrobe watching a sad romantic movie where the main character lost his girlfriend to another man.

“You don’t need her, man; she was just gonna break your heart later anyway.” The young man muttered, throwing some popcorn in his mouth from the bowl on his lap.

“What do we do, Mom? I hate seeing him like this.” Audrey's sad gaze was stuck to the back of his head; she sat at the head of the table while her mother sat to the side.

“I know, honey… But unfortunately, there’s not much we can do except be there for him like we’ve been trying.” Michelle was focused on him too.

“Let her go, idiot! Can’t you see she’ll just betray you again?!” Cameron screamed at the television out in front of him.

Audrey's eyes virtually sparkled, and she looked at the older woman. “I think I know how we can cheer Big Brother up!”

“Well, I’m all ears after trying every trick under my sleeve.” Her mom giggled. “What do you have in mind?”

Audrey glanced at him and scooted her chair closer to Michelle to speak in a low voice. “We’ll be his girlfriends!”

Her mouth opened a little in confusion. “Honey… I’m not quite sure I understand. What do you mean?”

“Think about it; it’s perfect! Cam is sad and depressed because he got hurt, but if we make him happy, he’ll forget all about Sara. And there’s no way we'd ever betray him.” She was grinning from ear to ear.

Michelle studied her daughter’s happy expression. She’s completely serious. “Sweetie, I know how you feel about your brother, but I’m not sure he would want an old woman like me.”

“That’s not true at all. He looked like he was really enjoying you in the bathroom… Oops!” Audrey's eyes popped open, and she covered her mouth. I was supposed to keep that to myself!

Oh my god. She saw that? Michelle tried to keep from reacting and gently smiled. “You... saw that?”

“Mhm… Are you mad at me?” Her face was worried.

“Of course not, sweetheart. We should’ve been more… discreet.”

Audrey smiled again. “So, what do you think? We’ll all be happy as a family and be together forever and ever.”

Together forever… That does certainly sound nice Michelle nodded, not admitting to herself that having her son's monster cock jammed into her twat was a big motivator in her decision. “I think that sounds like a great idea. Shall we tell your brother?”

“Yeah!” Audrey practically squealed.

Holding hands, the pair walked over to stand in front of him, blocking the TV.

Cameron looked up from the couch with a big frown. “As much as I find you two entertaining, I’m kind of In the middle of a heart-wrenching movie here.”

“We just wanted to talk about something important, sweetie. Is that okay?” Michelle asked.

He sighed and took the remote next to him to shut the television off. “What’s up?”

They nodded at each other and sat on either side of him.

“Your sister and I know you’ve been having a very tough time with your recent breakup and have come up with a wonderful solution.” Michelle laughed. “Well, I should say Audrey has. Go ahead, sweetie.”

She nodded, grinning. “I came up with the idea that me and Mom should be your girlfriends!”

“I needed that laugh. Thanks, guys.” He chuckled and grabbed the remote on the coffee table to open the television again.

Audrey looked at their parent on his other side with a worried expression. He doesn’t believe us, what should we do?!

Michelle's brain worked for a solution before finding one. There’s one true way to a man’s heart. She took the bowl of popcorn off him to set in on the coffee table nearby and put her hand on his limp penis that was covered by the bathroom and boxers.

“M-Mom, what are you doing?” Cameron flinched, looking between her and her hand on his junk.

“What a good girlfriend would do.” He is just the cutest when he’s flustered. I may enjoy teasing him just as much as he does me. She giggled.

“M-Me too!” Audrey put her hand next to her mother’s.

It only took two seconds for a bulge to form under their combined touch. “Y-You guys are really serious?”

“Yes, honey. We won’t let anyone hurt you again and be the ones to make you happy.” Michelle leaned over to kiss his lips. Instead of the countless pecks throughout the years, she let her lips linger on his for some seconds.

“W-Wow…” Cameron blinked at her.

“Is that a good wow?” The forty-one-year-old giggled.

“Hell yes.” He immediately nodded. Shit. So my sister and mom are my girlfriends now? This is kinda awesome!

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Audrey squirmed a little. “Big Brother, can you please kiss me too?”

He chuckled, turning his head to her and did. The taste of her cherry chapstick transferred to his lips as he felt her soft ones. His sister had waited so long for a real kiss from him and could barely contain her excitement, her heart racing a million miles per second. She was surprised when he opened his mouth and slid his tongue into her mouth with just a tip, but eagerly extended her own to touch it. They had only kissed, and her pussy was soaked inside her panties and both nipples as hard as his dick.

She was a little disappointed when he separated from her to kiss their mother again, but a part of her seemed to enjoy watching. Michelle’s lips smacked against his, and she leaned her boobs into the side of his arm as they French kissed now. It had been so long since she felt such passion and twirled her tongue around his. Some spit dribbled from both their mouths and her breathing quickened; her vagina was also as moist as her daughter’s.

“Why don’t you two kiss now?” Cameron smiled as he moved back a bit to let the two females easily see each other.

They smiled and leaned closer right in front of him to share a kiss. Michelle grabbed the side of her daughter’s face and pushed her mouth into her softly before getting more aggressive, slipping her tongue into the girl’s mouth. Audrey was surprised at how good of a kissed her mom was and did her best to match the movements; they moved away seconds later.

“That was really hot, guys.” Cameron grinned.

Audrey's cheeks got redder and Michelle giggled.

“I think we should show this one some attention too.” Their parent started rubbing his concealed erection and then looked up at her son. “Can you take off your robe and underwear please?”

Shit. Mom’s not messing around. He did at once to allow his veiny rod free.

Audrey sucked in a sharp breath at seeing it so up close in all its full glory. “So big…”

The young male chuckled. “You’re making me blush here.”

She giggled. “Sorry. Can I maybe touch it?”

“You’re my girlfriend now; you can touch it whenever your little heart desires.” He stroked her silky hair with one hand.

She blushed, letting out a girly laugh and put her soft hand on him, feeling its meaty rigidness. “Wow.” Lowering her head, she smelled the wide tip. “It smells kind of funny.”

“N-No, it doesn’t.” Cameron defended, his eyes going to it in embarrassment.

“Sorry, Big Brogher. I wasn’t trying to be rude. I really like it.” Audrey giggled and focused on the translucent liquid oozing from the tip. “What is this? Sperm?”

“Yes, sweetie. It’s called 'pre-cum.'” Michelle smiled.

“Can I taste it?” The young girl looked at them with innocent eyes, her head still down by it.

Holy shit. Did she really just say that? My sweet and innocent sister wants to taste my jizz. Her brother swallowed.

Their mother nodded, seeing his surprised reaction. “Go ahead, honey.”

Sticking out her small tongue, she took a single lick of his cock-head to taste the sticky substance.

“How is it?” Michelle asked.

“Really good! I like it.” Audrey raised her head to smile at them.

“Good.” The Mom giggled. “I’m going to show you how to suck your brother’s penis now, okay? Try and remember what I do.”

“Okay, Mom!” Audrey's face got tight in seriousness as if she were studying tape for the big game.

Guess I should just sit back and enjoy. Cameron could barely contain a huge smile, looking down at the two.

I hope I’m not too rusty at this. I have to make sure to impress Cameron and make him happy like we promised. Wasting no time, she tucked the hair dangling behind her ear and opened her mouth wide to let his big dick slide inside.

Her son’s toes curled at feeling the mind-numbing sensation of her warm, wet mouth wrap around his member. The infinite bumps on her tongue only added to the pleasure, massaging him. When she came up spit could be seen covering his entire length before she went down on him again. She grabbed the base of his cock to keep it pointing straight up. It took some willpower not to reach into her shorts and stick at least two fingers into her pussy while she sucked him off as her inner voice reminded to focus on pleasing. Although, the thought of him sticking it into her not far from now lingered.

Audrey intently watched her mother forming fellatio. Wow! She’s doing even better than the porn videos Tina showed me. She watched the blonde woman’s head bob up and down at a steady pace. The slurping sounds from the blowjob were loud, and spit fell from her mouth. After a couple minutes, Michelle took her hand and moved it along her sucking to jerk him off at the same time.

“Oh, Mom…” Cameron gritted his teeth at the expert oral sex he was receiving. I would’ve never guessed my mom was such a good cocksucker.

To be honest, she wanted to keep sucking but knew it was an important teaching moment for her daughter. So reluctantly stopping, she raised her head and wiped her messy mouth to hand his dick over. “Now it’s your turn. Try and do everything I did.”

“I won’t let you down.” Audrey gave a nod of conviction and took in his meat. Her mouth was smaller though, so it was harder to fit more of him...

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