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OMG! Dad thinks I'm Mom !

"Dolly wanted to surprise her parents on her birthday but it was she who was at the receiving end!"

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Dolly is the first of three children. Her entire family are lovely people who live in a regular suburban locality. Dolly has always been a good kid and a perfect role model to her siblings, extended family, friends and probably even the neighbourhood.

Dolly’s father, Dick, was delighted when his first-born was a daughter and he was even happier when she inherited her mother’s looks and not his. As an expression of his sincere tribute to the fact that his daughter looked unbelievably like her mom, Dick gave her a name that rhymes with her mom’s name, Molly. As Dolly grew up and matured, she looked strikingly identical to her mother in almost all aspects.

Dolly was pretty smart and she set the standard for being a good child and student but she wasn't perfect. She committed her share of mistakes, just as any other girl of her age would have. She has had a couple of boyfriends through school and she wasn't a virgin after prom night. She has always been a girl with a healthy sexual appetite. Regardless, she did pretty good in school and got into college with a scholarship.

Although college wasn't that far from home, Dolly opted to stay at the dorms to get the complete college experience. Her parents weren’t too excited about her decision. Just two months after classes started, Dolly was going to turn 18 and her birthday would fall on a Thursday.

When her parents called her a week before her birthday, to find out if she could make it home on that day, Dolly felt bad to let them know that she had classes till end of Friday that week. But as a consolation, she promised them that she would come over for dinner on Friday night and stay for the weekend. Her parents settled for what they could get.

However, on Wednesday of that week, fate came around. Some of Dolly’s classes got postponed to the week after and the rest of the classes weren’t really as important. So, Dolly experienced a light-bulb moment. She decided to skip the remaining classes and give her parents a surprise by showing up on Thursday without letting them know.

She decided to reach home late on Wednesday night and sneak into the house after her parents had gone to sleep. She thought it would be one heck of a surprise, if she sneaked into her parents’ room the next day in the early morning hours, got onto their bed, laid in it and just as they would break their slumber, she would scream at the top of her lungs and give them a shocking but a welcomed surprise.

Besides, this plan to arrive at home early, fitted perfectly within Dolly’s intention to also meet her second boyfriend from high school whom she’s still seeing. She couldn’t end her relationship with him because they both have a very sexually charged relationship and Dolly likes that. They even talk pretty dirty to each other whenever they get the chance.

As a matter of fact, when Dolly told her boyfriend about her plan, he begged her to meet him as soon as she’s finished breakfast with her parents on Thursday morning because he wanted to give her his six-inches long ‘birthday gift’ in a way she’s never had it before. Dolly has been waiting to see her boyfriend for nearly a month now and she couldn’t wait to get stuffed by him.

As planned, Dolly managed to arrive late and sneak into the house unnoticed with the help of her younger sister. Dolly didn’t tell her sister, the entire or exact plan but just enough to help her get into the house silently. Dolly slept in her own room in her usual skimpy sleepwear. That night she wore a spaghetti stringed top and bottoms that were practically glorified underwear and absolutely no other piece of clothing beneath them.

At about 5am, Dolly woke up with the help of an alarm clock and she leisurely groomed herself a little bit to not appear too shabby and made her way to her parents’ bedroom at about half past five. She hadn’t changed out of her sleepwear. Dolly’s father Dick usually wakes up at about 6am and Dolly’s mom, Molly, usually pulls herself out of bed as soon as her husband leaves it.

The room was quite dark and the blinds too were drawn down. The residual light from the street lamps that slipped in around the blinds allowed Dolly to see only silhouettes of everything. Dolly made her way quietly into the bedroom and found that her parents were each lying on their sides of the bed, facing away from each other leaving plenty of space in between them. Being glad that fate was kind to her again, she crept onto the bed and laid between her parents, just as she had planned. Dick was on her right side and Molly on the left.

It was only after lying down that she realized that there was still a lot of time left till dawn and also that she had left her phone back in her room. Having nothing better to do, she stared at the ceiling thinking random thoughts. When she came across the thought of her meeting with her boyfriend later that day with the sole purpose of fucking each other’s brains out, she closed her eyes and began to picture their soon-to-happen sultry encounter.

Dolly remembered that her boyfriend mentioned that he was going to give it to her in a way she had never received it before. Dolly’s imagination ran wild. Could he have meant anal? Could he have meant outdoors? Could he have meant exhibition? He always said that he would love to show us off to his friends if I ever allowed it. Dolly’s vile and nasty thoughts made her sweat between her legs.

Dolly’s imaginations mixed with her sleep-deprived early morning drowsiness, made her forget where she was and almost fell into a semi trance. She became incredibly horny thinking everything she did. She was about to put one hand on her breast and one hand inside her underwear, but that’s when Dick began to shuffle on his side of the bed. Dolly flash-opened her eyes and noticed that the clock in the room only read 5.45am. She remembered where she was and also realized that she was noticeably sweating on her face, neck and chest.

As Dolly slowly moved to wipe her sweat off, Dick began to shift and turn towards her. At this point, Dolly’s only intention was to remain quiet and not wake up her father. She didn’t really expect anything else to happen. To her surprise, Dick turned towards her and put his right hand over her stomach and held her around her left waist, all while still having his eyes closed and not having broken his sleep.

Dolly didn’t anticipate this but she wasn’t shocked either. It’s natural that a man would unconsciously put his arms around the person sleeping alongside him whom he expects to be his wife. While Dolly may not have been shocked, this interaction still made her feel… uncomfortable. Since Dolly has been turned on for sometime now and since she was also almost at the verge of masturbation, and since she was still incredibly horny, even normal touches made her feel them differently than she would have otherwise felt them.

Dick’s hand was heavy and fit comfortably over her love handle. And his heavy breath landed exactly on her soaked upper chest. While no sexual thoughts about Dick crossed Dolly’s mind at this point, she wasn’t too comfortable with the present position either. So, Dolly tried to slowly turn herself away from her father and tried to lay in the same position as her mother was, with her back facing her father.

As Dolly lifted herself just barely enough to turn, Dick once again shuffled to find a good position for his slumber and in the process, tugged his right arm a little bit, forcing Dolly to land in the position she wanted to but much closer to Dick than she had anticipated. At the end of it, Dolly and Dick lay in a tight spooning fashion, Dick being the big spoon, obviously. His slightly large belly fit perfectly against the small of her back, while Dolly’s bubbly butt fit perfectly against the depths of his groin area.

Dolly thought to herself, Fuck! This is nothing like how I had planned it! On a normal day, this may not have been a big problem but on this fateful day, Dolly was incredibly horny. She so badly wanted to take her hand and shove it into her underwear and rub on that quivering clit. But she couldn’t. She closed her eyes and tightly squeezed close her palms and tried to distract herself from her rogue young virile body.

Before a minute could pass, Dolly felt something against her butt. In the beginning, it was a slight pressure but soon it grew into a definite pulsating nudge. At first, Dolly was too tired or sleepy to be bothered about what was going on but when the nudging developed into a steady poking, Dolly slowly opened her eyes and tried to figure out what it was. Soon enough, she realized what it was and she was quite honestly surprised.

She realized that Dick was having morning wood! The second she realized it, her eyes blew wide open and her heart started to race. Her heart beat so loud that it could have woken up her mother. Dolly was frozen. She didn’t know what to do. Every time her father moved ever so slightly, his poking pole slid deeper into the lovely space created by the end of her firm butt and beginning of her thighs.

Dolly’s uncontrollable horniness might be a female version of the morning wood attributed to men. Dolly couldn’t decide if she should abandon her evidently stupid surprise plan or wait it out just a little longer in the blind hope that this awkward situation would pass. However, if there was one thing that Dolly was certain of, it was that she didn’t want her father to suffer the humiliation or embarrassment that he would, were she to do anything that might wake him up, at that very moment.

While Dolly was fighting her inner conflict, something unexpected happened. Dick’s right palm which was resting on Dolly’s right high hip, began to contract just a little too firmly. Dolly thought to herself, Oh god! His mind is starting to react to his physical morning wood. He’s starting to actually ‘feel’ horny or develop sensual thoughts in his mind!

Soon after, Dolly could hear a slight murmur that sailed from her father’s faint breath. At first, she couldn’t make out what it was, but when she leaned back just a fraction, she recognized what her father was uttering in his deeply woven state of sleep. He kept whispering, “Molly… Molly...”

That’s when Dolly thought to herself, Molly? Oh my god! Dad thinks I’m mom! No, I’m not mom!

Dick began to toughen his grip on Dolly’s hip and very, very gently began to make a grinding-like motion against her tender behind. Dolly who was fighting her own horniness, began to feel the innocent yet surely pleasure-giving movement from a heavy man who was tightly spooning her. It shouldn’t have felt good but it did. Dolly shouldn’t have like it but she did. Dolly should’ve gotten up and left but she didn’t. She... let it happen.

Dolly was wearing an underwear and so was Dick and she thought that was her saving grace but she soon realized that she was wrong about that. Dolly could feel Dick’s grip getting firmer and his movements becoming more thrustful. Dolly realized that if Dick’s body didn’t get the pleasure quotient it was reflexingly yearning for, it might cause him to wake from his sleep, thereby causing him the embarrassment that Dolly was hoping to avoid at any cost.

That apart, the harder the thrusting became, the more Dick’s penis sank into Dolly’s butt crack nudging on the lips of her panty-covered pussy. Dolly was experiencing a whole lot of contrasting feelings and sensations, both emotionally and physically. In order to just pause things for a quick few seconds which would allow her to think clearly, she slowly moved her right hand to cover her butt hoping it will prevent the pressing of the penis against her sweet parts.

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Dolly managed to move her hand into place and Dick’s thrusts ended against the back of her palm. Dolly’s father whispered again in his sleep, “Molly… Molly…” Dolly could sense that this wasn’t improving anything and that she had to do something to relieve the pressure that Dick’s penis was building up before it makes him wake up. To be honest, by this time, Dolly got a fair idea about the physical attributes of Dick’s penis which was being pressed against the back of her palm.

With the noblest of intentions, Dolly slowly turned her hand resulting in her palm now facing outwards. As a result, the poking landed right in the middle of her stretched open palm. Instinctively, Dolly closed her hand the second time the penis pressed against her palm.

She began holding onto Dick’s underwear-covered penis. Although she was doing this, she didn’t feel disgusted about it. She truly believed that she was only carrying out an obligation to help someone in need. Only this time, it was her father. Dolly realized that it was different from her boyfriend’s. Dick’s cock was much shorter but intensely girthier.

Dolly’s heart was beating at a pace that could rival the bounces of a boxing speed bag. She was holding her father’s erection! Being smart as she was, she knew that holding wouldn’t be sufficient to achieve her objective. She began to massage his penis over the underwear. Soon, Dick’s grip on Dolly’s hip began to loosen and his grinding motion came to halt. Dolly’s confidence was boosted having convinced herself that she made the right move this time.

Although, Dolly only did what she did for the sake of it, being the sincere girl she was raised to be, or probably out of habit from her experiences with her boyfriend, she massaged Dick’s penis with generous passion and dedication. However, as a side effect, this began to feed her horniness as well. She began to like and be happy about the fact that she was holding ‘a’ penis even though it wasn’t her boyfriend’s.

Dolly’s dedication mixed with her drowsiness and horniness made her put more pressure that she originally intended to while massaging Dick’s penis. This made Dick’s penis grow just a little bit more and also made his hips move and make that grinding motion again. Dolly then thought, No! Too much! Too much! Now, Dolly had to figure out a better way to relieve Dick’s newly built up sex drive without waking him up.

Dolly tried to do some tricks with her fingers that would give more pleasure to Dick but all were in vain since Dick’s underwear was dampening her efforts. So, Dolly made a split-second decision and decided to open the flap of the men’s underwear that Dick was wearing and pull out his penis. The rush that moved through Dolly’s veins, when she wedged open that flap and slipped her hand into the underwear, was inexplicable. What the hell was she doing?!

Dolly’s heart skipped a few beats when the tips of her fingers found her father’s cock. Dick’s penis was warm and hard and dripping of precum. Dick’s penis wasn’t as long as her boyfriend’s but it was certainly a lot girthier. And she also felt a thick bush of pubic hair. To Dolly’s own surprise, she didn’t feel disgusted. Instead, she was… intrigued. As soon as Dolly pulled out his penis from his underwear, Dick slightly jolted in his bed and made a soft sound, “Hmm…”

Dick’s brain began to like how his penis was being treated and slowly loosened his grip of Dolly once again. Dolly used his precum to lube up his penis and began to stroke it. As she was trying to do her best, the movements kept nudging the tip of his penis against the parts of Dolly’s ass that wasn’t covered by her skimpy underwear. This made Dolly even hornier and her clit was about burst from the pressure that was building up.

Dolly had to reach her clit but she couldn’t comfortably do it with her left hand which she had been using as a pillow ever since she turned away from Dick. Even if she tried, it would make too much movement and noise. Dolly had to figure out a way to do what she was already doing and rub her clit. If love is blind, then so is lust. When orgasm is just a cusp away, all reason and logic is forgone.

Dolly realized that she could hit two birds with one stone if she used Dick’s throbbing meat as a real-life dildo. As reluctant as she was, her clit and hand did the thinking at that moment. Slowly but surely, Dolly moved her butt lower and lower, which helped Dick’s penis get closer and closer. At one point, his cock touched the panty-covered lips of her womanhood. Dolly then used one finger to move the lower-center of her underwear just enough and let Dick’s penis touch her pussy directly. Dolly became engorged with titillating pleasure between her legs when flesh met flesh.

Dolly began to smother Dick’s penis against her wet labial lips and her clit. There was no refinement or precision. It was just plain, direct, unadulterated, wet battering. In result, this made Dick’s unconscious self feel even better than the first time things became overwhelming. Dick once again began to firmly hold onto Dolly’s hips and make movements but this time, in a thrusting manner.

Unlike last time, this time Dolly didn’t care to stop it. She was at some level glad that it began to happen. She was beginning to tire herself and her...

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Written by DonnaTurner
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