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Nursed By My Mother Part Three

"Cum for your slut Robbie. Cum in Mommy's mouth."

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Being confined to my bed gave me lots of time to lay there and think. That's about all I could do considering that both my arms were immobilized. Of course the topic utmost in my mind was that of my mothers transformation from a strict prudish and non sexual matron, to an exuberant, erotic and almost nymphomatic sex monster. It was inconceivable to think that her complete turn around occurred in just a few short weeks.

When her carnal urges struck, at any given time of the day, Mom would come into my room, strip off her clothes and begin masturbating for mine and her pleasure. No words said, just a raw sexual act. As soon as she came, Mom would then suck me or jerk me off till I reached my own climax, do a quick clean up then leave unannounced the same way she had entered.

The biggest reason for her new sexual awakening had to have been as a result of the shock she experienced when she walked in on me as my topless home care worker Sheila was giving me the best hand job I had ever received. The unbelievable sight must have brought back all those terrible memories she had of walking in on her husband (My dad.) fucking our next door neighbor. All the name calling and terribly cruel things he was yelling must have really done a number on her. It's no wonder that when she burst into my room that day that she went so berserk yelling and screaming. Bad enough that she even kicked Shiela out of the house. Then to top it off, much to my total surprise, she then tears off her upper garments and tells me that she is not about to loose another man. If it was a slut that I wanted, then gawd dammit it would be her.

She had mentioned to me that when she was younger, before she was married, that she was always horny, and continually masturbated. Till she was caught by her mother that is. She was then verbally berated and severely punished. The suffering she endured must have been traumatic enough for her to be repulsed by any thing remotely sexual. The events that took place after my caregiver left the house must have rekindled her old flame of desire and ignited a storm of lust and passion that coursed through her like a wild fire that could not be extinguished. 

"Holy crap." I chuckled to myself. "I got to get out of this bed, I'm starting to sound like a poet. Too much time on my hands."

Every time that my mother and I were sexual, she would make me promise on my life that I would never, ever let any one know of our experiences. It would absolutely ruin the both of us she would say and every time she made me promise. I would reassure her that I would never destroy the special thing we had. That would ease her guilt and worry enough to allow her to continue satisfying our sexual needs.

Well, the day had finally arrived. I had an appointment to have my casts and knee brace removed. I could hardly wait for the freedom restricting lumps of plaster to be gone. Mom helped me out of the bed I had been imprisoned in for these past five weeks. I leaned heavily on her shoulder and grabbed a quick hand full of tit as I stood. Mom teasingly slapped my hand away.

"Hold on there tiger. We have to get you to your appointment." she scolded.

"There, you look steady enough to stand on your own now." she said some what disappointedly.

"I suppose you aren't going to need or want your old Mom any more for any thing now that you are almost healed." she said sighing.

I could sense her nervous tension. 

"Mom, don't talk like that. I promised you, I wont ever leave you. How could I when we have so much more to experience with each other." I said trying to comfort her. "I tell you what, the second that we are alone after these casts are removed, I am going to thrill you till you scream." I promised giving her my most sincere smile.

"Would you like that?"

"Hrumpf." Mom replied. "We will see if that is how you really feel after your are free." Mom said still feeling dejected.
I moved forward and pressed myself against my Mom's back as she straightened the bed. I was able to pivoted my crotch forward nudging my stiffening cock against her huge supple ass. She reached around and took hold of my member and began moving it up and down through my sweat pants. My cock was totally hard after the second stroke. 

"You want me don't you." Mom said lustily.

My actions caused her to relaxed and melt her worry away as she continued stroking my cock. She quickly glanced at her watch then pulled a pillow off the bed and threw it on the floor beside her.

"We still have time enough for me to suck you before we leave. Would you like that Robbie?" Mom asked turning and dropping to her knees.

"Fuck yeah." I replied. "Suck my cock for me Mom." I ordered.

Mom hooked her thumbs in the waist band of my sweat pants and quickly slid both them and my boxers down till they lay on the floor at my ankles. As she pulled them off my waist, my hard on became entangled with the elastic band at the top of the pants and was stretched down along with the boxers. Once they were lowered enough, my rock hard cock sprang back up with enough force to slap against my belly with a loud resounding SMACK.

"Oh baby, did mommy hurt you? Does my baby want me to kiss it better?" asked my mother with all sincerity.

"Yes, make it feel better slut." I said in a controlling voice.

Mom let our a low almost inaudible sigh as she shivered with lust at my use of that dirty word. The same terrible mean word her mother had called her years before, The sound of it instantly had her passion boiling.

Mom took my cock in her hand then began kissing down the left side of the shaft till she came to my balls. She continued kissing my cock all the way back up on the right side till she got to my knob which she then promptly popped into her open mouth. Her alternate sucking and licking brought on the desired effect. I knew I couldn't last much longer. Mom pulled my cock out of her mouth and between licks muttered.

"Cum for your slut Robbie. Cum in mommy's mouth."

With that said, she promptly slid her mouth back over my knob, took my shaft in her soft hand and began quickly jerking me up and down.

Mom knew exactly how to please me. She knew that I absolutely loved it when she jacked me off into her mouth. As the speed of her stroking increased, so did my impending orgasm.

"Ohhhh, arrrrrrgh. Fuck," I shouted. "Fuck, I'm cumming."

Just as I let out my first spurt, my hips involuntarily bucked backwards pulling my cock out of Mom's mouth. The first stream of cum landed across her face. This was some thing that never happened before.

"Oh oh, she isn't going to like this." I thought.

Boy, was I ever wrong. Mom started jerking my cock even faster so my second glob of fuck juice landed in her hair, then more on her cheeks and open mouth. She then started rubbing my cum spewing cock all over her face.

"Oh fuck yeah. Squirt it at me, give me all your seed. You bad boy. Make your mommy dirty." My mother shouted as I continued washing her face with my sperm.

I finally had spilled my whole load all over her then sat back on the bed. Mom, still kneeling on the floor squatted back on her haunches.

"I am such a dirty girl. So dirty." Mom mumbled as she rubbed my cum into her soft skin with her hands.

"Oh gawd Mom." I said. "You are the sexiest woman alive. How could I ever want more then you."

Then all of a sudden, Mom jumped up and re assumed her motherly role.

"OK young man, we had better get a move on or we will be late. I am going to go clean up then help you out to the car." she said as she hoisted up my pants.

Two hours later I was a free man. The examination had very favorable results. I had healed perfectly and the cast removal went without a hitch. I was still required to use a sling for my right arm for a period of time yet, but my left arm and knee was functioning perfectly.

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The last thing the doctor left us with was a business card for a very special therapist who would help speed up my total recovery. He had mentioned that she was with out question the very best available. Without even looking at the business card, Mom quickly slipped it into her purse and began helping me put my shirt back on. She seemed in a real rush to get out of there. Suddenly it dawned on me. My earlier promise to thrill her till she screamed must have been on her mind.

"Yes, that must be it. She can hardly wait to get me alone so I can make her cum." I thought to my self.

The Doctor left us alone in the examination room for a few minutes to get me some a prescription in case I experienced any pain now that the casts were removed. The second the door closed, I moved my hand over to my Mom and slid it into the top of her white blouse between her bra cup and her hardening nipple. I squeezed the huge tit that I had been so want to caress for all this time. My mother let out a moan.

"Wait honey, soon. Soon you can have it all." she promised.

The Doctor returned, handed me the prescription, made me a return appointment then left. Mom and I walked out the door to our car. We got out of the elevator and slowly walked towards our car in the park aide of the doctors' office. As we moved between the parked cars I was behind Mom. I marveled at how her round full ass moved under her business skirt. I couldn't help it and I reached out and took one of her supple ass cheeks in my hand squeezing it.

"Oh you horny young man you." Mom quipped. "I think some one wants to get into mommy's panties doesn't he?"

"Stop right here I said." as I reached around and pulled my mother closer to me. I glanced each way to make sure we were alone and unnoticed.

"What are you doing?" Mom asked nervously as she faced me.

"Here, turn around and lay your hands on the hood of this car." I ordered.

"No, Robbie, we can't. No, not here please. This is wrong. We might get caught" pleaded my Mom.

"Do as I say slut." I hissed as I wedged her between me and a parked car.

I slid my free left hand up her skirt between her legs. I was met with the sopping wet crotch of her panty hose. My aching hard cock was now pressing into the cleft of her ass cheeks as I began licking her ear and neck. I could feel the shudders coursing through her body as I nibbled at her.
I began whispering in her ear. "You want it don't you slut?" You want me to stick my cock in you don't you? Now beg me to fuck you, beg me to squirt my cum deep in your cunt."

"Now pull them down." I ordered my mother in a horse, raspy voice as I tugged on her panty hose with my free hand. "Pull them down I want to fuck you now."

"Oh gawd Robbie yes I want you to fuck me but what if some one sees? What if we get caught? I know you promised, but not here, not now. Please, let me just suck you instead." my mother said trying to discourage me.

"Fuck it. Pull your panty hose down now slut." I said sternly.

Mom did as I asked and lowered her hose half way down her thighs ten spread her legs. I pulled my sweats down and hooked the waist band under my balls. I then leaned forward pressing my cock against Moms' ass crack.

"Put it in your cunt." I said impatiently. Hurry up before some one comes."

My mother moved her hand between her legs till she reached my cock. She then grasped it and slid it down the length of her crack, across her asshole till she reached the hot wet center that I had been wanting so much. I pushed forward but was slightly off the mark and pushed up sliding across her clit. The friction across her love button caused her to yelp and jerk violently. She reached back again and readjusted my aim. Then with one strong thrust, I buried my cock deep inside her hairy wet cunt.
Mom let out a long low moan that I was sure the people in the offices would hear. She then start bucking her hips wildly and began begging me to fuck her.

"Fuck me, yes Robbie, fuck your mommy harder. Please baby. I need it. I've needed it for years." she kept repeating.

I could only hold her hips with one hand because the other was still immobile hanging in the sling. It was so incredibly exciting to fuck my forty eight year old mother in a public parking lot. I could feel the orgasmic shudder take over my mothers sex starved body. A certain sign of her impending orgasm. I sped up stabbing her hot, wet sex with my rampant hard on when she let out another loud, low growl. She violently buckled as the first wave of her climax over took her. Her motion had enough force that it pulled me out of her. She grunted her disapproval then quickly reached down between her legs again and returned my swollen member to her open and wanting pussy.

"Finish me." pleaded my Mother. "Please Robbie, gawd YESSSSSS.

Our mutual orgasms came at the perfect time because no sooner had I pull out of my mothers vagina, yanked up my sweats and her panty hose when the elevator doors opened and several people came out into the park aide. We quickly scurried to our car. Once inside Mom made me promise again to never betray her and to always keep our secret to ourselves. 

"Oh gawd Robbie, that was crazy, that was so dirty. Were almost caught. Now how would that look for some one to see a son fucking his mother?" she now said in a concerned tone realizing the seriousness of what just occurred.

"Don't worry Mom." I said reassuringly. They would have probably just waited patiently in line for their turn at the sexiest woman alive.

"You say that all the time, like you really believe it. I mean you're just saying that I am sexy just so I take care of you right?" Mom said doubting herself again.

"Mom, just so you know, this was the first time ever that I have ever been with a woman. I know I am not very experienced, but I have to tell you, I am a lot like you were when you were young. Before my accident, I masturbated at least five times a day. Just like you used to. I have had the most wild fantasies about sex, the more wild the better and most of them involved you. But none of those fantasies can ever compare with the feeling I get when I am with you. None." I said again for more emphasis.

"Oh gawd Robbie. I love you. Yes my son, I will fulfill every single one of your fantasies and I do mean every one." Mom said looking me in the eyes." All you have to do is ask. Oh should I say order." Moms said giving me a little wink then taking me in her arms kissing me so deeply that our tongues met.

I was stunned. First of all, my mother told me she loved me, some thing she haven't said in years, and secondly, she just made an oath to fulfill any and every fantasy I have ever had, no matter how insane.

We chatted constantly all the way home, just as any normal mother and son would do. I marveled at how she was able to return to her normal motherly role. It was as if she were able to flip a switch. One thing though, she was much softer and nicer to be with in her new motherly roll. I have to say it, I think I was beginning to fall in love with my mother.

We finally got home and went into the house. Mom took my coat hung it up and told me to go sit on the sofa while she prepared us a light lunch.

"Oh yes." Mom said. "I almost forgot. I will have to contact the therapist."

She reached into her purse and pulled out the card the Doctor had given her earlier. Suddenly her face dropped to the floor.

"Oh Gawd!" Mom exclaimed. "I can't believe it."

"Whats wrong?" I asked with deep concern.

"Look,." said Mom as she handed me the card.

There in bold raised print was the name Shiela Miller, followed by Certified Therapist and Home Care Specialist. The same Home Care Specialist that my mother had so unceremoniously kicked out of our house a few weeks back. 

"Oh boy, what kind of shit storm are we headed for now?" I wondered.

To be continued.

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Written by car_man45ca
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