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Nursed By My Mother Part Four

"Robbie, come lick me again like Julia Did."

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Please note, this story is part four of a series of short stories. To gain better understanding of what has taking place, please read the previous three stories.

We pretty much ate our lunch in silence. I was afraid to say any thing about who the Doctor had recommended for my rehabilitation. Mom just sat there deep in thought. When lunch was finished, and every thing was cleared away, Mom looked up at me and asked me in a serious and concerned voice.

"In the park aide, you told me that I was the first woman you had ever been with. Is that true?

"Yes." I replied sheepishly. "I mean I have made out with a few girls before, but never got my cock into them if that's what you are getting at." I said some what defensively.

"Oh honey, I didn't intend for it to sound like. I wasn't making fun of you. It's just that for your first time it should have been much more special for you." Mom said with true concern.

"Not that the parking lot wasn't very special. I mean my goodness, I have never cum so hard in my life before. I just want it to really be relaxed and open so you can experience every thing you desire." said Mom now standing behind me caressing my neck and chest.

I immediately responded by reaching my good arm behind me and sliding my hand up underneath her business skirt to caress her nylon covered thighs.

"Here is what we are going to do. I am going upstairs to take a hot shower. You do the same and then in about twenty minutes come to my room and I will make this very, very special for you." said Mom as she turned and walked out the door. She knew I was interested enough that she didn't need to wait for a reply.

I went into my bedroom and took of all my clothes then walked out into the hallway completely naked. I headed for the bathroom. This was some thing that two months ago would have been strictly forbidden. I again marveled at how much my mother had allowed her sexual inhibitions to melt away and her growing lust to flourish.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As it warmed up I stood at the toilet and let out a stream of golden yellow liquid. Just then a devilish thought flashed through my mind. Recalling my mothers oath to "Fulfill every single one of your fantasies, and I do mean every one." was her exact words. Maybe one day we might even really get kinky.

"I mean she has helped me do it, now maybe it should be my turn." I said to myself with a chuckle.

With a smile on my face I shook off the trailing drops of urine then stepped into the shower. Once out, I had a quick shave, brushed my teeth then slapped on some deodorant and cologne.

"There, I am ready. This is what I have been waiting for." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I reached down and began stroking my cock as I thought about how exciting it had been actually fucking her in the parking lot earlier that day. My cock responded. I was now achingly hard. I turned side ways and clenched my ass cheeks causing my cock to jut out to its fullest length. A smile of pride spread across my lips as I gazed at my seven inch manhood.

"I bet she is going to love this stuffed between her legs." I muttered to myself.

I turned and walked out the door to my mothers waiting bed. As I entered, I was surprisingly greeted by the sexy sight of my naked mother vigorously rubbing her fingers up and down between her out stretched legs.

"I thought you would never get here" said my mother with great urgency. "and I see you have a great big present for me." referring to my hard cock.

I sat down on the bed then leaned over and kissed her fully on her lips. Mom wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closely to her crushing her huge breasts against my chest. After a long intense kiss, I sat back up. My eyes traveled up and down her supple contoured frame. Mom noticed my interest in her womanly curves and immediately spread her large thighs to allow me to openly inspect her dark haired cunt. I marveled at her large labia and huge protruding clit. Judging by Mom's womanly juices pooling at the base of her ass cheeks, it was evident that she was extremely horny.

I ran my hand down her warm flesh. Starting at her neck, across her chest then lingering at her tits. I plucked and gently twisted each nipple till they stood out proud and erect. I continued running my hand across her belly and inner thighs. Mom spread her legs even wider with great anticipation. Next I moved my hand between her legs then slid one finger straight up into her wet waiting cunt. Mom let out a loud deep moan then actually jumped when my thumb rubbed against her sensitive clit. Her hips were bucking involuntarily as if she were trying to fuck my hand.

I leaned forward and began to lick her hard and erect nipples. Mom moaned again. After sucking and each nipple for several minutes, I then began to lick and kiss her soft, smooth skin leaving a wet, cooling trail all the way down to the junction of her pulsating thighs. Mom's held her breath as I rested there. Her anticipation of what was to come was obvious. I timidly flicked my tongue out at her large protruding inner lips. Mom made a slight jump at the first touch. I flicked out my tongue again to tease her, then I took a long swipe at half the length of her slit. This time she let out a gasp and an even stronger jerk of her hips. Now I began separating the thick dark purple folds covering her womanhood. By prying them open with my tongue, I was able to allow me access to my prize.

"Yes Robbie, Yes, please lick me. No one has ever done that to me before. Except for..." Mom's voice trailed off not completing her sentence.

As my tongue continued to bat open her swollen cunt lips I pondered over what she had just said.

"No one but except who? Hum, I will have to ask her about that." I said to myself now concentrating on the task at hand.

My injured arm started to throb slightly as I stretched out to lick my mothers pussy. Mom noticed my discomfort and whispered to me.

"Here honey, lay on your back so you will be more comfortable." said Mom as she got up and straddled me in the classic sixty-nine position.

"Oh my gawd. You are so sexy Mom." I said as she spread her legs and lowered her gaping cunt towards my lips.

My mother squatted just enough to allow my tongue to again lightly tease her inner lips. Her new position actually gave me better access to the treasures that lay beyond her protective labia. I darted my tongue out further and actually poked it into her hole. 

"Ooh, ahh!" Mom exclaimed at the surprise caused by my invading tongue.

I stabbed at her again, this time pushing harder and further into her channel. 

Mom let out a loud and very sexy growl of approval. The sensation between her legs literally cause her love juices to flow across my face and leak down my neck. I was wallowing in my mothers excitement and I had yet to touch her most sensitive area, her pinky sized clit. 

All the while that I was teasing my mothers hairy love nest, Mom was licking and kissing my rock hard cock. I loved the way she would wrap her lips over her teeth and actually bite my cock with enough pressure to calm me when I was getting to close to my orgasm. She seemed to sense when I needed a pause to recollect myself. She was also very good at paying attention to my balls. I was totally turned on by the way she was so gentle and loving towards them. Lightly licking, then taking my whole ball sack into her mouth and softly sucking till I was ready to scream with excitement.

It was time for me to return the favor. I reached up and behind my mothers ample butt and spread open her slippery cunt lips with the fingers of my good hand. Her clit popped out like a champagne cork on New Years Eve. I raised my head and trapped it between my lips. Suckling it as if it were a nipple.

"Oh gawd yes Robbie. Suck me, suck my clit, just like that." she screamed. I'm coming. I'm coming. she yelled as she clenched and contorted in her orgasmic dance.

 After she had calmed slightly, Mom whispered.

"Oh my gawd. That was absolutely wonderfully. I haven't cum like that in years. Mmmm, even better then when it was done like that before."

"There, she had hinted again that she had been eaten out another time in her life.

"I am going to have to ask her about is." I said to myself. "But right now I need to fuck her too bad to worry about it now.

I sat back up and wiped my mothers love juice off my chin and smiled at her.

"We are not done yet." My mother said. "Not by a long shot. Here, lay down, I need you in me."

Mom laid me down on my back then straddled me once again, this time face to face. Still perched straight up, Mom reached down and took a hold of my steel hard cock. She adjusted herself slightly then slid my knob up and down the length of her slit till it was aimed at her opening. The friction of my cock head sliding across her clit and warm slippery folds caused me to spasm slightly.

"My baby likes that doesn't he? Does it make you feel good when momma rubs herself with your cock?" Mom asked in a low sexy voice.

"Oh fuck yeah." I replied, salivating at the raw dirty way he was talking.

"Then let me do it some more. It makes momma feel really dirty. Just like a dirty girl should feel"

Mom continued rubbing my cock head all the way from her puckered little asshole to her clit, then back again. I noticed that she really seem to enjoy the sensation as my knob slid across her back door. Finally, Mom positioned my cock at her pussy entrance then slowly lower herself on to me. Once I was deeply inserted, she let out a loud moan.

"Oh fuck, I never knew that this could be so good." Mom said as she leaned forward so once again her massive tits were mashed against my chest.

Mom slowly started rising and then falling up and down on my cock. She would thrust her hips forward slightly each time she took my cock deep into her.

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It was if she were trying to rub her clit against my pubic bone. Soon then tempo of her breathing and fucking increased in speed. I was equal to the task, meeting each one of her motions with an exact opposite thrust. The sound of her meaty thigh's and huge butt slapping against me made it seem even more raw and sensual. 

Mom started grunting and mumbling

"Get ready. Get ready, here cums Susan. Oh. oh oh. Fuck me, fuck me harder." screamed my mother.

As soon as the words escaped her lips, she slammed her body down on me then violently began shaking as she came. The sounds of her lust coupled with the pressure from her contracting cunt walls surrounding my hard cock caused me totally loose control. Mom went ridged as her orgasmic surge over took her. I had my own impending climax to deal with so I promptly began stabbing my aching prick in and out of her still contracting fuck hole. 

Mom let out another yelp, obviously pleased with my renewed vigor. The sound completely tipped me over the edge. I could have sworn that the first spurt of my cum had flooded my mothers vagina the same instant she climaxed again. As her pelvis contracted I felt a warm and extremely wet sensation all over my pubic and torso area.

"Oh shit, I think I leaked." Mom said.

"Holy fuck Mom, you squirted. That is so cool. You flooded me with your cum. This is just too good to be true. Gawd Mom, you're incredible." I said as My mother laid down beside me and rested her head against my chest.

"You mean you liked that?" Asked Mom timidly.

"Shit yeah. It shows how really horny and sexy you are. It proves you love fucking." I replied.

"No, it shows how excited I am to have you fucking me." replied my mother in a sincere voice.

I wrapped my free arm around her then kissed the top of her head. She responded by taking my softening cock her hand and milking out the last drops of my come then idly tracing designs with it on my belly.

We laid there quietly listening to each others hearts beat when I broke the silence.

"So what are we going to do about the rehab?" I said hesitantly.

"I was just thinking about that. Look, I know that Shelia was only trying to help you in your time of need, but it's just that I got so instantly jealous of her. I also know that I can't expect to have you for all my own, I mean you are a young healthy man and deserve to eventually have a wife and family of your own. I just don't want to loose you." Mom said totally opening up to me.

"We both agree that Shelia is the best choice to help me and you trust me don't you?" I said in a serious tone. 'You know that I will never intentionally hurt you right?" I asked making sure she could see my sincerity.

"Yes, I know that now. OK." said Mom decisively. "I will call her tomorrow and apologize to her and beg for her forgiveness. You two really did seem to hit it off and that's good. I do have to say, seeing her naked breasts like I did when I chased her out of you room, kind of reminded me of my sister Julia's breasts." Mom said laughing.

"Oh yes, that reminds me. There is some thing else I wanted to ask you about." I said inquisitively. "What was it you were talking about when you mentioned that no one had ever given you oral sex before, except the one time?

"Never mind." Mom replied trying to close the subject.

"Come on now, no secrets now right? We agreed didn't we?" I reminded her

"No Robbie. This is too personal to ask of me." Mom said as she still let go of my stirring cock.

""You are trying to say that you are too embarrassed to answer me? Yet you let your own son lick your cunt till you came. Then even more personally you squirt your juice all over him and that wasn't embarrassing? I don't understand." I said some what annoyed.

"OK, OK. Now don't think poorly of me, but it was a long time ago." Mom said as she sat up leaning her back against the head board. 

I also slid up to be even with her and began to caress her face and neck with my good hand to show my support and tenderness as she opened up to me.

"Well, it was at Christmas one year when my sister, your aunt Julia came home from college. My mother had some of her family staying with us and Julia had to sleep in my bed with me for that week."

Mom seemed to almost be in a trance as recounted the story. Her eyes stared straight ahead as if she was seeing it all being replayed in her mind.

"Julia and I always got along really well. Right from when we were little girls, we shared absolutely every thing. The second night after Julia was home, my mother had a small party and she even allowed the both of us some wine. That darned Julia managed to sneak a whole bottle for us to bring to our room. Well, the next thing you know, we were in our nighties drinking wine and getting tipsy. In no time we were laughing and giggling. Soon, one thing lead to another and we started wrestling like we did in the old days."

I lowered my hand from my mothers face to her gigantic breasts as her story continued. Mom became flushed and I noticed a tinge of red that began to spread over her face and neck as the memory came flooding back to her. Her nipples were rock hard and sticking out a full inch from her dark brown aureoles. She was obviously getting excited again.

"And then?" I asked prompting her on.

"Julia straddled me and had both my arms pinned under her knees like she used to do that to me making me completely helpless. She started poking my boobs with her finger and teasing me about their size and how much were bigger they were then hers. Suddenly, she decided she wanted to see them so Julia yanked up my nightie and pulled it over my breasts. She then started tugging and teasing my sensitive nipples." Mom said now becoming even more flushed.

"My nipples have always been a problem for me. No matter what, I can't seem to hide the obvious bumps they make when they become erect and because they are so sensitive, they are erect often.

I recalled how excited I would get when ever I saw Mom's nipple bumps through her stiff blouses or...

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Written by car_man45ca
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