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My Naked Aunt Keri

"A trip with Aunt Keri leads to some surprising joint exhibitionism and fun."

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Author's Notes

"Something for those who appreciate a little more detail and build up in a fantasy. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Always appreciate hearing from the ladies in the crowd!"

In early summer when I was eighteen, I was still undecided on where I wanted to attend college, but I figured my interest in filmmaking, writing and acting was a good place to start, so I began researching schools which housed these possibilities yet didn’t require a scholarship or good grades to grace their hallways.

I didn’t want to go to the other side of the country even though California would be the more practical option (not to mention more expensive), so I decided to stay closer to my

Pennsylvania home by checking out places on the east coast; namely New York City and New York State.

And not wanting to spend a fortune in traveling to all these options in person, I picked a bunch in New York that would be easy to hopscotch to in my car over the course of two weeks. Neither of my parents could find it in their busy work schedules to accompany me, but I insisted in good nature that it wasn’t necessary for either to go since in the end it was my decision and mine alone.

My Aunt Keri (my mother’s younger sister), however, got wind of this and suggested she tag along, since she was due for a vacation herself. This relieved my parents of the worries of their son roadtripping alone and it was okay with me knowing I’d have company for the trip, since I was always pretty tight with my aunt.

She was that “cool” aunt, not too much older than me (she was 32), about my height give or take, with dark brown hair and a cute face that never screamed out “supermodel” but definitely attractive as noted by some of my male friends. The type that would make good homely wife material, even though she presently didn’t have a boyfriend.

Not long after hitting the road, I found it was as easy as ever to shoot the shit with her, probably because she didn’t come off as a parent. More like an older friend who had similar interests, humor and a disposition that was always easy and relaxing. The first two schools I toured she seemed to show genuine interest in, always asking questions and never seeming bored or forced to chaperone. It relieved me of any pressure in feeling I might be choosing the wrong one.

About a week in, after visiting with my fourth option outside the New York City area and getting some dinner, we had retreated back to the hotel for the night and spoke about taking a day off to go into the city for the day playing tourists. I was on one of the two beds in a tee shirt and shorts, grounded down for the night sitting upright against the backboard of my bed and channel surfing while Aunt Keri jumped in the shower.

She came out soon after, a dark red towel wrapped just above her bust line to highlight her bare shoulders and arms, with her hair still a bit stringy and wet but on its way to naturally air drying. She ran a brush through it a few times, turning to the small complimentary vanity mirror above the desk in the room. “I was thinking we could hit Central Park,” she suggested about the next day’s itinerary.

“Yeah, totally,” I agreed, giving the channel another mindless change. “Always wanted to go there.”

“And we should eat at the Seinfeld restaurant,” she added, slightly leaning an arm against one of her bedposts as she looked at me. “We’ll be working up a good appetite walking around all day.”

“I heard the pizza is great, too. We’ll have to leave room for that.”

She gave a smirk, giving her wet hair two more brushes before setting it down and turning back to the desk, where she casually pulled her towel from the front, letting her bare backside completely open up as she gave her shoulder a few drying pats and then lightly tussled the side of her head with it.

I had only caught this out of the corner of my eye, doing a quick, unbelievable double-take. Holy shit. Did she… did she just… I flashed my eyes back to the TV and clicked the remote again. I was a little surprised, to say the least. Was my Aunt Keri really standing there, in the same room, naked, right in front of me? At first I figured she didn’t realize what she had done; that she forgot whose company she was in. It’s not like the towel fell off by accident and she was scrambling to cover herself up.

But there she was. And I do emphasize “butt”. She just stood there facing away from me, patting different frontal areas of herself with her bare ass and back being displayed in plain, leisurely sight, as if never giving it second thought. As if she didn’t have a care in the world. I slightly shifted in place, my eyes fighting to pretend like they were watching TV and figuring, if not assuming, that any second she would re-apply the towel around her or walk back to the bathroom.

Instead, as she dried the bottom of her hair, she veered her head back over her shoulder to look at me with a simple face as small droplet beads trickled on her smooth skin. “You better jump in the shower before it gets too late,” she said. “We’ll be leaving pretty early in the morning.”

I gave a barely audible clear of my throat, stiffening my jaw and nodding as I watched the TV purposely keeping my eyes off her. I didn’t want her to think I had even noticed she was nude. “Yeah. Yeah,” was all I could mutter.

She turned back away and took out her small stud diamond earrings, tossing them on the desk and fiddling around with one or two other things before abandoning the towel altogether on the chair at the desk and turning to stride stark-naked into the bathroom.

I gave a relieved breath. What… the fuck… just happened? The hand holding the remote was trembling a little. Not out of fear or embarrassment, but almost out of… excitement. The “why” of the situation was far overridden in my mind by the repetitive thought that my own aunt had just bared herself completely nude in my presence, and obviously on purpose.

Maybe I would have been a little more perturbed if she were less attractive, or she was older and overweight like my other aunt, my father’s sister, but she was very fit. Sort of in that perfect middle… not too thin but not fat. And her bare bottom was very smoothly rounded, being in perfect proportion with her overall body shape. I guess I could just be blunt, and simply admit that my aunt… had a really nice ass.

But did I really just think that? She certainly didn’t mind showcasing it. Maybe I was overthinking it. She was family. Big deal. Maybe she was just one of those free spirits.

Was she some kind of secret nudist behind closed doors? After all, it’s not like I lived with her or knew about her everyday living habits. I was blindsided, that’s all. I just needed to chalk it up as something nonchalant.

And telling my friends about its spontaneous weirdness later would only induce Neanderthal-driven dirty jokes and ridicule far short of supplying any reasonable theories on answers. “Hey, guys. Have any of your attractive aunts ever gotten naked in front of you like you weren’t even there?” No way, no how. They could never know.

A minute or two later, she strolled back out of the bathroom, still completely naked, heading to the desk where she started to clean up some miscellaneous cosmetic items. It reflexively caught me off guard, pulling my eyes off the TV to glimpse her state before jolting them back to the screen.

But I had already gotten more than an eyeful in those fractions of seconds. I had seen enough to know she had a pair of really nice sized boobs that, like her butt, were a perfect proportion to her body shape, looking soft and plush, and a lightly trimmed carpet between her legs that signified she was frequent with her personal landscaping yet lady enough to stay semi-natural.

She had to have seen that I looked at her, even though I was playing it just as casual and cool as she was.

“I figure we buy a one day subway pass, just so we can get around in the city,” she mentioned.

I could feel her eyes on me as she talked. Was she WANTING me to look at her? What was I supposed to do? I kept playing it polite. “Sounds good,” I simply answered.

She slightly tilted her head back and closed her eyes, pushing her chest out a tiny bit while digging her fingers into both sides of her head with her arms raised as she lightly rustled her wet hair in an almost boisterous manner that translated to “look at me. I am so completely, totally, purely naked.”

That’s when I felt it move. Just a nudge within my shorts. Could you blame me? There was a careless naked woman standing some odd feet away from me in the same room, and it was someone I would have never expected to see nude, either accidentally or on purpose. Maybe that’s where the excitement came from. There was almost something… natural about it. Like it was more than okay.

It got me thinking… what if I… no. Could I really? Would I really? What if I just dropped my clothes and got naked right in front of her, right here and now, just like she had done? How would she react? Would it be cool and carefree like she was presently?

It got my heart thumping hard.

My palms were slightly sweating. The thought of being naked in front of a female was alluring, considering how I had never done it with me still being a virgin and all. And that female being my aunt, who was also naked. I wasn’t sure what was going through her mind, but I figured what the hell?

So I sniffled and tossed the remote aside. “Well, I better get going with that shower,” I noted, sliding off the edge of the bed. I could have just kept going to the bathroom, but instead, I pulled my shirt up and off, revealing my bare chest, and shimmied my shorts off so I was down to my boxer briefs. I curled my thumbs under the waistband of those and let them drop, lightly kicking them off.

Holy fuck.

What the fucking fuck was I doing?? I was actually naked in front of my aunt. My also naked aunt. I was actually doing this. A rush of adrenaline surged through me, but I played it just as cool as she had been, pretending like it was no big deal and we had done this every other night in every other hotel room on our trip.

I stepped across the carpet, making sure my bare cock was in plain, full, swinging view, and as I passed her, she turned and followed like a latching magnet, laying a hand on my shoulder. “The faucets were being finicky,” she stated. “Let me help you.”

We entered the bathroom and she leaned into the shower, turning the knobs and playing with the settings like a mad scientist. I couldn’t comprehend what would possibly happen next. Would she somehow connive her way to taking a shower with me? Was she going to hang out in the bathroom fixing herself at the mirror while I washed myself?

Why was I even laying out these crazy scenarios?

She leaned forward and tested the water temperature with her fingers, using her other hand to hold onto my hip for balance. She veered herself back, letting the hand slightly slip downward where it grazed the outskirts of my curved bare bottom. “Good to go,” she verified. “Lucky it didn’t give you the trouble it did for me.”

And then she left, simple as that, slightly closing over the door behind her.

I was a little perplexed. Was this a weirdly perverted game she was playing? Maybe it was nothing of sexual nature after all. Maybe she was just exercising the revealed exhibitionist in herself, getting a little charged buzz of excitement doing it around me but simply leaving it at that. It was the only sensible explanation.

I mean, what did I expect to happen? As curiously invigorating as this had been so far, was I really going to do something sexual with my blood relative aunt? It was, after all, a little bizarre to think about.

So I got in the shower but made a quick session of it, turning it off a few fast minutes later due to the fact that I couldn’t concentrate because of the weirdness going on. As the run-off water dripped from the faucet, I opened the clear curtain and looked around, realizing in the thrill of all this I had forgot to bring my damn towel in with me.


I almost laughed in my head at the irony. There I was, playing a coy and sly reactionary game of noticeable nakedness myself and now I legitimately was stuck nude. I didn’t want to go into the room dripping wet. But hell, Aunt Keri had already been flailing her naked boobs and butt around me so far with such easygoing content that I suppose it was redundant at this point to avoid it, whatever her reasons were.

“Hey, Aunt Keri?” I called out, a slight choke in my words.

A moment later the door smoothed open as she slightly poked her head in. She was still naked. She was STILL naked! I figured by now she would have at least put something on, but this whole time, she was still rockin’ that nude body frame like an elegant Roman statue come to life. Damn, was she planning to sleep naked? Why is this the first night she’s doing this? “What’s up?” she asked.

“I’m real sorry, but I forgot to bring in my towel in with me. I’m such an idiot. Would you mind grabbing it for me, please? It’s in my blue suitcase,” I requested, standing there with my body dripping wet, and pretending like I was casually trying to conceal my manhood below.

“No problem,” she retorted, turning away but re-appearing moments later empty handed.

“In your blue suitcase you said? I didn’t see one in there. Did you take it out?”

Legitimate disappointment rippled through me as I gave a sigh under my breath. I think I forgot my damn towel. I’m always doing that on trips; forgetting one single thing that screws me over later, no matter how many times I go over a packing checklist. “Shit,” I mumbled. “Now that I think of it, I’m pretty sure I forgot to pack one. Maybe I… would you mind grabbing me a shirt or two, from my black bag? My dirty clothes.”

“A shirt? To dry yourself off with?” she asked, eyebrows perked in a funny state. “Don’t be silly. Just use MY towel.” She disappeared for a quick second and fully pushed through the door, bare feet patting across the tiled floor as she handed me her dark red towel.

“Oh, uh… I…” I murmured, reluctantly taking the towel. “I could wait, if you just ran across the street and bought one.”

“It’s not a big deal,” she insisted. “It’s not even that wet anymore. Just a little damp. We’ll go out and buy you one tomorrow. One of those “I heart NYC” ones,” she smirked. “I do dumb stuff like that all the time. Really, it’s fine. I’m not gonna make you stand there sopping wet waiting for me to go buy one.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but she had already left, closing over the door behind her down to just a slimly open crack. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little embarrassed, since this wasn’t my plan, but still, the thought of her coming back in to see me naked again was nothing short of exhilarating. Maybe it was me playing the game now. I started drying myself off…legs, arms, back…

And as I rubbed the damp, moist towel up and down my nude body, I started thinking how this had now advanced to a physical level. I was touching my naked body with the same thing she had been touching hers with. That towel captured all the wetness across every inch of her body… her face, her legs, her shoulders, her ass, her...

A bolt of lightning zapped my thoughts.

She had wiped her pussy across this towel.

Somewhere across the damp fabric, her pussy lips had rippled over the towel. Those tiny hairs of her neatly trimmed cunt had chaffed and buffed across the softness of it. My hanging penis suddenly kicked to life, slowly stiffening and expanding like some kind of balloon animal blow-up.

I brought the towel up to my face. I couldn’t really tell if there was some kind of her body scent still lingering across it. Now my wetness was mixed with hers on that towel... two naked wet bodies joined together in one simple form of cotton-woven material.

I guess someone else could have figured I should have just jerked the kinky excitement of this whole ordeal out of me in the sensible confines of the running shower, but I’ve never been much of a shower whacker. Every now and then, if the mood strikes me and the water is nice and hot, sure, but otherwise it’s just never been my thing.

No, a part of me wanted a more closer experience. More interactive. More… intimate.

So I bunched the towel up and slid my hard cock inside it, starting to groove and buck my hips as I pumped it. Sure, the damp fabric felt nice, tickling and rubbing against my shaft and balls, but it was its present state that really gave me the true pleasure… a wet towel used by my aunt only minutes earlier.

I closed my eyes and grinded, still...

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Written by BlueEyedWonderGuy
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