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My Last Thought Was Jessie: The Homecoming

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I hadn't been back in Florida for more than three days and I was already miserable.  I missed Jessie so bad.  It was like having a part of myself ripped away.  I wondered to myself how I had went this long without realizing how much I really loved him. 

My mom had noticed my depression, but when she would ask me about it I refused to talk about it.  Part of me wanted to blame her, because she had left my father.  But when I would really sit down and think about it I knew that if she had stayed there Jessie and I would have grew up together and we probably would have never fell in love with each other like we were now.  The very thought of not loving him sent chills down my spine.

I was sitting in the kitchen table playing with my cereal in my bowl.  I had no appetite to eat.  My mom came in and sat beside me at the table.  "Jessica, you are going to have to talk to me eventually.  What is going on with you?  Is it because you and Jason broke up, because honey I think that is better off."

I huffed at her.  "Really Mom.  It has NOTHING to do with Jason.  He is the last thing on my mind." I stood up and took my bowl to the sink.

"Jessica, please just talk to me.  I can't stand seeing  you like this."

My frustration had reached it peak.  There was no way I could tell her what was really bothering me.  I couldn't tell her that I had fallen in love with my own brother and even had sex with him. 
So I lashed out at the first thing I could think of.  "You know Mom, Daddy still loves you and I think it is a bunch of crap that you are forcing me to be away from him when I know that you still love him too.  He made a mistake Mom and it was over 17 years ago.  When are you going to give it up and forgive him?"

I knew it was wrong of me to blame my pain and hurt on her, but if it worked and she decided to go back to Dad it would solve all of my problems.

"Honey,  your Dad cheated on me.  He made a baby with another woman.  I know it was a mistake and I know he is very sorry for what he did, but you have to understand that while I don't blame Jessie for what your father did, every time I look at him I am reminded of what his father did to me.  It is hard to forgive him for that."

I got upset at the fact that she was acting like Jessie being here was a bad thing.  "Well Mom, I'm glad he did it.  Not because I'm glad he hurt you but because I have a wonderful brother.  One in which I love very much and I think that if you are going to insist on keeping yourself away from Dad then you should at least let me go and live with him.  I want to have a family.  I want to be able to have my brother and my father there for me when I need them. I don't want to leave you, but I have lived with you all of my life and now I think I would like to give it a try in California with Dad and Jessie."

She got tears in her eyes.  "Jessica, how can you say that?  You and I have stuck together through thick and thin.  We have been best friends.  How can you want to leave now?"  She tried to hug me, but I pushed her away.

"I don't want a friend Mother.  I want a MOM and a DAD and I want to be able to see my BROTHER when ever I want to and not just a few weeks through the summer.  I want us all to live together and I know that if you would at least give it a try you would be able to get over what happen almost two decades ago!"

My mom lowered her head.  I knew there was no way she would give in.  She was the person I got my stubborn streak from and I knew that when push came to shove she would stand her ground even if she knew that she was wrong.  I knew I was going to have to actually leave her here all alone and it broke my heart to even think about it.

"You are right Jessica.  I have forced myself to hold a grudge against him for all these years and I did that because he was the only man that was ever able to hurt me and it scared the living hell out of me."  She took my face in her hands.  "I'm not going to make you any promises but I'm going to call your father and talk to him and see about going out to California for the rest of summer.  Do you think you could take the time off work without losing your job?"

I was so happy I could barely contain myself.  "Oh God Mom I'll quit my job.  I know if you go out there and see how much Dad still loves you, you will not want to come back here."  I ran into the hallway.  "I'm going to go pack my things right now.  How much do you think I should pack?"  I didn't even wait for her to answer.  I was too anxious to get my things packed and call Jessie.

His phone rang several times and when I was sure he wasn't going to answer he finally did.  "Hey Sis."  He sounded so depressed.  I wanted to cheer him up, but I wanted to build it up first.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"

He sighed.  "What do you think is wrong?  I feel like part of my soul is missing.  Have you thought anymore about moving in with Dad?"

He and I had talked about this everyday since I had gotten home.  I knew he was dying for me to move in with Dad, but I had struggled with the thoughts of leaving my mother behind.

"I'm sorry Jessie, I just can't leave Mom here by herself.  I am all she has."  I was trying to sound sad, but I think some of my excitement was slipping through my voice.

"I ... I guess I understand.  I just wish I could change your mind."

"Gosh Jessie, I didn't realize that you didn't want my mom there.  It will hurt her feelings if I tell her that."

I could almost see the confused look on his face.  "What?  I didn't say I didn't want your mom here.  I just said that I wish you would change your mind.  I want you here."

"Jessie, I said I couldn't leave my mom behind.   I didn't say I wasn't coming."

"WHAT?  You mean you talked her into it?"  I could close my eyes and see the smile on his face.  "OH MY GOD Jessica, that is great.  When are you guys coming?  God I miss you so bad already.  Can you guys leave tomorrow?"

I giggled at him. "I don't know.  Mom is suppose to try to call Dad tonight.  Hopefully it will be soon."

"I'm going to call Dad right now and have him go ahead and get the tickets for you guys.  I'll even arrange for your things to be moved."

"Well Mom said it was just a trial thing, but I'm sure once she gets there she will not want to leave.  I can't wait to see you.  I just wonder how hard it will be for me and  you to keep everything under wraps from Mom and Dad."

I heard him laugh.  "I'm sure Dad will keep your mom so busy it won't be much of a problem for us.  Hey, I'm going to go and call Dad.  I'll make sure he already has the tickets ordered by the time  your Mom calls him."


That night I sat on pins and needles waiting for Mom to call Dad.  I kept on reminding her to call him and she would give some lame ass excuse as to why she needed to wait a few more minutes.  Finally I got sick of waiting and I called Dad myself right in front of Mom.

"Hello?" He answered his phone on the first ring.  He was hoping it would be Mom.

"Hey Daddy, what are you doing?"

"Oh hey sweetie.  Nothing much.  Just sitting here with Jessie waiting for your mom to call.  Is she really going to call?"

"Yep, she's right here.  She had her hands full so I dialed the number for her.  You picked up before I had the chance to hand her the phone."

I took the phone and handed it to my mom.  She gave me a murderous look.  She put the phone to her ear.  "Hello Jessie, what are you doing?"

My dad is also named Jessie.  My brother and I were both named after him.

I couldn't hear what Dad was saying, but I could see the surprised expression on my mothers face.  "Well I was thinking I would at least have some time to pack."  She looked at me with contempt.  "How did you know I was going to come and visit anyway, or do I even have to ask?"  Dad must have told her.  She pointed a finger at me, letting me know that I was in trouble as soon as she got off the phone, but I didn't care.  I was too happy. "Well I guess that will be fine.  I guess I'll see you next week then."

I sighed.  I didn't want to wait a week to see Jessie.  I wanted to leave now.

"Oh, you mean Thursday as in tomorrow.  God Jessie I don't know if I'll be able to get everything together in that amount of time."

"Oh mom please.  We can get our clothes packed tonight and arrange everything else once we get there.  You are paid ahead on the rent.  Gram and Pap will pay the bills for you while we are gone.  There is no reason we can't leave tomorrow."

"Yes, Jessica just said the same thing.  I guess it will be alright."  She turned way from me.  "Jessie , are you sure you want me to come and stay there.  I mean I'm sure it would be hell hard to explain to the women you date."  She was silent for a minute.  Then she turned and looked at me with a shocked expression.  "OH,  I see, well.. um.  Okay.  I guess I'll see you tomorrow night then."  She hung up the phone and stared at it for a minute like she was trying to figure out if what had just happened was real.

"What did he say Mom?"

She turned and looked at me. "He told me he didn't have any other women and that I was the only woman in his life and that I had been the only woman for as long as he could remember.  He said he still loved me and that he was going to prove how much when I got there."  She smiled at me.  "This may work out after all Jessica."

I jumped for joy.  Everything was coming together perfectly.


We got off the plane and Dad and Jessie were waiting for us.  Mom and I both yelled out "Jessie" and ran into their arms.  It took every ounce of strength to keep from grabbing Jessie into a lip lock right there in front of our parents.

Jessie leaned over in my ear and whispered.  "I've got a huge surprise for you."

I smiled thinking about what that "huge" surprise might be, but then Jessie looked up at my mother.

"Hey Caroline, I'm glad you decided to give this a try."

Mom smiled at Jessie.  "Thank you Jessie, but I don't know what it will lead to yet.  I have a lot to take into consideration."

Then Dad spoke up.  "Yes and there will be plenty of time for that next week."

Jessie smiled at me and winked.  Mom looked up at Dad with a bewildered look on her face.

"Next week?  What do you mean next week?"  Mom questioned.

"Caroline, I haven't seen you for years do you really think that I am going to share you with Jessica and Jessie while you are here?  Tomorrow morning you and I will be going on a little vacation of our own.  Just you and I."

I felt butterflies in my stomach.  I couldn't hide my excitement.  I just hoped that they really thought that I was excited about them getting to spend time alone instead of the fact that I was excited that Jessie and I would be spending time alone.

Mom looked even more bewildered.  "But Jessie, what about the children?  We can't leave them alone.  They are barely 17."

Dad gave Mom a patronizing smile.  "Caroline, Jessie has been staying on his own for over 3 years now.  I am out of town a lot.  Besides, Jessica is old enough to stay without adult supervision.  They are both almost adults."  He smiled at her again, this time his smile was challenging.  "What's wrong Caroline, are you afraid to be alone with me?  Are you afraid of what might happen?"

Mom's face flushed red.  "Jessie, not in front of the children."

We left the airport and went back to Dad's house.  It was so frustrating to not be able to be with Jessie the way I wanted to be.  Don't get me wrong, I missed my Dad too, but I had a feeling that this was all going to work out and I would get to see him as often as I wanted, but right now I wanted to be alone with Jessie so bad I could feel it all the way down to my toes, not to mention what the thoughts of him were doing to my other areas.

It was finally dark and we were all sitting in the living room watching television.  Mom and Dad were sitting next to each other on the couch.  Jessie and I were sitting in recliner that were on opposite sides of the room and it was driving me crazy.  I so badly wanted to go and sit in his lap and just start kissing him and let it go where it went, but that wasn't a possibility.

I watched my mom and dad closely, hoping for any signs of tiredness.  There was none, but there was, however, other signs.  Dad had his arm around Mom's shoulder and he was nonchalantly rubbing her breast.  He either thought that no one was watching or he really didn't care. 

Mom was trying really hard to sit still, but I could see her chest rising and falling a little faster than normal.  Finally she had all she could take.  "Jessie, I'm tired.  Could you please show me to where I'll be sleeping."

Dad cracked a wicked smile.  "Well Caroline,  you will be sleeping in the same room we put your bags.  I'm sure you know where it is.  My house isn't that large."

I watched the frustration cross my mothers face.  "Well JESSIE, I was hoping you would show me where the blankets and pillows are considering the room is pretty much empty where you are renovating it."

Dad looked at Jessie and winked.  He was playing with her.  "Well, I was actually getting ready to get in the shower."  He turned and looked at Jessie. "I'm sure Jessie here wouldn't mind showing you where everything is."  Dad turned to walk out of the room.   Before he got all the way to the door he turned around and looked at my furious and flustered mother.  "Oh and if you would like to sleep with me tonight you are more than welcome to and you can join me in the shower if you would like.  I'd be glad to show you EVERYTHING then."  He smiled and walked out of the room. 

Jessie and I smiled at each other.  

Mom's face was turning ten shades of red.  "Jessie, you get back in here right now!!"  She said as she stormed out of the room. 

I knew it was risky.  There was a good chance that Mom would come right back into the living room, but at the time I really didn't care.  I jumped up and ran over to Jessie and started kissing him as hard as I could.  He returned the kiss with vigor. 

He had on a pair of pajama pants and I could feel his cock growing under my ass.  I turned and straddled him in the recliner.  "God I have been waiting to be alone with you all day.  I didn't think they were ever going to leave."  I panted.

Jessie was rubbing his pajama covered cock against my pajama covered pussy.  "Oh God baby, I know.  I didn't think Dad was ever going to make his move.  He had been planning this all day."

I smiled and looked at him.  "Really?  He tells you things like that?"

Jessie smiled.  "Lets put it this way.  He asked me if there was anyway you and I would be willing to sleep in the pool house tonight.  You know there is two bedrooms out there."

I smiled at him.  "Well we will only be using one!!"

He smiled back at me.  "And we will be using it well."  He put his hands between my legs and started rubbing my pussy through my pajamas.  "I need to go get some pillows and blankets for us from upstairs.  Then we can...

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Written by bobbylynn
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