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My Incestuous Family

"My father and I have sex together for the first time, but it is not in private."

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I was spending a weekend at our nudist club with my parents. The club is adult only. Sexual freedom is a feature of the club and observing adults enjoying sex in the open is not unusual.

My mother and I were sunning ourselves in one of the secluded alcoves that exist for privacy.

“Mum, Jack wants to fuck me. What do you think I should do?”

“Honey, Jack is nearly seventy; three times your age and has been married three times. How do you feel about it?”

“I am not sure; I have never been fucked by a man as old as him. I thought it might be interesting. He is fairly popular with some of the younger women at the swingers, and I know he has fucked you.”

“He is a good fuck, and I can attest to that. I have fucked him a few times and it was good.”

“Tell me more?” I asked.

“Well, it was when he was married for the second time and your father and I went away with both of them a few times for the weekend and we both ended up swapping. It was good.”

“Was that when he was with Jan?”


“You know, Tony and I have joined the swingers club.”

“Yes. You and Tony were immensely popular from what I heard. You two are some of the youngest members.”

“I wasn’t aware you knew about that night.”

“There is nothing secret about what happens there. Most of the women compare notes after our night’s fun. We all talk about who fucked us and how they did it and quite often we rate them as to their satisfaction ability. I heard you fucked six men that night. You were the star. Tony got complimentary reviews as well. The older ladies loved it with him.

“It was great, most of the men were older and knew how to fuck. It was so cool. I have never been fucked as often as they fucked me that night. I have never had more than two guys fuck me the same day before.”

“You were busy, I have not done it that often ever, not even at the club. Four different men are my average.”

“Well, what do you think? Should I go with Jack, or should I give him a miss? I am sure if he fucks me, he will want to do it with me again. I don’t know if I want to fuck him whenever he asks.”

“Look, do it once but explain that you are only doing it to satisfy him and not to encourage him to fuck you again. Tell him it is just so you and I can compare him after he has fucked us both," Mum suggested.

“Do you think I will enjoy it with him?” I asked.

“I am sure you will, as I did. I believe you will even want to go with him again after the first time but do not tell him that. Let that happen if you want to, not when he asks, as I am sure he will.”

“You believe he is that good, do you?”

“He is. He has asked to fuck me often since. You are right, he will only want to do it increasingly with you as well. I can get all I want at the swingers club, and I enjoy the variety of the men I have most nights. Your father also still enjoys fucking me a few times a week as well.”

“You don’t mind dad fucking other women?”

“No, just as he doesn’t mind me fucking other men, but as you know we have friends here and I do It with them just for fun. I just love it.”

“Have you fucked many men here?” I asked.

“Not lately, they are getting younger, with kids. The young wives are not happy unless they know the woman and her husband. I prefer the older guys. Now, I get what I want from those guys at the club and your father, he is still one of the best fucks I have had. The older guys are happy just to fuck and do not want anything intense. We fuck for the fun of it, and we enjoy it,” Mum explained.

“That sounds so wonderful. I would like to fuck more men, but I know there would be problems as once they start, they want you to do it all the time. I am happy for Tony to fuck me when he wants to, and now we are going to the swingers club I will get as much as I want. Like you.”

I continued, “Well, let's say I will let Jack fuck me here and if he wants more then he will have to get it elsewhere.”

“I am sure you will enjoy it with him. My guess is he knows you are only twenty and wants to impress you. Let me know after you have, and we can compare notes.”

“Mum, what would happen if Tony and I were at the swingers one night when you and dad were there. Would you let Tony fuck you?”

“Before I answer that and let us consider the same situation, would you let your father fuck you? “

“How can I say this and not upset you… Yes? I would feel proud that he wanted to and that we both wanted it to happen. I have seen him fuck you often enough and there have been times I wish that it were me that he was fucking. How do you feel now that you know?”

“Proud. I would love him to fuck you and that I was there to see how much you enjoyed it with him. You are old enough to know what you are doing and experienced enough to be able to enjoy it with him. You and I are extremely close already. You are not only the daughter I love, but you are also a trusted friend as well. We have no secrets. It’s a lovely way to be with you.”

“That’s great mum, I feel the same and there is nothing I would not tell you.”

“We have both been fucked by a few of the same men, you have a few more to catch up with and I am sure you will. We can compare notes as I do with the other women in the club."

She carried on, “I think your father would be so happy if you both did it together. I will tell him it has my blessing if you two both decide to do it.”

“Then I will mention to Tony that you would like him to ask you. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do with him.”

“Come here, my dearest, and kiss me. “


The next day I arranged to meet Jack and we fucked all morning at the adult beach, where nudity, masturbation and openly visible sex is not a problem. It was amazing and I would say it was among the best fucks I have had. Mum was spot on. He was amazing and he fucked me three times, I even sucked his cock for him which I found out my mother had not even done that for him. I know now why the younger women enjoy him fucking them.

I told mum and we discussed what happened and she was surprised I had sucked his cock. She told me she was reluctant to do that with anybody other than my dad.

Two weeks later, Tony and I were at the swingers the same night dad and mum were there.

Mum and I discussed where dad should fuck me for our first time together and agreed, it should happen at the swingers for all to see. My dad would fuck me there so everybody could see it happen and that people would not talk outside the club about the fact my dad fucked his daughter in private.

She did not want Tony to fuck her at the same time. That would happen, but she needed to talk about it with dad and she was thinking of doing it at home with just the four of us there. She was not keen to do it at the club.

Mum discussed my desires with the coordinator, and he approved of it. It was to be the first time anything like that had happened there which he was aware of. It would be incest and providing we both admitted we were agreeable they said it would be ok.

Given the nature of the activity at the club, everything was very well controlled.

The club premises were at one of the member's properties ten kilometres out of town and remote from any other houses. The property encompassed about one hundred hectares. It was huge... the homestead had seven bedrooms opening onto a large veranda surrounding the home. Each bedroom had en-suite facilities. It had previously been a BnB farm stay business, and for school camps before becoming the swingers' venue. 

There was a pool on the grounds next to a cottage in which the coordinator and his wife lived, but it was away from the main house by a creek. It was ideal for nudity and the private sex parties I have heard they host occasionally.

Dad also spoke to the coordinator to confirm that he had the approval to fuck me. He wanted to ensure everything was acceptable by the members for what we had planned. He did not want any problems and wanted to know if there were any rules about incest.

The coordinator said he had not had to consider it before. After we had done it, he would raise the matter at the next directors meeting to see if a rule should be implemented. It would give them all a chance to form an opinion after our event. He could see no problems with us doing it together. We were all well above the legal age and no coercion would be involved.

Dad soon found out that the word was out about us. Another member had contacted him about his son and mother. Dad suggested he contact the coordinator as he had done.

The coordinator also approved that the mother and son could also have their first fuck together. It could be a double act with us.

Mum told me the son’s mother had contacted her and they had discussed dad fucking me. She wanted to know what we had planned so as they could do something similar.

The mother and father were members of the swingers and had entertained other swinging friends at their home. The guy was twenty and his mother forty-five. Their son and his girlfriend had fucked openly on more than one occasion at pool parties at their home. They had also fucked their parents' swinger friends, but he had never fucked his mother. When they heard of dad and me, they decided to do it as well. Mum and dad knew them but had not been to one of their pool parties.

While dad fucked me, the guy would fuck his mum. It would all occur at the same time in the main room on a big table for anybody who wanted to watch to do so.

Dad suggested that after we had both done our thing, I might like the young guy to fuck me.

That would mean after our parents had fucked both of us, then Alan and I would fuck. It was to be a big night for the two of us. I would welcome him fucking me.

I asked, “Why not? After all, it would just be a normal thing to happen at the swingers anyhow.”

I did not know the guy, but I would like to meet him first before we did it.

Mum and his mother then arranged for me to have dinner with Alan and his girlfriend Jan at a local restaurant. We agreed it was better that Jan became involved in our discussions, so she had no doubts about what was going to happen. I wanted her to know I was only interested in being fucked by him, not to take it further.

It turned out to be fine. Tony (my boyfriend) and I liked them, and we all agreed that Alan and I would fuck after we and been fucked by our parents.

Jan said she would love to be there and told me I would enjoy it with him as he was good. She was also fascinated by the fact he was going to fuck his mum. She liked his mum, and she could always talk to her about the people she had sex with at their pool parties.

Tony suggested that as he and Jan would be there as members, it would be possible for them to fuck while Alan and I were fucking, and then later fuck other members.

Jan said she would like to be part of the evening and she would like Tony to fuck her.

Alan told me he was happy with the planning and to fuck me afterwards was a bonus. He would not have to wait his turn behind the older guys who would want to fuck me.

 I said I felt the same way. I would look forward to fucking a guy my age for a change.

He made a joke and said it felt like we are planning our first time again together.

 “This will be better I am sure,” I told him.

Jan said, “Hey guys, I am still here. I do have an opinion.”

“Sorry,” I told her, "I am sure he will be looking after your needs for some time to come.”

When I arrived home mum was waiting to see how we went together.

I told mum, “It all sounds amazing, we got on really well. I am looking forward to it now as much as I am with dad. I know that I will have at least two good fucks."

“How about his girl, how does she feel about the two of you?”

“Jan was amazing. There are no problems as she has had sex with his parents' friends already and they are members of the swingers like us and only joined recently. We all discussed it and she sounded very much like me. She told me I would enjoy it with him. Tony suggested that he could fuck her while we were doing it ourselves. She was more than willing.”

Mum held me to her and kissed me. “You are going to enjoy this. Your father is quite excited about it. We have talked about it, and he will start missionary and possibly go doggy after you are happy.”

“Great, I think I am going to enjoy it with him, and I have seen him fuck you often enough, so I know what to expect.”

“His cock works wonders in you, I am sure I will enjoy it with him,” Mum assured me.

I went to bed and masturbated thinking of my dad and Alan fucking me. This is going to be a big night for me and even more exciting than my first fuck.


The big night arrived. I had rung Alan once before we were to meet. He was excited as well. He had only just joined the swingers with Jan and had only had sex with Graeme and June as first-time members and then with one other couple.

I dressed up for the evening. Why I do not know as I would be naked soon after arriving. I ensured I had plenty of perfume on. I expected I would be sweating a lot. I tidied up my public patch and trimmed my hair short. I trimmed all the loose hairs so they would not detract from the heart shape I had manicured my hair into. I usually reduce my normal shape to half the size. Mum is bare.

We all drove out to the property, and we were all so excited.

When we parked the car and were walking up to the homestead, we saw Alan and his parents.

It was so exciting. We were all greeted by the coordinator and his wife. Graeme and June. Graeme had fucked me the first night as it seems that is his privilege with all the new female members. Alan mentioned Jan had initiated him the same way. She had been the oldest woman he had fucked.

Graeme mentioned that because of the fact this was to be the first incestual experience they were aware of; they had devised rules for the evening which he explained. After undressing, I was almost wetting myself with excitement. I had never imagined a night like this before.

Dad took my hand and led me out to greet the other members who were now all naked. I was quite surprised. I recognised many of them. One managed the supermarket, and he was with one of the check-out girls I recognised. One was one of my old schoolteachers and his wife. I also noticed one of our police officers. I knew he was single and wondered who he had come with. It turns out she was a nurse at the hospital.

Many told me how much they were looking forward to seeing dad and me together. A couple of women that dad had fucked told me he was amazing.

He introduced me to the women that were wives of the men I knew, a few told me, “You look beautiful together. I am sure you will enjoy the evening; it is going to be exciting for you.”

I could see Alan and his parents doing the same thing.

The fact everybody was nude seemed quite normal.

It was interesting seeing the women look me over. We were all completely naked and the various pubic hairstyles and breasts were interesting for me. It was obvious to me a lot of the women had breast enhancements; others needed them. Some had breasts that were more like mine and others had lost their uplift and looked like they had fed a couple of kids. The much older women had them almost hanging down to their waist. Most appeared to be over thirty and others even much older.

It was also interesting to see the men and their well-hung cocks. None were erect and all were on full display, and I was fascinated with...

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Written by Meggsy
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