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 "I can't believe you convinced me to do this," Karen said teasingly. "You better not show anyone!"

 Jack walked to his sister to position her on the chair. He didn't know how he convinced her either, but he had. She was allowing him to draw her erotically for his portfolio. He was just starting out as an artist and needed to make a better name for himself. He had the talent, but not the exposure that he needed. He hoped this series of erotic pieces would help him.

 "Okay now what I need you to do is sit perfectly still while I draw you. If you move too much it could mess up the whole drawing." Karen nodded to Jack that she understood.

 "And you're 110% sure that no one I know is going to see this, right?"

 "YES, I keep telling you this is just going to go in my portfolio so potential employers can see this scope of my talent. Just follow instructions please, I need to concentrate and you're distracting me."

 Jack walked her over to the seat he had prepared for her. It looked just like a normal school bus seat would, minus the horrible bus stench.

 "The outfit I have for you is in the bathroom in a bag, change into it and take a seat so I can get your position ready."

 She saluted him, and with a mocking tone barked out, "SIR YES SIR!"

 He watched her march to the bathroom to change. She had this way about her that was naturally sensual. She wasn't intentionally trying to seduce anyone, but if you spent more than a minute with her you would fall in love. Friends would constantly barrage him with questions about his sister all the time, was she single, were they her type, etc,. It wasn't just his male friends either, female friends would ask as well. She could turn straight women gay just by walking down the street.

 She came out of the bathroom, arms folded, blushing. "This is embarrassing. What did you do, go to the sex shop and pick out a school girl outfit?" She was wearing a gray Catholic school outfit that he had borrowed from a younger friend.

 "Ha-ha, you promised you would help, and it's supposed to be erotic."

 "Let's just get this over with," she said as she plopped down onto the seat.

 Jack walked over and got on his knees, placing a hand on her legs. "What the hell are you doing, perv?!?"

 "I'm positioning you so I can start drawing. I'm not trying to finger fuck you, just relax."

 She relaxed somewhat, but her skin was tense. She seemed more nervous than angry really, but he just shrugged it off as he went back to positioning her. He moved her knees closely together and placed her feet underneath the bench, so the tips of her feet were against the ground. He placed a hand on hers and felt a bit of a shock, jumping back before moving them again. Her hands were palm down right next to each hip, arms pushed straight so her back was up slightly. He reached his arms behind her in a mock hug, running his hands along her spine to push her chest up and out.

 While he was 'adjusting' her she began to blush. She wasn't used to a guy getting that close to her in any other context other than a romantic one. She was turned on from his touch, but embarrassed because it was her brother.
 "Are you okay? You look hot... I mean you like like you feel hot. You know what I meant."

 "Y-yeah, I'm fine," she said in a mousy voice.

 He placed a hand under her chin, moving her head over her shoulder, looking up like a hero posing. "Okay, I want you to look cute. Try to look innocent, but seductive at the same time. That shouldn't be too hard for you."

 She giggled after he said that and smiled, making her lips look almost like a 3, but in a subtle way. Her eyes widened a little bit more than usual, and the whole thing had a tremendous effect.


 Jack walked over to his pad of paper and picked up his pencil to start drawing his muse. He drew her basic figure, tracing out her long thin legs, her curved hips, her defined upper body, and her beautiful head of flowing hair. He draw in the chair, and the bus window that she was supposedly looking out of. In the studio it didn't exist, but here it did.

 Now was time to start detailing. This was the part he loved the most. This was where the drawing started to come to life. He wanted to work from top to bottom, so he drew her white/blond hair. It curled and moved like living fire that was difficult to capture on paper. Her hair fell on her shoulders carelessly. He could have adjusted it, but he wanted that part to be natural, so he left it. He moved to her eyes, the huge emeralds that they were sparkled in an almost unnatural way. The brows of her eyes were done neatly. She kept them trimmed and defined so they weren't bushy, but they weren't pencil thin like some cheap harlot.

 Her lips were incredible. She had them pursed up in the shape of a w or a 3 depending on how you looked at it. They were fun for him to draw on. He finished up her face with her chin, with a cute little dimple in the middle of it.

 "You can relax your face now if you want to, but try to stay as still as you can, okay?" She hummed a quick 'mhmm' to signal that she understood.

 He drew her neck, and shoulders. He started thinking about how much he wanted to kiss that neck, but quickly shooed the thought away. Detailing the ruffles of her shirt was difficult, but after what felt like hours he finished. He drew her arms and hands, taking careful detail to draw each finger exactly how it looked in real life. He finished her upper body and started working on the gray shirt as a thought came into his head.

 "Stay perfectly still," said Jack as he slid onto his knees in front of her. He started undoing her shoe as he looked up at Karen, who was looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. "I think it would fit better if the character was barefoot. It shows how free she is in this oppressive, uniformed school. That's the same reason I didn't want you to do your hair in any way." He was only bullshitting her. It was a good reason, but the real reason was that she had sexy legs and even sexier feet that he wanted to draw.

 He removed her shoes and placed a hand on her left upper thigh on 'accident'. Karen was hot, almost burning up at this point. His moved his hand down to her sock just above her knee and slid it off, putting her foot back in the same position that it was in before. He did the same with the right. When he finished exposing her legs he had another idea.

 He ran back to the pad of paper and erased a section of the shirt that he had already detailed in. He ran back to her and reached his hands out to her chest, unbuttoning the top most buttons to reveal a significant amount of cleavage.

 "What the hell are you doing?" She was blushing even more at this point when she asked.

 "I told you, I want the character to be free, almost bursting out of her oppressive bonds."

 Karen closed her eyes this time, trying to hold back whatever she was going to say. Jack ran back to the pad of paper and picked up his pencil, detailing in the subtle lines of her cleavage. She didn't have large breasts, they were probably a b-cup or maybe c. That didn't matter though, to him they were beautiful. She was inspiring him! He wanted to tear off all of her clothes right then and there but he had to show restraint. Hell it was his sister, which is probably the only reason he didn't take all of her clothes off.

 Putting the finishing touches on her cleavage he moved back down to her legs, drawing every curve and line of her defined muscles. She had always had beautiful legs, but he never was able to see them like this until now. If he had looked at her this way before without a pencil and paper in hand he would have gotten the shit kicked out of him for days.

 He started in on her feet, curving around her heel, down the side of her foot and to her little toe. He put even more time on her feet than he had on her hands, getting each toe just right. Several times he would stop and get on his knees in front of her to run his hands over them, excusing himself by saying he 'had to get closer to get all the details right'. He did this with both feet, taking an excessive amount of time with each one. He could tell that Karen was making a note of this, but kept drawing anyways.

 "Okay I've got all the details in, now I have to ink it all. I can put in some music if you want so you don't get bored."

 "Sure, but is inking really important?"

 "It's the most important part of the drawing process. When you ink a drawing in you feel the drawing. You feel the texture, each and every little curve of the body. So yeah, I guess you could say it's pretty important."

 She blushed when he said each and every little curve which Jack took notice of. He plugged his iPod into the speakers and put it on shuffle. The first song to come on was Alive With The Glory of Love.

 Oh how appropriate,
he thought.

 The song started playing:

When I watch you, wanna do you right where you're standing. Yeah!

Karen was blushing more now than ever before. "If you don't like the song I can chan-"

 "NO! I love this song!" The interruption made him chuckle a little bit.

 The inking didn't take too long, and by the time he was finished the drawing not only looked lifelike, but it was as if you could almost reach out and feel it.

 "What do you think," he asked.

 "I LOVE it!"

 "Great, would you like to come by tomorrow and do another? I'm thinking I want to do maybe five for this series of drawings give or take. I can do less if you get bored or don't want to."

 She walked over to him, pecking him on the cheek and said, "I would love to have you do me again... I mean draw me! Oh god," she buried her blushing face in her hands.

 "I understand what you meant." He gave her a tight hug, "see you here tomorrow sis."

 She gathered up her clothes and walked over to the bathroom to get dressed. He started picking up, and noticed that the door was propped open somewhat so he walked over to look inside.

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Karen was laying on the floor one hand on her head, stroking her hair, and another finger deep inside her pussy. She took her hand from her hair and bit on her middle finger to stifle her moaning as her body tensed up. She arched her back while she came, her body resting on the floor after she finished.

 She hadn't felt that satisfied in years. Her brother's touch is what pushed her over the edge. She wanted to jump his bones right then and there but didn't want to ruin his drawing. As an afterthought she added on that he was her brother, thinking that only out of guilt for wanting to fuck him.


Jack walked over to the door to open it for his sister. Last night was incredible. He had never felt so alive before. He was in the zone, artistically. She had done something for him that no man or woman had ever done before, and she was going to do it again today. He had plans for a new commission today, now all she had to do was go along with it.

 "Hey Karen," he reached over hugging her as he said this. "Thanks for all the help you've been giving me. I don't think anyone else would have worked out like you have so far."

 "I suppose I should thank you for helping me," she coyly replied.

 Jack knew exactly what she meant by that. He grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom where his bed was made for once.

 "What are we doing here?" she asked.

 "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to draw you, but drawing you with a costume is so restricting. I want to try something more... revealing."

 She blushed and looked down at her feet, "you mean... n-naked?" She looked up and the way her eyes were almost made him cum right where he stood. She could be so innocent some times, and yet a complete devil at the same time.

 "Well, that's kind of what I had in mind. Today I wanted to sexperiment with my drawing style too. I want to try quick sketches in various positions and state of undress."

 "Okay, but you mean EXperiment... right?"

 "Oh wow, I'm sorry I thought about what I said after it slipped out." She giggled as she stood in front of the bed, presenting herself to him.

 "So how are we going to do this?"

 "I'm going to undress you and position you in different places throughout the house and sketch you."

 "That sounds good, but why are you going to undress me?"

 "I don't have to, I just want to get it down perfectly."

 He walked up to her, reaching his hand out to undo her buttons one by one, tossing her shirt to the side to reveal her lacy black bra. He moved her onto the bed on her knees, both hands in between her legs palm down. With her arms like that it pushed her breasts together making them pop out even more. He walked to the night stand and grabbed a pair of fake glasses, placing them on her head with a kiss.
 "What was that for?" she asked, giggling.
 "For good luck silly, now sit still so I can draw you. And make a seductive face too."

 He sketched her out, his pencil flying across the pad. It was a quick drawing, not at all lifelike, but still beautiful.

 He stood her up, unzipping her pants and pulling them off her her, showing all of those great legs off. He placed her left hand on her stomach, her right hand covering her eyes. To really make it pop he put his hands on her hips, pulling her down so her legs hung over the bed. He could see a little wet spot forming on her panties, but he kept quiet. He lifted her right leg up so it rested on the bed, and let the other one hang over.

 After positioning her he started sketching this pose, drawing in the whole bed and topping it off with her. When he finished drawing he signed the picture and stood up, walking around the bed to stare at her from different angles. He leaned in near her face, wanting to kiss her plump lips, but backed away out of fear.

 "Okay stand up, I want to change your positioning," he said with a hoarse voice.

 She stood up, reaching over to hold her right arm in her left. She looked down blushing and smiling. "So, is this the part I think it is?"

 "Yeah... I suppose it is. Listen if you don't want to do this I'll understand."

 She reached out and placed her arms around his neck, "do it."

 He reached behind her, undoing her bra slowly, letting it fall to the ground between them. She pushed him down slightly until he was on his knees so he could take her panties off. At this point they were almost completely soaked. He reached up and pulled them down, her clean shaven pussy a mere five inches from his face. Standing up he stepped back to take her all in.

 "I'm so ugly, I know just don't say it."

 She looked down, so he placed a hand under her chin, lifting her head up so he could look her in the eyes. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life, sis. I love you, why would I ever say you're ugly?"

 She smiled wide as he guided her to the bed, placing her on her back like he had before, wrapping blankets around her breasts to cover them. He pushed her legs fairly close together and lifted her knees up about halfway. Reaching between her thighs he grabbed a small handful of blanket and lifted it to cover her pussy, accidentally brushing it with his fingers. She shivered in response to this which made jack smile. Her eyes remained tight shut.
 He walked up and put her hair all above her head, taking her hands and letting her run them through it. He walked back and took it all in, trying to burn this image into the back of his retinas. He walked back to draw, sketching her out on the paper....

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Written by lolwriter89
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