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Mr Family

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I was seventeen years of age and in the sixth form of my local school, in central England and lived at home, with my thirty-five year old mother and nineteen-year-old disabled brother Rob. Eighteen months prior to the events I recount here today, my dad died, leaving the three of us to help each other through the loss.

I’d had good results in exams at school and considered myself a conscientious student and enjoyed playing sport, being a part of several school teams and part of the local Swimming Club team.

Rob developed a condition called, Charcot Marie-Tooth, which wasn’t life threatening but meant limited use of his hands and restricted how far he could walk and how much balance he had, so used a wheelchair out of the house. He was able to do most things for himself but I was used to helping him with any aspect of daily living, with neither of us being embarrassed. He was 5’2, with blonde short hair, piercing blue eyes, good looking and slim. However, attention from the opposite sex never happened but as with other aspects of life, he didn’t let it bother him.

Although, I had never noticed, my friends were forever telling me that I had a ‘hottie’ for a mom. She was 5’4, with long sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, curvy but not fat, with at least D cup boobs. I was constantly reminded of just how much I looked like her. I am 5’6, long dark hair, my dad's colouring, blue eyes, slim, 34b boobs and as the story begins, an unshaved pussy.

It was Thursday, school as normal for me, with double PE followed by a study period in the afternoon. I’d changed from my school uniform, into the obligatory white panties and bra, white vest top, short white skirt and bare feet, before walking into the sports-hall for the lesson. We took turns, using various apparatus and, because of the heat, began to work up a sweat. The climbing bars were easy to scale but some found the slide down the rope more of a test, especially with sweaty hands. However, when Anna Derby fell, landing heavily on her right ankle, it meant the lesson was called to a premature end.

I decided not to wait around for my study period and run home. I was already sweaty, so the three mile run would do me more good than a study period, which was always a waste of time. It took about thirty minutes to get home but because I’d not got the front door key to hand, I entered the house via the back door.

We lived in a single storey house, which had three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, dining and living room. Entering from the front door was a big lobby area, from which all rooms were connected. Entering the kitchen, I took off my trainers and socks, deciding to go and say hi to Rob before I changed.

Ever since dad died, none of us closed our bedroom doors, which meant most nights I’d hear moans of pleasure coming from Mom’s room as she masturbated. To begin with, being a horny teenaged girl, hearing her made me feel very self-conscious when I became turned on, thinking I should resist touching myself in response. However, it was never long before my fingertips went to work but I made a big effort to contain my moans of pleasure. As the, near nightly ritual continued, the more I masturbated, the noisier and less self-conscious I became. In fact, the thought of being heard became a turn on too, encouraging me to let go.

As I moved into the lobby, I was surprised to hear the sound of an electric shaver coming from Rob’s room. Moving stealthily through the lobby, I soon had a clear view of Rob’s bed through his open door. However, I never expected to see him sat naked on his bed, using the trimmer to shave off his pubes. Curiosity got the better of me, so crept to a spot where I’d be unseen and I could spy on my naked brother. I noticed, as soon as I saw him that his cock was hard, making me wetter the closer I got. Eventually, I settled into position, took off my school rucksack and watched. I’d have been happy seeing Rob shave off his pubic hair but the show was only just beginning. Rob re-adjusted his pillows against the wall, before turning to rest against them. With his legs parted slightly and stretched out towards me, it gave an unobstructed view of his hard cock and hairless balls dangling beneath. As a guy of only 5’2, I never expected a cock to make suck an impression on me. My initial guess was that it was between six and eight inches long and quite thick.

Rob began licking between his fingers and thumb, before placing his hand on his cock and slowly stroking it up and down for a few minutes. He licked his fingers and thumb again as I watched his cock glisten, twitch and ooze pre-cum. My breathing shallowed as I watched him stroke again, only a little faster than before and felt my undies getting wetter by the second. I couldn’t resist unclipping my skirt and teasing my pussy through my saturated undies as I watched Rob’s hand stroke his cock faster. I bit my lip, attempting to contain my moans and amazed gasp as I saw Rob’s cock erupt, spurting five ropes of cum into the air.

I expected the show to be over but Rob’s cock remained fully hard and twitching furiously. Once again, Rob licked his fingers and thumb before stroking his cock again. I believed that once a guy had cum, his cock would go limp but I was left in awe, seeing my disabled brother’s cock, spurt cum five times and he continued to wank. He was stroking up and down his saliva covered shaft, very slowly and deliberately, eyes closed, face contorted with pleasure.

My teenage body was on auto pilot. Without thinking, I pulled off my top and unclipped my bra and sank my left hand inside my undies, immediately teasing my clit. I’d already cum once but watching my naked brother stroking his cock was making my body demand more. It was getting harder and harder to contain my moans, having to bite my lip hard. I didn’t take my eyes off Rob’s hand on his cock as he began to stroke faster and with increasing desperation. My pussy throbbed as I teased faster, until my body tensed, just as I saw Rob’s cock erupting once more. I was shocked to see my juices oozing through the fabric of my undies. My orgasm was so intense, legs shaking. Watching as my brother’s cock shot seven ropes of cum into the air.

Still with my eyes fixed on my naked brother, I watched him roll onto his knees, with his cock still hard and then, facing away from me, he lay down on his front with his legs spread slightly.

“Oh god, let me fuck you, Jo!”

Did I just hear that right, I questioned in my mind as I continued to watch my naked brother? Slowly, he started to grind his cock against the bed. Hearing him say what he did, it was impossible not to imagine him on top of me, fucking. With those vivid thoughts in my head, encouraged by the sight of his luscious arse moving up and down rhythmically, my pussy throbbed causing me to orgasm for a third time. I could easily imagine being under his body with my legs open and wrapped around him and at that moment I’d decided to give my virginity to him.

Rob continued to hump the bed, steadily increasing speed, building up to his third orgasm in just over an hour. I was so glad I’d come home early but wondered how long my brother’s cock could stay hard and how many times could he cum.  Even though I was wearing undies, when I looked down at the wooden floor between my legs, there was a puddle from where I’d cum. Rob was breathing hard as he began to pound his body against the bed, moaning my name periodically. Suddenly, he started to thrust hard, grunt and moan, “Oh god, yes, Jo,” as he started to cum.

I watched as Rob emptied his cum onto the bed, before I picked up my discarded clothes. I waited for a few seconds, until I saw my brother lying exhausted on the bed, before I crept towards the front door. I put my top on, before turning to open the front door and close it after a few seconds.

“Hi Rob, I’m, home early.”

As I’d always do, coming in using the front door, I put my trainers into the shoe rack by the door, along with my school shoes, which I took from my rucksack and walked across the lobby to the laundry room. Trying to act normally, I placed my school clothes in the washing machine, along with my sports skirt, bra, socks and top, leaving me standing in my undies. Before I could pull them off, Rob appeared in the doorway, standing in just his pyjama trousers. Although he was used to seeing me naked, I saw him looking down at my undies, which were so wet they’d turned transparent, allowing Rob to see my pubes and swollen pussy lips. I smiled as I turned around, peeling my saturated undies off my hips, down my legs and as I bent down, lifted each foot, before casually tossing my undies into the washing machine.

“You decided not to get dressed today. What have you been up to?” I quizzed mischievously.

Not waiting for his reply, I picked up a swimming costume and towel for my swim later, before skipping past my brother, aware that he was watching my every move. I couldn’t resist wiggling my arse as I stepped back into the lobby, moving towards my room with my school rucksack.

“Do you like my body. Am I sexy, Rob?”

“Jo, look in the mirror, you’re the sexiest girl I know.”

I felt a buzz of pride radiate through my body as I sat on my bed, hearing his words, my legs open, preparing to do my homework. Rob followed into my room, which was not unusual, sitting on the end of my bed talking to me as I wrote. Although none of our conversation was remotely sexual, my nipples were hard and sensitive and pussy dribbling steadily, meaning a puddle began to form on the duvet between my thighs.

Time passed quickly and I had to go swimming, leaving Rob alone. Once at the pool, I quickly focused on my swim, putting the events of the afternoon to the back of my mind but as soon as I’d arrived home, I began to wonder how I could seduce my brother a little further. Mom had picked me up from the pool and as we arrived home, we headed to our rooms to get changed for the rest of the evening. Within seconds I was naked and wondering what to wear to sit in the living room and watch television with my mom and brother. I selected, a black thong and a red half-length vest top, which barely covered the mounds of my breasts and put them on hurriedly.

Excited, I left my room, crossing the lobby to the living room. Rob, as ever was sprawled on the sofa, directly opposite from the television, focussed on the programme, still wearing his pyjama trousers but had added a polo shirt since I’d seen him earlier. Mom must have changed quickly because she too was in the living room, sat in a recliner chair to the right of the sofa, wearing only a dressing gown, which allowed a seductive view of her legs, most of her thighs and enough of her breasts to make me look twice.

“Oh my god Joanna, you’ll give your poor brother a heart attack dressed like that.”

“Don’t be daft, Mom, I spent an hour, sat on Jo’s bed this afternoon talking, with her totally naked and I’m still alive.”

“Look at you in your dressing gown, I can see as much of you as I can Jo. We are all comfortable being naked around each other, aren’t we?”

Of course, Rob was right, none of us would raise an eyebrow when one of us was nude, it was normal in our household. Maybe Mom had sensed my sexual energy and tension and had that in mind when she made her comment.

I looked at Rob and with a cheeky grin, quipped, “Let your little sister lie down.”

Rob moved his legs and I sat down, fluffed the cushions to my left and with a chuckle, lay down on my front, resting my feet on Rob’s lap.

“Make yourself comfortable, sis.”

Wiggling my toes, I tried to get Rob’s attention. It worked  – within a few minutes, I felt Rob begin to run his fingertips up and down my lower legs. For a guy with restricted use of his hands, the way he moved on my skin made my whole body tingle and my pussy wet. Without realising what I was doing, my thighs began clenching together and grinding my pussy against the sofa.

I felt I would orgasm, enjoying the sensations radiating through my body. My heart rate quickened as I felt Rob lift my left foot, kissing the tip of each toe one by one but as he began licking and then sucking each toe, my pussy erupted as I started to cum. Catching me off guard, I couldn’t contain a moan of pleasure. As he repeated his action on my right foot, once more I was caused to orgasm, making me moan louder. I heard my brother chuckle as he placed my feet back on his lap and resume teasing my lower legs with his fingertips.

My plan to seduce my brother into taking my virginity was far from thought through but lying on the sofa, body tingling and thong soaked, I was quietly pleased with myself. He had to be interested.

Time ticked by and it was soon time for bed, so I carefully pulled my feet off Rob’s lap, lifting to draw my knees under my body, pausing to allow my brother a view of my thong covered arse. I glanced down at the sofa, where I’d been lying and noticed a sizable wet patch from where my pussy had been. Getting to my feet, I moved towards Rob, leaning forward to kiss him tenderly on the lips, bidding him goodnight. Then, taking three steps to my left to do the same to Mom but as I leant forward, she reached out and pulled me. Losing my balance, I managed to place my knees either side of her legs, straddling her. She wrapped her arms around my torso, pulling me close, hugging me.

Mom whispered, “You’re a very naughty girl, teasing your brother. I hope your orgasms were good.”

To my surprise, Mom kissed my lips tenderly before running her tongue across them and sucking my bottom lip. Instinct took over, mouth opening, inviting her tongue onto mine to kiss passionately. Lost in the moment, it felt as though the kiss lasted for minutes but in reality, was only about thirty seconds, before I pulled away to say goodnight and Mom told me to sleep well.

As I left the room, I thought to myself that sleeping wasn’t going to happen until I masturbated for some time. Whilst I’d had four or five orgasms, I felt so sexually charged that I needed more satisfaction. Walking to the loo, I’d undressed before I’d got through the lobby, throwing my thong and top towards the washing machine. Before I’d finished in the loo, Mom and Rob had left the living room and were preparing to go to bed.

I tried to relax in bed and ignore my sexual urges. Twenty or thirty minutes had past and had been teasing my nipples a little when I heard moans coming from Mom’s room. Barely audible at first, then as a loud gasp, followed by moans and then an, “Oh yes, finger me!” That was it, like an irresistible force, the fingers of my left hand were drawn to my clit, teasing hard, fast and desperately. Within seconds, I too was moaning as my pussy throbbed hard. I’d little control of my urges, my back arching and body writhing out of control as I started to orgasm.

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Before my body had chance to recover, my mind went back to earlier in the day and seeing my brother nude and stroking his cock. My urge was to feel my pussy penetrated, without hesitation plunging two fingers between my lips. I groaned involuntarily as fingers thrust desperately into my pussy. Finding a rhythm, I was soon pumping my fingers in and out of my pussy, imagining they were Rob’s cock fucking me. As my imagination fuelled my desire, I felt my pussy squeezing my fingers with steadily building intensity. I thought to myself how good I felt, finger fucking my pussy and wondered how good sex with my brother might feel. With those thoughts circulating, my pussy contracted violently as I gasped and back arched. My body was held suspended, unable to breathe until my pussy relaxed and I started to cum.


Friday arrived and I woke with the smell of my previous night’s orgasms tantalising and teasing my senses. It was just another week day, Mom, Rob and myself waking around the same time. Without thinking, I got out of bed, still naked, went to the loo and then the kitchen to have breakfast. Mom followed me into the room, wearing her dressing gown.

“It’s so...

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Written by Joanna86
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