"How did you sleep?" she asked in a light but happy tone.
"Better than I have in a long time," I replied. I always slept better cuddled up with someone. Especially if it's your mother that you just had really hot sex with the night before.
"So did I. Your such a good teddy bear!"
"Thanks. I guess?"
"It's a good thing silly. It's mean your cuddly!" Her voice was playful. Similar to how someone would talk to a puppy.
"Oh, well that's good then." I gave her a few more kisses.
"Well I'm gonna go take a shower," she said after we stopped kissing, "wouldn't want to go to work smelling like sex would I?"
"No I don't think your boss would appreciate that very much," I said. I gave her one more peck on the lips before we untangled ourselves from each others arms. As she got up and crossed the room I couldn't help but just lay there and watch her. Mom's glossy brown hair still looked great even after just waking up. That slender body of hers and her 34 D breasts jiggling a little with each step was turning me on.
After grabbing some things out of a dresser she walked into the bathroom but left the door open. Hearing the shower turn on I got out of bed and stretched. My cock was standing erect from looking at her. I didn't have anything to do for the entire morning so I just stood there unsure of what to do with myself. I heard my mom step into the shower and that gave me an idea.
'We had just had sex the night before, but why not have a quickie right now? Better yet, I'll make it a surprise.' The more I thought about it the more I liked it. Creeping across the room, I peeked into the bathroom to see which way she was facing in the shower. Luckily for me and my plans, she was facing away from the door. Taking the opportunity, I sneaked in close to the shower and slipped in quietly.
To my surprise she didn't hear me step in. I guess she was too busy washing her hair to hear me. She was bent down with her back to me and that seemed like the perfect time to strike. I took my cock in one hand and positioned it just right. I then moved my other hand just to the side of her hips but not touching it.
When I saw she was done rinsing her hair I moved quickly before she could stand up. I grabbed her hip to hold it in place and thrust my penis deep inside her vagina as fast as I could. She let out a yelp of surprise and stood up with my cock still inside her.
"Honey, what are you doing?" she's asked in a shocked but sultry way.
"Sorry mom, I couldn't help myself. I thought you might like the surprise." I started sliding in and out of her.
"I love it but I have to go to work soon.... but oooh that feels good!"
"Don't worry mom, I'll be quick." With that I sped up and pulled her hips into me with each thrust.
"Oh yeah that feels amazing!" she cried out. Her breathing was starting to get heavier. The water made her body glisten. It was so hot I couldn't get enough of it. I reached up and fondled her tits and rubbed her clit with my other hand. I didn't want this to end but looking at the clock outside the shower I could see she only had a few minutes before she had to leave.
"Hurry honey, I need to go." I pumped her wetness even faster.
"Is this fast enough for you mom?"
"Oooh I love it baby. I need to go..oh my that feels good!" I fucked her for another minute before she said something I had hoped she wouldn't.
"This feel's so good but mommy needs to go. Could you finish up now please?"
"Okay mom." I reluctantly pulled out and stroked myself until I came all over her back.
"Sorry honey. I loved the surprise," she said with a smile after she stood and faced me," but I do still have time for a little of this though." She leaned in and we tongued while the water washed the semen off her back. After we were done tonguing she turned around and tilted her butt up towards me.
"Is it all gone?" she asked while looking back at me. I paused before answering. Not wanting to stop looking at her perfectly round cheeks, I finally answered.
"Never looked better!"
"Thanks. Well I gotta run. Love you!" One more peck on the lips and she speedily climbed out of the shower, got dressed in her attractive work outfit and then left. I stood there alone in the shower, contemplating everything.
Mom had just called me honey three times. She'd never called me that before. Also that smile she had after we woke up. The look in her eyes when she looks at me. The more I thought about it the more it seemed to make sense.... my mother is falling in love with me.
Eight hours later I sat on the front room couch still thinking about everything. Ever since our shower, my thoughts were completely overtaken. Does my mother love me? Of course that's a stupid question, because every mother loves her son. But I mean romantically. Like the feelings a boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife have for each other... would that be even possible for a mother and son. I had never heard of something like that happening before.
The biggest question, if it were really true that she felt that way about me, do I feel that way about her? I honestly didn't know how to answer that to myself. It's such a taboo topic that I was afraid to even answer it at all. We have sex with each other all the time, but this somehow felt different.
Hearing the front door unlock, my thoughts were interrupted. I instantly started feeling nervous. What would I say? What would I do? Why was I so nervous now? Everything had felt completely natural until today.
"I'm home!" mom called out before she noticed me on the couch,"Oh your right there.

"Hey you," she said flirtatiously while sitting down on my lap.
"Hey yourself."
"I missed you." She wrapped her arms around my neck.
After kissing me for a good fifteen seconds she casually asked, "So what did you do today?"
"Oh nothing, just some stuff around the house," I half lied. I had done nothing but think about her all day so I accomplished very little while she was gone.
"Okay. Well I'm sorry I had to run off in a hurry this morning."
"No don't worry about it. I understand."
"Anyways, we can finish now if you like."
"That's sounds good. But first I wanted to talk to you about something."
Taken a bit by surprise she replied, "Oh, okay sure. What do you want to talk about?"
Looking at her breasts and bare legs I was getting turned on more by the minute.
"Ummmm... never mind. It's nothing. It can wait."
"You sure?"
"Positive," I said as wrapped one arm around her shoulders and began fondling her boobs through her bra with my other hand. She moaned in pleasure. Our lips locked and our tongues danced and rubbed on one another as they had become so accustomed to doing.
My mother then grabbed my hand fondling her tits and moved it down between her legs. I slid my hand down her panties and fingered her wet vagina. Her moans became ever louder in response.
With my nervousness completely gone now I said,"What do you say we go finish our shower?"
"That sounds wonderful," she said as she exhaled in pleasure from my fingers sliding in and out of her pussy.
I retrieved my hand from her wet vagina and picked her up in my arms similar to a newly wed couple. She giggled in surprise. I then proceeded to carry her down the hallway, into the bedroom and back into the bathroom. After I set her down she turned the water on and set it to fill up like a bath. While waiting for it to fill up we embraced each other and let our tongues continue their dance. I think I saw her leg pop. After the tub was filled and our clothes removed, we climbed in together.
"You ready for this?" I asked playfully.
"I've been ready for it all day!"
While still standing I reached around her waist, grabbed her butt cheeks and pulled her into me. Reaching lower with one hand I lifted her left leg and placed it on the side of the tub. With her legs spread open I pushed my hard cock into her wet vagina. Rhythmically moving my hips in an upward motion I went deep and slow inside her. Her moans were soft and light.
"Oooh yeaahh. Fuck mommy like that," she said lightly in my ear. Mom's breathing was beginning to match my pace She would gasp every time I slid deeper.
I was getting tired of standing and mom seemed to feel the same way too. I slid down on my back with my head still out of the water. My mom followed me down and straddled my hips. The water made my cock a little less hard but her pussy slipped onto it even easier. Holding her body close to mine in a loving embrace, I thrust upward into her. It felt so different being in her vagina with water in it also.
Pushing in and out I was really enjoying this. The warm water made it a new experience. As I pounded my mom, my mind started to ponder the moment. 'I was having sex with my mom. How many guys actually get to do that, especially with one as young and beautiful as mine?' Our arms were intertwined and we were both sharing this moment together. Nothing else in the world mattered except each other.
Before I knew it I was cumming. I didn't have time to pull out so her pussy was filled with water and sperm.
"Sorry about that," I apologized.
"No, it feels good," she said as she tongue kissed me lovingly.
The feel of her lips on mine felt amazing. Not only was it physically pleasing, but there was emotion behind it. It was more of love than lust.
After our lips unlocked turned her back to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her stomach. We just sat there together in silence feeling each others breathing. It was peaceful, relaxing.
I don't know how long we were in there. I don't really care. I was just glad to be with her. And it seemed like a good a time as any to tell her.
"I love you mom."
"I love you too."
"I don't mean like that. I mean-"
"Shhh..." my mom cut me off, putting a finger to my lips,"I know what you mean. And I said... I love you too."
She moved her hand from my lips to my jaw, gently holding it in place as she kissed me with only her lips. The kind of kiss that only some one who loves you would give.
With that every ounce of nervousness I had before was gone. Every question I had was answered. All I knew now was happiness. I could tell she felt the same way. We didn't know what else do know now, so we just sat there and enjoyed each others embrace. I don't know how long we sat there but the water was starting to get cold.
"You want to head off to bed," my mom finally broke the silence.
"Sure, it's starting to get cold in here anyways."
We both got out, dried ourselves off and put on pajamas. Lingerie for her, only pajama bottoms for me. We then climbed in together and cuddled under the covers. As we lay there in bed together, neither of us were falling asleep. I could tell she was thinking about what was just said as much as I was.
"So what do we do now?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean now that we know how we feel about each other. Are things going to change between us?"
"I don't know. I guess we'll figure it out as we go along." We just lay in silence for a little longer after that.
"Well I'm not sleepy at all," I said,"are you?"
"I'm not either." she said. Then with a lusty smile she asked, "You want to go for round 3?"