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Mom Only Seems Clueless

"Dad and Daughter Play right under Mom's Nose"

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Author's Notes

"Hey, readers! This one’s a bit shorter than my last few offerings, and folks get naked a little faster. Hope you guys like it. There’s nothing crazy here, just another good-old-fashioned Father/Daughter love story. As always, none of the individuals in the story are real, and all persons engaging in sexual activity are over the age of 18. If you like it, please take a moment to vote and comment. *** Just a quick little Father Daughter Love Story. With Sex."

Alex and her father had always been close. As a little girl, if there was a bad dream, she ran to Daddy. Thunderstorm? Daddy. Hurt herself? Daddy. As she got older, hurt feelings? Daddy. Heartbreak? Daddy. She got along just fine with her mom. They had a great relationship. But even mom knew that she and her father had something special. As she got older and increasingly flirty, she thought her mom would object and put a stop to it. Surprisingly, her mother seemed to encourage it.

“A girl needs her mother,’ Tiffany would say to her daughter, “but to grow up into a truly complete woman, she also needs her father.”

Alex was sure her mom didn’t mean ‘Need your father’ in quite the same way, but no matter. She was Daddy’s girl and she was going to enjoy it for as long as she could. She really stepped up her efforts after her eighteenth birthday, but even then, he just wouldn’t take the bait. To make matters worse, her mom didn’t seem to mind her behavior at all. Rick would let her sit in his lap, but he kept his hands to himself, while in the recliner right next to them, her mom seemed to pretend that there was nothing at all unusual going on.

Until the beach.

An undeniable fact of Florida winter is that a warm snap can happen at any time, even a few days before Christmas.  On Christmas Eve, the temperature was expected to climb to the low nineties, with a low in the upper sixties. Insane temperature swing anywhere else, but absolutely par for the course in Florida.

When Tiffany heard the forecast, she said, “We should go to the beach!”

“The beach?!” replied Rick. “Babe, it’s the middle of December! It’s freezing!”

“I know it is now,” she answered, “but on Tuesday, we’re getting one day of summer. Think about it…  it’s the middle of Christmas, middle of the winter, middle of the week. We’ll have the whole beach to ourselves. It’ll be great!” she gushed.

“Yeah!” Alex chimed in. “I barely got to go to the beach at all last summer.” She held her arms out wide, showing herself off. “And why have a body like this if you’re not gonna show it off?” She smiled and nodded knowingly at her dad.

“The girl’s got a point,” mom agreed. “Just look at her! She’s gorgeous! Hell, we’re both gorgeous! So take us out and show us off!”

“Yeah, Daddy! Show us off!” shouted Alex. She and her mother collapsed into a fit of giggles, chanting, “Show us off! Show us off! Show us off!”

Rick raised his hands in surrender, saying, “I guess we’re spending Christmas Eve at the beach!”

“Yaay!” shouted mother and daughter. Mom grabbed Alex’s arm, saying, “We have to go!”

“Where?” asked the girl.

“We only have a couple of days... we need new bathing suits!”

“Excellent!” Alex declared as they both left suddenly, leaving dad to wonder what the hell was going on. His twenty-year-old daughter was coming on to him more and more outrageously, and more and more blatantly, right in front of Tiffany, who seemed totally oblivious, if not outright complicit. What the hell?!


Tuesday morning dawned bright, beautiful, and cold. As Rick came back into the house from putting the garbage can out by the curb, he saw Tiffany in the kitchen starting the coffee.

“I'm not so sure about the beach today, Tiff,” he said. “It’s cold as fuck out there!”

“Don't worry about it,” she said. “I promise you, it's gonna get nice and hot today, and you'll be glad we're at the beach. What time do you wanna leave?”

“I don't know,” he replied. “As soon as the temperature hits eighty-five, I guess.”

They both chuckled and she handed him his cup and left to take her shower. “We’ll see…” she said airily as she left.

Rick loved that first cup of coffee in the morning, so naturally, so did Alex. They’d enjoyed their first coffee together for years. Most days, Tiffany left them to it. He sat at the counter enjoying the brew and, in minutes, Alex walked in sleepily. She poured herself a cup and came over to her father and kissed him good morning right on the corner of his mouth. The kiss looked mostly innocent, but it felt anything but.

She kissed him softly and gently, her lips pressing together as they touched his skin, and she sucked at him ever so gently, and held the kiss against him for several seconds before letting go and whispering, “Good morning, Daddy.”

Then, rather than walk away, she just leaned against him, letting her weight rest against him as they sipped their coffee.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” he answered softly, his heart beating in his ears. He certainly didn’t hate what was going on, but it was sure scaring the hell out of him.

By noon, it was eighty-eight degrees, and the family got in Rick’s convertible and headed to the beach. Once they got their chairs and towels situated, Tiffany and Alex stood in front of Rick and unwrapped themselves, pulling the thin beach cover-ups from their shoulders. Rick nearly passed out.

Tiffany was his wife of twenty-four years and he was used to seeing her looking incredibly sexy. Her two-piece bikini was little more than three little blue triangles held together with floss. Against her creamy white skin, which had long shed its rich summery hue, the dark blue looked amazing. While wearing that suit, other than the deepest folds of her vulva, not one of her delectable curves were left to the imagination. But if her swimsuit was hot, what Alex wore was positively thermonuclear.

Hers was a one-piece, but was somehow more daring than her mother’s. It was burnt orange, with a high French cut bottom that offered minimal coverage up front and practically none in the back. A band rose up from the side of the panty and crisscrossed her chest, covering her nipples and circling her neck. The front panty was cut narrow and high at the bottom and low at the top so that, unless the wearer was perfectly bare, some curls would peek through. His baby girl was not perfectly bare, he could see. The sight of female pubes peeking around the corner or over the top of a sexy pair of panties always drove him crazy, and on his own daughter, the effect was tenfold.

The two women adjusted themselves and lay down in the sun. “Honey, I don’t want to burn. Could you put some sunscreen on me?” Tiffany asked sweetly. He looked around at the deserted beach. Their nearest neighbor was half a football field away. Rick squeezed a healthy dollop into his hand and let it warm for a moment, and then went to work spreading the fragrant lotion onto his wife’s smooth, soft skin. He massaged it deeply into her skin, covering every inch of her legs, back, and firm round ass.

“Me, too!” said Alex wiggling to get comfortable on the towel. “Do my back, Daddy!” she chirped happily.

Rick looked at her laying there nearly naked on the sand, frowned skeptically, and said, “I don’t know, pumpkin. Maybe it would be better if your mom did that.”

“Rick! You’re gonna give the poor girl a complex!” Tiffany admonished him.

“Complex? I think she already had one of those,” he answered.

“No!” she insisted. “You’re going to make her think she's so hideous that you can’t bear to touch her. Is that what you want?”

Alex immediately took the hint. “Yeah, dad… am I that ugly that you don’t even want to touch me?”

“No, baby girl,”  he comforted her. “You are the most beautiful girl in the world. But I’m your father, and—”

“Then stop being silly,” said Tiffany, “and put some sunscreen on your daughter. I’m gonna go see what the water’s like.” She headed to the water.

Alex wriggled expectantly. “Go ahead, daddy!”

He regarded her. “You’re gonna have some crazy tan lines with this suit,” he warned.

She looked down at the crisscross design. “Ooh, you’re right. I didn’t think about that. She pulled the band over her head and her suddenly unencumbered breasts sprung into the view of her shocked father.

“Alex!!” he yelled.

She quickly laid down on her stomach, effectively hiding her bosom. “What?” she replied. Tiffany turned to see why her husband yelled, just in time to see Alex laying down, effectively topless. She turned and kept heading toward the water.

He gazed at the sensual vision before him, practically naked save for her indecently skimpy swimsuit bottom riding so low on her curvy hips. He glanced around guiltily, looking for any who might bear witness to the lecherous thoughts flooding his mind. He picked up the bottle of sunscreen, squeezed another healthy dollop into his hand, and got to work.

Rickett had certainly touched his daughter before, but never sexually. But now, outside of the veneer of the acceptable, he could really feel her skin. Angelically smooth, impossibly soft, he felt like he was touching the personification of sex itself. He spread the lotion in broad strokes across the center of her back. Then, starting with the baby fine hairs at the nape of her neck, he began to massage the lotion into her skin. Down her neck; across her shoulders; to the fingertips of each arm. He returned to her back and massaged her, kneading the lotion into her skin. Not too hard, but firmly.

She responded to his touch with a deeply satisfying moan.

As he worked lower, he found himself coming to the very top of the bikini bottom. He decided to go down to her ankles and work his way back up. Up her smooth, soft, silky, sexy legs; up to the backs of her knees. Up her thighs. Her thighs, which parted on their own, invited easier access.

He grabbed more lotion, and spread it on the backs of her thighs and worked around to the inside and outside of her legs. As his hand moved up the backs of her legs, he knew a choice was going to have to be made. He’d already made it. As he came up to her firm round butt, he allowed his fingers to slip under the bottom of her swimwear, taking her firm globes in his hand and squeezing and kneading them shamelessly. Her legs spread even further, and her back arched up, inviting him to touch her even more deeply.

He took the invitation and dared to slip his fingers directly onto his daughter’s dripping sex, even allowing the tip of one of his fingers to slip just inside her tight young slit.

She moaned out loud, “Daddy…”

By this time, she was moving freely, her hips undulating under his ministrations. He slipped the tips of first one, then two fingers inside her. Now he was openly finger fucking her, and she was responding enthusiastically. Slipping one finger forward, he circled her clit.

As soon as that happened, she exploded in orgasm flooding his hand and crying out loud… “Daddy!”

As her orgasm peaked and crested, he felt her pulsing under his touch. Once she came down, she pushed her legs together squeezing his hands between them. He took his hand out of her panties, and holding eye contact with her, he licked her delicious honey from his hand. They both knew there was no coming back.

“Whenever you wanna turn over, pumpkin,” he said, “I’ll do your front.”

“All of it?” she asked.

He nodded, while licking the last of her syrup from her his fingers. He adjusted her bathing suit, smoothing it out over her taut cheeks. The Lycra material of the bathing suit didn’t show her moisture. She looked peaceful and unmolested.

Just then, Tiffany ran briskly back to them rubbing her arms and shivering.

“That water’s fucking freezing!” she exclaimed. “Hold me! Hold me!!”

Rick had thoughtfully brought a couple of very large towels just for this eventuality. It had been laying in the sun so it was nice and warm. He opened one up and she walked into his arms and he wrapped the towel around her. She sighed contentedly as she snuggled into her husband’s embrace.

“What the hell was I thinking?” she asked.

He answered smoothly, “Just lay here in the sun with us, and you’ll feel better in a minute.”

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, with them lazing in the sun, chatting, and laughing together as a family.

Later that night, Rick was sitting on the back patio, smoking a joint, and enjoying the last embraces of the unseasonably warm weather. The warm temperatures that had appeared so suddenly were leaving just as quickly. It was already getting cooler.

Alex came out and said, “Hey dad. Would you like some company?”

“Absolutely,” he said. “Where is your mom?”

“Taking a long hot bath,” she answered. “You know how a day at the beach saps the life out of her and leaves her really relaxed.”

She sat next to him, and said, “Can I have a hit?”

Without a thought, he handed the joint to his daughter who inhaled deeply.

He scoffed, and said, “I’m really making some unfatherly decisions lately.”

“You certainly did today,” she chuckled.

Rick looked guilty. “Baby, I’m so sorry about that. I lost control. I should have never touched you like that.”

Alex gasped, “Dad, no!” She turned to face him and grabbed his shoulders and made him face her. “Don’t you dare feel bad about anything we did today! Everything that happened today, I wanted to happen. I can’t believe you finally put your hands on me! And I can’t wait for you to put them on me again, and more. And in me,” she added, licking her lips.

“Baby, are you sure?”

“More than sure,” she assured him.

“But your mother—”

“Either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. If she didn’t like what we were doing all she would have to do is say so. And so far, she hasn’t said a word. So until that happens, I’m gonna get everything I can with you. Because daddy, I want it all.”

Rick took the joint and took a long day as he considered this new reality. One that included him and his daughter as lovers. Alex waited for him to speak. Finally he pulled her close and kissed her. His mouth consumed hers, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. She responded enthusiastically, her tongue parrying against his; her lips wide open to accept as much of him as she could. He pulled back to gaze upon her angelic face.

“She better hurry up and put a stop to it, because pretty soon I won’t be able to stop. I won’t be able to give you up,” he declared, searching her face for the depths of emotion he felt.

She returned his gaze. “That’s the best news I’ve ever heard,” she said. “Because you, this, is all I ever wanted.” And she kissed him again, and again their kisses were wild, hungry, almost feral, trying to devour each other. Rick loved his wife and their sex life was satisfying, but no one had ever kissed him like this. Her tongue danced in his mouth as if it had a life of its own. She broke away.

She abruptly stood up and offered him her hand. “It's getting cold out here. Let’s go inside and watch a movie.”

“A movie? Now?” he asked, unable to think clearly because his hard cock was calling all the shots right now.

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She held eye contact for a few seconds and finally answered mischievously, “Sure.”

Rich hopped out of the chair and took her hand as they went into the house. She pushed him in the direction of the family room, toward the big leather sofa that was so, so comfortable. Alex tore off her clothes and threw them unceremoniously at the floor. Taking the hint, Rick ripped his clothes off as well she pushed him back down onto the sofa. She immediately straddled him facing him, and they resumed their torrid kissing.

Rick finally left her intoxicating lips and began to kiss further south. Alex raised up on her knees so her firm little B-cups with their pebble-hard tips were right in his face. Back and forth, he suckled her nipples, pulling on them with his mouth, imagining what her milk might taste like. The pressure of his suction turned her soft pink buds a darker reddish brown. She felt his teeth nipping at her flesh, marking her. It hurt a little but it hurt so good. After several minutes spent worshipping her soft, delicious tits, Rick again sought out more southern places to eat. He lifted her up and kissed her flat, hard tummy, and finally laid her on her back on the sofa.

As he took his place with his face between her wide-spread thighs, he took a moment to appreciate this first, unobstructed view of his daughter's most forbidden place. Her pussy lips were thick and soft. This was no little girl’s doll-like slit. This was the body of a woman. Her soft pubes matched her long brown hair and were clearly untrimmed… Just the way he liked it. Her lips were fully engorged with blood, so much so that they had a dark purple appearance. She was fully lubricated, her nectar visibly dripping down her tight winking butthole. To Rick, she was heartbreakingly beautiful. And he could both see and smell how aroused she was… how ready she was for him to take her.

He couldn't wait another second to taste her. He loved looking at her, and now he would drink from her. His mouth attacked her opening vigorously, his tongue dipping as deep inside her as he could possibly reach. He heard her moan out loud, “Daddy … ohh, Daddy … Daddy!”

 Using his fingers he pulled her lips apart and attacked the syrupy furrow between. He swallowed her honey as fast as she could make it, and she was making it plenty fast. Using his lips on her clit, he attacked it the same way he attacked her nipples a few minutes before. The effect was immediate, and she started moaning and crying out loud and thrashing underneath him. He reached behind her...

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Written by WyndsofChange
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