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Mom, Me and Our Adventures with Spunk: Part 5

"A Mom. Her Son. And a whole lot of sperm."

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Author's Notes

"Read parts 1-4 first!"

Seriously, the problem with obsessions is you can easily become obsessed by them. One minute you think you're finally beginning to get a hang of things, then suddenly something comes along and you find yourself with your dick hanging out and fapping in the wind.  BAM. Just like that. The weird shit that you're not supposed to think about suddenly becomes the new normal which you find is way better than the old normal.

Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life. Whatever I do. Wherever I go. It's all I think about. Are we going to fuck, suck, lick or fondle each other when she gets home from work and me from College? Where are we going to do it? On my bed? Her bed? In the shower? In the kitchen? On top of the washer dryer set to spin? Fuck, I'd even do it in the back seat of our car in the middle of the local Walmart parking lot. Like I said. Obsession. Anytime. Anywhere. So long as my dick is in her pussy and we're making that old sweet love juice together I'm one happy camper.

It's all about the shared experience between you and the person you're fucking or being fucked by. I soon discovered that Mom was an expert in such matters and knew exactly what to say at exactly the right moment.

"But sweetie," complained Mom, "What about the MEATLOAF?!"

The what? Meatloaf? Screw the meatloaf. The damned meatloaf could go swing for all I cared. Right now there were far more important things to take care of than the fucking meatloaf.  

Mom was still wearing her orange oven mitts as I deftly maneuvered her out of the kitchen towards the sitting room where I intended to have my wicked way with her despite her feeble protestations. Determined, I bent her over the left-hand arm of the sofa so that her blue tartan skirted ass was higher than her head as she twisted around to see what I was up to. "Sorry, Mom," I grunted as I tugged frantically at my zipper with one hand as I impatiently yanked up her skirt with the other, "Got to stick my dick up you asap or my nuts will explode. I've been going crazy thinking about that pussy of yours all day in College!"

There is a time and place for everything and that time and place was right here right now as I impatiently wriggled out of my jeans with my underwear following in swift order. Free at last, my long schlong bounced and bobbed this way and that like some sort of penile Jack in the Box as I shuffled forward and crouched behind my Mothers ass. Slipping my thumbs into the waistband of her snug fit white panties, I tugged them down and off so that I could push her thighs further apart as I drooled at the sight of her waiting split peach with its cute blonde quiff. Christ on a bike. Will you just look at the fanny on that. The way my libido was cranking through the gears, I'd be lucky to last five fucking minutes going at that thing.

Mom brushed her blonde hair out of her eyes as she saw my magic wand rising menacingly over her wriggling backside. "But not when I'm cooking dinner, sweetie," she sighed, glancing between my purple face and my elongated purple headed pussy plunger, "Seriously, this is getting a little ridiculous. You've been all over me for two whole days now!"

Come on. Get real. She was the one who said she would take care of my not so little problem. She must have known how I was going to react when she said I could have sex with her. We're talking full house bingo here, people. Once she had decided to open her legs for me then all bets were off. So don't blame me, Mother of mine. Blame this juicy pussy of yours that's been on my horny little mind non-stop for all of those forty odd plus hours. 

Realizing that I was way beyond talking any sense to, Mom reached back with her oven mitts and pulled her firm buttcheeks apart revealing even more of her saucy secrets to my rapt lusty gaze, "Got a serious case of blue balls, Mom," I gasped, "Really need to pump some of this spunk deep inside that pussy of yours." That was the understatement of all fucking time.

Twitching, my hips automatically jerked forward so that my rock hard boner slid into the dark valley between her quivering ass cheeks so that the length of it rubbed suggestively along the divide lightly kissing the rosebud of her crinkly brown asshole that had already become THE obsession amongst many for me. Feeling me reaming her ass crack, Mom turned her head and looked over her shoulder with a knowing look in her eyes.

"Another time maybe," she murmured as she raised her hips so that the head of my penis slipped back into the halo of her now sopping sex, "This is all for medicinal purposes remember," she reminded me, "Just make sure you stir the pot real good before you blow your load inside me."

For medicinal purposes. To help ease my ball ache. Sure. Okay. Whatever. But that was one "another time maybe" raincheck I was definitely going to hold her to. The very idea of shoving my eight-plus inch cock into her tight mommy ass had me literally drooling with anticipation due to my over-active imagination. Ass fucking was the Holy Grail of my sexual iD.

But that would be another adventure for another day. Producing testosterone to burn, I pressed myself between her spread thighs and pushed the head a couple of inches inside my Mother who reacted with a sharp intake of breath as she wriggled her crotch enticingly making my invading member sink deeper into her pussy. "Ah!" she gasped as my meat slid slowly further up her tight passage, "Oo, Henry. Do me, sweetie," she urged as she drummed her feet on the carpet, "Screw me with that nice big monster cock of yours!"

Mom always did have a way with words. Gripping her fleshy hips, I eased back so that my length slipped out of her all slick with our combined juices just like the Doctor had ordered. What had she said again? Think of it as a natural salve. Seminal and vaginal fluids mixing to produce a special kind of lubrication that would help ease the ache in my walnuts where it mattered. Even now, with my penis jammed up my own Mother's snatch, it still sounded the biggest load of bullshit I'd ever heard. But, hey, what the fuck did I know? Who the hell was I to question what Doctor Meadows had said? Everything sort of got real strange real quick. Especially the way Mom reacted to the suggestion that she could be the one to provide the solution. A kind of sexual substitute as it were.

"But, Mrs. Peterson," Doctor Meadows had said earnestly, "You just told me Henry doesn't have a girlfriend and who else is going to help him with his aching testicles?"

Honestly, I had expected my Mother to go ballistic and give the woman a piece of her mind for suggesting such a disgusting and outrageous thing before storming out and dragging me with her. Where the hell had that come from? Let her own Son have sex with her? But Mom didn't. She just kind of sat there staring at the Doctor for a long time before she calmly stood up and turned to me as I sat there wondering if this was real life or the ultimate Rick Roll.

"Come, Henry," she said quietly, "I think we should be heading home now."

And that was it. Like I said. Weird. Like she was in some sort of emotional daze that only cleared when we were back in the car and nearly home. I thought that would be the end of it and something never to be mentioned again. But I was wrong. The best kind of wrong as it turned out.

"Hmmm," sighed Mom, bringing me back to the present as I pushed my glistening cock back inside her hot hole, "That feels so nice, dear."

My heart was hammering so loudly inside my head that I barely heard what she said as the familiar sexual urges and convulsions began to consume me as my whole muse changed from rational to irrational as I fucked her well-stuffed pussy harder and faster so that I could  fill her full of my boiling seed before we burned the fucking meatloaf.

Mom was right. These past two days had been something else. As she said, I had literally been all over her like a rash as the very thought of fucking her fired up my sexuality to even greater heights than it had reached before. Fuelled by the late arrival of puberty, I was ready to fuck my Mother any chance I got and it appeared she was more than willing to meet the challenge of satisfying my ballooning libido and then some. Heck, she even seemed to be enjoying it which was so unexpectedly batshit crazy to me.

But I was in too deep to question her motives at all. Whatever her reasons for allowing me to have sex with her, they would all come out when she was ready for them to. Sometimes, maybe, the smart thing is to not say or do anything at all. Just go with the flow and enjoy the moment no matter how long it lasts. But, holy shit, these past two days had been a fucking blast and then some.


The early morning of the first Day.

"Rules," said Mom firmly as she stood in front of me waggling a finger under my nose. My Mother had this way of making me feel like I was forever ten years old.

"Rules," I repeated solemnly. Rules. Rules. Rules. Only my Mother could make having sex sound like a military exercise. After a night of tossing and turning, it was early. The day was just beginning and we were in my bedroom with me standing there yawning in my blue striped boxers with Mom already dressed for work as she read me the riot act. I furrowed my brow in dozey concentration as we both tried to ignore my already comically stiff erection tenting my underwear between us.

"Rule number one. No sex first thing if I'm in a rush," she began, "Work comes before play. Understand?"

I yawned again. Yeah. I nodded. Bummer.

Mom gave me serious side-eye as she unbuttoned her cuffs and rolled up both sleeves of her yellow blouse. "In which case, we can do one of two things," she continued, "I can either relieve you by hand or I can perform oral sex on you."

"Uh," I mumbled as I pretended to give each option some thoughtful consideration. Was she serious? That would be like choosing between famine or feast. No fucking contest. As far as I was concerned, Mom could lick my dick and kiss my balls until the cows come home. But I didn't want her to think I was so obviously pathetic or anything, "Gee, I'm not sure. Whatever you do is fine by me, Mom." 

"So you want me to blow you?"


"Why is that not a surprise," said Mom dryly as she took a sip of water from the bottle she was carrying, "Another thing, Henry. Be careful when you put your thing in my mouth. No trying to shove it down my throat," Seeing my initial confusion, Mom put her hands on her hips, "Despite what they say in those magazines of yours," she warned me, "Not all women can swallow a large penis no matter how hard they try."

Oh. Okay. I stood there and gave her the double thumbs up. Now there's a thing. Best not say anything. Just nod like you're listening and taking in what she's telling you.  But I needed to be sure about something. "Uh, Mom. About where I.."

Mom was already on the next page. The woman could read me like a book. "You can do it in my mouth, dear. I don't mind." She indicated what she was wearing. "These are my work clothes remember. I don't want you covering them with your sperm. Make sure you don't take it out until I've sucked every last drop from your balls. Got that?"

Hell, YEAH. Got that very muchly, Mom. My dick probably stretched another inch at the thought of blowing a load down her throat. With a final "Alright then," my Mother got down in front of me, slipped her warm hand inside the opening of my boxers, and tugged out my already stiff cock which was weeping and throbbing with anticipation. I saw her eyes widen as she gripped my rubbery penis before twisting it this way and that as she examined it closely.  

Holding me still, she eased her hand down the shaft making the bloated head pop out from under its cowl as she knelt closer and gave the purple crown a good licking with her magical tongue that had me jiggling excitedly on the spot. I could hear the sound of her breathing change the more she massaged my straining dick as she pushed my length back against my stomach and ran her tongue up the underside of my aching member. Uh, geez. Can't begin to describe how fucking good that felt. Feeling me starting to sway, Mom quickly yanked my underwear down and grabbed me by the ass cheeks to keep me still as she continued to tease my balls and boner.

This was fuckin' A. I stood there, eyes closed with a big silly grin on my face as I listened to the sounds of her sucking and feeling the amazing sensations that came from her efforts. Mom sure did know her way around a rock hard cock and I knew I was being serviced by a master cock sucker as she finally popped my purple dome into her willing mouth and began to bob her blonde head up and down.

"Mom," I mumbled happily, "That feels great."

And it was. There is just something so fucking different feeling her lips tighten around my shaft as she takes more of my meat into her mouth. Especially when she bottoms out and then draws slowly back whilst sucking as hard as she can at the same time. Kind of like being turned inside out as my senses bounce around in a kind of kinky vacuum. Every now and then, Mom would let me pop out of her mouth so she could draw breath and give my over-eager lollipop another good going over with her tongue. Heck, Mom. Don't stop that now. I'm having such a good time. I'm having a ball.

Mom glanced up at me as she tickled my urinary meatus and jiggled my churning testicles in their wrinkly sack. "I know it does," she said with a smile, "Your Father used to love me doing it for him."

Ah, the old man. Stupid Dad. Why the hell did he disappear like that? Why would you not want any more blow jobs from someone who was obviously so dammed good at it like Mom? Come to think of it, Mom had never really explained what had happened between them. I guess it was just one of those things parents didn't want their kids to know about as they drifted apart. And here I was taking his place. Which was kind of insane when you think about it.

A surge of pleasure suddenly ran through me and I reached down to grab Mom by the hair to keep me from floating away on one of those early morning sunbeams that flickered through the blinds. At this rate, I was only going to last a couple of minutes more as Mom continued to blow me like a pro.

"Nearly there, dear?" she asked breathlessly as she ran her right hand up and down my penis to keep the erotic buzz at maximum thrust. Once her hand reached under the head, she squeezed me harder making the mushroom expand even more leaving her more of me to lick, nibble and suck. I was in heaven. Just sailing serenely in a sea of fuzzy delight as she pressed her lips over me again and sucked real hard. I guess her eyes were not so much on the cock but the clock which made me smile.

Eyes still firmly shut, I just grunted as an overwhelming urge to both pee and cum at the same time washed over me. "Uh huh."

But I really didn't need to tell her that I was about to ejaculate. She knew the tell-tale signs. Tightening ball sack. Blinking pee hole. Copius streams of pre-cum oozing out over her hand and tongue. The growing urgency of my hips jerking forward and back as I began to fuck her flushed face harder and faster as my libido opened up and let loose.

The thing with my spunk, I discovered, is that the first two or three initial bursts I ejaculate are really thick and creamy. Like yogurt fresh from the fridge. Mom had noticed it too because she had to quickly swallow that first volley down to make room for the next, then the next, and so on until my spend became nothing more than an oozing dribble as she made sure to get every last drop into her mouth so she could swallow it all down.

"Ow!" I mumbled as she gripped my ass tighter and dug her nails into my fleshy backside with me jerking around like an epileptic kangaroo as I fired my bolt. Mom was snorting through her nose as she sucked my dick as hard as she could. Finally, I was done and I did my usual woozy "Thanks, Mom" and collapsed back onto my bed feeling as if this was peak gonzo.

Mom sat back gasping and licking her...

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Written by Ian56UK
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