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Milfy Battle Ch. 2

"Mom and aunt compete over young Ben"

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As soon as his aunt, Laura left, Ben's mom made him sit on the couch to give the promised massage on the shoulder she had accidentally injured working him out.

After retrieving massage oil from her room, she emerged from the hall to the right to see him in only boxers. “This isn’t a strip club, Ben.”

“I figured you could give me a full massage.”

“I’m not in the mood right now, and wrestling is coming on soon.” Marie walked over to stand a few feet away. “I’ll give you one tomorrow or something.”

“Ow, my shoulder! The pain! The excruciating pain!” He suddenly yelped and grabbed the injured area.

His mom couldn’t help but snort. “You are such a jerk for trying to guilt trip me… but fine. I’ll be a nice girlfriend and give you a body massage.”

He grinned. “I shouldn’t technically say anything, but this definitely earns you some serious brownie points.”

“It better.” After, the forty-two-year-old straddled the area just below his butt when he laid on his stomach and applied the oil to his back before working his shoulder blades. Was Ben's back always so big?

“So, how do you feel about us dating now?” He asked without looking back.

“Never in my life did I think I would have to answer such a question.” She sighed.

Ben laughed. “Ah, come on, it’s only pretend, Mom. And didn’t you enjoy our kisses?”

“B-Be quiet. I need to focus.” She kneaded her hands deeper into his back, her cheeks turning red as the massage continued for a few minutes. “Okay. Flip over and I’ll do your front.” Marie hopped off him, so he could.

He was at a crossroads with his dick harder than steel at his mom’s massage. Shit, what should I do? Well, she IS my girlfriend, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. Inhaling a nervous breath, he turned over to put the huge bulge at the front of his underwear on display.

“Oh my god, what is that!” His mom's eyes doubled, immediately noticing.

“Well, uh, some call it a 'boner,' but I like to refer to it by its medical terminology, ‘erection.” He offered with a nervous smile.

Marie's eyes narrowed at him. “I’m asking why your hard, Ben?”

“When your hands were all over me, I just couldn’t help it… And talking about our kiss earlier didn’t help either.”

Her eyes got even bigger. Wait, is he saying that…? “Benjamin Rodgers, I am your mother. M.O.T.H.E.R.” She made sure to enunciate each letter. “You can’t feel that way about me… it isn’t right.”

“I’m not blind, Mom.” His mouth turned into a line as he got serious.


“Ever since I could remember, my friends would comment on how hot, and pretty you are, and I still notice how men practically ogle you when we're out.” Ben put a hand on his chest. “I have eyes, too and see how gorgeous you are, just as much as they do.”

His mother bit her lip. What the heck am I supposed to say when he puts it like that?!

“Besides, you’re my girlfriend right now, so it’s totally fine.” I have to turn it around now. “Right, Marie?”

Cheeky little… He is technically right. Right?

He saw the growing hesitance on her face. “As a matter of fact, a real and loving girlfriend would take care of me right now without me even having to say anything.” Sometimes you gotta be willing to take a risk! Steeling himself, he pulled down his boxers to allow his veiny dick that was throbbing free where it stood straighter and more rigid than an arrow.

“W-What in the world are you doing, Ben?! Put your penis away this instant!” Her eyes were glued to it.

“Hm, I bet Aunt Laura would have no problem with this. Guess I’ll just hang out with her tomorrow like she wanted.” Ben's heart was pounding. I’m totally bluffing right now. Will it work?

Marie's head was spinning. What? Laura would never do something like this… would she? The recent memory of her kissing him played. Who am I kidding?! That girl would go to any lengths just to beat me, but I’m not going to let that happen! “H-Hold on.”

“Yeah?” Oh my god, did my bluff actually work?! He tried desperately to keep a neutral face.

Marie walked over and plopped down beside him, her balled hands on her knees. “I’ll… do it.”

Yahoo! “Thanks a lot, Mom. I want you to know I really appreciate this.” He leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

“You better appreciate this. I’m not choking your chicken for my health...” She muttered and looked at his stiff dick that periodically twitched. “Why is your penis so big?” She frowned at him. It was a lot less… intimidating the last time I saw it.

Ben chuckled, shrugging. “I don’t know. It just kept getting bigger until it ended up like this, I guess.”

“What is it, Jack’s Magic Bean Stalk or something?”

“Have you ever seen one this big?”

“I-I don’t think that’s any of your business, young man. I’m going to start now.” His mother blushed heavily and reached out to grab his rod at last. Wow. It’s really hot. It had been a while since she last touched a man’s dick, but he undoubtedly did have the biggest. Of course, I’d never tell him that, though.

He took an involuntary breath at feeling the softness and tenderness of her hand wrapped around him.

And without further ado, she started stroking at a slow and steady pace, trying to remember the technique she hadn’t had to implement in a long time. Am I doing it right? Shit, I don’t know. Glancing at his face showed both eyes were half-closed and mouth open in ecstasy, shallow breath coming out. Maybe I am doing it right. Does my hand feel that good? She increased the speed of her jerking and gripped a little bit tighter, eliciting a small grunt from Ben.

Then, she looked back at his giant cock. Being so close, she could distinctly make out its strong stench. It wasn’t bad, though, more like an animal would smell. Her twat got moist because of it, and her nipples were already hard nubs. She was alarmed at first but calmed down. You’re not getting turned on by giving your son a handy; it’s just a physiological reaction. Yes, that’s all it is. It was taking everything she had not to reach into her shorts and jam two or three fingers into her cunt until she came all over them.

The forty-two-year-old milf staved off the powerful urge and focused on the handjob once again. Pre-cum started to ooze from his engorged dickhead, causing it to cover her palm. In turn, she made his shaft slimy as it slid up and down, greasing the whole thing. The sticky liquid also created lewd and nasty sounds that sounded loud in the quiet living room.

Marie listened to Ben's breathing to find the right speed as she masturbated him. And when he started breathing faster and tensed up, she knew she had found it. I think I got it.

His head weakly lulled onto her shoulder at feeling the added pleasure the pre-cum added. “Mom, I don’t think I can last much longer.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Let it out whenever you want.” She kissed the top of his head and increased her jerking speed, twisting her hand each stroke to make him reach the inevitable orgasm faster.

Only a minute later, his balls tightened and sperm traveled through the length of his penis to shoot out the tip and cover his mom’s hand in white goo.

A million emotions were running rampant inside Marie as the realization of what she'd just done hit. I really just gave my own son a handy! What the hell is wrong with me?! I’m the worst mother in the world!

“You’re the best mother in the world. That was seriously one of the greatest moments in my life.” Ben smiled at her.

She stared at for a bit and then, all her trepidations vanishing in an instant. “Stop exaggerating, so much, Ben. Did it… really feel that good?”

“Excuse my language, but hell yes!”

The forty-two-year-old let out another giggle but noticed and stopped at once. I really am screwed. Acting like a schoolgirl because I pleased a guy… my son. She cleared her throat, getting serious. “Well, I am your girlfriend, so I was only doing my job.” She nodded, as a matter of fact.

Ben called up his aunt the next day and drove over to her house to discuss the upcoming date.

The wavy-haired woman answered the door. “Hi, sweetie. You got here pretty quick. Did you miss me that much?”

He laughed. “Of course I did. I love spending time with you.”

Oh god, he is too cute! She placed both arms around his neck and pressed her luscious lips to him for a lingering kiss.

“Wow.” Ben blinked when she backed up. “Not that I’m even complaining a little, but what was that for?”

“For being so damn cute.” She giggled and noticed that her red lipstick had transferred to him. “Oopsie. Sorry about that, pumpkin. I know you guys hate it when we girls get lipstick all over you.” She swiped one thumb across his mouth.

Out of nowhere, he pulled her by the waist to return her deep kiss with an even more passionate one.

She blinked a few times. “Wow. Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”

Ben laughed at her copying him only moments ago. “What kind of idiot would complain about being kissed by a Goddess like you?”

Warmness passed through Laura at his compliment. Sure, their dating was pretend, but she missed a man showering her with attention and looking at her the way he was now. I am the worst, using my own nephew for romantic gratification. But it’s only for a couple of weeks, so why not enjoy it and have some fun? And I can have a lot of fun with such a cute and innocent boy. “My, my, what a charmer. But you should be careful saying such sweet things to a woman, even if I am your aunt.”

“You’re my girlfriend first and foremost for the week, so it’s fine.” He smiled.

His aunt let out more girlish laughter. “I guess you have a point. In that case, shower me with all the love and praise I deserve.” Inside, they sat at the kitchen table across from each other after she had served them tea. “So, did you have anywhere in mind for our date?”

“Yup! I was thinking we could hit up the beach. Mom, you and me only ever went, like two times from what I can remember and we literally live less than an hour away from one.”

“The beach?” Marie's face scrunched up in uncomfortableness.

He noticed. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head, forcing a smile. “Nothing, I would love nothing more than to go to the beach with you, sweetheart. But it’s been a while, so I have to make sure my bathing suits still fit. Can I model them for you and you’ll tell me your opinion – honest opinion?” She knew how sweet he was and would no doubt say she looked gorgeous even with a trash bag on.

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Ben laughed. “I promise. I’ll even diss you if I have to.”

The milf gave a wry smile. “I don’t think you have to go that far, but I appreciate the commitment.” She led him to her room after.

He stopped at the doorway. “I’ll wait out here while you change.”

“Don’t be silly, honey.” She faced him. “You can just cover your eyes…” She leaned in with a mischievous smile. “But no peeking, Mister.”

“I-I won’t.” Ben answered, but wasn’t even sure of the words himself. I have to be strong!

“We’ll see.” His aunt giggled and made her way to the open closet to the left of the room. “You can sit on the bed.”

He went over to the right and plopped down on the edge.

Laura took off all her clothes to don the black bikini she'd had for years. Like she expected, the fit was tight – way too tight; she turned towards Ben who was patiently waiting across the room with his eyes closed. What the hell are you doing, Laura? This is going too far. Her inner voice admonished, but a bigger voice urged her on. Over the years, she had noticed Ben's attraction to her and his mother. She had even pretended not to notice the times he snuck pictures of her tits or ass. Instead of it bothering her, she had gotten off on the fact that he wanted her and even posed in revealing positions at times.

Subconsciously, it might’ve been the reason for her agreeing to the whole contest of being his girlfriend in the first place. Oh, fuck it. I haven’t been on a date in more than a year, and my handsome nephew obviously wouldn’t mind any attention I give him. “Oh, Benjaminnn, you can open your eyes now.” She had a big smile in anticipation and actually felt her nipples turning to stone as his big eyes took in her slutty appearance.

A nervous swallow went down Ben's throat as he studied his aunt's stunning figure in her miniscule bikini. Her perfect Double D tits were squished together in the top, almost resembling two basketballs fighting to go down a hoop. The bottom was just a small, barely more than a strip cloth covering her crotch. Its tightness gave her a slight camel toe, her pussy lips just outlined.

His aunt was absolutely loving the way his hungry eyes tried to absorb every detail of her revealing outfit. Her own eyes went to his crotch that she noticed had developed a bulge. Oh my god, how have I never noticed Ben was packing? I’m getting so fucking wet. As proof, some of her pussy juice leaked into the bikini, darkening it a bit. “I’ll show you the back.” She turned around to show the magnificent sight of her tight ass. Both cheeks were round and full with absolutely no sag; the bathing suit bottom was swallowed by them, making it look like a thong. “Well, Ben? Are you going to tell me what you think or keep me in suspense all day?”

“O-Oh, um, yeah.” Be cleared his throat as she faced him. “You do look really good, Aunt Laura…”

“I hear a 'but' coming.” She smiled wryly.

He laughed and rubbed the back of his head. “But… I don’t think it'd be such a good idea to go around in such an outfit when a bunch of guys might be around, and say rude stuff, or look at you weird.”

Is he actually jealous? He just keeps getting cuter! “I understand. We certainly wouldn’t want that, now would we?” Laura's eyes were full of playfulness.

He shook his head, unable to look away from her.

She giggled. “Okay. I’ll try on the next swimsuit. I think it should still fit.”

Ben closed his eyes again, but couldn’t help but steel a peek this time, cracking one eye open. He was just in time to see her knockers bare, both her thick nipples on full display and her vagina also visible. Her labia were slender, and she had a little meat hanging from the center, though most was tucked in. The bean that was her clit stuck out some, and there was landing strip style pubic hair above it. He had seen her in underwear before, but never naked; the image would be burned into his mind forever. How can a woman who’s already smoking hot get ever hotter?!

His aunt turned her head as she went to step into the one-piece bathing suit to catch him peeking. “Benjamin, what are you doing?” She covered herself and faced him.

He jumped off the bed, his eyes wide in panic. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Aunt Laura! It was just you’re so gorgeous and sexy and, and… I’m so, so sorry!” I seriously screwed up this time!

I was hoping he would peek. I don’t think I’ve ever been this wet. The wavy-haired milf smiled and removed her hands to put her glorious body on display again. “You’re a very naughty boy, Ben. Trying to peek at your own aunt naked. Were the pictures you took of me over the years not enough?”

His brain went into overdrive as he registered her damning words. She knows… She knows! Wait, does that mean Mom does, too?! He was going to start another string of apologies, but realized his aunt’s demeanor; it was downright sexual, and she wasn’t even trying to cover up anymore. “I can’t help it. You’re like a fish slathered in honey who’s been put in front of a starving bear.”

Laura laughed out loud. “I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever gotten.” She cupped one of her big boobs. “What is it that you find so sexy about me, my tits?” She put her back to him and smacked one of her taut butt cheeks to make it jiggle. “Or are you more of an ass man? Although, I think your mom has me beat in that department.”

“I think your ass is stunning. And no, I’m not just saying that to be nice or anything, Aunt Laura.” Ben made direct eye contact.

She felt her heart skip a beat at the declaration, then giggled. “Is that so? Well, I think you deserve a reward for being such a gentleman.” The forty-year-old dropped the swimsuit and walked over to stand in front of him. “I’ll let you touch anywhere you want.” I can’t believe I’m really doing this, but it feels so damn good!

“Anywhere? Are you sure?”

“Positive.” Laura winked.

“In that case…” He kneeled and wasted no time in spreading her pussy lips open to reveal more of the pink meat hiding inside.

“Going straight for the sweet spot, huh?” She bit her lip, looking down at him.

“You did say anywhere.” Ben chuckled. “Your pussy is gorgeous, Aunt Laura.”

“Always with the compliments. Thank you, honey.”

“And it’s really wet, too.” He opened...

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