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Lottie's Late Night

"I'm too horny to sleep. Instead of masturbating, I cuddle with my Daddy"

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I lay in bed at night after a hot, soothing bubble bath. So comfy. So cozy. And just a little aroused. It was nothing more than the normal teenage sexiness that makes a girl's blood run hot. At the age of seventeen, I was at least a little horny all the time. In the stillness and silence of the night, and the comfort of my bed, I was forced to acknowledge my sensual mood and focus on the low, constant thrum I felt down in my white cotton undies.

As I tried to sleep, the feeling inside me swelled, becoming impossible to ignore. I fed my little flame, my mind drifting to cute boys and flirtation, to hot celebrities and their dance moves, to sexy men and their dominant personalities. Sleepiness faded as my sexual appetite reared and I softly ground my hips against the pillow between my legs. Mental images grew more lewd and I imagined decadent, forbidden situations with older men. "Ah, mm," I murmured in the quiet dark, humping my pillow slowly and steadily, desire gaining momentum inside.

And then a thought rushed to the surface of my mind. A most lewd one. A most forbidden one. An image of my daddy's face and the feel of his strong hands roaming over my body, touching me in places he never had before, in places I secretly and shamefully wished he would. I tried to push the wicked thoughts back into the dark corners of my mind but failed. In a few short minutes of fantasizing and working up a sexual appetite, I started to believe I could get what I wanted. That I didn't have to hump my pillow or touch myself tonight. That Daddy would step over that boundary line and put his hands where they didn't belong.

"Okay, Lottie," I sighed as I rose out of bed, pausing momentarily to stare at myself in the dark mirror. I was only wearing my white panties and a soft white cami top, my nipples appearing through the thin cotton. I decided not to don my robe for my occasional cuddle with Daddy. Let's see if he puts his hand on my butt when I'm only wearing panties, I thought cheekily. "This is so bad," I whispered to myself before nervously opening my bedroom door and walking through the threshold. As I padded silently down the hallway, keenly aware of the cool air on my skin and the energy stirring below my belly button, I repeatedly told myself I could turn back at any moment.

I didn't turn back but walked into the living room where my father was sitting on the couch in a pair of boxer shorts and a wife beater. He was a big man, handsome as hell, and hairy in all the right places. "Hey, Daddy," I said drowsily, standing where the light from the TV illuminated my body, one hand holding the other behind my back. My heart lurched as he looked up at me. I was nervous to know he was seeing what I'd just seen in the mirror: his teenaged daughter in a little top, one spaghetti strap hanging off the shoulder, nipples making their little impressions in the tight, forgiving fabric, the puff and crease of her sex outlined in small, white panties.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" He sounded even, his warm voice soothing away some of my nerves. I shook my head 'no' trying to hide a childish smirk. "Come on," he sighed with assuredly false exasperation. His smile was genuine. He loved me. He loved that I still needed him. He loved being a strong daddy, providing comfort for his last little girl. My two sisters had grown out of his affections way too fast, opting to move with Mom after the divorce. Only I stayed. "You know you're gonna have to grow out of this eventually, right?" he said as I settled beside him, laying my head on his half-bare right thigh.

"No, I don't," I said factually as I settled snuggly into him. He didn't argue, only placed his right hand on the naked curve of my waist, the skin-to-skin contact feeling so good. So serene and so peaceful. The warmth of him, the strength of his muscles, the rhythm of his breathing, and his smell. It was all so pacifying. No wonder I'd never stopped cuddling up with him up through my teen years, even when I began to develop and Daddy tried to keep me out of his bed. I luxuriated in the soothing comfort of Daddy's embrace as that familiar, sensual strumming inside of me glowed hotter and hotter.

I became very aware of where Daddy's hand was. It had subtly inched its way downward, laying now across the waistband of my panties. Do it, Daddy. Go ahead. Touch my ass. It's yours. I'm your little girl. I belong to you. Please, rub my ass again. It was a silent plea, a prayer. It had felt so good when he did it last time. I'd gotten so unbelievably wet. And that was when he caressed my butt through two layers of clothing. The very thought of Daddy feeling me through my panties made me horny and a murmuring moan slipped out of me.

Daddy reacted by running fingers through my hair while simultaneously sliding his other hand over my bottom. "Mmm," I hummed with a gentle smile. I snuggled in deeper, laying my head in the middle of Daddy's lap and raising my knees to my chest. There was no hesitance in Daddy's petting. In his mind, what he did was innocent but oh so sexy for me. Yes! I thought as he caressed my ass, squeezing and clutching firmly at my soft flesh. He made a slow circuit around my entire body - from my booty to my back, around my waist, and up toward my titties, his hand almost cupping my cushy orb before reversing his direction and starting all over again. Eyes closed, I absorbed all the delectable sensations, tingling warmly all over and drooling between my thighs.

I felt his cock slowly rise against my cheek just like always. The first time he'd gotten an erection while caressing me, he'd frozen, pausing all motion until his hard-on subsided. Since then, he'd grown more bold, figuring I was asleep or that I didn't mind Daddy's hot, hard dick pushing up against my face. I secretly inhaled the bodily scent of him, loving the hearty aroma of his cock as I pretended to fall asleep. I knew I was wet and growing wetter with every square inch of my body Daddy coddled. When his strong hand slid around to massage my ass again, his fingers pressed ever so gently against my sex from behind. I couldn't suppress the whimpering moan. I was pretty sure Daddy had just found the wet spot in my panties.

Do it, Daddy. Touch me all over. Fondle me and take what you want. Make me yours. I remained still and silent but willed him to continue breaching my boundaries. I felt so naughty for my silent prayers. After all, Daddy could have simply been massaging me to show his love and to soothe his baby girl to sleep. Maybe for him, it wasn't sexual at all and his hard dick was a simple, physical reaction he'd elected to ignore. That theory was immediately undermined by Daddy's next move.

On the next circuit of my body, he tentatively began to caress my breasts over my top. It wasn't the first time Daddy had touched my tits but usually, his hand would fall nearer the upper part of my chest than my breasts. Never before had I felt his palm slip over my sensitive nipples, supplying my nerves with an electric jolt. My entire body was made of sparkles, my need growing desperate. As horny as I was, I feared making any advancement as if he'd be angry at me for being anything less than innocent. After all, that's how he raised me - a chaste and prim virgin. If I'd encouraged him to touch my private parts, I imagined he'd reprimand me, disappointed that I'd turned an intimate, fatherly massage into something lewd. That fear turned to shame and that shame made me hornier.

Daddy grew more and more bold, first passing over my supple breasts like he was simply trying to go back and forth between my upper chest and tummy, but then started to fondle my tits in earnest, tending to each soft orb in turn. His cock was hot iron against my cheek, hindered only by his underwear. I wanted to feel the skin of Daddy's cock on my body, daring myself to turn over, pull on his waistband, and take his member into my hand. But that would destroy all pretense of innocence and I feared Daddy would reject me. I let out a soft coo of sexual longing, wriggling slightly in Daddy's lap, jostling his cock against my nose and cheek.

His focus drew in on my nipples which were as stiff as buttons. He fiddled them gently, electrifying my young body and making me hot. Next, he slowly pulled the thin strap of my top down my shoulder and carefully peeled it down until I felt the cool night air on my bare breast. My breathing quickened. Daddy had never undressed me while cuddling before. Yes, Daddy. Take it off. Strip me naked and touch me all over. Own me, Daddy! I was shocked, scared excited, and horny, unable to fully comprehend what was happening. Daddy exposed my titties! I had fantasized about it so many times I hardly could believe it was real.

His hands returned to my boobs, caressing and massaging them with firm confidence and steady nonchalance. I could almost convince myself that what we were doing wasn't sexual at all. But it's difficult to hold that belief when your panties are soaking wet, a man's hands are all over your tits and his cock is as stiff as a boxer's jab.

I could hear my rapid breathing and I was sure Daddy could too. He knew I was awake but I remained docile and limp, submissive to his firm hand, though I willed him to continue to violate me. Now take off my panties, Daddy. Please. Stick a finger in your little girl's wet, horny pussy. I hoped even harder, beginning to believe that somehow Daddy was answering my silent, horny prayers. I wished and wished and hoped, exhaling and inhaling the intoxicating aroma of my daddy's crotch. His dick smelled wonderful. Like clean sweat and something else I thought might be the natural smell of a man's healthy cock.

Daddy had been combing through my hair with the fingers of his left hand the whole time. When the sweet, soothing sensation of that caress stopped, I noticed it. Then, unable to believe it, I felt Daddy lean aside a little and then pull his penis through the hole of his boxers. His aroma gripped and engulfed me and I found myself pressing my nose and mouth into the base of Daddy's manhood, suffocating myself in his musk. The heat of his raw cock against my face was everything. His length and his strength. Oh, God! I couldn't help myself. Modesty waned and I desperately clung to my father's dick, nuzzling it like a needy puppy, caressing it with my inexperienced lips.

My father let out a grizzly sigh as he started to stroke his length against my lips and chin. I was vaguely aware of the fact I was interrupting his rhythm but I didn't care. All I wanted was to be close to Daddy's magnificent cock. "Ah, Lottie," he sighed softly, one hand stroking his cock and the other groping my tits. "Oh, baby girl." His hand traveled from my boobs down between my legs, separating them. He felt how soaked my panties were. "Mmm, Lottie. You're so horny, aren't you babe?" I nodded against Daddy's cock, full of lust and shame. "Let Daddy take care of it, sweetie."

Before I could respond, his hand sank inside my panties, slid past my thick patch of pubic hair and touched my pussy. I whimpered, feminine, emotional, and fearful, shuddering. Despite myself, I spread my legs more, inviting Daddy to touch me. All he was doing was spreading my wetness around my lips and I was shocked with unbelievable pleasure. When he sank his ring finger a quarter inch deep, I nearly lost my mind, opening my mouth to kiss and lick the side of Daddy's dick, whimpering desperately. "You still a virgin, sweetheart?"

"Mhm," I murmured against his cock as he stroked it up and down.

"Good girl. Do you mind if I put my finger inside you?" I didn't answer. He sank in, slowly. I whimpered, clutching Daddy's thigh. It felt so good! "Oh," Daddy chuckled low, "you've been masturbating, huh?"

"Mmm," I responded, suckling shyly on the side of his cock.

Daddy fingered my vagina for only a little while, then reverted to the surface where he rubbed my lips and my slit, teasing my pearl sporadically, making me twitch and spasm. After a while, he stopped touching my pussy altogether and dug into my curly hair, controlling my head. With the other hand, he stopped stroking his cock and aimed it instead. Right at my mouth. He rubbed his slick tip across my parted lips and my shy but curious tongue. "Put it in your mouth, baby," he intimated. "That's it." He sighed deeply as I opened for him, forcing my head down his shaft. "That's it. Good girl."

"Mmmn...mmm... mmm," I whimpered and gurgled with my mouth full. Daddy's cock reached the back of my throat and he guided me up and down. I fell in love with his taste and his texture. My tongue explored the soft but hard tool, noting the sweaty, salty taste of him. He pushed me down hard, infiltrating my throat until I gagged, producing copious drool that filled my mouth and dribbled down Daddy's cock.

My father grunted deeply as he raised his hips to fuck my innocent, virgin mouth. I did my best to obediently pleasure him, beginning to bob my head, as I lay on my side. "Yes, baby," Daddy encouraged. "There you go. Give Daddy what he wants." His right hand went from my hair down my body, peeling my top down more and taking possession of my titties. He clawed at them, growling in his throat as he squished my pliable little orbs to the threshold of pain. I murmured on his cock, continuing to suck his dick, fingers of his left hand coiled in my kinky hair, massaging my scalp. It felt magical.

I lay on my side, sucking Daddy's dick and being fondled. It made me so damned horny! I wanted him to touch me inside my panties again. Even as I gave my father head, I was so shy to touch myself and show him how desperately horny I was. But naturally, my hips waved with the rhythm of my bobbing head and Daddy caught on. He slid his hand down my body, caressing me on his way to the waistband of my panties. He pulled them down one hip and I lifted slightly to let him pull down the other side. He slid my wet white panties to my knees and fondled my ass.

"I love this sexy little perky booty, baby." There was levity in his voice as he squeezed and rubbed my behind.

"Mmhmm," I mumbled on his dick, arching my back, feeling naughty.

"Mmmm," he groaned, "Yeah, poke that shit out for Daddy. So sexy, girl." Daddy spanked my ass once.

"Ah!" I cried out at the stinging swat, due more to surprise than anything else. What was more surprising is how it made my pussy tingle. I snuggled deeper into Daddy's lap.

"You like that, huh?" Daddy asked as he swatted my ass again, a loud clap echoing in the living room. This time, I only whimpered on Daddy's cock, sucking on it hard as my eyes filled with tears of pain, lust and shame. He spanked me again and I rolled onto my tummy, offering my pert little tush. Daddy spanked me again and again. "Mmm, look at how that pretty little ass shakes." My pussy got wetter and wetter as Daddy spanked my ass. It felt like I'd pissed myself!

Finally, my father pressed a thumb to my slippery pussylips and I jolted, shocked at the sweet sensation of being touched once again. I expressed my gratitude by enthusiastically sucking his cock, taking him to the back of my throat. Daddy groaned and sank his thumb into my coochie, stroking my insides a few times and then pulling out. I mewled, begging Daddy to finger me more. Instead, I felt my warm slick juices being spread against my bootyhole. I purred like a kitten as Daddy circled my rim with his pussy-wet thumb. Then he started to apply pressure, spreading my tight ring ever so slightly. "You like that, Lottie?" he asked as he slid his thumb slowly inside my asshole.

"Mmhmm," I murmured as I sucked Daddy off, feeling so slutty. I came, shuddering and moaning, my pussy spasming, my ass tightening around Daddy's prodding thumb. In the years since I first started masturbating, I'd never even thought to put my finger in my ass hole. Now I was cumming without even having my pussy touched.

I shed some of my shyness and took hold of the base of Daddy's cock, my mouth going up and down rapidly and sloppily. I started to stroke Daddy's cock with my hand too. "Oh, baby," he sighed, "that's it. You're doing so good. You want to taste Daddy's cum?"

I whimpered on Daddy's dick and kept sucking and stroking. He slid his middle finger into my cunny from behind and worked it back and forth, thumb nestled snug in my asshole. I stroked his cock faster, matching the rhythm of his finger in my watery twat. "Yes, baby,...

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Written by AubreyAvery
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