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Lonely Dad Part 3

"Sarah and Sam continue their newly found sexual tension secretly in Ava's house."

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Morning came quickly and my alarm blared. I reached for it and turned it off. Sarah was fast asleep on top of me. She was so beautiful. I gently moved a strand of hair off her face. She stirred. Morning wood. I felt my cock throb inside her. She blinked a few times. The sunlight filled my room. I loved waking up with the morning sun. She groaned.

"Good morning, beautiful," I smiled.

"Good morning, Dad," she grumbled. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked. She yawned and stretched.  I felt her body weight on my cock as she sat up. It was deep inside her, throbbing against her flesh.

"Like I have morning wood in my pussy," she smiled mischievously. "A girl could get used to waking up to this." She gently bounced on it.

"Yea?" I placed my hands behind my head. Her muscles clenched around me. 

"Yeah," she whispered as she rode it slowly. I bit my lip as I felt her pussy juices flow down my cock. She was ready to be fucked again.

"I fucked you while you were asleep last night,"  I licked my lips. "I came deep in your pussy again,"

"Yeah?" she grabbed her luscious breasts. "I love when you come inside me, Daddy," she bit her lips. 

"Daddy will always cum deep in you, baby," I vowed. "Daddy will fuck you anywhere, anytime,"

"I'll hold you to that," she groaned. She fucked me harder, her hands fondled her breast teasingly as she did. She locked me in her gaze.

"Oh baby girl," I hissed. She smiled broadly.

"You like that, Daddy?" she asked deviously. 

"I love it," I moaned as her pussy squelched against my cock. I loved that sound. It turned me on more. It made me want to consume her with my love and fuck her raw and hard until her pussy squirted. I stared into those hazel green eyes.

"You want to take me from behind?" she begged. "I love that position," she moaned. 

"Anything for you, princess." I bit my lip. She quickly got in position. I slammed deep into her cunt. She cried out. I slammed into her hard. 

"Yes, Daddy," she moaned. I held her hip firmly in place as I fucked her deep and hard.

 Ava knocked on the door impatiently. I was deep inside Sarah. I wasn’t going to stop. Sarah’s pussy fluttered gently around my cock. Her pussy was so hot.

“Sam!” Ava pounded on the door.

“Fuck does she want?” Sarah asked, annoyed.

“Today is the game. She probably came to get you,” I shrugged.

“Sarah!” she called again. My phone began ringing. I pulled out of Sarah. She looked at me annoyed.

“Keep this pussy wet for me.” I kissed her gently. Her tongue flicked over mine. She spread her legs wide and fondled her breast.

“This pussy is always wet for you, Daddy.” She bit her lips. My cock throbbed and got harder. I groaned annoyed and pulled her to the edge of the bed.

“I’m going to fuck you quick and hard.” I effortlessly lifted her. She wrapped her legs around me tightly. Her eyes were wild with anticipation. I pinned her against the wall and spread her legs wide. I held her firmly. I didn’t want her moving. I positioned my cock at her entrance and slammed into her hard.

“Oh fuck,” she hissed.

“Take it, baby,” I ordered as I slammed into her hard and fast. She squirted all over me.

“Daddy,” she moaned. I knew she was close, I felt her pussy gripping my cock harder.

“Cum, baby,” I ordered.

“Oh!” she cried as she came hard. I felt her pussy juices dripping down my cock. I didn’t stop fucking her hard. Her legs trembled in my hands. I was close.

“I’m going to cum deep in your cunt,” I stated. She looked at me innocently. I burst in her and slammed into her hard a few times. I wanted to ensure she got every drop of my cum inside her. I smiled at her as I gently set her down. Her legs were wobbly. She struggled to stand straight.

“I’m going to talk to your mother. Hit the shower,” I smacked her ass.

“Be sure you join me,” she winked. I chuckled and grabbed my towel. Damn right I was joining her. I had to get one last fuck before her mother took her. I casually opened the door to a fuming Ava.

“What the hell, Sam!” she gritted. I used my body to block the door.

“I was asleep, Ava. I’m allowed to sleep in you know.” I rolled my eyes.

“Where’s Sarah?” she asked annoyed. “Is she ready?”

“I woke her up. She’s getting dressed I believe. You should probably wait in the car, 'k.” I faked a smile and closed the door. She looked appalled. I smirked as I made my way upstairs.

“Is she gone?” Sarah asked as I entered the showered. I gently caressed her shoulders.

“No. She’s waiting on you,” I sighed and kissed her shoulder. My hands aimlessly wandered down to her pussy. I was in awe of her. My daughter. My slut. She moaned as I parted her pussy lips and caressed her clit. I could feel my cum mixed with hers smeared all over her fat swollen pussy.

“What do you want?” I whispered in her ear. She reached back for my hard cock.

“I want you to fuck me against the wall again,” she purred. “And when I get back, I want you to fuck me in the ass.”

“Oh, baby,” I bit her neck. “I’ll gladly fuck you in the ass,”

“Good.” She turned to face me. I lifted her and pinned her against the bathroom wall. She held her breath as I filled her again. She was always ready for my cock and my cock always wanted her. I couldn’t understand what she did to me. I fucked her quick and hard again. I felt her ass hit the wet wall every time I slammed into her. She groaned hard. I knew my cock felt harder and deeper against the wall. I spread her legs wider and filled her pussy. She dug into my back and I knew she was close. So was I.  I kissed her hard and we both came quickly.

“I’ll miss you today,” she sighed as I set her down. Her pussy was pink and swollen, just the way I liked it.

“I’ll miss you too, baby,” I kissed her. “Go get dressed. I’ll come to lick your pussy before you go,”

“Promise?” she smiled wickedly.

“Promise,” I grinned.

She slowly made her way outside. I had some work to catch up on today and I had to grab some groceries. I hoped to finish before she got back tonight. I wanted to dedicate my entire night to fucking her in the ass. I had so many plans for her. I wanted to fill her pussy with a huge dildo while I filled her ass. I needed to find a sex machine, an automatic one. I’d definitely need to talk to my friend Max about that. Max was a sadist who fucked his daughters. No one knew except me. He always begged me to join him for a threesome. Maybe I’d take him up on his offer soon. I got out of the bathroom and quickly dried myself. Sarah was dressed in a short dress and she was lying on my bed with her legs spread wide. She grinned as she saw me. I knelt before her and slowly licked her pussy. She groaned hard. I kissed her pussy lips gently and forced two fingers inside her.

“Yes, Daddy,” she begged.

“You have to go now, baby,” I sucked hard on her clit. “I’ll make you scream later. I promise.” I pulled my fingers out of her. She protested noisily. I circled her clit with my tongue and slapped her cunt hard. She gasped.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes and got off the bed.

“Did you roll your eyes at me?” I grabbed her hand.

“Yes.” She stared at me. I effortlessly lifted her dress and bent her over the bed. My cock was hard and throbbing again.

“You’re going to tell your mother we had an argument. Okay,” I ordered.

“Yes, Daddy,” she replied.

“Now tell me, why did you roll your eyes at me?” I gently rubbed my cock against her pussy.

“Because you’re forcing me to go with her,” she sighed. I forced my cock inside her and pulled out. She gasped.

“You have to, if you want to keep getting fucked.” I tugged her brown hair back. I forced my cock inside her again and pulled out.

“Please, Daddy.” She begged me to take her. I forced my cock in her again and slammed into her wet pussy a few times before I pulled out.

“Go, Sarah.” I stood in front her. She opened her mouth and swallowed my cock. I immediately burst in her mouth. She swallowed every drop and looked at me triumphantly.

“Bye, Daddy,” she smiled wickedly as she rose to her feet.

“Goodbye, baby. I’ll see you later,” I grinned.

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It was amazing what she did to me. Her warm mouth, her wet pussy… tonight it’d fuck her tight ass. I promised Dan I’d catch the game with him later. I wasn’t keen on seeing Ava. She annoyed me greatly. I caught up on my work and picked up some groceries. Max came by to drop off my secret weapon for later. I cleaned up the house and prepared pasta for later. I placed a bottle of wine to chill and I set up candles throughout the living room. I’d be fucking her in here tonight. I moved the sofa around and grabbed the oversized ottoman. It was the perfect height for the machine and the perfect height for me. Everything was ready for her tonight. Before I knew it, I was sitting in Ava’s couch, watching football with Dan. Ava invited one of her friends over as well. I knew she was up to something. Sarah was busy helping her mom in the kitchen. She steered clear of me most of the evening. The game was boring. Neither team scored.

“Dinner’s ready,” Ava announced.

“Well Sam, that was ninety wasted minutes,” Dan laughed as he rose to his feet.

“I expected so much more from this game,” I sighed and followed him to the kitchen. Sarah gave me a look and I knew she was upset with Ava. Ava was busy setting the table. Dan and I seated ourselves and patiently waited for the kids and Ava to join us. Ava’s friend cautiously sat beside me. I gave her a polite smile. Sarah angrily sat opposite me.  I licked my lips. She instantly became bothered.

“Kids!” Ava called. The kids quickly came in and seated themselves.

“Well, babe,” Dan smiled. “You’ve outdone yourself.” He grabbed a dish of mashed potatoes.

“I had help,” Ava smiled. “Sam, this is my friend Claire.”

“Pleasure.” I extended my hand and shook hers firmly. She smiled meekly.

“Claire’s a colleague at work.” She smiled.

“Oh,” I replied, uninterested. We silently ate. I understood Sarah’s annoyance now. It was only a matter of time before we were out of here. Her fat ass was mine tonight. My cock pulsed in my jeans at the thought of fucking her in the ass.

“So Sam, Claire is single,” Ava began. Dan looked at me apologetically. “You two have a lot in common. Perhaps y’all should go out sometime,” she suggested casually.  Sarah looked at her mother, angrily. I sighed and turned to Claire.

“I’m sure you’re an amazing woman, but I’m just not interested in dating or companionship. I really like my freedom,” I smiled. “It’s just who I am.”

“Samuel!” Ava fumed. “You have to start dating again. How long will you be hung up on me?”

“I’m not hung up on you, Ava.” I burst into laughter. “Don’t get me wrong I care about you, but I definitely don’t love you. I love your husband more than I love you. No offense.” I looked at Dan.

“None taken,” he grinned.

“Really, Sam?” she gritted. “You’re going to deny this!”

“Ava, please have some respect for your husband,” I replied casually.  Sarah was grinning as she ate.

“Get out of my house!” she fumed.

“AVA!” Dan rose to his feet. “Stop this immediately,”

“It’s okay, Dan. Sarah and I will go now,” I sighed and rose from the table. Sarah nodded and followed.

“I just need to grab some things from my room,” Sarah smiled. “Dad, will you help me?”

“Of course, pumpkin,” I replied. “We’ll catch up soon Dan,”

“We will,” he sighed. “Ava, a word in the kitchen,” he asserted.

“You will not see him,” Ava demanded. As we headed upstairs, I could hear Ava shouting at Dan. Sarah quickly locked the room door.

“Oh, Daddy,” she kissed me passionately.

“I missed you,” I sighed.

“I missed you too,” she smiled wickedly.

“What do you need help with?”

“I already packed my suitcase,” she grinned as she pulled her panty off. I immediately undid my jeans. My cock sprung free. She wanted me to fuck her in her room. She was so dirty. I grabbed her and lifted her pussy to my face. I gently sucked on her clit. She silently gasped. I spat in her pussy hole and forced my cock inside her. She held on to me tightly as I quietly fucked her. Ava was quiet now, and Dan was chewing her out.

“My cock is yours,” I whispered in her ear. She smiled.

“It better be,” she licked her lip. “I’m going to cum.” Her jaw went slack. I felt her pussy tighten around me.

“Samuel! I want you out of my house!” Ava pounded on the door.

“We’re almost finished!” I replied, annoyed. Sarah grinned at me. She angrily turned the lock.

“Unlock the door, Sam!” she demanded.

“It’s locked to keep you out, Ava!” I rolled my eyes, amused. Sarah giggled.  I quickened my pace. I was close to bursting.

“Ava, you’re losing your mind!” I heard Dan shout at her. The argument migrated to their bedroom on the other side of the house. I could relax and fuck my daughter a little harder. I spread her legs wider as I fucked her quick and hard. I felt my orgasm coming. Her eyes rolled back as I burst inside her. I held her firmly as every drop came out.

“Take me home,” she exhaled, happily.

“As you wish.” I gently set her on the ground. I grabbed her panties and pocketed them. She smirked. I grabbed the suitcase and we quickly made our way to the car. I backed out of the driveway and headed home.

“Your mother is nuts,” I smirked.

“Yup.” She rolled her eyes. She looked at me intrigued and pulled her dress up. Her pink pussy was swollen and fat.

“Trying to cause an accident?” I glanced at her. She grinned.

“We’re almost home.” She reached for my hand. “You can touch my clit,”

“I can,” I smirked. I was excited to get home. I wanted to fuck her ass so hard. I gently rubbed her clit as I pulled into the driveway. She reclined her seat and pulled her dress off. The garage door slowly opened. I quickly drove inside. She spread her legs wider and turned to face me.

“What do you want, baby?” My cock ached to be inside her pussy again. I couldn’t get enough of her. I could fuck her all day.

“I want you to stretch my pussy with some tools,” she begged.

“Oh, baby I have plans for you inside.” I bit my lip as I rubbed her clit hard.

“Yeah? Well, tomorrow then,” she hissed.

“Tell me what you want me to do, baby. I’ll do anything for you.”

“I want you to put your screwdrivers, your pliers, your hammer,” she begged. My cock was bursting in my pants.

“Of course, baby.” I undid my pants hastily and my hard cock sprung free.

“Stuff them all in my pussy, okay?” She fondled her breasts. I immediately got frenzied. I hastily reclined my seat and jumped out of the car. She looked at me, shocked. I jumped in the back seat.

“I want you to fuck the hand brake,” I demanded. She nodded, wanton.

“Oh, Daddy. You’re so dirty,” she smiled.

“Bend over and put that ass in my face. I’ll guide your pussy on the hand brake.” I slapped her pussy hard. She hastily faced the windscreen and set her feet on both seats. I pulled her ass back and aligned her swollen pussy with the hand brake. She held her breath. I spread her pussy lips wide and spat in her hole.

“Ready?” I asked. She nodded excitedly. I spread her pussy wide as she slowly sat on the hand brake.

“Oh fuck, Daddy. That’s good,” she began drooling on herself. I smiled and lounged in the backseat. She slowly fucked herself, adjusting to the angle and size of the handbrake. I caressed my cock gently as I watched her. She moaned as she let it fill her. She was so beautiful. Her brown hair was messy and she held on to her luscious breasts as she bounced harder on the handbrake. She cried out as she orgasmed hard. Her cum trickled down the handbrake. She was so beautiful.

“Yeah, baby. Fill that pussy good,” I hissed. My cock was ready to blow. I rubbed my cock on her ass and groaned hard as I came. She looked back at me wickedly.

“I’m cumming again, Daddy,” she cried out again. She slowly stopped bouncing and dismounted the handbrake.

“Had fun, baby?” I grinned at her.

“Oh yes, Daddy.” She curled up on the car seat. “My pussy feels amazing,” she exhaled.

“Good. Cause Daddy has a surprise for you inside,” I grinned mischievously.

“Really?” She perked up. “What is it?”

“I’m fucking you in the ass tonight,” I stated. “When you’re ready, I’ll blindfold you and we will begin,”

“Oh, Daddy.” She touched her pussy. “You don’t know what you do to me. The pleasure I get from you,”

“I know, baby. I know.” I touched her swollen cunt. “I love how fat and swollen your pussy is.”

“It’s not even sore,” she boasted.

“It’s juicy and I can’t wait to suck it dry later,” I promised.

"Oh, Daddy," she moaned. "I'll do anything for you."

"I know, baby."

“I can’t wait for you to stuff...

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Written by SasaLee
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