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Lisa and I

"I never thought it would happen like this and end the way it did"

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Lisa and I

Looking back on it now, I still can’t believe that it happened. I can’t believe, either, that I basically instigated the whole thing. If not for what happened between Lisa and I…Oh well, anyway, it did happen, and weeks in September.
This all started one Friday afternoon, in early September, Lisa’s parents, who were good friends of my folks, had asked me if I could pick Lisa up from her after-school gymnastics practice, bring her home, and stay with her for a few hours. They were going out to eat with some friends of theirs. Lisa was almost old enough now that she didn’t need a baby sitter, but I think her folks were just more comfortable knowing that someone they could trust would be with her.
I’ve known Lisa ever since I can remember, when she was just a baby and I was a little girl of about seven. Our parents were close friends, and Lisa and I became very close as well. We pretty much filled the role of sisters for each other, since we didn’t have any of our own. She looked up to me, and confided all of her secrets to me. I, in turn, watched over her protectively, so I was glad to be able to watch her. I hadn’t seen Lisa in several months, probably not all summer, and I was eager to catch up on how things were going for her. I guess that I was a little worried about her, actually. The last time that we had talked, Lisa had surprised me by talking mostly about boys. She even had a boyfriend. I guess I shouldn’t have been concerned though. Lisa was very bright and mature for her age. Plus, whether I got used to the fact or not, she was entering her teen years. I had noticed that her adolescent body was showing signs of growing up. Her womanhood, and her little breasts were beginning to protrude from her chest. Her nipples too, provided visible evidence of her having reached puberty. It seemed like they were always visible, poking at her shirt. That reminded me of myself at that age. My wayward nipples were probably the main reason why my mother had made me begin wearing a bra. It wasn’t so much to hold my breasts in place as it was to try to keep my nipples from driving horny young boys (and dirty old men, for that matter) crazy with lust.
All of those thoughts were going through my mind as I pulled my old beater car into the school parking lost and parked it next to the curb by the gymnasium. I sat in the car, idly watching the heat waves dancing over the black asphalt paving of the parking lot, and waited for Lisa to come out from her practice. A small group of girls and boys were coming out of the school , on their way home from sports practice, or whatever extra curricular activities they have in junior high, but no Lisa. The sun was beating down on the car, and it was stifling inside, I was scantily clad- I was wearing only a crop top tee shirt, with no bra, and cut off shorts, but nevertheless, little droplets of sweat were beginning to form on my forehead, and my legs were beginning to stick to the vinyl seats. After about ten minutes had gone by, and there was still no sign of Lisa. I decided to get out and take the convertible top down. There wasn’t much of a breeze and taking the ragtop down on the old car was a real pain in the ass, but I thought anything would be better than roasting away in the little enclosed space.
As I struggled at getting the roof crammed into its little compartment, I kept noticing that the boys who were coming out of the school were leering at me with young lust. I grinned to myself, and pretended not to notice. I guess I was teasing the poor little things, what with their raging hormones and all. My t-shirt was sticking to my breast, and they were jiggling around as I struggled with the roof. I thought the eyes of one young boy, in particular, were going to fall of their sockets as he walked along the sidewalk on the opposite side of the car from me. I was bent over at the waist, and he slowed down noticeably, straining to catch a glimpse down my shirt.
Finally, I finished stowing the roof, and got back in the car. All of that attention was getting me horny, and I felt a familiar stirring in my pussy. I tried to suppress my thoughts, however. I wasn’t about to seduce a fifteen or sixteen year old boy, and masturbating in the parking lot of a junior high school was pretty much out of the question. I sighed, and continued waiting for Lisa.
At last, I spied her in a group of four girls leaving the school. They were chatting merrily, but as soon as Lisa saw me, she waved goodbye to her friends and walked over to the car. She smiled at me, but I sensed that something was wrong. Usually, she was animated with young enthusiasm, but today she opened the car door very slowly , and eased herself into the seat next to me with a low groan. “What’s wrong Leece?” I asked. “Aren’t you feeling well?” “Oh, it’s the new gymnastics coach,” she pouted “He’s working us to death, and I didn’t stay in very good shape this summer. My legs and back are all sore, and we’ve only had two practices.” she twisted her shoulders from side to side, trying to loosen her aching muscles, as I pulled out of the parking lot into the street. “Last year they let us use the whirlpool, but its broken. I didn’t even have a chance to take a shower. That would have probably helped some.” “Gosh kiddo I’m sorry .” I said sympathetically. “This hot weather probably isn’t helping either.” I paused. “ Tell you what though. Maybe when we get home, I could give you a massage. I’m not very good at it, but it might help some.” she brightened noticeably. “Sounds great to me. Mom does that for me sometimes when I’m sore, and it helps a lot!” “Great it’s a deal then!”
We spent the remained of the twenty minute drive to her house generally catching up on things. It seemed like things were going pretty good for her- she liked all of her teachers and had made some new friends. She chatted merrily away, enthused and bubbly, until I asked about her boyfriend. She got a sour look on her face. “You mean Tommy? He’s not my boyfriend anymore. At first he seemed nice, but then all he wanted to do was play with my titties. I think he wanted to go all the way, too, but I wouldn’t let him. I mean, I kind of liked it, but I don’t think I should do that yet.” “Good girl.” I was a bit shocked. Like I said, I had kind of come to realize that Lisa’s sexuality was awakening. I know that her parents had talked to her about sex, and I had even filled in some details. But good grief!? I think when I was sixteen; I was worried about different things then keeping boy out of my pants. I peered at Lisa out of the corner of my eye, and noticed that she was developing more and more all the time. I could see her breast’s were definitely swelling a bit more than they were last time I had seen her. She was wearing a loose fitting blouse, and I think that she was wearing her gymnastics leotard underneath, but nevertheless; I could clearly see her little titties poking out. Her legs too, were becoming lovely. They were thing, like as little girls but they had a certain muscularity that gave them an attractive shapeliness.
“So what do you think, Jill?” I came out of my trance with a start. I was so caught up in looking at her that I wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation, or my driving. I returned my eyes to the road in front of me. “I’m sorry Leece. What were you saying?” I gulped. My god, it was almost like a sexual attraction. It wasn’t the fact that I had those feelings for a girl that was bothering me. Heck, I like looking a pretty girls. I even like having sex with girls, maybe even more than with guys. But Lisa was only sixteen years old, for Christ sakes! What was I thinking? I was aware once again of my tingling cunt. I tried to tell myself that it was lingering horniness from the attention I was getting from the boys back at the school.
“I was saying we should play checkers after dinner. Remember how we always use to do that?” “Yeah sounds great.” I tried to clear my mind. Kids could be so heard to read, and Lisa was no different. One moment, she was reminding me that she was almost a teenager, with teenage thoughts, the next, she was like her old self, talking about playing games. We finally arrived at her house, with it’s typical brick neatness and manicured lawn of the suburbs, and I pulled into the driveway. After Lisa and I got inside the front door, she dropped her book bag to the floor with a thump and slowly bent down to take off her shoes, groaning with the lingering soreness in her muscles. “Poor Leece” I said sympathetically. “It looks like you’re really hurting.” She nodded. “Maybe you could give me that massage now. I knew we should eat dinner first, but I don’t know if I want to wait. “Sure thing. Where should we do it?” “Well, mom usually has me sit at the dining room table. Maybe we could do it there?”
I considered that, and was about to agree, but instead, I blurted out, “How about on your bed?” the bed? Now why had I suggested that? “I…I mean, you said your legs hurt too. If you lie down on your bed, I can massage them too.” I scolded myself. ‘Get a hold of yourself Jill.’ She pursed her lips, thought for a moment, and said, “Sounds good. My legs are really sore.” As I followed her up the stairs to her bedroom, I caught myself looking her up and down. Her slim hips framed her young muscular buttocks, flexing gracefully under her shorts, as she clambered up the steps. I swallowed hard. ‘Get a grip Jill.’ I told myself again. ‘You’re just going to giver her a massage. It’s okay to look at her- she is a pretty little girl, but that’s it!
I was lagging behind, and as I entered her bedroom, a few moments after she did, she had already taken off her blouse and was peeling off her shorts. I gulped nervously. ‘You’re not making this any easier for me Leece,’ I thought. Sure enough, she was wearing a white leotard underneath, which contrasted with her tanned limbs. It almost appeared to be a size too small for her. It didn’t completely cover her rear-the lower inch or so of her muscular buttocks were peeking out enticingly, and the material was bunched up in the crack of her ass. I watched, mesmerized, as she hooked her fingertips under the fabric next to her rear and pulled it down over her, covering herself completely.
She turned around to face me, and spread her arms, looking down at herself. “Do you like my leotard? it’s a new design that they’re using this year.” I nodded, “Really nice, Leece.” I licked my lips nervously. My heart was besieging to pound in my chest. “I…I wonder though, if…if you should maybe take that off too. I…I mean, that way, I’ll really be able to get at your muscles. It’s, um, hard to give a good massage through a layer of clothes.” She shrugged. “okay, Jill.” I watched as she peeled off her outfit. God, she was becoming a beautiful girl! I looked on with wonder as her young breasts became exposed to my gaze. Sure enough, they were definitely budding. They were cone shaped, and pale from being covered from a bikini top from the summer sun. the areolas were small, but puffy. The pink nipples were standing pertly. She pushed the leotard down her legs, and stood erect facing me. I gasped at the realizations that she wasn’t wearing any panties. My gaze traveled down her flat stomach, and lower. At first, I thought the area between her legs was completely hairless, but then I noticed a fine golden brown was sprouting there. It formed a vee shape that pointed down toward…toward…I felt my clitoris swelling…
Lisa didn’t seem shy at all about being naked in front of me. But then again, why should she? We were practically sisters. Nevertheless, I felt that there was an awkward silence in the room. I shook my head. ‘Stop it!’ I scolded myself again, and I occupied my thoughts by pulling the comforter off the bed. “Okay kiddo hop on up. Lay down on the bed.” Lisa complied with my request, and climbed up on the bed. She lay down, stretching her lith, nubile body down on the cool sheets. In spite of myself, I watched her bare buttocks flexing as she wriggled into a comfortable position. Like her little breasts, they were pale, and a sharply defined tan line divided them from her golden back. I breathed deeply, and clambered up on the bed. I straddled her hips with my knees, desperately fighting the urge to rub my crotch against her bare ass, and began lightly kneading the muscles of her shoulders and upper back.
“Mmmm,” she purred. “That feels really nice, Jill” “I’m glad, honey.” My voice was trembling slightly. “Just tell me what feels good.” I continued massaging her upper back, sometimes lightly stroking her skin, sometimes firmly pressing my hands against her, trying to work out the kinks in her tight muscles.

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I carefully avoided moving my hands down toward her sides. I was struggling with my inner thoughts. One side of my brain told me to finish with the massage and go downstairs to fix dinner. The other side of my brain, though, wanted desperately to explore Lisa’s young body. Without thinking I drifted my hands down to her sides, and stroked the area between her armpits and her hips. Lisa sighed and wriggled under my warm caresses. I was conscious once again of my crotch pressed against her firm buttocks. I knew that my cunt was moistening. I ran my hands back up to the small of her back, and began to firmly knead the muscles there in small circular motions. I carefully avoided letting my fingers stray and lower, and tried to keep my eyes off the crack of her ass, the upper part of which was clearly visible down between my thighs as I straddled her.
Lisa murmured wit pleasure, her face buried in the pillow “That’s great Jill. Sooo relaxing. Can you do my legs now?” I gulped “ You, bet.”
I moved lower, and straddled her knees with mine. Her legs, which had been drawn together as I massaged her back, now opened to form a gentle vee, to give me access to her thighs. My eyes were drawn to her round buttocks, smooth and firm. My gaze shifted lower, There, clearly visible, was her smooth slit, completely hairless from this angle. At her young age, her pussy was dominated by the outer lips. But I noticed, too, that her inner pink pussy lips were protruding slightly. I closed my eyes and sighed, and began to knead the backs of her thighs.
I continued for about ten minutes, alternating from leg to leg, working her tights, trying desperately to keep my fingers from creeping over to the inner parts of her legs. Lisa was sighing deeply in response to the pressure of my soft hands. Her body was responding, too, almost imperceptibly. I noticed her buttocks flexing, ever so slightly, and her legs were gradually spreading wider and wider. I could feel her knees pressing against mine. To free her leg movements I lifted my right knee and brought it down again between her legs. In spite of myself, I began to rub my crotch, ever so subtly, against her slim leg. I was on a sensory overload, and Lisa’s subtle movements weren’t helping. I tried to convince myself that her body’s response to my touch was strictly non sexual, but I was beginning to lose my self discipline. I didn’t know if I could go back. My thoughts were consumed with the desire to stroke her ass. “ Hey Leece, How about I massage your buttocks they are probably pretty sore.”
There was a slight hesitation. Had I gone to far? “okay.” Was it my imagination, or was her breathing becoming a wee bit irregular? I scooted myself upward, and clenched her slim muscular thigh between mine. I desperately wanted to take my pants and underwear off and release the tension. But how could I explain that to her. I was slowly coming to the realization that I knew where I wanted this to go. I felt a momentary twinge of guilt, but I was able to resolve it in my mind…I did worry about her parents coming how and catching us though but they were due back for a couple of hours.
I gently placed my hands on her bare butt, and began sliding them back and forth. Her rear was so soft! The skin was...

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Written by sexdrive09
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