Chapter 1
“I’m going to miss this.”
“Me too, you have no idea how much it hurts that you are leaving in a few hours.”
Linda turned her head and looked out of the window where the Mediterranean Sea sparkled in the sunlight. She closed her eyes and spread her legs a bit wider so Sara could get in there and take care of her moist pussy. She moaned a little as her friend sucked on her clit.
“You taste so good.”
“Thanks, and so do you but you knew that already.”
Sara giggled and went back to licking pussy and sucking clit. She heard and felt Linda coming closer to her orgasm and when she reached her peak, she held her tight and loved the way Linda’s thighs squeezed her head and she came.
The girls lay quiet for a while. Sara was on top hugging Linda who had both her arms and legs around her friend holding her tight. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Linda said, “I have to take a shower.”
Sara rolled off her and stood up. She was almost a head taller than Linda but both girls were 22 and blonde with large blue eyes. Sara walked over to the sliding doors and went out on the balcony. Since it was in the middle of the afternoon most people were at work so she didn’t worry about anyone seeing her naked. Her nipples turned hard when a light breeze caressed them.
She and Linda had met at work nine months earlier. Sara had already been with the company for a couple of weeks. During that time, she had partied hard with her coworkers who were mostly her age and all, like her from Sweden. She had fucked a guy but it wasn’t a very good fuck. They were both too drunk. She got tired of the drinking and being up late so when Linda arrived she was happy to meet someone who enjoyed walks on the beach, shopping, and quiet dinners. The girls quickly became good friends.
Sara went back inside and picked up one of the pillows. She pressed it against her face and drew in the smell of Linda. The first time they had sex was a rainy evening just after Christmas. Their other flatmates had gone out partying again but Linda and Sara had stayed behind with a movie and wine. The living room was chilly in December and they huddled close together under a blanket. At one point Linda’s fingers touched Sara’s. At first, she didn’t think about it, but then it happened again. This time Sara held on to them. Linda turned to her and in the darkness, with only the light from the TV it was hard to tell, but Sara was sure Linda’s face came closer, and then they were kissing. At first, it was tentative, small pecks around the mouth but then they became deeper until Linda lay on top of Sara and they were struggling with their clothes.
Sara gasped when Linda’s fingers began to caress her pussy and when she slid in a finger she moaned loudly. It had been months since she had sex with that guy and she was horny as fuck. That she was doing it with another girl she didn’t think about until they lay naked gasping for air.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” said Linda silently.
“It’s fine. It was my first time with a girl, you know.”
“Mine too.”
“Nah, I don’t believe you. It felt like you had done that before.”
“I swear, you are my first woman, but I have been curious about girl sex for a couple of years. You know that I come from a small village in the middle of nowhere. It’s not like Stockholm where you are from.”
“I guess you are right. Anyway, I’m happy you took the risk to kiss me.”
They made out for a while longer, forgetting that they had missed the movie.
That was five months ago and during that time they had been inseparable. Being twenty-two and blonde has its benefits in Marbella, Spain, and most countries. Men just love you. They soon realized that with a little bit of flirting and smiling, they got free dinners and drinks. One benefit neither of them had thought about but presented itself in Bertil. He was an older gentleman, rich as fuck, and drove a fancy Bentley around town. When he heard that the girls were sharing a flat with four other people, he quickly offered them one of his apartments and that’s how they ended up in the swanky place they had lived in for a few months. All Bertil had asked for, was to let him watch one time when they had sex and the girls gave him a show that he would never forget.
Chapter 2
Linda cried in the shower while she soaped her tanned body. She didn’t want to leave but her contract was up and she had to go back home. Her experience at the call center had been good. It was an easy job, with great coworkers and good bosses. She washed her hair and then stepped out of the shower. Looking at herself in the mirror she smiled. She had no tan lines since she and Sara often used the balcony to tan on. Her C-cup boobs sat high on her chest with their tiny pink nipples. Before moving to Spain she had kept her pubic hair short but Sara had convinced her to shave which she already did and Linda allowed Sara to do it for her. That ended in great sex on the bathroom floor. She giggled at the memory and then began to dry herself.
She dressed in a short light blue dress with straps and then put on her makeup and did her hair. Once she was done she checked the bedroom making sure she hadn’t forgotten anything, grabbed her purse, and made her way to the kitchen.
“Are you all set?” asked Sara who had showered in the other bathroom and was now wearing shorts and a halter top, looking quite slutty, but it fit her.
“Yes, all ready to go. Did you text Uber?”
“Yes, he should be here in five minutes. So I guess this is goodbye, for now?”
Linda walked up to her and put her purse on the kitchen table. She hugged her friend hard and they kissed.
“God, this is so hard, for me,” she said when they came apart.
“I feel the same. But remember what we talked about. When I come back after the summer, you should move down to Stockholm and we could find a place together.”
“I love that idea.”
A car honked outside and after another short hug Sara helped with one of the bags and then she stood watching the Uber with her friend inside disappear in the distance. She wiped a tear from her cheek and went back inside.
Chapter 3
The trip home for Linda was arduous. First a flight to Stockholm, then a bus to the train station. Then a train to the town of Harnosand and from there another bus to the village of Kvik. It was close to midnight by the time the bus came to a stop and Linda got off. It was still light outside since it was late spring. When the bus drove away, she heard a car approaching. She recognized her dad’s old Volvo.
“Honey, I have missed you so much, let me look at you,” he said after hugging her.
“I missed you, mom, and Eva as well.”
“I swear, you have become even prettier than before. Let’s go, they are waiting for you.”
It was a fifteen-minute drive to their house and during that time the light went away and dusk settled. It never became completely dark this far north this time of year.
Rolf took his daughter’s bags from the trunk and while he did Linda opened the door.
“I’m here.”
The first person to come running was her younger sister Eva. She was a spitting image of her sister except she had green eyes and was seventeen years old.
“You slut! I missed you so much.” She hugged her sister and didn’t let go until their mother pulled them apart.
Ulla looked at her older daughter and tears ran down her chin. “It’s hardly been a year but it has felt like a lifetime. It’s so good to have you back at home.”
“C’mon mom, don’t be so dramatic.”
“Come here and give me a hug, honey.”
Rolf huffed and puffed as he dragged the bags inside and closed the door behind him. “What on earth do you have in those bags?”
“Clothes. They are so much cheaper in Spain than here so I bought all I needed for the summer, plus a couple of things for Eva and Mom.”
“What? Nothing for me?” Rolf pretended to be disappointed.
“Of course, I did, but it’s a bottle of something. Let me unpack and I will give it to you.”
Her room looked exactly like she had left it down to how her teddy bears were placed on the bed.
Eva followed her in and jumped up on the bed. “So, how was it? Did you meet a guy?”
“C’mon, I didn’t move to Spain to meet a boy.”
“You should have, there are none around here as you know.”
Linda knew her sister very well and the way she had spoken meant something. She began opening the first bag and without looking at Eva asked, “tell me, what’s his name?”
Eva giggled. “Jonas, and he works in the kiosk down by the lake.”
“Well we met like a month ago, and he asked me out.”
Linda laughed. Being asked out in Kvik meant one of two things. Drinking beer in the forest or hanging out by the hamburger and pizza joint.
“Pizza or beer?”
“Pizza, Jonas doesn’t drink.”
Linda looked up. “What do you mean, that’s the only thing people do in this shit hole, at least if they are young like us.”
“Well, he isn’t from here. He moved up with his parents during the winter. His father is some kind of professor of something that has to do with nature. They will stay here for two years while his father does research.”
“Okay, that makes sense. Oh, these are for you.”
Linda handed two dresses one white and one black to Eva who checked them out. “Wow, these are so cool. I don’t know when to wear them though.”
“On a date with Jonas of course. On the same subject, I hope you are being careful.”
Eva blushed. “We haven’t done much, yet. Just kissing and I jerked him off one time.”
Linda sighed. “That’s how it starts. Once you touch his cock, he wants to get into your panties. Just be careful, okay.”
“What about you? Don’t tell me you played the nun all this time?”
Linda put away her first bag and began unpacking the second. She wasn’t sure if she should tell Eva about Sara but she decided to do it anyway.
“I had a different experience. You can’t tell Mom or Dad, they will freak out. I was with another girl. Her name is Sara and she is from Stockholm.”
Eva just stared at her older sister. Before she had left, she had seen that Linda would sometimes watch girl porn on their shared computer but she had never asked her about it.
“So, how was it?”
Linda closed her eyes and sighed. “It was amazing, the best sex I’ve ever had, not that I have had much but still. It’s so different than being with a guy.”
“I don’t know. One of the girls in my class, Helena, you know. She told me one day that she liked me but I thought she was joking.”
“Maybe she does like you.”
“Doesn’t matter, I want to be with Jonas, and not with a girl.”
“How old is Jonas?”
“He will be twenty in August.”
“Does Mom and Dad know?”
“Well, no they don’t. We have been very careful not to be open about our relationship. They think he has been tutoring me in math.”
“Good, they might not approve.”
When she was done unpacking she went to the kitchen and made a sandwich which she ate in the living room while talking to her parents and Eva. She gave her father his bottle of rum and her mother a dress.
Back in her room, she made sure the door was closed. Then she undressed and called Sara using video. They masturbated together and then Linda went to sleep missing Sara more than she had thought she would.
Chapter 4
Spring turned into summer and Linda got a job as the only florist for many miles around Kvik. It was busy work with so many weddings going on. She liked her work and took pride in her flower arrangements. Eva spent most of her time with Jonas who had quit his job and helped his father with the research. This gave them plenty of time to be alone in the forest where they would fuck.
Linda one day asked her if she was having sex and when Eva said yes she warned her again about the risk of pregnancy. Eva said they were careful and always used a condom. After a few more questions Linda learned that Eva loved to ride cock and be taken from behind. She also learned that Eva had taken up watching porn to learn new ways to please her boyfriend. It seemed that it had been the first time for both of them and thus Jonas didn’t have much experience.
When midsummer came around which is a huge celebration in Sweden Eva and Linda decided to take Jonas to the dance parlor. Since there were no clubs in Kvik it was the only place you could dance. It was open on weekends during the summer. There was no DJ only the local band playing classic Swedish music. Eva and Linda laughed at poor Jonas who had no idea how to dance to this kind of music, but he gave it a good effort. When the place closed down it wasn’t even midnight so the three of them went to the lake.
The girls took their clothes off and ran naked into the water while Jonas, being a bit shy stayed on shore.
“Oh, this feels so good,” said Eva while swimming in circles around her sister.
“It sure does, clears the head too. How many beers did you have?”
“Six or seven, not sure, and two candy shots.”
Linda felt the booze in her body and it felt good. When Eva swam up to where she was standing she said, “look at you, all grown up now, tits and ass.”
Eva laughed and splashed water on her. “It was about time. I was tired of being flat-chested, but I wished I was bigger like you.”
Linda cupped her boobs. “Yeah, these two are just perfect, for men and women.” She laughed.
“By the way, aren’t you like horny? I mean you aren’t dating anyone,” said Eva while treading water.
“Yes, I am and it sucks.”
“You could fuck some guy. Sara would never find out.”
“Sure I could, but who? You saw for yourself what’s on offer down at the dance, it ain’t much.”
“You got Anton.”
“Fuck you! His beer belly is huge.”

Eva laughed. “What about Simon, he is cute.”
“I guess, but before I left, Lisa told me he has a small dick.”
“Christ, you are so picky.”
At that moment Eva found her footing but due to the alcohol, she stumbled and fell into her sister's arms. Their boobs pressed together and Linda felt a surge from her pussy. Her nipples went hard from feeling the warm skin against them and she held her sister against her body for just a few seconds longer than would be normal.
Eva felt it and pulled away. She looked into her sister’s eyes and saw what she often saw in Jonas's eyes while she sucked his cock. She was horny. Without a word, she turned and swam to the beach where Jonas handed her her clothes.
Linda was shocked at how her body had reacted. She felt ashamed and she wanted to tell Eva, but she and Jonas had already left. This was a mess, and she had no idea how to fix it.
Chapter 5
For the next few days, Eva stayed away from Linda. What had happened in the lake had moved her deeply. Her sister had become horny from touching her and that was so fucking weird. Sure, she was into girls, but her sister? She had a hard time sleeping and no one to talk to. Her parents wouldn’t believe her and Jonas would just say she had imagined it.
Linda wanted to explain to Eva but she didn’t seem to be around much. She was often gone by the time Linda woke up and after dinner, she would scuttle off to her room and lock the door.
One day Linda came home earlier than expected and found Eva in the kitchen poring OJ into a glass. She took a deep breath and said, “Eva, we need to talk.”
Her sister slowly turned around. “About what?”
“You know, what happened in the lake?”
“Oh, that. I think you are a nasty bitch and I should tell Mom and Dad about it.”
“Please don’t. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what came over me.”
“I know. That Sara girl got your brain all twisted. I bet she fucks her sister if she has one.”
Eva was really angry. Her eyes burned and Linda was afraid she would tell their parents. “No, she didn’t and she doesn’t have any siblings. It was just a reaction. Your skin against mine, and the alcohol, I’m so sorry.”
Eva finished her OJ and washed the glass. “Fuck you. I’m not ready to forgive you. Just stay away from me.”
Linda was left alone in the kitchen where she sat down at the table and cried. She had no idea what to do. She loved Eva and she didn’t want her to be angry at her. She wanted things to go back to how they were before that night.
The days went by and the sisters didn’t speak. If their parents noted it, they didn’t mention it. Most likely they thought it was some normal sibling shit...