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Kissing Cousins

"Pride and sex in San Francisco..."

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Competition Entry: Pride

Author's Notes

"My cousin and I discover our pride in our daughters and ourselves, and maybe our moms as well."

From: Charlotte
To: Maddie
Date: July 3, 2019

Since you asked, it's a funny story how Lisa and I wound up at SF Pride wearing "Proud of our Daughters" tee shirts. I'll tell you what happened last weekend. But DON'T TELL your mother!! Lisa will divorce you as her sister if you do. Give us a chance to tell her and my mom ourselves.

[LOL feel free to skip the sex scene in the story. I was just too excited not to share it with you...]

So the story starts last Thursday night after we checked into the hotel. Actually, the airport had been decorated with all sorts of rainbow banners and balloons, but we didn't really notice the signs about Pride being that weekend. We probably couldn't have gotten a room at all if we hadn't booked it almost a year ahead for a graduation present.

Miriam and Julia were being a little silly and secretive, and then they didn't want to go have dinner with us...


"What do you mean, you don't want to go out tonight?  We're in San Francisco, you don't want to just stay in the hotel all the time, do you?"  

Miriam and Julia just stared at us.  "We're tired, mom, just this one night, can't we stay in and order room service?" Miriam whined.

Lisa and I looked at each other.  Our daughters are so alike.  Stubborn.  Willowy.  Raven hair.  They looked a lot like we did at their age. Born twenty-three hours apart.  

I sighed. "OK, but you're going to miss the best Mexican food this side of Guadalajara."

Julia smiled.  "I know, Aunt Charlotte, but we're really tired and Miriam and I have a lot to catch up on."

"What do you mean?  I thought you two chat online almost every day."

Miriam sighed.  "Yes, but it's not the same.  You two go and have a good time, and we'll just have a girls' night in.  We'll all go be tourists tomorrow."

Lisa grabbed her jacket and I slipped on my shawl.  "Well, you're both eighteen, we can't force you to do anything.  We won't be out late.  Don't do anything we wouldn't do."  Miriam and Julia grinned us out of the suite.

In the elevator, Lisa stared at me for a second before leaning in to hug me.  "So, cousin, how are we going to get any gossip time this week?" she asked.

I laughed.  "We get the bedroom, they'll be out on the sleep sofa.  They'll probably sleep so late they won't wonder what we're doing."

She thought a moment, and then smiled.  "We'll always have Venice."

I chuckled.  "Oh, that takes me back.  We almost cancelled that trip, we were so mad at each other over Danny Hill.  Good thing he dumped us both during spring break."

"I know, that summer trip was the best.  Then college and real life."  She sighed.  "Too bad we never lived in the same place after that."


She blushed.  "Well, after spending our last night in Venice making out, it would have been nice to, um, explore more."

I wrapped my shawl tight around my sleeveless shoulders, fluttered my eyelashes at her, and put on my best Scarlett O'Hara voice. "Why, Cousin Lisa, whatever do you mean?"

The elevator doors opened, and we stopped talking as we crossed the lobby and asked the bellman to hail a cab.

As he walked away to whistle, she whispered, "You know very well what I mean."  She glared at me for a moment, then grinned.  "You were in some of my best fantasies for a couple of years, until I married Josh."

I gave her a little pout.  "Not after?  I still fantasize about you sometimes.  Anonymous women too, but often it's you.  Don doesn't know."

"I wish we had discovered kissing at the beginning of the trip.  We could have spent the six weeks sleeping together instead of just sleeping together, if you know what I mean."

I sighed.  "I know.  Did you ever actually sleep with a woman after that?"

"Only in my dreams."

"I did, once.  A weekend flinglet in college.  Big mistake."

"You never told me!  Why a mistake?"

"Oh, the sex was all right.  Better than all right, actually, really great.  It's just that we didn't talk about it first, and, well, we had very different ideas about what we were doing.  I thought we were maybe going to be buddies who maybe had sex once in a while, and she thought we were in lo-o-o-o-v-e."

She stared at me.  "Uh oh."

"Right.  She turned stalker on me. It was not fun having to explain to the campus policewoman what had happened, so she would tell Katie to stop showing up at my dorm at all hours of the night."

"I can just imagine."

I closed my eyes for a second. "It's kind of funny, you and I never talked about this.  I mean, I heard all about every boyfriend you had, all the bad and good sex you had, even about Josh.  Even about what's-his-name, Steven, the guy you slept with last year on that trip to Tucson."

"And I thought I knew all about your sex life, too.  Who else didn't you tell me about?"

A cab swerved up to the curb.

She smiled, put her finger up to her lips as we got in.  Sitting in silence in the back, she took my hand and brought it to her lips, and kissed the palm, just once.


"Careful!  You're wobbling."  I reached out to grab Lisa's arm on the way back to the elevator.

"I know.  I shouldn't have had that last margarita."  We got into the elevator.  She slipped off her heels.  "Much better, the floor stopped moving."  

I laughed, tipped her head up and kissed her softly on the lips.

We managed to get down the hall without incident.  I was about to slip the key card in the slot when I heard it.  A distinct moaning, a woman heading for orgasm, was just audible through the door.  It didn't sound like Miriam. Was it Julia?  Lisa and I glanced at each other, and turned down the hall to the back entry to the suite, directly into the bedroom.  

Slipping in quietly, we heard it again, louder.  "Oh, yes!  More, more!  Ah, ah, ahhhhhhhh!  Lick me!"  We stared at each other, open-mouthed, and reached silently for the door handle into the main part of the suite.

On the TV was a video of two naked women, kissing and rubbing.  Miriam and Julia were nude, curled up together on the bed, staring at the screen.  Miriam's hand was caressing down Julia's belly. Julia turned to nuzzle her cousin's neck, and then spotted us in the doorway.  She gasped, and grabbed for the blanket.  "What are you doing there, sneaking in and watching us?"

I spluttered, "We just came in and heard the video, we didn't know what was going on."

Miriam looked at Julia and grumbled, "I told you we should wait 'til they went to bed."

Lisa, forcing herself to be calm, asked, "Are you lovers?  How?  You haven't even seen each other since New Years."

Julia rolled her eyes and grinned.  "Oh, mom, don't you know about webcams?  We've been watching and teasing each other for months.  Watching videos together online.  You know."

Lisa shook her head as if to clear it.  "But what about Bill?  You said he was the one."

"Mom!  I like Bill enough to hook up, but I'm not in love with him."  She hesitated.  "Nor with Cindy, who is also sometimes 'the one.'  Oh, mom, don't look so shocked!"

I was too dumbfounded to speak.  I tugged Lisa's arm and we retreated to the bedroom.  "Please turn the sound down a little, we could hear it in the hall," was all I could say as we left.

Lisa was in tears.  "What are we going to do?  I didn't know."

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I hugged her, patting her back.  "Why do we need to do anything?  They're big girls, they've loved each other for years. They're exploring."  I held her away so our eyes could meet.  "Like mother, like daughter, right?  At least they can't get pregnant."

She grinned.  "Remember the day our moms almost walked in on us?  We'd been talking about boys, and rubbing ourselves.  At least we were under covers, and in our separate beds.  Do you think they knew?"

"Actually, I've been wondering for years if they were lovers.  They grew up in adjacent apartments, basically having sleepovers almost until they got married."
"Like us!  Except we lived across the street.  And college was the end of the sleepovers."

"They have almost the same birthday..."

She laughed.  "So do we!"

"And, you know, every few years they go on birthday cruises together without husbands and kids."

She laughed again.  "Oh, my god!  A family of kissing cousins!   Maybe you and I should go somewhere without the kids."

I winked.  "I happen to see a very nice bed over there where we can finish this conversation."

"Oh?  You have something in mind?"

I gave her a little shove on the shoulder, and she wobbled and tipped back onto the bed.  "What do you think?"  Kissing her face softly, I started unbuttoning her blouse, and gasped when I saw she was nude under it.  Perfect B-cup breasts with just a hint of sag, they had the remnants of last summer's tan lines.  "You didn't go out braless, did you?"

She giggled.  "No, silly, I took it off in the bathroom just before we got in the cab."

"Were you thinking I would like that?"

Her eyes sparkled. "Do you?"

In answer, I ran my tongue over her pointy nipple, enjoying the shiver and goosebumps I caused.  I gave her a gentle nip with my teeth, eliciting a soft moan.  Then I came up, whispered, "What do you think?" and kissed her on the mouth, shyly at first.  Her lips opened and her tongue started exploring my mouth.  Her hands massaged the back of my neck and hair.  I lifted away for a moment to stare in her eyes.

She grinned.  "I think you're wearing too much clothing."

"Oh? What are you going to do about that?"

"Um, I think maybe we should lock the door." She rolled on top of me, kissing me as she held me down.  She raised my arms overhead and nuzzled and licked my armpit.   Ran a tongue down onto the visible part of my breast.  Nipped at my now prominent nipple through the dress.  

Then she bounded up and silently slipped the bolt on the connecting door.  Unzipping her skirt as she returned, I saw she had disposed of her panties sometime as well.  She knelt at the foot of the bed and took my toes into her mouth, slowly, one at a time, and began a tickly massage of my feet.  She licked and nibbled her way up the inside of my left leg, spreading it away from the other as she went, and tugged at the tiny wisps of pubic hair just protruding from the bottom of my hiphuggers.  Sniffing slowly at my gathering arousal, she rubbed her face against my panties.

"You smell good."

I smiled at her.  "I don't believe you."

She licked the other thigh.  I opened wider to accommodate her.  "You don't?  Why not?"

I giggled. "I've been wearing those panties since I got on the plane this morning."

She rubbed her nose through the fabric and onto my sex.  "Hey, I'm the expert on how you smell at the moment."  She gave my mound a little bite.  "And I say you smell delicious."  She brought my legs together so she could slip my panties down and off, then moved them apart again.  She split my lips with her fingers and just stared.

"You're silly.  What are you doing down there?"

She grinned.  "Admiring you.  Do you mind?"

"I don't think you've kissed me enough yet."

She stuck her tongue out at me, and then used it to give me a long slow lick that seemed to start deep inside me and end with the tip just barely dancing over the tip of my clit. My whole body was tingling.  Lifting my dress over my breasts as she came up, she pressed against me with her thigh as she licked her way up my belly.  She reached behind me and unfastened my bra, and gave my nipples little sucking kisses before kissing my mouth again.  She brought my panties up so I could smell.  "See? I told you that you smell nice."

I blew a raspberry on her neck, then bit her gently on the earlobe. "See?"  I whispered.  "I wasn't wrong to fantasize about kissing you."

She giggled, and brought my breasts together to blow another raspberry in my cleavage.  Taking advantage of her momentary distraction, I rolled over on top of her and kissed her mouth again.  Kissed her eyelids and cheeks.  Outlined her ear with the tip of my tongue.  Suckled on her lower lip.  Lisa smiled and kissed me slowly, thoroughly, as if she had been kissing me all these years.  "I love you, Charlotte," she whispered.

"I know, Lisa. I love you too."

She smiled again, a little teary eyed.  I glanced down.  Her nipples seemed to be calling my mouth.  I moved down to suckle one, then the other.  She thrust herself up off the bed, almost as if I couldn't get close enough without her helping me.  Pressed her sex up against my belly, rubbing side to side against me.  I moved down between her thighs and started combing her pubes with my fingertips.  I rubbed my face against her lips.  "You smell good too, Lisa."

"I don't believe you.  Prove it." She grinned at me.

I slipped a finger inside her.  So juicy and wet. Brought it up to my nose and pretended it was a glass of vintage wine.  "Ahhh," I said in my worst French accent.  "Ze bouquet! With just ze right combination of grapes, oak, melon, and, sacre bleu, ze pussy juice."  It was all I could do not to giggle as I took my first lick.  It almost felt like an electrical connection, a vibration as I delved inside and then licked slowly and carefully up the tip of her clit.  I licked her again, harder, a little faster, and she definitely began to move and breathe faster.

"Ohhhh. So nice! Oh, Charlotte, please, oh, ahh," she sighed.

I pulled away.  "Please?  Please what?"

Pulling my head back down, she growled.  "You know what I want!"  Without another word I licked her again. Twice more, maybe three, and she was moving up and down with me.  "Ahhh, more, more, harder!"  I licked her, nibbled, suckled, basically anything I could do to keep up with her.

"Ohhhhh ohhhhmmmmmmmnnnnn, Charlotte, oohhhh, mmmmmnnnnhhggg" she sighed, whimpered, giggled her way into orgasm as I explored her with my mouth. Her juices were so spicy, sweet, tart, delicious. Finally coming to a trembling rest, she pulled my hair gently as I kissed over her mound and lay beside her, caressing her face and hair, her belly and thighs. Kissing her deeply, I shared her flavors with her.


I'm not sure how many orgasms we had overnight. I know we slept until almost 10 AM, awakened by Miriam knocking. "Breakfast is here! Get up you lazy girls!!" 

Lisa met my eyes and we giggled. How often had we said that to them? I shouted, "Give us a few minutes to shower!"

The long weekend passed in a blur of tourism, eating and sex. We did get to the Pride parade, and bought the tee shirts you saw. What you can't see is that we're watching our girls making out in Dolores Park while taking the picture. 

At the airport as we were all hugging, Lisa whispered in my ear, "Next trip, just us two." 

I nodded, whispered, "Like daughter, like mother."





Written by Charlotte_
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