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Kate and the Military Institute: Military Institute Mom

"Lt. Col. Kate Grissom visits her cadet at military school."

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Part One
Military Institute Mom

She parked the car in one of the few visitors' slots in front of Charlie Barracks. In truth, it was a dormitory, circa 1970. Unadorned, red brick, two stories of blank windows reflecting the afternoon sun. A few cadets in gray uniforms were walking to or from the nearby mess hall and rec center. Most of the young men were laughing. It was, after all, Friday. Classes were over, drills were done with, and there was a dance tonight with the girls from St Mary's Academy. A few of the cadets would get lucky, a few of them would get slapped; for the rest of the students at Avalon Military Institute, it was just going to be a good beginning for the weekend.

The woman got out of her Lexus, displaying a fine length of leg. She was wearing a crisp short white skirt just for that purpose and was gratified to see several passing cadets take note of her arrival. She tugged at her blazer – it had been a long drive and the jacket had become disarranged during her trip –, checked that it was buttoned, and clip-clopped in her white high heels to the the entrance of Charlie Barracks.

A second year man, wearing the blue shoulder slash designating him as such, held the door for her. She rewarded his gentlemanly politeness with a radiant smile and quick nod of her golden topped head. She went in.

To her left and down a couple of steps was the lounge where cadets were watching and cheering a baseball game. To her right was a counter. Behind the counter, a fourth year man with a lieutenant's bar on his collar sat reading. He looked up, saw the woman, and hopped to his feet as she approached. His smile was bright in his black face.

“May I help you, ma'am?”

“I'm looking for Cadet Grissom. I'd like to see him in his room, please.”

“I'm sorry, ma'am, but women aren't allowed in the rooms.”

Again, she gave a 1000 watt smile. She reached in her small alligator bag, came out with a matching wallet, and produced her military ID. She handed it over. She explained, “I'm Cadet Grissom's mother.”

The lieutenant took one quick look and stiffened noticeably. He almost saluted out of force of habit, stopping himself just in time. This woman may be a colonel, but she was in civilian clothes, after all.

“Certainly, Colonel.”

“And since I'm not in uniform, why don't you call me Kate. I'd like that.” As she put away her identification card, she bent slightly over the counter. She wore a large emerald pendant on a heavy gold chain and it hung in space, drawing the young officer's eyes to her cleavage. Lieutenant Colonel Kate Grissom, USA, did most everything by design. She had chosen this particular piece of jewelry just for this effect and because the green gem matched the color of her eyes.

“Yes, ma'am. Kate.”

“And you are - ?”

“Lieutenant Raymond Shaw.” He wore a black name tag, but he was glad she asked. He liked listening to her voice. It was soft and melodic.

She extended her hand. “My pleasure, Lieutenant. May I call you Raymond?”

Shaw had to look from the deep valley of her breasts to her hand. It was an effort. “Please do.”

“Are you my son's C.O?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Well, I hope I'll have a chance to speak with you later.”

“My pleasure, ma'am. Kate.” He glanced past her into the lounge and said in standard officer's tone, “Sergeant!”

The response was immediate. “Sir!”

A third year man with green sleeve sash above his chevrons bounded up the two steps. Kate turned to watch him approach; therefore, she didn't see the minute signal Shaw gave him.. It said that this woman was a brass hat and look sharp. He came to stand at attention beside the woman. He might not have seen her for all his stance said. He and Shaw exchanged salutes that cut the air with their sharpness.

“Sergeant, escort the lady to Cadet Grissom's quarters. Two-oh-one.”

“Yes, sir.” The sergeant turned to Kate. “This way, ma'am.”

”Thank you, sergeant.” She gave Lt Shaw a last look and stepped in with the NCO.

He led Kate through a small foyer and common area decorated with military paintings on the wall and sad looking silk flowers in planters on the floor. He stopped at a set of double doors, opened one, and stuck his head through.

“Female in the hall,” he cried in a loud voice. Waiting thirty seconds, he nodded Kate through. Then up the stairs on their left. At the top of the stairs, he repeated his warning. After waiting the usual time for any unclothed males to scurry from the hall to the safety of their rooms, he escorted his guest down the east wing. The last door on the right was 201. He knocked once and the door opened after a few seconds.

“You have a visitor, Cadet.”

“Mom!” Cadet Grissom, wearing OD shorts and a matching tee, smiled at the sight of his mother. The smile quickly faded. “I didn't expect you till next weekend.”

“Hello, Lee, darling. Plans change.” She gave her son a peck on the cheek before turning to her escort. “Do you have any current duties, or can you do me a small favor, Sergeant?”

He had no idea what the lieutenant knew about this woman, but she certainly acted like brass. Besides, she was as sexy as hell in those clothes and he was always happy to help out a good looking piece. “At your service, ma'am.”

“There's a silver Lexus out front in a visitor's space. Texas license Bravo Golf 2463.” She handed the sergeant her key fob. “There is a package on the front passenger's seat and a shopping bag. Would you be so kind - ?”

“My pleasure ma'am. Cadet.” He nodded to the cadet, executed an absolutely correct 'About, Face! Route, Step!' and marched down the long hall of drab gray.

“Mom, you remember Ben,” Lee said as they entered the dorm room and his roommate looked up from his magazine.

“Of course. Hello, Ben.”

Ben Marco scrambled to his feet. He ducked his head. “Col. Grissom.”

“This weekend, I'm just a mom.” She looked around the room. Her expression didn't say much, but she couldn't help but be disappointed. The bed covers were wrinkled, dirty clothes spilled out of both closets, and there were empty Coke cans on the dressers and desks.

Ben suddenly wished they had gotten a chance to straighten up the room. He also wished he were in uniform rather than his grungy weekend attire. Kate Grissom had that effect on men.

Seeing the way she looked around the room, Lee felt the need to excuse the clutter. “We had inspection at 0450. We won't have another till Monday at 0600.”

“I'm not complaining, darling. I know how y'all are.”

“Have a chair, Mrs. Grissom?” asked Lee's roommate, picking drill trousers up from the battered recliner that filled one corner of the room. The room itself, barely 12 feet by 20, was seriously crowded by the two beds, desks, closets and dressers. Still, the teens had managed to squeeze in the easy chair and a small refrigerator (shoved under Lee's desk.)

“Thank you.” At least it was clean, she thought as she sat down. She didn't want to get smudges on her skirt. She declined a Coke.

When the sergeant returned with his burdens, the three were taking current events. AMI was big on current events. There was concern about the latest ruckus in the Middle East. China was sabre rattling again. A military junta had taken control (again) of Venezuela.

Kate thanked the sergeant and he asked if there was anything else she needed. She hefted the package. It was the size of two shoe boxes. She looked at her son and smiled. “Is the sergeant to be trusted?”

“Aw, heck, mom.” Lee turned a bright crimson. His mother could be terrible sometimes. Like a guy was going to rat out his sergeant?

“I baked some goodies for Lee's CO and the NCOs here in the barracks,” Kate explained. “Brownies and cookies. Can I see that they're fairly distributed, Sergeant?”

“Yes, ma'am!” Baked goods from home, anybody's home, were always welcome

“All right, then.” She handed the package to him and he left with a big grin.

“And these are for you boys.” Kate took another box, much smaller, from the green reusable grocery bag.
They mumbled their thanks as she added, “For next week.”

“Are you going to be staying long?” Ben asked.

“Just still Sunday morning.”

“Will you be staying for chapel?”

Kate shook her head. “I wish I could but I'll need to be on the road right after breakfast. It's a long drive back home.”

She was stationed at Ft. Hood. Avalon Military Institute was 300 miles away in Del Rio and there was no direct route between the two locations. She could take US 90 from Del Rio east to San Antonio and then I-35 north or she could drive generally northeast on a series of smaller highways. The first option was longer but faster and the way she'd come. She disliked traveling the same route twice on one trip and planned on taking the shorter but slower “scenic route” back to her army post.

“You'll be coming to the dance tonight, won't you?” asked Ben.

Kate laughed and shook her head. “I don't think so. It's for you young people, not a dried up old woman like me. Besides, my toes have been stepped on enough over the years. No, by the time the first dance starts, I'll be having a long soak in the hotel hot tub.”

Ben Marco stood. “I know y'all have some visiting to do, so I'll hit the road. I guess I'll be back about 1800 hours to get ready for the dance. You're still coming, aren't you, Lee?”

”He'll be going for sure,” Lee's mother promised.

“Cool,” his roommate said.

“Plan on lunch with us tomorrow,” Kate told him.

Ben smiled, nodded, and headed out the door.

Kate got from the recliner as soon as the door latched shut. She went to the closet and found an empty hanger. She unbuttoned her jacket, placed it on the hanger, and hung it on the closet rod. Then she unbuttoned her skirt, stepped out of it, and hung it over a hook. She turned to her son. She was naked except for her emerald pendant, a thin gold chain around her waist, and her white shoes.

Lee stripped just as quickly and his mother could see he had apparently missed her. His beer-can thick cock was only partially erect, but growing as he watched her approach. When she hugged her son, his cock fit neatly in the cleft between her thighs. They kissed with pent up lust.

Finally, Kate pulled her hungry mouth from Lee. As her hand felt his heavy balls, she said, “I'm glad Ben behaved like a gentleman and is letting us have some quality alone time.”

“He's like that.”

“I wonder if he suspects you're a motherfucker.”

“He probably has his ideas.” Lee dipped his head to taste one of her nipples. “I think we need to invite him to join us.”

She had thrown her head back as he sucked her tit.

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Now she looked him directly in the eyes. Although he had inherited his build and intelligence from his father, his eyes were all hers. “Do you really want to go there, baby?”

“You'd like him. He's got a nice long cock. He wouldn't stretch your ass as much as I do.”

“Can we trust him not to gossip?”

“He's not stupid... Just think about it, OK, mom?”

“I'll think about it.” She didn't sound convinced it was a good idea, but in truth, she'd never considered that Lee might want to share her.

“Now get your sexy ass in bed,” he ordered.

Kate stretched out on her back. “Goddamn narrow fucking mattress.”

Laughing at her complaint, Lee turned on his radio. Rap music filled the room. He adjusted the volume, wanting it loud enough to mask their noises but not sufficiently loud to make anyone complain. His mother could get loud when she was being screwed.

“Pop a top,
Blast a cop,
Maybe four or five.
They'll burn in hell,
It's just as well.
Better dead than alive.”

“That music rots your brain,” she told Lee as he knelt on the floor and kissed her. She put her fingers around his head.

“I know, but I like the beat,” Lee advised his mother as his hand toyed with her tits. He put his mouth back on hers and they swapped spit. He was an excellent kisser; Kate had taught him well. Most boys his age sucked too hard or not enough, but Lee knew just how to manipulate and tease her tongue. And he never kissed so hard that he bruised her lips.

I bought this high dollah whore,
An' she took all my .44 .
She took it in the mouth.
That's how all us niggas treat
Our white meat,
Down here in the South.

Kate opened her thighs as his hand moved down her belly. His fingers found her wet cunt and spread her lips.

“Juicy Lucy,” he joked. His fingers squished in her tight, hot hole. He got three fingers inside her and he felt her cunt tighten around them. His mother's twat could do more tricks than a trained seal in a circus.

Her hips moved up and down in the rhythm of his hand. “I've been wanting you, baby. Wanting you too long. It won't take much to make cum.”

“That sounds like an invitation.” He kissed her belly and bit gently at the soft white flesh. The nibble made her moan.

“Don't tease me.”

Lee wondered how much of her desire was genuine or if any was exaggerated. He doubted his mother was this demonstrative with the old man. Or other lovers, if any; that was something he'd never asked.

The first time he fucked her, she'd gone over the top so quickly that he couldn't help but think she was acting to build up his confidence, build up his ego as a monster stud. Or was she really this way because of who they were? He'd been a virgin at the time. Since then he'd fucked a few girls his own age and one of their moms. The older woman had been more like his mother than the teens; even that woman – a great fuck - wasn't as randy and ready as Kate Grissom.

“She may be rich but she's still a bitch.
Oughtta put her in the ground
under a rock.
She may be a bitch but at least she's rich
So I'm gonna pound
her with my cock...”

He took his fingers from her twat. Kate reached down, took hold of his wrist, and brought his hand to her lips. She licked her thick juice from him.

“See what you do to me?”

His chest was tight. This was no time for idle conversation. “Get on your hands and knees.”

Kate rolled over and lifted herself. Her son positioned himself behind her. He rubbed the head of his prick against her slick cunt, then up to her ass. Back down between her labia. Push the head against her clit. Rub his pre-cum over it, pressing the clit at the fold that tried and failed to hide and protect it. Back to her lips. Between them. Past them and in to the hot wetness of her cunt.

“That's it! Baby, you're all the way inside mommy's baby hole.”

“Fuck yeah!” Lee held steady for several moments, letting his mother's cunt adjust to the girth of his prick. He slowly eased out. He adored seeing the slick coating that almost dripped off his shaft. He eased back in. Holding her hips, he steadily fucked her.

Full, Kate let him set the pace. At least, at the beginning, she let him. As her pussy completely adjusted to his cock, she started to move her hips with him. At times, she rotated her hips in shallow circles. She moved faster. Hearing and feeling his balls slap against her excited her even more. She reached down and strummed her clit as his cock pushed and pulled at her swollen labia.

“Damn, mom, your cunt's tighter than ever.” He wished she had long hair that he could use like a horse' reins.

“And your cock's fatter than ever,” Kate grunted as she slammed her ass back and forth. She tightened her cunt even more, then relaxed her muscles so he had more freedom of access. “Oh, shit, I missed your cock so bad, son.”

Kate twisted her head so they could smack lips. It was a strain that made her muscles shake. The kiss was worth the effort, though, as she sucked on Lee's tongue. At the same time, he let go of her hips and found her swinging breasts. They hung down, almost rubbing against the bed. He grabbed her tits, mashing them in his strong hands. Let them flop free. Pulled her nipples, released them so her tits sprang back into shape. Grabbed them at their base and tightened so the pendulous globes hung even lower.

“For the boys in the hood
you got us feelin' good.
So shake yo ass,
Smoke that grass,
And pop this little pill.
We'll haul you up
and ball you up
An' roll you down this hill.
Take anutter hit
an' eat my shit
Then slip it in yo' nest.
Candy's dandy
an' likker's quicker,
But pussy's still the best.”

He felt the sudden tremble of her cunt as it gripped him. Lee knew she was cumming. He thrust harder. Faster. He slapped her ass, made the globes jiggle, left red prints of the blows.

“Unh! Shit, Lee! Oh, fuck, yeh.”

He wanted to hold back. Tried to hold back. The rippling muscles of her womb were too much for the thrusting teen, though. He sprayed a load of semen inside his mother. He flooded her insides and jerked his cock out of her grasping cunt. He let loose the rest of his cum up the sleek length of her back.

“Your cum's so hot!” Kate yelped.

“And thick, too,” crowed Lee. He bent over her, kissing her in the sweet spot separating her shoulder blades. His hands rubbed the cream into her skin.

He pulled...

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Written by bbra
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