For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.
Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on. She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings. It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and her black stockings.
After both Nanny and Justin (twice if not three times) had cum, Nanny told Justin that he could keep the lovely purple French knickers.
“Here, wash these, they are yours to keep, but this won’t happen again,” said Nanny. Justin looked crestfallen. “You wouldn’t want your mother to find out would you, Justin?”
Justin shook his head slowly, “No.”
“But you can buy me some stockings to replace these ones, I will send you a link to Stockings HQ.”
From then on Nanny’s door remained firmly shut and there were no more flashes of slips or panties or stocking tops. The truth was that Nanny did not want to lose her job and felt guilty at leading the young man on.
Justin did wash the knickers and continued to wear them. He began to explore stories and photos of transvestites on the internet. He also followed the link to Stocking’s HQ and bought Nanny a pair of black Gio’s as they had only just come into stock. He thought about buying a pair for himself, but they were so expensive. Even if he did buy a pair what would he wear to hold them up? He was hooked on nylon lingerie and wanted more, like he had seen Nanny wearing.
He decided he would see what his Mother had, although he had never seen her wearing stockings or seen them in the wash basket. So, it was with some trepidation he explored his Mother’s lingerie drawer. She was out at work and Nanny had taken George, his younger brother, to the park.
She did not have anything as nice as what Nanny wore, but she did have a nice lacy black bra and a couple of suspender belts. He searched for some stockings through the pile of thick black tights Mother wore most of the time to work. At the bottom of the drawer, he found a few pairs of sheer stockings.
Although his mother mostly wore some really boring plain white Sloggi knickers he did find a couple of nice pairs of silky panties. One pair was tan coloured, really large, very little lace except for a triangle of lace on the hip. When he wore these for the first time, he pulled them up over a pair of brown stockings and a pink suspender belt. As soon as the nylon touched his stiff cock he exploded cum all over the nylon. The panties were just so silky and delicious and sooooooo sexy.
When he took them off, he looked at the label. They said, “Vanity Fair”. OMG, he had found the fabled VF panties he had heard about on the internet. How did his Mum end up with a pair of these delicious things? Perhaps his American stepfather Phillip had bought them in the US? Or maybe they even dated back to when his own father had been alive.
What was he going to do with these cum filled panties now? Have another wank was the answer, as he wrapped them around his re-awakened cock and within a few strokes of the silky nylon sliding up and down he had cum again and filled the panties with even more white sticky stuff.
After Justin had filled the sticky Vanity Fair panties for a second time, he tossed the lingerie and stockings in the wash basket in the bathroom. Nanny did the washing so his Mother would not know. But if they were on the top of the basket Mother would see them and wonder why a pair of panties, stockings, and suspender belt she had not worn would be on top of the washing. So, Justin went back to the wash basket and pushed the VF panties further down the pile and hidden from view.
A couple of days later, Nanny was doing the washing when George, Justin’s baby brother was having a nap. Nanny found the VF panties near the bottom of the wash basket. She was puzzled for a while but then found the patch of stiff nylon. Of course, Nanny knew that these had not been worn by Mrs Taylor and there could only one person who had left the deposit on the silky nylon.
Nanny was familiar with stiff spunk on silky VF panties from her own experience of having done this many times herself. Nanny had been collecting VF panties for nearly ten years ever since she had become the first male Norland Nanny. She had pairs in many different shades but all with the easily identifiable triangle of lace of the Nouveau Lace Vanity Fair style.
There was also at least one pair of VF of panties in the wash so finding another pair in the wash basket was quite amusing to Nanny. They would get washed with her own silky slips and panties on the delicate cycle.
Nanny also had some Vanity Fair full-length slips in white, blue, and beige. These were especially lovely to wear with VF panties and some sheer nylon stockings. Nanny was in heaven when she could feel all the silky nylon rubbing over each other.
After getting the delicate lingerie out the tumble drier and started folding the silky nylon, (mostly hers) Nanny did wonder for a moment if maybe she had been right to shut the door (quite literally) on Justin’s infatuation with her and her lingerie. But then she thought about how much she needed her job. Her moment of weakness passed as she took Mrs Taylor’s beige Vanity Fair panties, suspender belt and brown stockings and put them at the bottom of Mrs Taylor’s lingerie draw.
Mrs Taylor would never know that her eighteen-year-old son had been wearing her lingerie and stockings. But was she right about that? A mother always knows these things.
Back to Justin. On further exploration of Mother’s lingerie drawer, Justin found a short purple half-slip that would be perfect with the dark purple French knickers that Nanny had given him. Teamed up with sheer black stockings and a lacy suspender belt, the silky combination felt wonderful.
Justin decided he would wear the little slip, the French knickers, stockings, and suspenders to college one day. He found this super exciting, but it was hard to concentrate on his business studies class. At lunchtime, rather than go to the canteen to buy some overpriced chips he went to one of the toilets at the far end of the building that he knew would be quiet.
He found the male toilets empty and went into an empty stall, dropped his trousers, lifted the pale purple slip, and masturbated his huge boner in the French knickers. He rubbed it through the purple nylon. After a few rubs, he exploded hot white cum all over the purple panties.
The outer toilet door banged and some else came into the toilets. Justin had to hold his breath and keep his mouth shut to stop his scream of ecstasy being overheard. When he recovered, he swore to himself that he would never do this again. That was just too close to being caught.
Justin vow of abstention lasted about ten days. Justin found himself back in Mother’s bedroom and just could not resist picking up a nice lacy bra, panties and a brown suspender belt, with some brown stockings. He took them back to his bedroom, with a pair of mother's brown shoes, and took a photo on his phone to upload to his new Flickr account, “I_Love_Panties”. After his usual wank in panties, he tossed the lingerie in the wash-basket below his PJ’s but he had got sloppy. He did not bury the lingerie far enough down in the basket to survive a quick inspection.
Then the inevitable happened.
Dawn Taylor was glad to get home after a demanding day at work. She went to her bedroom and sat down on her stool. She put her handbag down and took off her necklace. She had dressed a little differently today, with a long navy blue dress, black hosiery, and long black high heeled boots. Not so different to usual office wear but it was what she wore underneath that was different today and all because of her husband Phillip.
Dawn usually wore a plain bra, knickers and tights, often thick opaque tights, to work but an early phone call from Phillip had made her change her mind. They had not seen each other for over a month. Phillip was working in Paris for a year for an international web company.
“Do you want to come over this weekend on the Eurostar? Or even a bit longer if you want. I would love to see you and George,“ asked Phillip.
“Oh darling, I would love to. I think I have some leave I can use. I can give Nanny a few days off. She asked me about that yesterday. Justin will have to stay as he has college next week.”
“Changing the subject, what are you wearing to work today?"
“My blue dress, you know the one, the one by Coast.”
“I know, you look fab in it, but what about underwear?”
“Pants, bra and black M&S tights. Why, darling, what were you thinking?”
“The Vanity Fair panties I brought you from Chicago or even better the cream lingerie and hosiery I bought you in Paris at Christmas.“
“And your black high heeled boots. Nobody else except us will know what a vixen you are, wearing sexy lingerie underneath your conservative blue dress.”
“If I say yes, will you have a wank later?” asked Dawn
“No, why wait?” said Phillip. Dawn could hear the rustling of his clothes over the phone.
So, Dawn did dress as requested, thinking no-one else would know, but she was wrong about that.
When she got to work, she booked the train tickets for Paris but would have to have a think about what to do with Justin, what with Nanny having some time off as well.
Dawn wanted to see her baby boy George. She stood up and went across the landing to the nursery where George was playing on the floor whilst Nanny ran a bath. She bent down and gave him a big kiss and said hi to Nanny. They had a quick chat with Nanny about how George had been feeding today.
Dawn then told Nanny that she was taking George to see his father in Paris on Saturday, so Nanny could have the week off as requested. Nanny was pleased about this as she wanted to go home to see her Mum. Dawn headed back to her bedroom to change out of her work clothes. It was a shame Phillip, her husband, was not there to see her undress. He loved seeing her undressed in the way she was today.
In her bedroom, she took off her navy-blue dress. Today she had worn the lovely cream waist slip that Phillip had bought her in an upmarket lingerie store on the Tuileries. This was teamed with a black bra, sheer black hosiery, and black leather boots. She slid the silky slip down her legs. The slip and stockings did feel nice together. It had made her feel more feminine and powerful in the office.
She took off her cream slip and put it the wash basket when she noticed Justin’s PJ’s lying on top of the dirty clothes and wondered if he needed a new pair. These were quite old and were probably too small for him. He was still growing.
She picked up the PJ’s to look at the size label when she noticed a brown pair of knickers, a brown bra, a suspender belt, and some brown stockings lying underneath the PJ’s. She knew she had not worn this lingerie and stockings for ages. She was not completely shocked as she had suspected that Justin was up to something with her clothes. Her shoes were never quite as neat as she left them and some of her underwear seemed to be in a slightly different order.
She picked up the brown knickers, they were sticky.
“Justin, come here, now!” she shouted across the landing.
Justin opened his bedroom door and walked into Mother’s bedroom. As he walked in her could see his Mother dangling a pair of brown knickers, the very knickers he had been wearing (and spunked in) only two hours previously.
“What is the meaning of this. Have you been wearing my clothes? You have got some explaining to do, “demanded Mother.
Justin didn’t know where to look, at the brown panties dangling off Mother’s fingers or at Mother dressed in sheer black stockings with little yellow lacy panties, a lacy cream suspender belt and lacy black bra., He hardly ever saw her undressed like this, but he could tell she was really angry.
He felt his face go red. He was so embarrassed. He could only look at the floor, partly to avoid looking at his Mother in her lingerie and also with a mountain of shame bearing down on him.
“Well, speak, Justin.”
“I… I… didn’t mean to… I won’t do it again,” he blurted out.
“Too right, you won’t. You are not to touch any of my clothes or shoes, Yuck! I have not told you yet but next week I am taking George over to Paris for a week to see Phillip. After this, you clearly cannot be trusted to stay out of my knickers. So instead I am going to see if you can go and stay with Aunty Sophie instead. You can still go to college. “
“I don’t have an Aunty Sophie,” said Justin rather puzzled about this turn of events. “Isn’t Nanny going to be here if only you and George are going to Paris?”
“Nanny is having a week off, so no. You can probably stay with Sophie Lauren, my friend from work, you have met her once before. I know she is not really your aunty. She used to be a maths teacher and she is really strict. I have worked with her at trade shows launches. She has a flat just up the road. You can get the bus to college,” said Mother. ”She will put you in her place.”

“But… but… can’t I go to my real aunty Joan instead, or even my friend Mark Jones?” grumbled Justin.
“Joan lives in Hastings, it is too far from college. Mark Jones was excluded from school for repeated drug offences and you are not having a week off,” said Mother firmly. “I am sure Aunty Sophie will be fine with it, she is always asking me how you are getting on and she has a spare bedroom. I am going to ring her now.”
Mother turned her back on Justin and picked up her mobile from the dresser and started searching for Sophie Loren’s number.
Justin couldn’t help but stare at Mother’s seamed black stockings and silky yellow panties. Why hadn’t he found these panties and stockings? They looked delicious with the lacy cream suspender belt and the black bra. Oh my God, Mother had worn black seamed stockings to the office.
“You can stop staring at my panties and stockings, Justin. Go back to your room. My underwear is off-limits,” said Mother over her shoulder, acutely aware that she had only expected her husband to know about what pretty lingerie she had worn today, let alone showing it to her son. She had found Sophie's number and started dialling.
Justin turned and went back to his room for yet another wank, but with this time without any nylon lingerie. Seeing Mother in her lingerie and boots had really got him going, even if it was his mother.
When Sophie Loren got home, she noticed that there was a missed call on her mobile from her colleague and friend Dawn Taylor. It must have rung whilst Sophie was on the Tube. Sophie sat down and rang her back.
“Sophie, thanks for calling back. I have a problem with Justin that I think you might help with as I know you used to be a teacher,” said Dawn.
“Well, that was a long time ago, Dawn.”
“Yes, but you know about teaching young men a thing or two.”
Sophie raised an eyebrow. Where was this going? “What’s the problem, does he need some help with his maths?”
“No, I caught him wearing my underwear. It’s disgusting, he needs straightening out. I don’t want him wearing my clothes. Can you help?”
“Well maybe, what do you want me to do?”
“We are going to see Charles in Paris on Saturday for a week and I don’t want him on his own getting into my knickers. And I think he has been wearing my bras, stockings and suspenders, maybe even my heels. Could he come and stay with you for a week as he still needs to go to college? You are my only hope to sort him out. After a week with you, Justin will be a different person. Please say yes.”
Sophie gulped and tried not to show too much enthusiasm, “Well yes, I suppose he can come and stay with me as I have a spare bed.”
“Oh, thank you, Sophie, I will give you £200 for his board and keep. I will bring him round at about 9 am on Saturday and give you the cash. “
“Well there is no need really to pay me,” said Sophie as she fiddled with her peeping lacy white slip, thinking about the solution to Dawn’s problem.
“Oh, but I insist,” said Dawn.
“Ok, well, in that case, let me tell you what I think we should do about stopping him wearing your clothes,”...