Ini-Herit and his family lived in Cairo. He was a minister in the Ministry of Antiquities, his wife, Rania a professor and his son, Latif and daughter, Kesi were students at Cairo University.
Saturday morning, Ini-Herit and Rania strolled through the markets, holding hands and appreciating their time alone. Ini-Herit noticed, sitting on a table, half-hidden by tattered books, a small rectangular box with hieroglyphs on the top that he recognized to be thousands of years old.
He haggled with the vendor for the box and if authentic, he would inform the authorities and have the low life arrested for selling antiquities.
After the evening meal, Ini-Herit retired to his study, examined his purchase and ran a finger over the image of an Ibis, a crocodile and then a flame.
A spark flashed, burning his finger and an orange-red flame formed in front of his desk, growing to twice the height of a man.
“I am Jinni, free to come and go, but am duty-bound to grant one wish to the person who unlocks my home.”
Ini-Herit stared in fear and amazement. “You cannot be real.”
The Jinni growled, flicked a flame from his body and set the papers in the trash bin ablaze.
“Time is precious Ini and if you don’t make a wish, my next flame will be directed to you.”
Ini-Herit had everything but held a wish that scared and aroused him. He blurted, “I wish for incest. To make love with my daughter while watching my son make love to my wife.”
Jinni stated, “I do not judge but warn that the world seeks balance and the deeds you do will ripple through your life.”
“Yes. Yes, that is my wish.”
Jinni swirled over the desk, all the air was sucked out of the room and Ini-Herit found himself in complete darkness.
A spark lit a candle and the corner of a room bathed in a soft, yellow flame. Sparks jumped from one candle to another until the room was lit in a romantic glow.
Kesi laid on a massage table, a cream-coloured blanket covered her from her knees to her neck. Rania was laying on an adjoining table with a blanket covering her.
Latif stood at the foot of a massage table, running his oil-covered fingers around his mother’s toes.

Ini-Herit and Latif were wearing a shendyt, a kilt-like garment. Ini-Herit applied warm oil to his hands and ran his fingers around Kesi’s toes.
His son ran his hands up his mother’s leg, up to her knees. She easily complied as he moved her right leg to the side.
Ini-Herit did the same to Kesi’s leg, grinning at the ease of parting her legs.
He watched his son run his hands down the top of his wife’s legs and along the inside of her legs as he moved up. He moved the sheet up and with his next upward touch, exposed Rania’s pussy.
Latif’s fingers ran through her curly pubic hair and then massaged her outer folds until her slit glistened in wetness and opened like a flower.
Kesi’s pubic hair was trimmed close and her nub appeared from its hood. Ini-Herit massaged his daughter's folds until she blossomed like her mother.
Latif lowered his garment, crawled over his mother and touched her with the tip of his engorged cock. His manhood was larger and thicker than his father’s cock and Rania whimpered as the head slid into her.
Ini-Herit climbed over his daughter, his hardness already dripping with precum. He slowly entered her, thrilled at the mewing sounds from Kesi. He stilled and spurted his seed into his beautiful daughter while watching his son humping his wife with the power of a stallion.
Mother and son orgasmed in unison and Ini-Herit grunted and squeezed the last of his essence.
The flame of Jinni appeared. “Your wish is complete and soon you will experience the first ripple that your wish created.”
Darkness surrounded Ini-Herit and almost a day later light appeared and he found himself kneeling in front of Jinni. Jinni was nude and Ini-Herit could not help but stare at the cock waving in front of him.
Occasionally, Ini-Herit had fantasy thoughts of gay sex and a flame was growing in the depths of his tummy. He could no longer resist and kissed the tip of Jinni’s cock. Gentle laps were followed with his lips sliding down Jinni’s cock.
The Jinni smiled, spurting his white-hot lava into Ini-Herit’s willing mouth.
Ini-Herit had tasted the forbidden fruit and his life would never be the same.